It's a debacle

We should consider ourselves lucky that we weren't any more deeply invested in Syria on the rebel side,

which is where the warmonger Repubs wanted us.
WHich Republican declared there was a clear red line if Assad used chemical weapons?

This is not about Assad using chemical weapons.

This is about you telling us what our vital interests are in the fate of Syria.
The messiah had no business injecting us into a conflict he had neither the will or the skill to solve.

He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Afghanistan, he fucked over Israel, fucked up Libya, he fucked up Egypt and he fucked up Syria. He could have helped the Iranian students overthrow their theocracy, and he pulled his pud instead. He has been a global disaster and very few moonbats are willing to acknowledge it.

I agree with you Bush Fucked everything up by going into a Country that had nothing to do with 9/ 11. ;););)
I wonder if we would even be dealing with all of this now if he had gone into Afghanistan in the first place.

This is one more Benghazi. The RWnuts trashing Obama for purely partisan political reasons.
It's worse actually. Europe led the charge on Libya, and they rue that now. But Obama ran on a no more neocon campaign, and now it's either one of the gop neocons, Trump who is a idiot and not a useful one, or Hillary or Biden (who are complacent in giving into the neocons) or Benie.

We are well and truly fcked.
The messiah had no business injecting us into a conflict he had neither the will or the skill to solve.

He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Afghanistan, he fucked over Israel, fucked up Libya, he fucked up Egypt and he fucked up Syria. He could have helped the Iranian students overthrow their theocracy, and he pulled his pud instead. He has been a global disaster and very few moonbats are willing to acknowledge it.

I agree with you Bush Fucked everything up by going into a Country that had nothing to do with 9/ 11. ;););)
I wonder if we would even be dealing with all of this now if he had gone into Afghanistan in the first place.

Oct 7, 2001: Bush launches strikes into Afghanistan
Mar 20 2003: Bush launches strikes on Iraq.
Oct 1 2015: Eaglewings shown to be biggest ignoramus on USMB.
This is one more Benghazi. The RWnuts trashing Obama for purely partisan political reasons.
It's worse actually. Europe led the charge on Libya, and they rue that now. But Obama ran on a no more neocon campaign, and now it's either one of the gop neocons, Trump who is a idiot and not a useful one, or Hillary or Biden (who are complacent in giving into the neocons) or Benie.

We are well and truly fcked.
Neocons: Foreign policy success.
Isolationist retards: Foreign policy failure.
This is one more Benghazi. The RWnuts trashing Obama for purely partisan political reasons.
It's worse actually. Europe led the charge on Libya, and they rue that now. But Obama ran on a no more neocon campaign, and now it's either one of the gop neocons, Trump who is a idiot and not a useful one, or Hillary or Biden (who are complacent in giving into the neocons) or Benie.

We are well and truly fcked.
Neocons: Foreign policy success.
Isolationist retards: Foreign policy failure.
Successes? Do tell?
The messiah had no business injecting us into a conflict he had neither the will or the skill to solve.

He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Afghanistan, he fucked over Israel, fucked up Libya, he fucked up Egypt and he fucked up Syria. He could have helped the Iranian students overthrow their theocracy, and he pulled his pud instead. He has been a global disaster and very few moonbats are willing to acknowledge it.

I agree with you Bush Fucked everything up by going into a Country that had nothing to do with 9/ 11. ;););)
I wonder if we would even be dealing with all of this now if he had gone into Afghanistan in the first place.

Oct 7, 2001: Bush launches strikes into Afghanistan
Mar 20 2003: Bush launches strikes on Iraq.
Oct 1 2015: Eaglewings shown to be biggest ignoramus on USMB.

"At critical moments in the fight for Afghanistan, the Bush administration diverted scarce intelligence and reconstruction resources to Iraq, including elite C.I.A. teams and Special Forces units involved in the search for terrorists. As sophisticated Predator spy planes rolled off assembly lines in the United States, they were shipped to Iraq, undercutting the search for Taliban and terrorist leaders, according to senior military and intelligence officials."

I wonder why they were so eager to start a major war that killed millions instead of who we went over to get.. Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

The messiah had no business injecting us into a conflict he had neither the will or the skill to solve.

He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Afghanistan, he fucked over Israel, fucked up Libya, he fucked up Egypt and he fucked up Syria. He could have helped the Iranian students overthrow their theocracy, and he pulled his pud instead. He has been a global disaster and very few moonbats are willing to acknowledge it.

I agree with you Bush Fucked everything up by going into a Country that had nothing to do with 9/ 11. ;););)
I wonder if we would even be dealing with all of this now if he had gone into Afghanistan in the first place.

Oct 7, 2001: Bush launches strikes into Afghanistan
Mar 20 2003: Bush launches strikes on Iraq.
Oct 1 2015: Eaglewings shown to be biggest ignoramus on USMB.

"At critical moments in the fight for Afghanistan, the Bush administration diverted scarce intelligence and reconstruction resources to Iraq, including elite C.I.A. teams and Special Forces units involved in the search for terrorists. As sophisticated Predator spy planes rolled off assembly lines in the United States, they were shipped to Iraq, undercutting the search for Taliban and terrorist leaders, according to senior military and intelligence officials."

I wonder why they were so eager to start a major war that killed millions instead of who we went over to get.. Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

NY SLimes. Yes they did. Because they needed the resources in Iraq not Afghanistan.
You are still a moron.
The messiah had no business injecting us into a conflict he had neither the will or the skill to solve.

He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Afghanistan, he fucked over Israel, fucked up Libya, he fucked up Egypt and he fucked up Syria. He could have helped the Iranian students overthrow their theocracy, and he pulled his pud instead. He has been a global disaster and very few moonbats are willing to acknowledge it.

I agree with you Bush Fucked everything up by going into a Country that had nothing to do with 9/ 11. ;););)
I wonder if we would even be dealing with all of this now if he had gone into Afghanistan in the first place.

Oct 7, 2001: Bush launches strikes into Afghanistan
Mar 20 2003: Bush launches strikes on Iraq.
Oct 1 2015: Eaglewings shown to be biggest ignoramus on USMB.

"At critical moments in the fight for Afghanistan, the Bush administration diverted scarce intelligence and reconstruction resources to Iraq, including elite C.I.A. teams and Special Forces units involved in the search for terrorists. As sophisticated Predator spy planes rolled off assembly lines in the United States, they were shipped to Iraq, undercutting the search for Taliban and terrorist leaders, according to senior military and intelligence officials."

I wonder why they were so eager to start a major war that killed millions instead of who we went over to get.. Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

NY SLimes. Yes they did. Because they needed the resources in Iraq not Afghanistan.
You are still a moron.

Another one who refuses to see the facts and lives in their little Bush dream world. I wonder why you don't rebuke Cheney and his pocket book...And Bush's father's war.

They brought us into the war with misleading intentions, if you don't admit that you are the moron.


If Obama negotiates he is a wimp and a pussy and a cum guzzler according to the righties.
If Obama bombs he is a warmongerer and nation builder according to the righties.

Somehow one gets the sense that if Obama were revealed to be Jesus Christ returned the righties would be smearing him and wanting him impeached.


This is one more Benghazi. The RWnuts trashing Obama for purely partisan political reasons.
If Obama negotiates he is a wimp and a pussy and a cum guzzler according to the righties.
If Obama bombs he is a warmongerer and nation builder according to the righties.

Somehow one gets the sense that if Obama were revealed to be Jesus Christ returned the righties would be smearing him and wanting him impeached.


This is one more Benghazi. The RWnuts trashing Obama for purely partisan political reasons.
As uual you're wrong.
If Obama actually proposed a polcy that had a shits chance in hell of working, and implemented it so it actually helped the United States we'd all cheer.
Rabbi's a moron.

Poppy should never have had that war. He failed to clearly state to Saddam what our response would be to his invading Kuwait. Saddam had a valid complaint because the Kuwatiees (-: were stealing his oil. But Poppy saw himself as the WWII generation with outlawed war to gain territorial concessions and made war only legal for either self-defense or to stop genocide. After the fall of the Soviets, Poppy was determined to make the law stick. He did, claimed victory and came home .... leaving a cancer in Iraq. But it was neither an illegal war or a war based on lies.

W's motives were many and who really knows. The neocons view the US military as a valid tool to secure strategic resources. Reagan never agreed to that. He was the one who formulated the necessity to show a vital strategic interest AND a threat to the US that could not be defused with diplomacy. Iraq never posed a threat to the US. And W lied. But was he a neocon himself, or was he drug addled fool who was taken in by Cheney and the Israel firsters? Or was he Oedipially drawn to go "deeper" than Poppy?

Obama's sin in being a first term senator who was raised at the feet of elitist utopians. And he's a egotist who sees himself as uniquely poised to see the crimes of colonialism. Saddam, Kaddafi and Assad the Younger are/were all despots who didn't care about their populations. From a humanitarian sense they are worse than Castro, who despite viewing individual rights as a threat to the state, actually did give Cuba universal literacy and healthcare. Of course he was a communist in "our" hemisphere, and that is intolerable ... unless he promised to stop being a communist and just be a dictator. But, Obama was never able to articulate that sometimes we cannot persuade dictators to permit more freedom over the short term, and even in the case of Mao .... unless he attacks our vital interests, we have to play the long game of human history and the gradual march of freedom. That was really the lesson of Reagan's for policy.
I agree with you Bush Fucked everything up by going into a Country that had nothing to do with 9/ 11. ;););)
I wonder if we would even be dealing with all of this now if he had gone into Afghanistan in the first place.

Oct 7, 2001: Bush launches strikes into Afghanistan
Mar 20 2003: Bush launches strikes on Iraq.
Oct 1 2015: Eaglewings shown to be biggest ignoramus on USMB.

"At critical moments in the fight for Afghanistan, the Bush administration diverted scarce intelligence and reconstruction resources to Iraq, including elite C.I.A. teams and Special Forces units involved in the search for terrorists. As sophisticated Predator spy planes rolled off assembly lines in the United States, they were shipped to Iraq, undercutting the search for Taliban and terrorist leaders, according to senior military and intelligence officials."

I wonder why they were so eager to start a major war that killed millions instead of who we went over to get.. Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

NY SLimes. Yes they did. Because they needed the resources in Iraq not Afghanistan.
You are still a moron.

Another one who refuses to see the facts and lives in their little Bush dream world. I wonder why you don't rebuke Cheney and his pocket book...And Bush's father's war.

They brought us into the war with misleading intentions, if you don't admit that you are the moron.


I'll admit you're an ignorant fucktard who doesnt know what he's talking about. But we established that already. Just give it up.

As usual trying to fight your case by trying to intimidate with strong words, I have lived too long, and have faced much more in my life than to let that bother me. So again with your case....Fail! :poke:

Have nice day ! :)

Rabbi's a moron.

Poppy should never have had that war. He failed to clearly state to Saddam what our response would be to his invading Kuwait. Saddam had a valid complaint because the Kuwatiees (-: were stealing his oil. But Poppy saw himself as the WWII generation with outlawed war to gain territorial concessions and made war only legal for either self-defense or to stop genocide. After the fall of the Soviets, Poppy was determined to make the law stick. He did, claimed victory and came home .... leaving a cancer in Iraq. But it was neither an illegal war or a war based on lies.

W's motives were many and who really knows. The neocons view the US military as a valid tool to secure strategic resources. Reagan never agreed to that. He was the one who formulated the necessity to show a vital strategic interest AND a threat to the US that could not be defused with diplomacy. Iraq never posed a threat to the US. And W lied. But was he a neocon himself, or was he drug addled fool who was taken in by Cheney and the Israel firsters? Or was he Oedipially drawn to go "deeper" than Poppy?

Obama's sin in being a first term senator who was raised at the feet of elitist utopians. And he's a egotist who sees himself as uniquely poised to see the crimes of colonialism. Saddam, Kaddafi and Assad the Younger are/were all despots who didn't care about their populations. From a humanitarian sense they are worse than Castro, who despite viewing individual rights as a threat to the state, actually did give Cuba universal literacy and healthcare. Of course he was a communist in "our" hemisphere, and that is intolerable ... unless he promised to stop being a communist and just be a dictator. But, Obama was never able to articulate that sometimes we cannot persuade dictators to permit more freedom over the short term, and even in the case of Mao .... unless he attacks our vital interests, we have to play the long game of human history and the gradual march of freedom. That was really the lesson of Reagan's for policy.
Wow, a total complete and stupid FAIL of a post, repeating all the worst most worthless cliches of the last 20 years.
Oct 7, 2001: Bush launches strikes into Afghanistan
Mar 20 2003: Bush launches strikes on Iraq.
Oct 1 2015: Eaglewings shown to be biggest ignoramus on USMB.

"At critical moments in the fight for Afghanistan, the Bush administration diverted scarce intelligence and reconstruction resources to Iraq, including elite C.I.A. teams and Special Forces units involved in the search for terrorists. As sophisticated Predator spy planes rolled off assembly lines in the United States, they were shipped to Iraq, undercutting the search for Taliban and terrorist leaders, according to senior military and intelligence officials."

I wonder why they were so eager to start a major war that killed millions instead of who we went over to get.. Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

NY SLimes. Yes they did. Because they needed the resources in Iraq not Afghanistan.
You are still a moron.

Another one who refuses to see the facts and lives in their little Bush dream world. I wonder why you don't rebuke Cheney and his pocket book...And Bush's father's war.

They brought us into the war with misleading intentions, if you don't admit that you are the moron.


I'll admit you're an ignorant fucktard who doesnt know what he's talking about. But we established that already. Just give it up.

As usual trying to fight your case by trying to intimidate with strong words, I have lived too long, and have faced much more in my life than to let that bother me. So again with your case....Fail! :poke:

Have nice day ! :)

Dude, you posted shit I showed was untrue. Bush invaded Afghanistan before Iraq. That contradicts what you wrote. You followed it up not with an apology and an acknowledgement that I was right, but with more bullshit to cover your error.
You are a dishonest piece of shit.

"At critical moments in the fight for Afghanistan, the Bush administration diverted scarce intelligence and reconstruction resources to Iraq, including elite C.I.A. teams and Special Forces units involved in the search for terrorists. As sophisticated Predator spy planes rolled off assembly lines in the United States, they were shipped to Iraq, undercutting the search for Taliban and terrorist leaders, according to senior military and intelligence officials."

I wonder why they were so eager to start a major war that killed millions instead of who we went over to get.. Cheney’s Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War

NY SLimes. Yes they did. Because they needed the resources in Iraq not Afghanistan.
You are still a moron.

Another one who refuses to see the facts and lives in their little Bush dream world. I wonder why you don't rebuke Cheney and his pocket book...And Bush's father's war.

They brought us into the war with misleading intentions, if you don't admit that you are the moron.


I'll admit you're an ignorant fucktard who doesnt know what he's talking about. But we established that already. Just give it up.

As usual trying to fight your case by trying to intimidate with strong words, I have lived too long, and have faced much more in my life than to let that bother me. So again with your case....Fail! :poke:

Have nice day ! :)

Dude, you posted shit I showed was untrue. Bush invaded Afghanistan before Iraq. That contradicts what you wrote. You followed it up not with an apology and an acknowledgement that I was right, but with more bullshit to cover your error.
You are a dishonest piece of shit.

Thanks , I did not recall the Afghanistan invasion being first ..sorry....did you read what I wrote about how the actual focus / money for war was in Iraq ? That is what I remember , the 1st bombing in Iraq was so awful .
NY SLimes. Yes they did. Because they needed the resources in Iraq not Afghanistan.
You are still a moron.

Another one who refuses to see the facts and lives in their little Bush dream world. I wonder why you don't rebuke Cheney and his pocket book...And Bush's father's war.

They brought us into the war with misleading intentions, if you don't admit that you are the moron.


I'll admit you're an ignorant fucktard who doesnt know what he's talking about. But we established that already. Just give it up.

As usual trying to fight your case by trying to intimidate with strong words, I have lived too long, and have faced much more in my life than to let that bother me. So again with your case....Fail! :poke:

Have nice day ! :)

Dude, you posted shit I showed was untrue. Bush invaded Afghanistan before Iraq. That contradicts what you wrote. You followed it up not with an apology and an acknowledgement that I was right, but with more bullshit to cover your error.
You are a dishonest piece of shit.

Thanks , I did not recall the Afghanistan invasion being first ..sorry....did you read what I wrote about how the actual focus / money for war was in Iraq ? That is what I remember , the 1st bombing in Iraq was so awful .

I don't see how nation building in either Afghan or Iraq was in our interests. As for Afghan, W tried to go in light. We should have made a statement on Tora Bora immediately. Killed everyone there and left, with the promise to rain hellfires on them if they ever let terrorists use their country for a safe haven.

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