It’s a f-----g baby! . . . All you need is some black who doesn’t have to speak English to rescue it

This reminded me at 1st how he disrespected and belittled farmers, claiming he could teach anyone to be a farmer: 'Dig a hole, plant the corn, cover it up - that's all there is to it.'

Then I read it again.....

Bloomberg does not only insults minorities but also insults / disrespects Nannies, baby sitters, child care professionals, the life of infants mothers will love this), and shows how intolerant / disrespectful of working mothers....

Winning the hearts and minds of all voters, coming across as an arrogant, know-it-all, elitist prick who looks down at the working class.

This guy is 'GOLD'. Vegas should take odds / bets on how quickly he will f* up and generate a 'GOP Commercial/campaign ad-worthy' gaffe during the next debate.


In the full video, the Democrat presidential candidate wasn't referring to modern agriculture at all, and "Team Trump is deliberately misleading Americans,” said Bloomberg spokesman Brandon Weathersby.

In the video, Bloomberg went on to address U.S. manufacturing and more about agriculture, saying: “Then you have 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. At one point, 98% of the world worked in agriculture; today it’s 2% in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology … You have to have a lot more gray matter.”

Edited video of Mike Bloomberg appears to insult farmers, factory workers, but there's more to the story

False narrative warfare. Faux new has the advantage in editing and the Trumpublicans have been conditioned to believe whatever they are told to believe.
This reminded me at 1st how he disrespected and belittled farmers, claiming he could teach anyone to be a farmer: 'Dig a hole, plant the corn, cover it up - that's all there is to it.'

Then I read it again.....

Bloomberg does not only insults minorities but also insults / disrespects Nannies, baby sitters, child care professionals, the life of infants mothers will love this), and shows how intolerant / disrespectful of working mothers....

Winning the hearts and minds of all voters, coming across as an arrogant, know-it-all, elitist prick who looks down at the working class.

This guy is 'GOLD'. Vegas should take odds / bets on how quickly he will f* up and generate a 'GOP Commercial/campaign ad-worthy' gaffe during the next debate.


In the full video, the Democrat presidential candidate wasn't referring to modern agriculture at all, and "Team Trump is deliberately misleading Americans,” said Bloomberg spokesman Brandon Weathersby.

In the video, Bloomberg went on to address U.S. manufacturing and more about agriculture, saying: “Then you have 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. At one point, 98% of the world worked in agriculture; today it’s 2% in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology … You have to have a lot more gray matter.”

Edited video of Mike Bloomberg appears to insult farmers, factory workers, but there's more to the story

False narrative warfare. Faux new has the advantage in editing and the Trumpublicans have been conditioned to believe whatever they are told to believe.
Trump was elected because you backed half the population into a corner. You still have a foot on the throat of the nation. But its a bit looser now. Trump has turned out to be a good President. The thing about information is that at its core a lot of it us useless.
False narrative warfare. Faux new has the advantage in editing and the Trumpublicans have been conditioned to believe whatever they are told to believe.
That the self-delusional lie you're going with, big guy? :p

The Liberal MSM were self-proclaimed 'gods' (little 'g') of CREATING the news. On one questioned them, no one challenged their BS - they had free reign...until Trump showed up.

Trump just didn't challenge and whoop the collective asses of the Washington Establishment GOP and the Career Deep State Liberals Progressive Socialist Democrats - he took on the 'gods' of liberal media....and won.

Twitter became the answer / tool to defeat the MSM-control, censorship and blackout of the President's message. He challenged the media, treated them with the adequate / warranted LACK of respect they deserved, debunked their BS....

Retraction after retraction, apology after apology, punished reporter / writer after another, FIRED news employee after fired news employee, plummeting ratings report after plummeting ratings report....the self-proclaimed fake news 'gods' plummeted to the earth like Icarus, one by one, the media fell....& the people's eyes were opened.

CNN is humorously called 'catfish news' by some of the other news agencies now....referring to catfish who are found at the bottom of lakes and feed off of shit at the bottom.


...and you just demonstrated snowflakes - many of them still don't get it'. The majority of US citizens see who these liars, propaganda-pushers are Democrats, they may see and proclaim themselves to be relevant, important, 'the standard' now...but only in their own little world.....where the only thing accepted and pushed is liberal ideology and agenda....

....which is why CNN and others are still bottom-feeding in the ratings and have little to no most delusional snowflakes.

This reminded me at 1st how he disrespected and belittled farmers, claiming he could teach anyone to be a farmer: 'Dig a hole, plant the corn, cover it up - that's all there is to it.'

Then I read it again.....

Bloomberg does not only insults minorities but also insults / disrespects Nannies, baby sitters, child care professionals, the life of infants mothers will love this), and shows how intolerant / disrespectful of working mothers....

Winning the hearts and minds of all voters, coming across as an arrogant, know-it-all, elitist prick who looks down at the working class.

This guy is 'GOLD'. Vegas should take odds / bets on how quickly he will f* up and generate a 'GOP Commercial/campaign ad-worthy' gaffe during the next debate.


In the full video, the Democrat presidential candidate wasn't referring to modern agriculture at all, and "Team Trump is deliberately misleading Americans,” said Bloomberg spokesman Brandon Weathersby.

In the video, Bloomberg went on to address U.S. manufacturing and more about agriculture, saying: “Then you have 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. At one point, 98% of the world worked in agriculture; today it’s 2% in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology … You have to have a lot more gray matter.”

Edited video of Mike Bloomberg appears to insult farmers, factory workers, but there's more to the story

False narrative warfare. Faux new has the advantage in editing and the Trumpublicans have been conditioned to believe whatever they are told to believe.
Trump was elected because you backed half the population into a corner. You still have a foot on the throat of the nation. But its a bit looser now. Trump has turned out to be a good President. The thing about information is that at its core a lot of it us useless.

You're kidding yourself. Trumpybear was elected because the people hated Hillary more than they hated him. Trumpybear's administration is a shithole of corruption starting at the very top. Worst President of the Century.
False narrative warfare. Faux new has the advantage in editing and the Trumpublicans have been conditioned to believe whatever they are told to believe.
That the self-delusional lie you're going with, big guy? :p

The Liberal MSM were self-proclaimed 'gods' (little 'g') of CREATING the news. On one questioned them, no one challenged their BS - they had free reign...until Trump showed up.

Trump just didn't challenge and whoop the collective asses of the Washington Establishment GOP and the Career Deep State Liberals Progressive Socialist Democrats - he took on the 'gods' of liberal media....and won.

Twitter became the answer / tool to defeat the MSM-control, censorship and blackout of the President's message. He challenged the media, treated them with the adequate / warranted LACK of respect they deserved, debunked their BS....

Retraction after retraction, apology after apology, punished reporter / writer after another, FIRED news employee after fired news employee, plummeting ratings report after plummeting ratings report....the self-proclaimed fake news 'gods' plummeted to the earth like Icarus, one by one, the media fell....& the people's eyes were opened.

CNN is humorously called 'catfish news' by some of the other news agencies now....referring to catfish who are found at the bottom of lakes and feed off of shit at the bottom.


...and you just demonstrated snowflakes - many of them still don't get it'. The majority of US citizens see who these liars, propaganda-pushers are Democrats, they may see and proclaim themselves to be relevant, important, 'the standard' now...but only in their own little world.....where the only thing accepted and pushed is liberal ideology and agenda....

....which is why CNN and others are still bottom-feeding in the ratings and have little to no most delusional snowflakes.


From a known false narrative warrior.

You built that.
You're kidding yourself. Trumpybear was elected because the people hated Hillary more than they hated him. Trumpybear's administration is a shithole of corruption starting at the very top. Worst President of the Century.
Trump was / is an outsider and, no matter what you may think, a patriot and has worked to represent the people. His successes that have benefitted so many Americans and his being the President who has kept so many of his promises proves that.

That doesn't mean he has not had a 2ndary motive at times of helping himself, but by comparison Hillary would have made the WH the new HQ for the Clinton Foundation and 'Access/Favor-Selling Central'.
From a known false narrative warrior..
I may start calling you 'Impeachment'....cause, like the House Impeachment, you have and continue to make a lot of false accusations...and never have / never produce any 'crime', evidence, or 'witnesses'....just a lot of BS hearsay and opinion

From a known false narrative warrior..
I may start calling you 'Impeachment'....cause, like the House Impeachment, you have and continue to make a lot of false accusations...and never have / never produce any 'crime', evidence, or 'witnesses'....just a lot of BS hearsay and opinion


We call that "projection".
"It’s a f-----g baby! . . . All you need is some black who doesn’t have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building"
- Bloomberg, berating an employee while she searched for a nanny to watch her child

Joe Biden - Burisma, China, Gaffes and all - suddenly doesn't look so bad compared to the growing number of revealing comments made by mini-Mike being revealed to the public / voters.


McCain, Behar clash over Bloomberg: It's 'none of your business' who I vote for!

Yeah hard to believe a Presidential candidate would say anything like that

Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
This reminded me at 1st how he disrespected and belittled farmers, claiming he could teach anyone to be a farmer: 'Dig a hole, plant the corn, cover it up - that's all there is to it.'

Then I read it again.....

Bloomberg does not only insults minorities but also insults / disrespects Nannies, baby sitters, child care professionals, the life of infants mothers will love this), and shows how intolerant / disrespectful of working mothers....

Winning the hearts and minds of all voters, coming across as an arrogant, know-it-all, elitist prick who looks down at the working class.

This guy is 'GOLD'. Vegas should take odds / bets on how quickly he will f* up and generate a 'GOP Commercial/campaign ad-worthy' gaffe during the next debate.


In the full video, the Democrat presidential candidate wasn't referring to modern agriculture at all, and "Team Trump is deliberately misleading Americans,” said Bloomberg spokesman Brandon Weathersby.

In the video, Bloomberg went on to address U.S. manufacturing and more about agriculture, saying: “Then you have 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. At one point, 98% of the world worked in agriculture; today it’s 2% in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology … You have to have a lot more gray matter.”

Edited video of Mike Bloomberg appears to insult farmers, factory workers, but there's more to the story
So you're a Bloomberg supporter?

I believe in truth.
The truth is Bloomberg has a long history of chauvenistic misogynistic ignorant comments about women.

At least he isn't a self declared pussy grabber.
I believe in truth, but I realize he is running for Potus.

Do you?


I believe in truth, but I realize he is running for Potus.

Do you?


Maybe you should read this again:
In the full video, the Democrat presidential candidate wasn't referring to modern agriculture at all, and "Team Trump is deliberately misleading Americans,” said Bloomberg spokesman Brandon Weathersby.

In the video, Bloomberg went on to address U.S. manufacturing and more about agriculture, saying: “Then you have 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. At one point, 98% of the world worked in agriculture; today it’s 2% in the United States. Now comes the information economy, and the information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology … You have to have a lot more gray matter.”

Edited video of Mike Bloomberg appears to insult farmers, factory workers, but there's more to the story
All Democrats are Racists, almost all of them. All of their policies promote Oppression and Control of Minorities, Limit Upward Mobility and Restrain Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Thought.

Black Genocide by Planned Parenthood and The Democrat Party needs to stop as The Death Toll is now 60 Million.
Now, now, just because Sanger, who advocated abortion as a means of controlling the black population, is a hero to the Left does not mean Bloomberg agrees....

Sanger never advocated for abortions, she advocated for birth control, which decreases abortion.
Please show us a link to what he said. The Its a f...king baby
Are you suggesting the ladies on the View would LIE about something like this? Joy was doing her best to defend the misogynist/racist/sexist Bloomberg...

Since you are incapable of doing your own research....

Dossier of Mike Bloomberg’s most sexist and controversial remarks

Bloomberg Allegedly Told Employee to find "Some Black Who Doesn’t Have to Speak English" for Childcare | News Thud

Why don't you asked McCain and Bahar where they got theirs from.....?

MIKE Bloomberg once told a female employee struggling to find childcare to hire “some black”, according to a 1998 lawsuit.
Bloomberg is also alleged to have become outraged at the childcare problems faced by the young mom, who had her child in 1993.

He allegedly said: “It's a f***ing baby! All it does is eat and s**t! It doesn't know the difference between you and anyone else!

“All you need is some black who doesn't have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building.”
That is what he allegedly said.

He said it to a white women, apparently she didn't want to hire a black who didn't speak english.

and the Sun
The Sun, which is part of Fox Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch's media empire, is being run by a team of journalists in Manhattan responsible for producing unique content specifically for U.S. readers.
Last edited:
Please show us a link to what he said. The Its a f...king baby
Are you suggesting the ladies on the View would LIE about something like this? Joy was doing her best to defend the misogynist/racist/sexist Bloomberg...

Since you are incapable of doing your own research....

Dossier of Mike Bloomberg’s most sexist and controversial remarks

Bloomberg Allegedly Told Employee to find "Some Black Who Doesn’t Have to Speak English" for Childcare | News Thud

Why don't you asked McCain and Bahar where they got theirs from.....?

MIKE Bloomberg once told a female employee struggling to find childcare to hire “some black”, according to a 1998 lawsuit.
Bloomberg is also alleged to have become outraged at the childcare problems faced by the young mom, who had her child in 1993.

He allegedly said: “It's a f***ing baby! All it does is eat and s**t! It doesn't know the difference between you and anyone else!

“All you need is some black who doesn't have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building.”
That is what he allegedly said.

He said it to a white women, apparently she didn't want to hire a black who didn't speak english.

Penny how you gonna vote for him, he's a JOOOOOOOOOOOOO


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