It's A Good Thing


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
These looney tunes not having offspring, that is ...

Nancy Madrid and her husband aren't climate activists, but do pride themselves on being "very intentional" about reducing their carbon footprint and living in an environmentally conscious manner. They limit their meat consumption. They conserve energy and avoid buying unnecessary items. They donate to underserved communities and vote for pro-environment measures. They recycle.

It's an eco-friendly lifestyle fueled by small household habits and one significant decision: no kids. "We do feel that our biggest contribution to reducing our carbon footprint is, of course, not having children," she says.

As climate anxiety builds, these women are choosing to not have children
Good luck in old age. With nobody looking out for ya you become a prime candidate to be drugged to death when the nursing staff are tired of you

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