It's a great day for the second amendment

Man shot dead after bank robbery convicted of threatening Obama in '10 -

Court records show Garnett pleaded guilty to those threats, was sentenced to eight months in federal prison and ordered to get mental health care upon his release.
He was not allowed to own a gun.

After leaving the bank with a bag and gun, Garnett was approached by a police officer and started shooting. The officer retreated, but an undercover detective was nearby and shot Garnett in the upper body, said Phoenix police spokesman James Holmes.

two quick lessons to be learned here

1-good guy with gun kills bad guy who illegally obtained one

2-early release for criminals does not rehab a bad guy
Seems to me that EVERY American citizen should be given a gun when born. Then everybody would have one and there would be no more crime, murders or suicide by gun. Stands to reason that the world would just be a much better place when we all have guns? And the freedom to use them. It will be so cool. Stand your ground. Shoot to kill. Practice practice practice.

Works pretty well for Switzerland.

I do agree that we should work to reduce suicide attempts by gun. We should advocate suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Little known fact, gun suicides have a disturbing failure rate, which often leaves a person with substantial brain damage and other complications. It's the fear of pain before death sets in that seems to be the culprit. People shrink away from the shot at the last moment, and can end up causing a grazing shot or otherwise sending the bullet into an area of the brain that does not cause instant death.

On the other hand, suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning can successfully alleviate such problems. It is peaceful and painless, and has virtually no side effects in the event of failure. It also makes a far less gruesome scene for discovery when successful.
Seems to me that EVERY American citizen should be given a gun when born. Then everybody would have one and there would be no more crime, murders or suicide by gun. Stands to reason that the world would just be a much better place when we all have guns? And the freedom to use them. It will be so cool. Stand your ground. Shoot to kill. Practice practice practice.

Works pretty well for Switzerland.

I do agree that we should work to reduce suicide attempts by gun. We should advocate suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Little known fact, gun suicides have a disturbing failure rate, which often leaves a person with substantial brain damage and other complications. It's the fear of pain before death sets in that seems to be the culprit. People shrink away from the shot at the last moment, and can end up causing a grazing shot or otherwise sending the bullet into an area of the brain that does not cause instant death.

On the other hand, suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning can successfully alleviate such problems. It is peaceful and painless, and has virtually no side effects in the event of failure. It also makes a far less gruesome scene for discovery when successful.

I didn't know that newborns in Switzerland were given a gun at birth. Good for them eh?
No wonder they don't kill each other. They all have guns. And that is what I am talking about. Just think how peace on earth and good will towards your fellow man will be greatly enhanced when we all are armed to the teeth.

In terms of killing yourself dude, sounds like you might have contemplated doing that. Glad you would chose the least messy way. Your family will appreciate that. But it would still be better if we all had our guns since birth. Suicide be damned.

The only way to bring peace to this country is to arm everyone and let them stand their ground with no consequence for their actions.

It will be heaven on earth when we all have guns.

No doubt about it. Peace on earth with guns a blazing.
A thief with an illegal gun was shot dead by cops. Well, that's certainly a reason to put assault weapons into the hands of every drunk backwoods redneck.

How many of you gun owners are members of the well-regulated militia? You do know about that part of the Second Amendment, right? You have the right to keep and bear arms as part of the militia. So how many of you are members of the well-regulated militia?
A thief with an illegal gun was shot dead by cops. Well, that's certainly a reason to put assault weapons into the hands of every drunk backwoods redneck.

How many of you gun owners are members of the well-regulated militia? You do know about that part of the Second Amendment, right? You have the right to keep and bear arms as part of the militia. So how many of you are members of the well-regulated militia?

I see you are new here. Boy are you in for enlightenment.

Foods on boys, go get em. He says you gotta be part of a militia. HAHAHA.

The framers should have never used that comma.
When we are all armed, there will not be "criminals" any more. They will know that EVERYONE is armed and dangerous and all crime will stop.

Or at least that is what I've been told in here. Not sure I believe that, but what the hell. Lets try it.
Someone was just writing about a town in Miss. I think, where everyone has to have a gun and there is no crime because of that. I am sure it will work will in NYC. Or any other city or town where there was crime.

Guns for babies. Freedom for all.
So you're not part of the militia then? Are you even a veteran? Or are you just a bunch of vaginas who think that you're badasses because you have a gun?

What is the Second Amendment for, in your highly educated opinion? Is it to protect your flatscreen tv from black people? Or is the Second Amendment there as a safeguard for the People against a government when they lie to start wars and torture POWs in secret prisons?

Judging by how your government gets away with torture and war crimes, it's pretty clear that none of you have any idea why the Second Amendment was written.
So you're not part of the militia then? Are you even a veteran? Or are you just a bunch of vaginas who think that you're badasses because you have a gun?

What is the Second Amendment for, in your highly educated opinion? Is it to protect your flatscreen tv from black people? Or is the Second Amendment there as a safeguard for the People against a government when they lie to start wars and torture POWs in secret prisons?

Judging by how your government gets away with torture and war crimes, it's pretty clear that none of you have any idea why the Second Amendment was written.

Nope. Not part of a "militia" or a "veteran". And I am no bad ass that's for sure. Just a smart ass. Well I do feel a little "badder" when I am cradling my guns.

But the Second is for ALL AMERICANS to own the gun of their choice. With no restrictions.
Cause the framers of the COTUS used a damn comma in the sentence talking about guns and militias.

I have learned all this from reading the gun nuts on here. Why they are not attacking you right now I don't know. You talk heresy. Guess they are out shooting.

But have fun with these folks. They loves them some guns.

This is the thread for sarcasm and satire isn't it?
So you're not part of the militia then? Are you even a veteran? Or are you just a bunch of vaginas who think that you're badasses because you have a gun?

What is the Second Amendment for, in your highly educated opinion? Is it to protect your flatscreen tv from black people? Or is the Second Amendment there as a safeguard for the People against a government when they lie to start wars and torture POWs in secret prisons?

Judging by how your government gets away with torture and war crimes, it's pretty clear that none of you have any idea why the Second Amendment was written.

Enlighten us.
This should be rich.
So you're not part of the militia then? Are you even a veteran? Or are you just a bunch of vaginas who think that you're badasses because you have a gun?

What is the Second Amendment for, in your highly educated opinion? Is it to protect your flatscreen tv from black people? Or is the Second Amendment there as a safeguard for the People against a government when they lie to start wars and torture POWs in secret prisons?

Judging by how your government gets away with torture and war crimes, it's pretty clear that none of you have any idea why the Second Amendment was written.

Enlighten us.
This should be rich.

Told you KNB. You are gonna get taken to the woodshed now. The Rabbit is HERE. Right Rabbit, woodshed time?
So you're not part of the militia then? Are you even a veteran? Or are you just a bunch of vaginas who think that you're badasses because you have a gun?

What is the Second Amendment for, in your highly educated opinion? Is it to protect your flatscreen tv from black people? Or is the Second Amendment there as a safeguard for the People against a government when they lie to start wars and torture POWs in secret prisons?

Judging by how your government gets away with torture and war crimes, it's pretty clear that none of you have any idea why the Second Amendment was written.

Enlighten us.
This should be rich.

Told you KNB. You are gonna get taken to the woodshed now. The Rabbit is HERE. Right Rabbit, woodshed time?

KNB might be smarter than you. That's actually an easy bet to make.
Enlighten us.
This should be rich.

Told you KNB. You are gonna get taken to the woodshed now. The Rabbit is HERE. Right Rabbit, woodshed time?

KNB might be smarter than you. That's actually an easy bet to make.

Fuck Rabbit. KNB is probably smarter that me and you put together.

What does that signify? That you're an idiot and I am not. Maybe.

But what I want to know is IF you are gonna let KNB school you on the Second Amendment?
How does someone being shot dead become a great day for anyone?

When a good guy with a gun shoots a bad guy with a gun, it is a GREAT day.

You need to pay more attention to what the gun nuts say on here.
He illegally bought a weapon, what does that have to do with the second amendment?

By the way you could outlaw all guns today and it would not effect illegal sales at all. Just like they smuggle drugs and people over the border they will do so with firearms. Or steal them from manufacturers, National Guard armories or police stations.

Second amendment proponents advocate the illegal sale of guns.

No, you're LYING!
A thief with an illegal gun was shot dead by cops. Well, that's certainly a reason to put assault weapons into the hands of every drunk backwoods redneck.

How many of you gun owners are members of the well-regulated militia? You do know about that part of the Second Amendment, right? You have the right to keep and bear arms as part of the militia. So how many of you are members of the well-regulated militia?

I am: I am an able-bodied male between the ages of 16 and 40, I am not in the armed forces. THAT is the definition of the militia!
How does someone being shot dead become a great day for anyone?

He is no longer threatening innocent people with his criminal behavior and is no longer sponging off taxpayers.

He could have just as easily stopped threatening innocent people and stopped sponging off taxpayers (if he even was) without being shot.

His death is a waste. He may have caused it by his actions, but it's nothing to be happy about.

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