It's a great day for the second amendment

How does someone being shot dead become a great day for anyone?

He is no longer threatening innocent people with his criminal behavior and is no longer sponging off taxpayers.

He could have just as easily stopped threatening innocent people and stopped sponging off taxpayers (if he even was) without being shot.

His death is a waste. He may have caused it by his actions, but it's nothing to be happy about.

And I COULD win the Irish Sweepstakes next week...but I won't...and chances are, he would never have! He's no longer polluting the gene pool, I am having a hard time giving a damn.
I didn't know that newborns in Switzerland were given a gun at birth. Good for them eh?

Are you naturally this stupid, or are you intentionally being obtuse in order to evade the point? I'm inclined to believe it's the latter. Switzerland issues what some all "assault" rifles to every able bodied man. They are required to keep and maintain this weapon as the foundation for their militia based national defense strategy. With this wide proliferation of weapons, Switzerland has a very low rate of crime. The Swiss example proves to us that the proliferation of firearms does not cause crime.

In terms of killing yourself dude, sounds like you might have contemplated doing that. Glad you would chose the least messy way. Your family will appreciate that. But it would still be better if we all had our guns since birth. Suicide be damned.

Just because I happen to be knowledgeable about the subject means that I must have been suicidal at some point in the past? Gee, using that reasoning a paleontologist must have been a dinosaur at one point in their life.
I am a second amendment proponent. Most liberals are.


Placing limits on government and enhancing individual liberty is something liberals support.

So why arent they complaining about spying by the NSA? Why are they supporting the ACA, which restricts individual liberty? Why do they support gay rights, including making bakers sell cakes they dont want to?
You are correct that one time the term "liberal" did mean supporting individual rights and small government. But those days are long gone.
Man shot dead after bank robbery convicted of threatening Obama in '10 -

Court records show Garnett pleaded guilty to those threats, was sentenced to eight months in federal prison and ordered to get mental health care upon his release.
He was not allowed to own a gun.

After leaving the bank with a bag and gun, Garnett was approached by a police officer and started shooting. The officer retreated, but an undercover detective was nearby and shot Garnett in the upper body, said Phoenix police spokesman James Holmes.

Kind of proves proposed gun laws will not stop someone from getting a gun
I didn't know that newborns in Switzerland were given a gun at birth. Good for them eh?

Are you naturally this stupid, or are you intentionally being obtuse in order to evade the point? I'm inclined to believe it's the latter. Switzerland issues what some all "assault" rifles to every able bodied man. They are required to keep and maintain this weapon as the foundation for their militia based national defense strategy. With this wide proliferation of weapons, Switzerland has a very low rate of crime. The Swiss example proves to us that the proliferation of firearms does not cause crime.

In terms of killing yourself dude, sounds like you might have contemplated doing that. Glad you would chose the least messy way. Your family will appreciate that. But it would still be better if we all had our guns since birth. Suicide be damned.

Just because I happen to be knowledgeable about the subject means that I must have been suicidal at some point in the past? Gee, using that reasoning a paleontologist must have been a dinosaur at one point in their life.

Nah dude. I'll tell you what is not "natural". You let me jerk you around by the short hairs for more than a couple posts or so.

Even the fucking rabbit knew it was being fucked with and didn't come back. But no, not you. You just couldn't figure it out. That ain't "natural". You dumber than normal. For a gun nut.

But it was funny as shit. Babies with guns. LMAO.
A thief with an illegal gun was shot dead by cops. Well, that's certainly a reason to put assault weapons into the hands of every drunk backwoods redneck.

How many of you gun owners are members of the well-regulated militia? You do know about that part of the Second Amendment, right? You have the right to keep and bear arms as part of the militia. So how many of you are members of the well-regulated militia?

Always love this argument, you are aware of course that the US Law stipulates an UNORGANIZED Militia that is every man age 17 to 45? Need a link to that law? I can provide one if you insist.
Great day? Do you ever read the links you post? The gun was illegally purchased! You will NEVER hear of a law abiding gun owner perpetrating a crime like this.

Here's a conundrum for you:

Armed robber comes in, starts shooting up the joint, a card carrying citizen gets bold and shoots the robber dead. Should we ban guns for what the robber did, or encourage ownership because of what the card carrying citizen did in saving lives?

Really never? You sure you want to say never?

Post links or shut the fuck up, you absurd liar.
Yeah, incidents like that do not come from lawful citizens. No amount of regulation will reduce crime. It has been proven over and over that the formula is more guns=less crime.

never is an absolute, thus one has to be certain it will never happen.
Like you will never ride in a car again. How do i know the future? how do i know you never will again? I don't, therefore never is the wrong term to use.

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