It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial

I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?
I'm not even sure where to begin. It's a gathering of Teabaggers. People of a certain political ideology fall into that group...
The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -

Wow. Just wow.
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?
I'm not even sure where to begin. It's a gathering of Teabaggers. People of a certain political ideology fall into that group...
The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -

Wow. Just wow.

Great debating skills. Hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking up that response.
This rally was not about Glenn Beck no more than the rally so many years ago was about Martin Luther King. Beck and King are just men with strong views that have or had the ability to speak these views. If it were about Beck and King then Beck now owns the Lincoln Memorial every 8/28 as his crowd was much larger than King's was so many years ago. Much of what Beck and King say is the same.

Something that I feel has been ignored is the reason for the low turnout for Al Sharpton. I
feel it is because for the most part King's wish has come true. Blacks obviously have the same equal rights as whites in America today. There are still many that are held back, not by whites but by themselves. Confidence, hard work, and education is sometimes difficult to achieve when you have someone like Sharpton telling you that you can't make it in America. Depressed Al should encourage instead of discourage. I apologize for getting off topic.

You are not off topic. Well said. ;)
I'd say we're done, and will leave you to bluff and bluster alone.

Your rancid opinion was not solicited nor is it welcome. So please, seek life elsewhere. You will not be missed.
Translation: you cannot logically or factually refute what I wrote, so you try to bluff your way past. Sorry Fitz, but a 12 year old can see through your smokescreen. Enjoy being one of Beck's bumpkins.
sigh.... :::pinching bridge of nose:::

Refuting you on this is like a Rabbi wasting time refuting a skinhead saying "all Jews must die, change my mind, you ****."

I could fisk the shit out of you on this, but at 190 posts, your a common internet toughguy troll with barely the brains to pick his own nose, let alone type.

I'm sorry, I thought there would be something of worth in your response as to refuting what I stated about Beck and his dog & pony show...or maybe you would have had a laundry list of counters to the list of Beck's lies & bullshit I linked earlier on this thread.

But instead, all the audience got was a lame attempt to dodge the issue by your personal attack and self aggrandizing bullhorn.

So unless you're willing to show some maturity or intellect and respond to the points I made like a rational, honest human being, I'd say we're done, and will leave you to bluff and bluster alone.

Thank God. At least Fitz (and AA) isn't here just to make snarky comments but is trying to discuss the rally. I appreciate that.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Fitz just deteriorates to an irrational, foot stomping child when properly if that's what you consider a rational, honest way to discuss the issue, then I feel sorry for you, and will most likely end up not following up any like minded retorts from you.....especially since you were stopped cold with posts #99, #123 and #143.

Seems you're just another Beck wonk who's long on talking points but short on factual analysis, Foxy....a shame.
[ame=]YouTube - Stuart and the babysitter[/ame]

Ohhh ohhhhhhhhhh... Someone figured out how to log on to the interwebz and is looking for attentionnnnn.... Now put the keyboard down you bad little boy and go ask your mommy or baby sitter if you can play at mmkay?

When you grow up enough to be worth responding to as an adult, I'll consider that. Until then little boy, this is for grownups.
to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(

This rally was not about Glenn Beck no more than the rally so many years ago was about Martin Luther King. Beck and King are just men with strong views that have or had the ability to speak these views. If it were about Beck and King then Beck now owns the Lincoln Memorial every 8/28 as his crowd was much larger than King's was so many years ago. Much of what Beck and King say is the same.

Something that I feel has been ignored is the reason for the low turnout for Al Sharpton. I
feel it is because for the most part King's wish has come true. Blacks obviously have the same equal rights as whites in America today. There are still many that are held back, not by whites but by themselves. Confidence, hard work, and education is sometimes difficult to achieve when you have someone like Sharpton telling you that you can't make it in America. Depressed Al should encourage instead of discourage. I apologize for getting off topic.

You're not off topic at all. Part of the story is that Sharpton himself tried to make Beck's rally a slap in the face of the black man. The mainstream media has been race baiting like crazy while downplaying the smallness of the Sharpton crowd and downplaying the amazing turnout for the Restore Honor rally. Many of our leftwing brethren here and other bloggers continue to bash Beck and Tea Parties make the rally about him and have no interest or curiosity in what would draw hundreds of thousands of people to a late summer weekend rally in DC where mobody really knew what to expect.

You're right. It was not about Beck. it was not about Sharpton. It was not about Tea Parties. It was not about politics. And it was not about race. It was about all that has ever been good and noble and important and commendable about America and restoring values and ideals that would get us back on that track.

For those who can look at it from that perspective, it warms the heart and is encouraging in a very troubling time in America.
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This rally was not about Glenn Beck no more than the rally so many years ago was about Martin Luther King. Beck and King are just men with strong views that have or had the ability to speak these views. If it were about Beck and King then Beck now owns the Lincoln Memorial every 8/28 as his crowd was much larger than King's was so many years ago. Much of what Beck and King say is the same.

Something that I feel has been ignored is the reason for the low turnout for Al Sharpton. I
feel it is because for the most part King's wish has come true. Blacks obviously have the same equal rights as whites in America today. There are still many that are held back, not by whites but by themselves. Confidence, hard work, and education is sometimes difficult to achieve when you have someone like Sharpton telling you that you can't make it in America. Depressed Al should encourage instead of discourage. I apologize for getting off topic.

Of course it wasn't.
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?
I'm not even sure where to begin. It's a gathering of Teabaggers. People of a certain political ideology fall into that group...
The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Wow. Just wow.

Great debating skills. Hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking up that response.

No in the least, but your cutting sarcastic remarks will leave me scarred for life. :badgrin:
I'm not even sure where to begin. It's a gathering of Teabaggers. People of a certain political ideology fall into that group...

Wow. Just wow.

Great debating skills. Hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking up that response.

No in the least, but your cutting sarcastic remarks will leave me scarred for life. :badgrin:

You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag, that much is obvious.
This rally was not about Glenn Beck no more than the rally so many years ago was about Martin Luther King. Beck and King are just men with strong views that have or had the ability to speak these views. If it were about Beck and King then Beck now owns the Lincoln Memorial every 8/28 as his crowd was much larger than King's was so many years ago. Much of what Beck and King say is the same.

Something that I feel has been ignored is the reason for the low turnout for Al Sharpton. I
feel it is because for the most part King's wish has come true. Blacks obviously have the same equal rights as whites in America today. There are still many that are held back, not by whites but by themselves. Confidence, hard work, and education is sometimes difficult to achieve when you have someone like Sharpton telling you that you can't make it in America. Depressed Al should encourage instead of discourage. I apologize for getting off topic.

Of course it wasn't.

Maybe that's why the left are struggling with the whole 'date' thing.... Is it because they see MLK instead of his dream? See, conservatives heard his words.... nothing else matters... not the color of his skin, his religion, or anything else.... it was his words. I suggest you go read them. Then ask yourself which rally represented King's words.... Sharpton's message of division or Beck's of unity?
Great debating skills. Hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking up that response.

No in the least, but your cutting sarcastic remarks will leave me scarred for life. :badgrin:

You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag, that much is obvious.

Thank you for your kind words. It is so refreshing to see someone taking the high road on an internet forum. And since we are being nit-picky, your statement should read as such:

You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag. That much is obvious.
No in the least, but your cutting sarcastic remarks will leave me scarred for life. :badgrin:

You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag, that much is obvious.

Thank you for your kind words. It is so refreshing to see someone taking the high road on an internet forum. And since we are being nit-picky, your statement should read as such:

You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag. That much is obvious.

My statement reads the way I meant it to read, but your free to rewrite it as you see fit. The sentiment remains the same. The high road? No, I think I'll stay on the low road where most of your kind lurks. It's more entertaining that way.
You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag, that much is obvious.

Thank you for your kind words. It is so refreshing to see someone taking the high road on an internet forum. And since we are being nit-picky, your statement should read as such:

You couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag. That much is obvious.

My statement reads the way I meant it to read,
but your free to rewrite it as you see fit.
The proper way?
The sentiment remains the same.
But the reading actually makes sense.
The high road? No, I think I'll stay on the low road where most of your kind lurks. It's more entertaining that way.
And it's probably for the best because you fit in so well down there.:cuckoo:
to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(

"apparent dishonesty?"

What's That?

He's had her on his show many times. Why on earth would he exclude her from the rally? Especially once he found out about the connection of the day?

:lol: You're nothing but a gullible sheep if you honestly believe he didn't know or somebody didn't tell him before setting this date.

Ok, I don't honestly believe he didn't know.

So what?

Al Sharpton couldn't get more than 3,000 blacks in the DC area to join him in a commemorative demonstration of MLK's "I have a dream" speech because Beck reserved the venue?

He's had her on his show many times. Why on earth would he exclude her from the rally? Especially once he found out about the connection of the day?

:lol: You're nothing but a gullible sheep if you honestly believe he didn't know or somebody didn't tell him before setting this date.

Ok, I don't honestly believe he didn't know.

So what?

Al Sharpton couldn't get more than 3,000 blacks in the DC area to join him in a commemorative demonstration of MLK's "I have a dream" speech because Beck reserved the venue?


And..... if it was so important - being such a milestone as 47 years.... why hadn't they already booked it?

Did they have a rally on the 46th?






Exactly when was the last time they commemorated this milestone in history?
Posts #99, #123, and #143.

FreedomWorks and Fox News can bus over all the teabaggers they want....but they sure as hell can't stand up to simple fact based analysis.

Now, care to enlighten us all as to exactly what was the point of all the flag waving, pseudo-evangelism? I'll wait.

Wait. Fox was bussing people over? for free? Dang it.

Who said it was for free? Small wonder why Beck calls these people "idiots".

Here, FYI

Updated Bus List for the March on DC

Updated Bus List for the March on DC | FreedomWorks

Locals get on the bus for Beck's patriot rally
Updated Bus List for the March on DC

FreedomWorks has a history with the teabaggers for organizing these little jaunts...and Fox News does the same with it's punditry puppet shows a'la Hannity.

Now, care to enlighten us all as to exactly what was the point of all the flag waving, pseudo-evangelism? I'll wait.
Maybe patriots wave flags, oh but that pisses commies off, if you don't like flag waving, leave my country please. Oh by the way I am wearing my flag with the ten commandments on it t-shirt, that probably pisses you off to.
Al should have just been a part of the Rally himself. Glenn did march with him. I wonder if Glenn disappointed Al, by doing what he claimed he would do, rather than living up to the false expectations and preconceived notions of irate critics. I'm sure Glenn is sorry too that he was perceived by Al as a motivational speaker, rather than an inspirer of men. Maybe Al could reach out and give Glenn pointers in finesse. You have to love them both for being who they are. I wouldn't expect them both to be taking walks holding hands, and long hot showers together, but ... one never knows for sure. ;) :lol: :lol:

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