It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial

So far it has been more religious than I expected and I'm sure that will draw some criticism. Hasn't been political though. No political slogans or signs in sight that I've seen. Lotsa folks there though so probably somebody wore a skigan on a T shirt or something. I'm sure the media is scouring the crowd looking for something like that to show so if there's some there, we'll see it.

Glenn was okay but too long winded. It was far more sermon than anything else, and I thought he missed several good opportunities to stop. :)

The music has been good though.
Me so poor! Feed Me!

And remember Glen Beck's favorite disclaimer: " ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”

So all the tea baggers bussed in on FreedomWork's dime, had a grand old time...and Sarah Palin is still living the fantasy while raking in the cash with Beck, who's taken Andy Griffiths "Face in the Crowd" role and made it a wet dream come true.

How Pathetic.
And remember Glen Beck's favorite disclaimer: " ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”

So all the tea baggers bussed in on FreedomWork's dime, had a grand old time...and Sarah Palin is still living the fantasy while raking in the cash with Beck, who's taken Andy Griffiths "Face in the Crowd" role and made it a wet dream come true.

How Pathetic.
I think that's excellent advice from anyone. The idiot thinks that others aren't worse than him on purpose.
And remember Glen Beck's favorite disclaimer: " ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”

So all the tea baggers bussed in on FreedomWork's dime, had a grand old time...and Sarah Palin is still living the fantasy while raking in the cash with Beck, who's taken Andy Griffiths "Face in the Crowd" role and made it a wet dream come true.

How Pathetic.
I think that's excellent advice from anyone. The idiot thinks that others aren't worse than him on purpose.

No matter how you spin it...Beck's faux humility schtick (I'm a rodeo clown) just doesn't cut it when there's a laundry list of his lies and bigotry to choose from. Bottom line: Beck is playing on the hate, frustration and prejudices just like the GOP did for the Bush family and Reagan....and making a Killing$$ doing it. People who like to feel comfortable with the formentioned personal emotions will come to Beck like a moth to a flame.
And remember Glen Beck's favorite disclaimer: " ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”

So all the tea baggers bussed in on FreedomWork's dime, had a grand old time...and Sarah Palin is still living the fantasy while raking in the cash with Beck, who's taken Andy Griffiths "Face in the Crowd" role and made it a wet dream come true.

How Pathetic.
I think that's excellent advice from anyone. The idiot thinks that others aren't worse than him on purpose.

No matter how you spin it...Beck's faux humility schtick (I'm a rodeo clown) just doesn't cut it when there's a laundry list of his lies and bigotry to choose from. Bottom line: Beck is playing on the hate, frustration and prejudices just like the GOP did for the Bush family and Reagan....and making a Killing$$ doing it. People who like to feel comfortable with the formentioned personal emotions will come to Beck like a moth to a flame.
Your hate has rendered you intellectually impotent and common sense eludes you.

Good luck on that.
I think that's excellent advice from anyone. The idiot thinks that others aren't worse than him on purpose.

No matter how you spin it...Beck's faux humility schtick (I'm a rodeo clown) just doesn't cut it when there's a laundry list of his lies and bigotry to choose from. Bottom line: Beck is playing on the hate, frustration and prejudices just like the GOP did for the Bush family and Reagan....and making a Killing$$ doing it. People who like to feel comfortable with the formentioned personal emotions will come to Beck like a moth to a flame.
Your hate has rendered you intellectually impotent and common sense eludes you.

Good luck on that.

Translation: you cannot logically or factually refute what I wrote, so you try to bluff your way past. Sorry Fitz, but a 12 year old can see through your smokescreen. Enjoy being one of Beck's bumpkins.
No matter how you spin it...Beck's faux humility schtick (I'm a rodeo clown) just doesn't cut it when there's a laundry list of his lies and bigotry to choose from. Bottom line: Beck is playing on the hate, frustration and prejudices just like the GOP did for the Bush family and Reagan....and making a Killing$$ doing it. People who like to feel comfortable with the formentioned personal emotions will come to Beck like a moth to a flame.
Your hate has rendered you intellectually impotent and common sense eludes you.

Good luck on that.

Translation: you cannot logically or factually refute what I wrote, so you try to bluff your way past. Sorry Fitz, but a 12 year old can see through your smokescreen. Enjoy being one of Beck's bumpkins.
sigh.... :::pinching bridge of nose:::

Refuting you on this is like a Rabbi wasting time refuting a skinhead saying "all Jews must die, change my mind, you ****."

I could fisk the shit out of you on this, but at 190 posts, your a common internet toughguy troll with barely the brains to pick his own nose, let alone type.
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I don't think many people will understand it. it doesnt matter how non-political it is. The people who don't like Glenn are going to find excuses to dismiss this. It's a shame though. We live in a world where integrity and honesty are desperately needed.

Glenn's rally benefited the Special Operations Warrior Foundation as well as many thousands of people who felt a need to be there. I think Glenn knows something in principal, that Margaret Mead also did, and that is "A small group of thoughtful people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
Your hate has rendered you intellectually impotent and common sense eludes you.

Good luck on that.

Translation: you cannot logically or factually refute what I wrote, so you try to bluff your way past. Sorry Fitz, but a 12 year old can see through your smokescreen. Enjoy being one of Beck's bumpkins.
sigh.... :::pinching bridge of nose:::

Refuting you on this is like a Rabbi wasting time refuting a skinhead saying "all Jews must die, change my mind, you ****."

I could fisk the shit out of you on this, but at 190 posts, your a common internet toughguy troll with barely the brains to pick his own nose, let alone type.

I'm sorry, I thought there would be something of worth in your response as to refuting what I stated about Beck and his dog & pony show...or maybe you would have had a laundry list of counters to the list of Beck's lies & bullshit I linked earlier on this #99 and #123.

But instead, all the audience got was a lame attempt to dodge the issue by your personal attack and self aggrandizing bullhorn.

So unless you're willing to show some maturity or intellect and respond to the points I made like a rational, honest human being, I'd say we're done, and will leave you to bluff and bluster alone.
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Translation: you cannot logically or factually refute what I wrote, so you try to bluff your way past. Sorry Fitz, but a 12 year old can see through your smokescreen. Enjoy being one of Beck's bumpkins.
sigh.... :::pinching bridge of nose:::

Refuting you on this is like a Rabbi wasting time refuting a skinhead saying "all Jews must die, change my mind, you ****."

I could fisk the shit out of you on this, but at 190 posts, your a common internet toughguy troll with barely the brains to pick his own nose, let alone type.

I'm sorry, I thought there would be something of worth in your response as to refuting what I stated about Beck and his dog & pony show...or maybe you would have had a laundry list of counters to the list of Beck's lies & bullshit I linked earlier on this thread.

But instead, all the audience got was a lame attempt to dodge the issue by your personal attack and self aggrandizing bullhorn.

So unless you're willing to show some maturity or intellect and respond to the points I made like a rational, honest human being, I'd say we're done, and will leave you to bluff and bluster alone.

Thank God. At least Fitz (and AA) isn't here just to make snarky comments but is trying to discuss the rally. I appreciate that.
I don't think many people will understand it. it doesnt matter how non-political it is. The people who don't like Glenn are going to find excuses to dismiss this. It's a shame though. We live in a world where integrity and honesty are desperately needed.

Glenn's rally benefited the Special Operations Warrior Foundation as well as many thousands of people who felt a need to be there. I think Glenn knows something in principal, that Margaret Mead also did, and that is "A small group of thoughtful people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

I think it's more that thoughful people can change the world...

I dont even think many of the people there to support the Rally really understood it.
I'm guessing that Sharpton didn't get more than a few dozen folks at his rally since even WAPO won't speculate on a number. If it was much larger group, the leftwing media would be citing at least "several hundred people".

Too soon to say how many folks showed up at the Restore Honor Rally. The leftwing media is citing it as "several thousand" which probably translates at least to tens of thousands. On Fox News Sunday this morning, Chris Wallace interviewed Beck and it was said that they'll have to wait until the aerial photos are analyzed to get a definitive count. But just looking at the preliminary long shots, we can be pretty sure the count will exceed a hundred thousand.

So what brings a hundred thousand folks out on a Saturday morning to stand in the sun and participate in something as non-flammatory as "Restoring Honor?" That says to me that this country is ready to get itself back on a much different road with much different emphasis than what we seen for the last couple of decades and even before.
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?

The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -

No. there will be no putting aside party politics.
Well I listened to most of it live stream and I didn't hear any politics. Patriotic, yes. Religious overtones, yes. But politics of any kind, no.

I posted this on Samson's thread focusing on Sharpton's rally, but I think this should be posted here too:

I'm finding a few media sources--VERY few media sources--that are portraying an overview of the Beck crowd:




The crowd attending the "Restoring Honor" rally, organized by Glenn Beck, is seen from the top of the Washington Monument in Washington, on Saturday, Aug. 28, 2010. In the foreground is the National World War II Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial is at the top. (Associated Press)

Sharpton is estimating several thousand at his rally. Townhall, a decidedly rightwing publication, graciously reported a few hundred. WAPO didn't even do that retaining its journalistic credibility by concededing that Sharpton didn't get as many as Beck.

But where are the overview pictures for Sharpton? Didn't anybody get any?
Doesn't matter how many people came to either rally. I just really hate people lying about it pretending there werent lots of people there. And remember, there were still people waiting in line for the Metro a while into it as well.
Dunno about the Sharpton rally, but estimates are saying about 100k give or take a couple thousand for Beck's. Though Palin and or Bachmann are trying to spread false information that was it was at least half a million. Though from what I read, it was far below their (organizers) expectations.
Your hate has rendered you intellectually impotent and common sense eludes you.

Good luck on that.

Translation: you cannot logically or factually refute what I wrote, so you try to bluff your way past. Sorry Fitz, but a 12 year old can see through your smokescreen. Enjoy being one of Beck's bumpkins.
sigh.... :::pinching bridge of nose:::

Refuting you on this is like a Rabbi wasting time refuting a skinhead saying "all Jews must die, change my mind, you ****."

I could fisk the shit out of you on this, but at 190 posts, your a common internet toughguy troll with barely the brains to pick his own nose, let alone type.

sigh.... :::pinching bridge of nose:::

Refuting you on this is like a Rabbi wasting time refuting a skinhead saying "all Jews must die, change my mind, you ****."

I could fisk the shit out of you on this, but at 190 posts, your a common internet toughguy troll with barely the brains to pick his own nose, let alone type.

I'm sorry, I thought there would be something of worth in your response as to refuting what I stated about Beck and his dog & pony show...or maybe you would have had a laundry list of counters to the list of Beck's lies & bullshit I linked earlier on this thread.

But instead, all the audience got was a lame attempt to dodge the issue by your personal attack and self aggrandizing bullhorn.

So unless you're willing to show some maturity or intellect and respond to the points I made like a rational, honest human being, I'd say we're done, and will leave you to bluff and bluster alone.

Thank God. At least Fitz (and AA) isn't here just to make snarky comments but is trying to discuss the rally. I appreciate that.

As the chronology of the posts shows, Fitz just deteriorates to an irrational, foot stomping child when properly if that's what you consider a rational, honest way to discuss the issue, then I feel sorry for you, and will most likely end up not following up any like minded retorts from you.....especially since you were stopped cold with posts #99, #123 and #143.

Seems you're just another Beck wonk who's long on talking points but short on factual analysis, Foxy....a shame.
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Im laughing..............all weekend you go over to DRUDGE and what do you see? A big old photo of a few hundred thousand people on the mall in DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fcukking sweet...................and the k00ks have been falling all over themselves all weekend trying to marginalize the event:lol::lol: Hmmm............

Dunno about the Sharpton rally, but estimates are saying about 100k give or take a couple thousand for Beck's. Though Palin and or Bachmann are trying to spread false information that was it was at least 500 million. Though from what I read, it was far below their expectations.

IT was closer to half a million. Look at the picture. the area around the between the memorial and the pool holds about 200,000 alone. That area is packed. so is the overflow. There are even people behind the WW2 memorial and out to the sides.

Don't know who is estimating, but they are imagining things.

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