It's a Matter of Honor - the 8/28 Rally at the Lincoln Memorial

I realized I am starting to get angry at some of the things people are saying about this rally.

You're free to think whatever you want. But I want to restore honor and eliminate corruption. That's what's in my heart.

I am going to stop arguing with you guys and ask you to forgive me for being overzealous. If I get angry than the whole point of tomorrow is lost.

I seriously hope anyone who has an opportunity will come. There is supposed to be a live feed as well online. Join with us. Who cares about politics? We need to restore integrity into our lives. We need to be honest people. We need to have faith, hope, and charity.

It doesn't matter what you think of Glenn. We need those principles in our lives.

People take this nut seriously..

YouTube - Glenn Beck "Get Off My Phone" Radio Freak Out (TWILIGHT VAMPIRE METAL REMIX)
But some conservatives — and even some Beck fans — say they’re concerned with what they view as a series of unfulfilled promises by Beck to engage more directly in the populist conservative politics he espouses on his syndicated radio show and Fox News television program. They point to his decisions to step away from a political group he founded, The 9.12 Project, and also to abandon plans for voter registration efforts and a political manifesto that was to have been launched at Saturday’s rally.

Beck declined to comment for this story through a spokesman.

Influential conservative blogger Erick Erickson said Beck won’t be able to answer what Erickson has called lingering questions about “whether he’s doing it for himself or doing it for the movement,” even with a successful event this weekend.

“People are going to want to see what comes out of this weekend long term — is it a flash in the pan or is it something longer term?” said Erickson. “Part of the problem is that he didn’t hold onto the 9.12 stuff and it’s kind of descended into competing factions and chaos. He is going to have to be careful, I think, to make sure that he perpetuates this in some way or it’s going to start becoming a punch line.”

Meanwhile, at least one tea party group rejected Beck’s entreaties to assist with the march, concluding he was offering little in return for its organizational know-how and credibility, while giving preferential treatment to FreedomWorks, which is paying to sponsor Beck’s radio show. The group’s leader, who requested anonymity to avoid antagonizing Beck, said, “All he’s doing is trying to use us to promote himself.”

Is 'Beckapalooza' about cause or Glenn Beck? - Kenneth P. Vogel and Giovanni Russonello -

Maybe Beck's 9.12 Project lost steam when Beck said he began hating the 9/11 victim's families?
I love Glenn Beck and his high efforts to bring the people of America together in the spirit of "faith, hope and charity." Dr. King has been on his show many times. She is a great admirer of his and has said how proud her Uncle, DR. MLK would also have been. That Dr. King was seeking racial equaity. "I Have a Dream" speech was his highest effort. Anyone that is against Beck's intentions, is because they just want to be. "Divide and conquer?"

A reality check for you two:

Beck is a documented consumate liar who has made a fortune pandering to the hate and fear of the low information and willfully ignorant audiences of Fox News, the WND, Newsbusters, Hannity, Limbaugh, Crowley, Levin, etc.

You're delusional. Beck and ALL the others you mentioned, are champions of liberty and freedom and the Constitution.

Either you're a prime example of what I described or you're just having a lark by taking up an absurd position to try an irritate people. Here's a guy who spent the time and effort to REALLY document Beck's nonsense:

Glenn Beck Lies | The Glenn Beck Report

And remember Beck's favorite disclaimer: " ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”

So I guess a bunch of idiots will be following him to Washington to seal bark and clap.
While the NAACP put out a cautious statement regarding the rally, there has been plenty of criticism of the event.

"It's offensive because it's out of line with the fact. It's out of line with the truth. The reality is that the conservative movement in America historically has always opposed expansion of civil rights for all kinds of people," Michael Fauntroy, an assistant professor of public policy at George Mason University, said Friday on CNN's American Morning.

"From my perspective, there's no real evidence that Glenn Beck is serious about trying to bring people together and to reclaim the civil rights movement, in my opinion; it's really about trying to confuse the civil rights movement and to delegitimize it and in fact dishonor it," Fauntroy said.

One hour after the start of the Beck rally, NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous will join the Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network and other civil rights leaders in a mass rally just a few miles away. Education Secretary Arne Duncan is also participating.

Following an event at Washington's Dunbar High School, the participants will march to the site of the future Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial just a few blocks from the Lincoln Memorial.

It's possible participants in both events could cross paths.

"It's blatantly political," Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said at an appearance Friday at the National Press Club. "I mean, come on. You have seen Glenn Beck and a lot of the talk show hosts on Fox News out there talking about this election for the last 15 months since the day President Obama was elected president."

"You've had a constant tirade against the president, against Democratic efforts to get the economy turned around. Let's call it what it is. It's a blatant political effort."

Glenn Beck rally plans cause a stir -

I agree with this completely.
Again, they are more than welcome to join us. They will be surprised by what they will see.

The concept of integrity rather than politics is difficult for some. But I hope even if you don't come you watch the event. It's going to be live streamed and I know of one site that is already planning to put the whole thing up.
Again, they are more than welcome to join us. They will be surprised by what they will see.

The concept of integrity rather than politics is difficult for some. But I hope even if you don't come you watch the event. It's going to be live streamed and I know of one site that is already planning to put the whole thing up.

You keep repeating variations of PR mantras, but you're not addressing the specifics.
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to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(

You should leave now. He has every right to be there. You demonRats don't own MLK or the Lincoln Memorial. Shame on you.
I love it how you are attacking him to pretend as though the rally isn't legit.

Well I don't think it is. To me someone like Beck does not represent honor or civil rights. People who make comments about other people's mothers are not honorable. Why would I like someone, who if given the chance would wrongly call me a socialist or communist? Beck is a hack.


What has Beck said that is dishonorable? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has Beck said that is offensive to civil rights? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has he said about anybody's mother? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

What has he said that would identify you as a socialist or communist? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

The fact is that the most hateful rhetoric you can find on the internet is in leftwing blogs and commentaries that use this kind of slur to attack Beck and, by association, the rally itself. But nobody seems to be able to come up with anything specific to justify the hate. To me that is destructive, dishonest, hateful, and should not be acceptable to fair minded Americans. Be specific or don't repeat the garbage.

DISCLAIMER: I have every bit as much contempt for Rightwing blogs that deal in dishonest sound bites, talking points, and made up garbage they can't back up with anything in order to attack or smear people.

The question was not directed to me, but I'd like to answer. What happened on July 29, 2009 made me forever dislike Glenn Beck and started me thinking that he is a very dangerous man.

On that date he was a guest of Fox & Friends. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." Beck's statement was challenged on the air by Fox host Brian Kilmeade, who noted that most of the people who work for the nation's first black president are white.

"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck said. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

That did it. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, if I've ever seen one. I absolutely could not believe he said that. Damn straight I am going to question his motives in everything he does. As well as the people that support him, like Sarah Palin. Beck is a creepy, creepy, man and I don't think his REAL notives have come to light. Yet. But hey will, and it won't be pretty.
Well I don't think it is. To me someone like Beck does not represent honor or civil rights. People who make comments about other people's mothers are not honorable. Why would I like someone, who if given the chance would wrongly call me a socialist or communist? Beck is a hack.


What has Beck said that is dishonorable? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has Beck said that is offensive to civil rights? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has he said about anybody's mother? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

What has he said that would identify you as a socialist or communist? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

The fact is that the most hateful rhetoric you can find on the internet is in leftwing blogs and commentaries that use this kind of slur to attack Beck and, by association, the rally itself. But nobody seems to be able to come up with anything specific to justify the hate. To me that is destructive, dishonest, hateful, and should not be acceptable to fair minded Americans. Be specific or don't repeat the garbage.

DISCLAIMER: I have every bit as much contempt for Rightwing blogs that deal in dishonest sound bites, talking points, and made up garbage they can't back up with anything in order to attack or smear people.

The question was not directed to me, but I'd like to answer. What happened on July 29, 2009 made me forever dislike Glenn Beck and started me thinking that he is a very dangerous man.

On that date he was a guest of Fox & Friends. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." Beck's statement was challenged on the air by Fox host Brian Kilmeade, who noted that most of the people who work for the nation's first black president are white.

"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck said. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

That did it. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, if I've ever seen one. I absolutely could not believe he said that. Damn straight I am going to question his motives in everything he does. As well as the people that support him, like Sarah Palin. Beck is a creepy, creepy, man and I don't think his REAL notives have come to light. Yet. But hey will, and it won't be pretty.

Why does that make him a "very dangerous man" Please explain.
Well I don't think it is. To me someone like Beck does not represent honor or civil rights. People who make comments about other people's mothers are not honorable. Why would I like someone, who if given the chance would wrongly call me a socialist or communist? Beck is a hack.


What has Beck said that is dishonorable? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has Beck said that is offensive to civil rights? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has he said about anybody's mother? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

What has he said that would identify you as a socialist or communist? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

The fact is that the most hateful rhetoric you can find on the internet is in leftwing blogs and commentaries that use this kind of slur to attack Beck and, by association, the rally itself. But nobody seems to be able to come up with anything specific to justify the hate. To me that is destructive, dishonest, hateful, and should not be acceptable to fair minded Americans. Be specific or don't repeat the garbage.

DISCLAIMER: I have every bit as much contempt for Rightwing blogs that deal in dishonest sound bites, talking points, and made up garbage they can't back up with anything in order to attack or smear people.

The question was not directed to me, but I'd like to answer. What happened on July 29, 2009 made me forever dislike Glenn Beck and started me thinking that he is a very dangerous man.

On that date he was a guest of Fox & Friends. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." Beck's statement was challenged on the air by Fox host Brian Kilmeade, who noted that most of the people who work for the nation's first black president are white.

"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck said. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

That did it. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, if I've ever seen one. I absolutely could not believe he said that. Damn straight I am going to question his motives in everything he does. As well as the people that support him, like Sarah Palin. Beck is a creepy, creepy, man and I don't think his REAL notives have come to light. Yet. But hey will, and it won't be pretty.

You didn't have a problem though did you when that guy at the inauguration said. "yellow should be more yellow and white's gotta get right" now did you? you fucking hypocrite.
As Glenn was speaking extemporaneously without a teleprompter and without a script, at least put his words into their full context and as modified by the entire discussion:

[ame=]YouTube - GLEN BECK, OBAMA IS A RACIST![/ame]
I wonder if we can agree to set aside bitter partisanship and ideology and just celebrate our great American heritage in a "A Rally to Restore Honor"?

The purpose of the event is advertised thusly:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

If not, I wonder if we can discuss some of the themes that will be presented at the rally? The liberal blogs are being pretty critical and disdainful of the gathering.

Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor
By Alveda King / August 26, 2010
New York

n front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.

Symbols of liberty
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true. . . .
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -

The rally is going to be able the Special Forces Fund Beck is always raising money for. Nothing more. I would hope people can be Bipartisan about the idea that we should look out for the kids of Fallen Soldiers.

What has Beck said that is dishonorable? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has Beck said that is offensive to civil rights? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has he said about anybody's mother? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

What has he said that would identify you as a socialist or communist? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

The fact is that the most hateful rhetoric you can find on the internet is in leftwing blogs and commentaries that use this kind of slur to attack Beck and, by association, the rally itself. But nobody seems to be able to come up with anything specific to justify the hate. To me that is destructive, dishonest, hateful, and should not be acceptable to fair minded Americans. Be specific or don't repeat the garbage.

DISCLAIMER: I have every bit as much contempt for Rightwing blogs that deal in dishonest sound bites, talking points, and made up garbage they can't back up with anything in order to attack or smear people.

The question was not directed to me, but I'd like to answer. What happened on July 29, 2009 made me forever dislike Glenn Beck and started me thinking that he is a very dangerous man.

On that date he was a guest of Fox & Friends. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." Beck's statement was challenged on the air by Fox host Brian Kilmeade, who noted that most of the people who work for the nation's first black president are white.

"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck said. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

That did it. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, if I've ever seen one. I absolutely could not believe he said that. Damn straight I am going to question his motives in everything he does. As well as the people that support him, like Sarah Palin. Beck is a creepy, creepy, man and I don't think his REAL notives have come to light. Yet. But hey will, and it won't be pretty.

Why does that make him a "very dangerous man" Please explain.

To you??? Yeah, sure. I'm sure you'd love to discuss it with me. Or do you want to just exchange insults?? I think I know.

What has Beck said that is dishonorable? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has Beck said that is offensive to civil rights? Please be specific and keep it in context.

What has he said about anybody's mother? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

What has he said that would identify you as a socialist or communist? Please show specific evidence and keep it in context.

The fact is that the most hateful rhetoric you can find on the internet is in leftwing blogs and commentaries that use this kind of slur to attack Beck and, by association, the rally itself. But nobody seems to be able to come up with anything specific to justify the hate. To me that is destructive, dishonest, hateful, and should not be acceptable to fair minded Americans. Be specific or don't repeat the garbage.

DISCLAIMER: I have every bit as much contempt for Rightwing blogs that deal in dishonest sound bites, talking points, and made up garbage they can't back up with anything in order to attack or smear people.

The question was not directed to me, but I'd like to answer. What happened on July 29, 2009 made me forever dislike Glenn Beck and started me thinking that he is a very dangerous man.

On that date he was a guest of Fox & Friends. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." Beck's statement was challenged on the air by Fox host Brian Kilmeade, who noted that most of the people who work for the nation's first black president are white.

"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck said. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

That did it. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, if I've ever seen one. I absolutely could not believe he said that. Damn straight I am going to question his motives in everything he does. As well as the people that support him, like Sarah Palin. Beck is a creepy, creepy, man and I don't think his REAL notives have come to light. Yet. But hey will, and it won't be pretty.

You didn't have a problem though did you when that guy at the inauguration said. "yellow should be more yellow and white's gotta get right" now did you? you fucking hypocrite.

I have no idea what you're talking about, you ignorant little weasel.
As Glenn was speaking extemporaneously without a teleprompter and without a script, at least put his words into their full context and as modified by the entire discussion:

Well, I've heard the discussion many times. I don't know how what he said could possibly be taken out of context:

"This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people, or the white culture."

"I'm not saying that he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist. Look at the things that he has been surrounded by."
to celebrate it, one would have to think it isn't a load of bull. sorry honey. that isn't 'bitter partisanship', it is a reflection of the person who is doing this and the truly questionable motivation for it... not to mention the apparent dishonesty in him picking this place and this date.

i'm sorry... i'll leave now. :(

So, it is better to leave this nation in the mess it is in? You think killing babies before they are born, making immorality the main goal for freedom in America, allowing a Person to be president who is not even an American, and who also creates racism in his own party in a very deceptive way, opening up the nation to freeloaders who demand more services for free, having people like the ACLU help in demoralizing the nation, changing the true meaning of marriage, neglecting and ignoring the Constitution while also reinterpreting it to create a feelgood hateful place, is the better way? Well, there is the bull!!!!

So please do leave. You are not invited to the true American event. Only True Americans are allowed.

True Americans??? That would be you??? Oh, shut up. It's people like you that are ruining the Republican party. You haven't got a clue as to what a true American is.
A rally to restore honor, with the primary speakers being politicians. As if.

Guy Fawkes had it right, figuratively - not literally. Want a restoring honor movement? Start right there.
Remember remember the Fifth of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot!
I see no reason the Gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot.

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