It's A Possibility.Will We Be Seeing "Rubio VS Sanders" Debates In The Fall?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:banana::beer::eusa_clap: Oh Pleeeeze! Let it be Kernal Sanders VS Marco Rubio! It will look like Grand Daddy Vs Grandson. Rubio will shine while Bernie will have a plug coming out of one of his body parts and into a wall outlet just to keep him from either fainting, slurring, farting,brain stoppages,sudden passing of a stone, alheimzers attacks, ect. etc.
Now you know that this will produce the largest audience for at least a VP debate ever. Rubio wont even need make up or 6in heels shoes to embarrass Bernie.:slap:
i wonder if there will be a denture cup at Bernies Podium just in case some fall out
"It's A Possibility.Will We Be Seeing "Rubio VS Sanders" Debates In The Fall?"


Of course many on the right will make themselves look (more) foolish when Sanders wins NH, believing Clinton is 'finished.'
:banana::beer::eusa_clap: Oh Pleeeeze! Let it be Kernal Sanders VS Marco Rubio! It will look like Grand Daddy Vs Grandson. Rubio will shine while Bernie will have a plug coming out of one of his body parts and into a wall outlet just to keep him from either fainting, slurring, farting,brain stoppages,sudden passing of a stone, alheimzers attacks, ect. etc.
Now you know that this will produce the largest audience for at least a VP debate ever. Rubio wont even need make up or 6in heels shoes to embarrass Bernie.:slap:

If Sanders is the nominee of the Democrat Party, you could put up Mickey Mouse and he would beat him--LOL

This country would never vote for anyone that is out there campaigning on free college tuition. Even mainstream Democrats would be running to the polls to vote for the Republican.

This county is center, it always has been, always will be. They won't vote for a far left or far right candidate, and Bernie Sanders is off the charts, he's a SOCIALIST.

I think Rubio vs Sanders is a real possibility. If so, it will look like Nixon vs McGovern all over again.
If Trump drops out or flames out I predict truck loads of establishment money will pour into Rubio's campaign war chest and that will be all she wrote for Cruz. The GOP establishment bragged they could elect a president without the GOP base, so if Rubio is the nominee I guess they will get their wish.
:banana::beer::eusa_clap: Oh Pleeeeze! Let it be Kernal Sanders VS Marco Rubio! It will look like Grand Daddy Vs Grandson. Rubio will shine while Bernie will have a plug coming out of one of his body parts and into a wall outlet just to keep him from either fainting, slurring, farting,brain stoppages,sudden passing of a stone, alheimzers attacks, ect. etc.
Now you know that this will produce the largest audience for at least a VP debate ever. Rubio wont even need make up or 6in heels shoes to embarrass Bernie.:slap:

If Sanders is the nominee of the Democrat Party, you could put up Mickey Mouse and he would beat him--LOL

This country would never vote for anyone that is out there campaigning on free college tuition. Even mainstream Democrats would be running to the polls to vote for the Republican.

This county is center, it always has been, always will be. They won't vote for a far left or far right candidate, and Bernie Sanders is off the charts, he's a SOCIALIST.


The thing is, the Democratic nominee (whether centrist or center-left) will be facing a far-right candidate, unless somehow Christie makes an improbable comeback.
The establishment will back Rubio just as they will push for Hillary. They will throw piles of money on a campaign to make it so. In Obama's first election nearly a Billion was spent to get him elected..............

They will flame all those against the status quo............and will spend like Drunken sailors to make it so..........they have proved this time after time............doesn't matter if they have to make shit up to have this happen.

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