It's a shame the left hasn't succeeded at banning AR15's

Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.
Didn’t take you very long to politicize this Tragedy. Hope you remember this next time you try and criticize somebody from the Left for doing the same.
I waited a day and you are welcome to complain further if you like. I have a pacifier handy in case you get out of hand.
I’m not complaining just pointing out a fact. I’m engaging in your conversation just don’t get caught bitching about Lefties bringing up gun regulation after shootings unless you wanna be viewed as a hypocrite.
Funny how countries with strong gun control don’t have regular mass shootings...
The AR-15 is by far the most popular rifle in the U.S. When the Supreme Court hears the next firearms case, all of the states that have assault weapons bans will be overturned as well as those states that are not Shall Issue for CCW permits.
I don't know where you are getting the idea the Supremes would overturn an AWB. The Supreme Court has had dozens and dozens of opportunities to overturn such bans, and they never have.
The AR-15 is by far the most popular rifle in the U.S. When the Supreme Court hears the next firearms case, all of the states that have assault weapons bans will be overturned as well as those states that are not Shall Issue for CCW permits.
I don't know where you are getting the idea the Supremes would overturn an AWB. The Supreme Court has had dozens and dozens of opportunities to overturn such bans, and they never have.
Even Scalia agreed the 2nd has limits.
Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.

...and we would still be part of the UK if our Founding Fathers hadn't fought so hard to perverse liberties like the right to keep and bear arms.

There are about 5,000 Americans hurt or killed by Illegals each year. If we didn't have a catch and release program most of them would be alive today.

Just think how many millions of children would be alive today if we didn't have abortion on demand.

There would many people alive today if we would just ban swimming pools.

The list of speculation about things like is actually very long but I will just stop there.
Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.

Yeah, Vikander and I would be eakimg together...

You know what I have written before and you know that I know banning certain firearms or all firearms will not stop mass killers no matter what!

Buck shot and slugs can do a lot of damage!
Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.
In close quarters a shotgun can do just about as much damage as an AR-15. You don’t need an AR to carry out a mass shooting people will get that one day.
Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.
In close quarters a shotgun can do just about as much damage as an AR-15. You don’t need an AR to carry out a mass shooting people will get that one day.
You can kill a lot more people a lot more quickly with an AR-15 than with a shotgun.

A fact which the OP and others have chosen to ignore.
It's a shame the left hasn't succeeded at banning AR15's

Romney placed a ban on assault rifles when he was Governor .. the Right Wing barely whimpered.
Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.
In close quarters a shotgun can do just about as much damage as an AR-15. You don’t need an AR to carry out a mass shooting people will get that one day.
You can kill a lot more people a lot more quickly with an AR-15 than with a shotgun.

A fact which the OP and others have chosen to ignore.

depends on the shotgun ..

Yesterdays victims might be alive today had the left been able to achieve their goal.
In close quarters a shotgun can do just about as much damage as an AR-15. You don’t need an AR to carry out a mass shooting people will get that one day.
You can kill a lot more people a lot more quickly with an AR-15 than with a shotgun.

A fact which the OP and others have chosen to ignore.
Depends on the situation you go into a crowded room with a shotgun you can take out a lot of people quickly. So many seem to think if you ban the AR mass shootings will just magically stop they won’t.

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