"It's a trap!"

I'll watch. I'm interested to see if Americans will remember that like Iraq, we cannot impose a political solution. We can aid Muslim, and Kurds, in warring with ISIS, and we are not only doing that, but our allies are winning.

Syria remains a problem. Experts predict a diaspora of terrorists as Isis collapses. Seeing Europe, that scares the shit outta me. I hope there will be questions. We didn't do shit to help Europe before, and Trump has more than a little chutzpa in claiming they aren't carrying water now. W fucked them well and good. Obama didn't do anything to help them out.

Trump is just full of shit complaining the military lacks the tools. What we lack is a theatre to employ them in. Of course, that might acutally be a good thing.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined

Look, you can like Palin all you want for her tits, or her view of Alaska, or whatever. But one thing you cannot honestly say is that she's smarter. The bitch is so dumb she had herself cloned and thinks the kid has downs syndrome.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Fucking LIAR!!!!
She is on video/audio saying THIS: "They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!
Hey Danny...my post was poking fun. You know some libs probably believe she really did say she could see Russia from her porch.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined

don't go changin', frankie.. :itsok:

i know i can always count on logging in to read your deep thoughts for a good hearty laugh...
The Commander in Chief Forum... It's a Trap.

A trap set for Donald J. And he's walking right into.

NBC - the network that outted Sarah from Alaska as an ignorant, vindictive, know-noting... is holding the "first-ever" Command In Chief forum.... It's obviously a trap to make Donald J. Trump look like an incompetent ass.

What does that tell you about Donald J.? -- That he's walking right into a Trap.

He doesn't really want to be President. Tonight he just has to fool his core followers -- tell them that he knows more than the generals and "believe me."
What kind of a stupid idiot screams, to the enemy: "IT's A TRAP!!!!!'
That would be YOU!!!!
Don't worry you little unemployable creep Hilary ass licker.
Trump knows what he's doing.

Trump's hubris will lead him right into what most would see a mile a way.

Trump's not my enemy.

He's a result of fear and people need to blame "the other" for their own short comings.

Under-educated whites in particular have limited options. This frustrates them, angers them.
Another fool and rube!

You really gotta wonder about the radical left. Sara Palin is a symbol everything a modern woman can accomplish and instead the sissie left holds up a former (male) sports celebrity who decided to mutilate himself into a grotesque imitation of a woman as their modern hero while they ridicule a real woman who defied the odds and became a mayor and a governor and a Vice President candidate.There is little doubt that NBC will lay out any number of traps for Trump but at least he has the balls to deal with the media that obviously hates him. Bill Clinton's wife can't even face the supportive media that only throws softballs and she hasn't given a press conference in about 275 days.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Fucking LIAR!!!!
She is on video/audio saying THIS: "They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!
Hey Danny...my post was poking fun. You know some libs probably believe she really did say she could see Russia from her porch.

What she did say:

Couric: “You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?”

Palin: “That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia…”

Couric: “Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy credentials?”

Palin: “Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of . . . . It’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia. As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send out those to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia…”

Just as stupid.
One of the questions to be answered, can Dodgy Donald go a whole hour or more without referring to HRC's 'looks'. He's one of the ugliest men alive but he has a real need to denigrate women so it will be quite the test to see if his handlers can sedate him enough to last more than 15 minutes without losing his shit.

He's going to lose his cool as soon as he realize he's been fooled and this was a trap.
"It's obviously a trap to make Donald J. Trump look like an incompetent ass."

Trump is an incompetent ass, no need to make him ‘look’ that way.
The Commander in Chief Forum... It's a Trap.

A trap set for Donald J. And he's walking right into.

NBC - the network that outted Sarah from Alaska as an ignorant, vindictive, know-noting... is holding the "first-ever" Command In Chief forum.... It's obviously a trap to make Donald J. Trump look like an incompetent ass.

What does that tell you about Donald J.? -- That he's walking right into a Trap.

He doesn't really want to be President. Tonight he just has to fool his core followers -- tell them that he knows more than the generals and "believe me."
You are making absolutely no sense at all...
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Fucking LIAR!!!!
She is on video/audio saying THIS: "They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!
Hey Danny...my post was poking fun. You know some libs probably believe she really did say she could see Russia from her porch.

What she did say:

Couric: “You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?”

Palin: “That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia…”

Couric: “Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy credentials?”

Palin: “Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of . . . . It’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia. As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send out those to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia…”

Just as stupid.
Obama and Hillary have said so many really really stupid things, but because the left media doesn't point it out like they do with Rs and cons, libs are clueless.
It does sound like Hillary has read for each question; as if she knew them beforehand. But don't they prime both candidates with a list of questions they'll be asked?
One of the questions to be answered, can Dodgy Donald go a whole hour or more without referring to HRC's 'looks'. He's one of the ugliest men alive but he has a real need to denigrate women so it will be quite the test to see if his handlers can sedate him enough to last more than 15 minutes without losing his shit.
:lmao: Sedate him. Yes. Gawd. It will be a real test of handling to see him actually pull this off without imploding his campaign with strings of unfortunate soundbites.
Quitting is a "symbol everything a modern woman can accomplish"?

Yes she did quit because she was facing multiple frivolous lawsuits by people from the party that believes in the advancement of women and gender equality.

Go figure.......huh?



Dopey Donald walks right into it.

He looked like a complete idiot.

Donald Trump is asked by the father of a young woman who avoided joining the military over concerns about military sexual assault “what specifically would you do to support all victims of sexual assault in the military?”

“We’re gonna have to run it very tight,” Trump says. “We have to come down very very hard on that and your daughter is absolutely right, it is a massive problem, but we have to do something about that problem.”

Matt Lauer then quotes this tweet: 26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?

“This should have been expected?” Lauer asks incredulously.

“Something has to be happening - part of the problem is nobody gets prosecuted,” Trump says. “When you have somebody that does something so evil, so bad as that, there has to be consequence for that person.”

Yes, Donald, Rape bad.
Lookie, Donny memorized a stat.

A Marine Corps aviation specialist who struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder asks Donald Trump what his plan will be to stop the suicide of 20 veterans a day.

“Actually, it’s 22,” Trump says, drawing a shocked look from the questioner. “They need help, they need tremendous help, and we’re doing nothing for them.”

“We are going to make it efficient and good and if it’s not good, you’re going out to private hospitals and doctors.”
Matt Lauer asks Donald Trump if anything he’s learned in intelligence briefing make him “reconsider some of the things you say you can accomplish”.

“What I did learn is that our leadership - Barack Obama - did not follow what our experts and our truly when they call it it intelligence, it’s there for a reason, what our experts said to do.”

In other words, he learned nothing.

20 + non answers and people will still vote for him.

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