"It's a trap!"

Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Fucking LIAR!!!!
She is on video/audio saying THIS: "They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!

Yeah, in response to: "What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?"

Full Transcript: Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

There is the whole interview where she proves over and over her BIMBO creds!
Direct Palin quote from the Gibson interview:
"GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
You're a fucking idiot!
Face it, trump supporters, he fell for it… hook, line, sinker…
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.

She knows Judicial review...Obama, not so much

She know we have 50 states...Obama, not so much

Shall I continue?


WTF are you talking about?

She couldn't tell you how many people are on the supreme court.

Face it, trump supporters, he fell for it… hook, line, sinker…

Apparently, the good people of the United States do not agree with you. According to several early polls, Trump won last night's forum.

This one is currently 69% to 29% in favor of Trump:
POLL: Who ‘Won’ the Commander-In-Chief Forum?

This one (albiet a conservative site) has Trump winning the forum 94% to 6%:
POLL: Who won the Commander-In-Chief Forum?

This NBC poll has Trump winning the forum 51% to 49%
NBC News on Twitter

But hey, you surely know better than the unwashed masses, right?

We got to hear that his "secret plan" is to give the generals (who aren't smart according to him) 30 days to come up with a plan.

That's like a coach calling a play - "QB, go to huddle and ask for suggestions"....
We got to hear that his "secret plan" is to give the generals (who aren't smart according to him) 30 days to come up with a plan.
That's like a coach calling a play - "QB, go to huddle and ask for suggestions"....
More mindless nonsense from the village useful idiot.
Face it, trump supporters, he fell for it… hook, line, sinker…

Apparently, the good people of the United States do not agree with you. According to several early polls, Trump won last night's forum.

This one is currently 69% to 29% in favor of Trump:
POLL: Who ‘Won’ the Commander-In-Chief Forum?

This one (albiet a conservative site) has Trump winning the forum 94% to 6%:
POLL: Who won the Commander-In-Chief Forum?

This NBC poll has Trump winning the forum 51% to 49%
NBC News on Twitter

But hey, you surely know better than the unwashed masses, right?


I wonder what all this stuff about Hil-Liar wearing an ear piece is all about? At work now and don't have time to look it up, but they have been talking about it on the radio today.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Sarah Palin: 'I Can See Russia from My House'
You too?

I was being facetious in the hopes of getting lefties to agree with me.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Sarah Palin: 'I Can See Russia from My House'
You too?

I was being facetious in the hopes of getting lefties to agree with me.
Sorry you said it exactly the way a Lib would.
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Sarah Palin: 'I Can See Russia from My House'
You too?

I was being facetious in the hopes of getting lefties to agree with me.
Sorry you said it exactly the way a Lib would.
Thank you...I did that on purpose. No doubt many libs really believe she said that, which proves how easily they can be duped by a lying media.
It does sound like Hillary has read for each question; as if she knew them beforehand. But don't they prime both candidates with a list of questions they'll be asked?

She had a little bird whispering in her ear.:D
Palin is still smarter and more honest than Obama, Biden, Kaine and Hillary combined
Perhaps in the bizzaro universe.

But in this world... she's as dumb as a rock.
You know she really did say she can see Russia from her front porch.
Fucking LIAR!!!!
She is on video/audio saying THIS: "They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!

Yeah, in response to: "What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?"

Full Transcript: Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

There is the whole interview where she proves over and over her BIMBO creds!
Direct Palin quote from the Gibson interview:
"GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
You're a fucking idiot!

She proved herself quite the bimbo with that answer alright. Cheer the bimbo if you like, maroonie.
We got to hear that his "secret plan" is to give the generals (who aren't smart according to him) 30 days to come up with a plan.

That's like a coach calling a play - "QB, go to huddle and ask for suggestions"....
GOD you are a fucking dummy!
Trump said he had his own idea how to defeat ISIS. He said he would ask the generals for their plan. He said he would listen to and take advice from the generals and between them they would come up with a plan.
The fucking LIBs are screaming that Trump should tell our enemy what plan we have to defeat them.
Pretty fucking stupid!
GOD you are a fucking dummy!
Trump said he had his own idea how to defeat ISIS. He said he would ask the generals for their plan. He said he would listen to and take advice from the generals and between them they would come up with a plan.
The fucking LIBs are screaming that Trump should tell our enemy what plan we have to defeat them.
Pretty fucking stupid!

I would be pretty disappointed if he did have a plan. Trump nor anybody running for President is a military expert.

The only smart thing to do is discuss the matter with the real military experts, listen to what they say, and then make a decision on the plan that is most convincing.
Face it, trump supporters, he fell for it… hook, line, sinker…

Apparently, the good people of the United States do not agree with you. According to several early polls, Trump won last night's forum.

This one is currently 69% to 29% in favor of Trump:
POLL: Who ‘Won’ the Commander-In-Chief Forum?

This one (albiet a conservative site) has Trump winning the forum 94% to 6%:
POLL: Who won the Commander-In-Chief Forum?

This NBC poll has Trump winning the forum 51% to 49%
NBC News on Twitter

But hey, you surely know better than the unwashed masses, right?


I wonder what all this stuff about Hil-Liar wearing an ear piece is all about? At work now and don't have time to look it up, but they have been talking about it on the radio today.

She appeared to have wore an earpiece last night during the forum. Could just be a hearing aid. The odd thing is that we haven't seen her wear a hearing aid in the past (at least I haven't) and the type she wore didn't look like the typical hearing aid but more like the in-ear receiver/transmitter actors sometimes use. For these reasons, some are suggesting she cheated.

I have no idea. That photo of the earpiece could have been photo shopped, I wouldn't know. Maybe it was just a fancy hearing aid. Maybe her brain is rotting and she can't get through a response without someone coaching her offstage.

I suspect even if she did cheat and it were proven, it wouldn't matter one iota to the shepple who seem to crave a government that will tell them what to do. Hillary, lucid or not, is their girl.

Update: I hear Snopes says fake photo. I stand by my conclusion!
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She appeared to have wore an earpiece last night during the forum. Could just be a hearing aid. The odd thing is that we haven't seen her wear a hearing aid in the past (at least I haven't) and the type she wore didn't look like the typical hearing aid but more like the in-ear receiver/transmitter actors sometimes use. For these reasons, some are suggesting she cheated.

I have no idea. That photo of the earpiece could have been photo shopped, I wouldn't know. Maybe it was just a fancy hearing aid. Maybe her brain is rotting and she can't get through a response without someone coaching her offstage.

I suspect even if she did cheat and it were proven, it wouldn't matter one iota to the shepple who seem to crave a government that will tell them what to do. Hillary, lucid or not, is their girl.

Update: I hear Snopes says fake photo. I stand by my conclusion!

I heard that also. I didn't visit the site to learn how they came up with this conclusion so quickly. But Snopes is pretty well known to lean left and has been proven to give false information.

If they have a rerun of this debate in the near future, I'll try to DVR it so I can stop the recording at will to see for myself.

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