" It's about time, there's finally a serious effort to change the name of John Wayne Airport in OC. the actor was famously racist & homophobic"

i'm gay and i like John Wayne. both options are possible. this is stupid

I don't see a problem with the will of The People coming to fruition.
John Wayne would beat Obama in a 50 state landslide....in every country in the world except Belgium and Africa
This business of naming things after divisive people has got to stop. They even renamed National Airport after reagan when the little bitch wasn't even dead yet, just to plaster his name all over the place. It's NATIONAL AIRPORT.

To you twats anyone who isn't a prissy soi boi SJW poseur is divisive.
John Wayne, like all celebrities, loses supporr from powerful public relations firms and entities. Without them, they become just regular people and open to criticisms without defensive hypes and mass propaganda. They fall prey they naked emperor syndrome.
who doesnt like John Wayne? (except jerks and lesbians)
Oh, come on. He wasn't even a good actor. He played the same part over and over in different costumes and he was an asshole in real life.
Aka you have NEVER seen a John Wayne movie in your life. Tell us how was his parts in these 3 movies the same?
The Green Berets
Quiet Man
The Cowboys

Go ahead please.

1. John Wayne plays a Green Beret.
2. John Wayne plays an Irishman in "Taming of the Shrew' reboot. Arguably his best, as he has less dialogue.
3. John Wayne plays a cowboy.
I don't too much care if the airport is named after John Wayne......

I just don't want Trumpers to whine about Hollywood actors anymore.....since they are the main ones who praise em, even elected 2 of em.....

But if they want to name an airport after an actor....they can definitely do better......
I would love to see something named after an actor who actually took a stand for something tho.....

Like this guy......a guy that the John Waynes of the day tried to destroy....

I believe it was Rock Hudson who credited John Wayne with helping him get work after he came out. Wayne even stated he didn’t care if Hudson was queer the man was a damn good actor. So much for the homophobe thing.
I believe it was Rock Hudson who credited John Wayne with helping him get work after he came out. Wayne even stated he didn’t care if Hudson was queer the man was a damn good actor. So much for the homophobe thing.
Montgomery Clift who starred with him in "Red River" was also light in the loafers. Duke didn't care!
He was still one of the most popular actors decades after his death. He won an Academy Award in 1970 and should have won for the Searchers and Sands of Iwo Jima. The movie my avatar is from was directed by Otto Preminger. You are just petty jealous.

It's "Pawpaw" and I am 59 with 4 beautiful grandchildren. My daughter is a 26 year old Army officer and she LOVES John Wayne movies. She loves his cavalry movies and served her first tour as a cavalry officer. So do her nephews, my grandsons.

My father would come home from work after midnight on Fridays and stay up with me watching John Wayne movies that were on the late show. I can now almost do the movie's dialogue from memory.
I watch John Wayne movies from time to time. There are well over 100 of them, and plenty to choose from. Never get tired of them. Having lived in California for 12 years, and been a cowboy of sorts myself, I especially appreciate western movies and TV shows. Gunsmoke is still my favorite western.

Ask me about why cowboy clothes are designed the way they are. I know things about that, that few people do. :biggrin:
Try neary 250 movies, of which I own every major one except three or four that I have not found yet.
who doesnt like John Wayne? (except jerks and lesbians)
Oh, come on. He wasn't even a good actor. He played the same part over and over in different costumes and he was an asshole in real life.
did you know him?....

As much as I know anyone in that awful "shithole" that right-wingers say Hollywood is all the time. Did you know Wayne?
no you are the one who said he was an asshole so i just assumed ........so it was just what you read....got it....
This business of naming things after divisive people has got to stop. They even renamed National Airport after reagan when the little bitch wasn't even dead yet, just to plaster his name all over the place. It's NATIONAL AIRPORT.

If I wasn't aware of the ultra far extremist positions of this poster, it would be impossible to tell if this is sarcasm or not.
who doesnt like John Wayne? (except jerks and lesbians)
Oh, come on. He wasn't even a good actor. He played the same part over and over in different costumes and he was an asshole in real life.
did you know him?....
He knew Wyatt Earp. That's who he modeled his character after.
That makes sense. Earp was an advisor on the early cowboy movies. Come to think of it, The Angel and the Badman has a very heavy Earp influence.
As much as I know anyone in that awful "shithole" that right-wingers say Hollywood is all the time. Did you know Wayne?
Which is not at all, but you're ready to shoot from the hip at him. What about his good words for Rock Hudson, even after he knew that Hudson was queer ?

I don't see a thing wrong with what Wayne said. This is just another example of the dumb and goofy ways that the left defines things, and then goes on to make judgements based on those faulty premises. Ho hum.
who doesnt like John Wayne? (except jerks and lesbians)
Oh, come on. He wasn't even a good actor. He played the same part over and over in different costumes and he was an asshole in real life.
you just described most actors

That's what makes some actors great, like Tom Hanks, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Sean Bean. They are willing and able to take on a variety of roles, and even go to extremes. Hanks filmed the first part of Castaway, in which he basically plays opposite a soccer ball, and then starved himself for six months to become the emaciated man alone on a deserted island before filming the second part. One of my favorite up-and-comings was told to put on 50 lbs. of muscle, with trainers and an enormous amount of food and shakes, for a role, only to have it turn to fat when filming ended, and he had to get it off. Charlize Theron really had to mess herself up to play the killer Aileen Wornos. Being a good actor, of either gender, requires quite an amount of dedication and preparation.
who doesnt like John Wayne? (except jerks and lesbians)
Oh, come on. He wasn't even a good actor. He played the same part over and over in different costumes and he was an asshole in real life.
Aka you have NEVER seen a John Wayne movie in your life. Tell us how was his parts in these 3 movies the same?
The Green Berets
Quiet Man
The Cowboys

Go ahead please.

1. John Wayne plays a Green Beret.
2. John Wayne plays an Irishman in "Taming of the Shrew' reboot. Arguably his best, as he has less dialogue.
3. John Wayne plays a cowboy.

#1 He was a Green Beret Colonel commanding troops in Vietnam.
#2 This movie was NOT what the Quiet Man. The correct movie modeled after The Taming of the Shrew was McLintock! He played a New Mexico cattle baron.
#3 You obviously have not seen this movie. He plays a ranch owner that has to use boys to drive his cattle to market during a gold rush.

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