*Its About To Get Even Uglier In Syria*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Very soon Syria will start to crumble.
2. And I think its not soon enough.
3. But really folks, will it even matter if one hell holes collapses and another one takes it place?
4. *No*.
5. What we need here is some radical change, if we are going to get involved with these failed Islamic Countries, we need better guidelines, ground rules, etc., not what we have now, first off we have to have a standing agreement, we will get discounted oil for our help, thats it, no exceptions, discounted oil or you're on your own.
6. We have to get something out of this, our people are worth more than *their* freedom, or freedoms, let them die for it, we ain't getting much for our efforts and lost lives and crippled soldiers, in all these wars.
7. LINK:Syria revolt: U.S. prepares to impose sanctions on Syria - latimes.com

"By Paul Richter and Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times

April 26, 2011
Reporting from Washington and Beirut—

With tanks now patrolling the streets of a restive Syrian city, the Obama administration is preparing to take its first concrete steps against President Bashar Assad and his top lieutenants — the imposition of sanctions for an increasingly bloody crackdown on demonstrators.

The regime in Damascus escalated the violence Monday, ordering army tanks and troops into action against protesters in the southern city of Dara. The move followed a tumultuous weekend in which Syrian security forces gunned down an estimated 120 pro-democracy protesters. More than 300 people have died since the uprising erupted five weeks ago.

Obama administration officials said they are readying orders that would freeze U.S. assets of senior Syrian officials and deny them permission to travel in the United States.

U.S. sanctions are unlikely to produce a dramatic effect because Syrian officials apparently own few U.S. assets. But the move signaled a notable shift by the Obama administration, which has worked hard to build better relations with Damascus, a regime it considers a strategic key for security in the Middle East.

European officials said they also are considering steps against Assad's regime. Syrian officials maintain far larger investments in Europe than in the U.S., so economic sanctions or travel bans there would have a more direct effect.

The Obama administration hopes U.S. sanctions will help build pressure on its European allies, especially France and Britain, to follow suit. Officials in Washington have consulted closely with counterparts in London and Paris on how best to persuade Assad to show restraint."

8. I'm serious, and I am 100% correct too!

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Get out while the gettin's good...
US urges Americans to leave Syria amid violence
4/25/2011 WASHINGTON — White House says it is considering 'targeted sanctions' after crackdown
The State Department on Monday told American citizens to leave Syria as soon as they can and ordered some personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Damascus to depart the country, as the Syrian government steps up a brutal crackdown against pro-reform demonstrators. In a new warning, the department urged Americans to defer all travel to Syria, advised those already in the country to depart while commercial transportation is available and to limit nonessential travel within the country. Nonessential U.S. embassy staff and the families of all embassy personnel have been ordered to leave Syria. It said the embassy would remain open for limited services.

The warning said that Syrian government restrictions, including the short-term detention of foreign diplomats, made it difficult for the embassy to assess the security situation and that attempts by authorities to blame the unrest on outsiders could contribute to anti-foreigner sentiment. The move came as thousands of Syrian soldiers backed by tanks and snipers moved in to the southern city of Daraa and opened fire on civilians, killing at least 11 people, witnesses said. More than 350 people have been killed in the violence since mid-March.

Earlier Monday, the Obama administration said it was considering "targeted sanctions" against Syria after government forces sharply escalated their deadly campaign to crush a five-week uprising. "The brutal violence used by the government of Syria against its people is completely deplorable," National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said. "The United States is pursuing a range of possible policy options, including targeted sanctions, to respond to the crackdown and make clear that this behavior is unacceptable."

A U.S. official said earlier that the measures under consideration include a freeze on assets and a ban on U.S. business dealings. "The Syrian people's call for freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and the ability to freely choose their leaders must be heard," Vietor said.

so.......... did any Syrians help us through our own civil war
Possible sanctions on Syria a joke. We may freeze assets, and I emphasize the 'may'. Nothing like giving them a signal ahead of time. They're already moving or have moved their money. What a stupid administration!
If Assad falls he will be replaced with an Islamic government, I say give him room and let him take care of this.
Hopefully the chaos will allow Lebanon a chance to confrot the Hezbollah problem they have.
Hopefully the chaos will allow Lebanon a chance to confrot the Hezbollah problem they have.

How does that help them? Hezbollah is the most armed force in that country and they pretty much control the parliament, the Lebanese people would have to go to a civil war to remove them.
Hopefully the chaos will allow Lebanon a chance to confrot the Hezbollah problem they have.

How does that help them? Hezbollah is the most armed force in that country and they pretty much control the parliament, the Lebanese people would have to go to a civil war to remove them.

"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. It is its natural manure"

Where is it written that liberty and self determination should be easy? At least with syria out of the picture Hezbollah would have problems getting re-supplied.

We are seeing this througout the middle east. I guess they finally got sick of the status quo.
Hopefully the chaos will allow Lebanon a chance to confrot the Hezbollah problem they have.

How does that help them? Hezbollah is the most armed force in that country and they pretty much control the parliament, the Lebanese people would have to go to a civil war to remove them.

"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. It is its natural manure"

Where is it written that liberty and self determination should be easy? At least with syria out of the picture Hezbollah would have problems getting re-supplied.

We are seeing this througout the middle east. I guess they finally got sick of the status quo.

Actually if the Syrian regime gets replaced with an Islamic government, the deal can get even better for Hezbollah in Lebanon.
How does that help them? Hezbollah is the most armed force in that country and they pretty much control the parliament, the Lebanese people would have to go to a civil war to remove them.

"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. It is its natural manure"

Where is it written that liberty and self determination should be easy? At least with syria out of the picture Hezbollah would have problems getting re-supplied.

We are seeing this througout the middle east. I guess they finally got sick of the status quo.

Actually if the Syrian regime gets replaced with an Islamic government, the deal can get even better for Hezbollah in Lebanon.

That is a downside, but an islamic fundy government in Syria would probably push for some attack on Israel, leading to a possible Hebrew bitch slap on any syrian government dumb enough to try it. At that point the syrian people may reconsider who they handed power to.

The situation is very fluid, and I admit any predictions i make are basically guesswork. Still we really dont know how fundy these movements are, and if the fundy part has any real staying power. We could get Iran, or we could not.
"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. It is its natural manure"

Where is it written that liberty and self determination should be easy? At least with syria out of the picture Hezbollah would have problems getting re-supplied.

We are seeing this througout the middle east. I guess they finally got sick of the status quo.

Actually if the Syrian regime gets replaced with an Islamic government, the deal can get even better for Hezbollah in Lebanon.

That is a downside, but an islamic fundy government in Syria would probably push for some attack on Israel, leading to a possible Hebrew bitch slap on any syrian government dumb enough to try it. At that point the syrian people may reconsider who they handed power to.

The situation is very fluid, and I admit any predictions i make are basically guesswork. Still we really dont know how fundy these movements are, and if the fundy part has any real staying power. We could get Iran, or we could not.

Your right, alot of people are assuming these new governments will be strict Islamic governments and that is definently a possibility but whats rises up out of the ashes is anyone guess at this point.
If Assad falls he will be replaced with an Islamic government, I say give him room and let him take care of this.

Assad will not fall. He has carte blanche to deal with protesters any way he wants. When this Admin. used the term 'kinetic military action', that is code for, we'll bomb Libya, but the rest of you are on your own. Assad grasps this.
I already said that Syria is going DOWN.
It's in the script. When will you understand ?
I live the oil for help idea, We can send as many planes and ships as you want, How much of your oil do we get and at what price. Seems fair to me.
Syria was already under US sanctions and had no US ambassador.
Sanctions started to be reversed in 2005.

I'm sure Syria gives a fuck about renewed US sanctions.

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