it's almost like having you here


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
when the storms and wind howl and the dog and cats growl,
it's almost like having you here
when you say what you mean but you don't mean a thing
ergo what is ever to fear?

this thread is for impromptu poetry that just pops in and out of your head. nothing serious... also, put stuff here that's "in process" - unfinished stuff you can come back, scoop up, revise, play, until you put in finished form here or anywhere you like.

its name? oh, the first time i heard that silly song "i'm so miserable without you it's almost like having you here," and i laughed till i almost cried, to think someone could say something so funny about somebody else... so i thought it would make a good ice-breaker for anyone with the wild hare notion that poetry has to be contrived or purposeful. it can be anything, really, so just ...

let there be fun here ....
the ravishing colors of fall are now parting
bare branches are showing their scars
skies covered in ashen foam edges to zenith
woodpeckers, their black and white bars

berries have faded and fallen in cane mazes
dead bush grass concealing new growth
scrutinizing snake eyes' predatory gazes
under foot, could not be more loathe
Here I sit all broken hearted,
Came to poop but can't get started...
Laying scatological thoughts on others at Christmas time is your idea of poetic score?
I guess I'm old fashioned, because I think offensive stuff should stay permanently behind the bathroom door.
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Get Real

Ever have someone tell you
get real
what is real
grow up
to where
ah come on you know
I don't
start thinking
thought I was
I give up
on what
please try harder
either the egret's wings underneath were black and dark
or else I saw none other than a quickly fleeting stork


photo credits

I just can't make up my mind. The trouble with birdwatching is that sometimes, you get a glimpse before it swoops behind a tree, never to be seen again. Egrets are highly graceful birds, but when I read a description of storks, in flight they are said to be graceful also. It seemed I saw the tell-tale dark wing tips (similar to the stork pictured), but I can't say for sure, because I only noticed it for a fraction of a second before the holly tree obfuscated it completely. Storks are not usual visitors here, but they are not unknown, either. I'm giving it a 70% chance it was a stork, though. Shadows underneath egret wings are just not that black even in diffuse lighting that we have on a cloud-covered day.
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blue escape*

forget-me-not flowers
before me for hours
reminding me of someone dear
trickle down salty wet tear

while no dire tomorrow
i shall flee no sorrow
stay a part deep in my so'
to love others some mo'

the rose with the thorn
seems a phrase so worn
but learning often takes
something bad that shakes

you can only do
as you feel led to
make life good as good can be
and when you yearn
to have no burn
it's the fault of misery

my o my how the butterfly flies
up in the air without a care
that tear in me can set me free
so i may fly away with flair

*for some reason, i hear a guitar playing in a minor key as i am writing this one...
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in midwinter
a summer's day
barren twigs out
in full display
white lilies bloom
beyond the hill
where grass grows green
as time stays still

this warm day deems
on cold to pass
though wind whips air
to spoil the glass

images at
the north of lake
not showing trees
on surface quake
while southern half
shows very clear
cloud linings, trees
bold details near

and sunshine streams
in warming blush
beauty and charm
defying gush
ode to the twinkie

o banner child of tempting taste the empty calorie
anathema to good health through addicted reverie
o who shall rule o'er cursed cake with sweet fluff stuffed inside
that transforms lithe muscle into disfigured jowls to hide

he that sets thee on the shelf emasculates thy power
not only shunned thee eight years past, but annuls thee by hour
the gaunt and reckoned discipline it took to shelf and sock thee
rewards the svelte and wizened wit who overcomes and mocks thee​
when the storms and wind howl and the dog and cats growl,
it's almost like having you here

That's actually a great playful metaphor in my opinion.

I'm not a big fan of most modernist "poetry" but the above gets a pass.
are we
beings on an atom out in space
all suspended in some kind of cosmic glace?
have we in us little universes, stars
that be far-spaced in the matter that we are?

gazing up to heaven at the dark night sky
brilliant secrets overhead that slowly fly
light the twinkles stellar gas in living cell
mayhap justly order elements to quell

are all creatures formed from some primordial goop
changing when some DNA breaks on a loop?
or did God's hand form us into who we are
i have no remembrance that goes back that far

did the prophets known as wise men in days yore
denizens who ancient tablets were to pore
believe maker whose name one must not mention
forging dust to people in earth's dimension

The Undersigned

For many years, the undersigned
Has struggled to improve her mind.
She is now fair greatly moved,
To find it has not much improved.

To teenager, from tiny tot
To make her seem what she is not,
She went through many a tedious drill,
Developing both mind and will.

Her unremitting efforts were
To build a sterling character,
But the sum of her memory
is roughly what it used to be.

Alas, what this means is plain
That education is all in vein.
For at the end of her endeavor
CG is still as dumb as ever.

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