It's Astonishing How Many People Now Regret Befriending Trump

Angelo said:
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS even-- the same uniform shit across the board.
It's some seriously Orwellian shit going on .
How Many Montages Do We Have To See
Them All Using The Exact Same Words And Phrases
No Matter What The Subject

They Once Tried To Scoop Each Other
Now They Must Pow-Wow
To Make Sure They're All In Sync

And The People That Watch That Shit
Can't They See It ??
It Doesn't Cause Ringing In Their Ears ??
I would compare it to feeding-time at a giant hog farm at this point.
When you're deaf, dumb and blind, what difference does it make if you
are in a cage ?

You want to go toe to toe over hypocrisy, shitbag, I'm very well armed.
Let’s go little shit, you should have stayed running, because like many times before I am about to clean your clock without even trying.

How about tv appearances supporting abortion in the ninth month of pregancy by Trump
Didn’t you learn anything from Obama and the Democrats? Trump “evolved” on the issue. And unlike gay marriage(and transgenderism, polygamy, pedophilia, bestiality, incest etc), lots of people are “evolving” on this issue every single day over actual science and technological advances(shocking, I know). Here is a woman who went from being a pro-choice Bernie supporter to a fiercely pro-life Trump supporter in less than a year:

I literally watched this girl go from dyeing her hair green and marching for feminism to laughing about how bad she is at setting up an American flag and becoming a leader in the walk away campaign. That is far more of a radical transformation than Trump made and there are thousands more where she came from.

But I know, that isn’t a good response because you are an idiot who thinks Republicans can win by being the “good guys” who do nothing to stop the absolute erosion of anything even remotely related to the founding of this country. We are supposed to allow Democrats to “evolve” on every issue to the point that they want to re-enact the Holodomor while they control all of the media and the schools(which you actually bitched about yourself)and the pop culture by using violence, blackmail and censorship, I know.

How about demands by Trump that Bush be impeached for lying about WMDs in Iraq?
Bush is a cuck bitch. He should have been impeached for failing to “conserve” a damn thing as a conservative while having the fucking nerve to create “compassionate conservatism” in order to pander to people who still have never even once thought to vote Republican to this day. He didn’t even have the balls to condemn the left for a film about his assassination. He just let them call him a chimp everyday while he had the same dumbass grin on his face.
It is very telling that someone as foul mouthed and genuinely childish as spoiled brat New Yorker Donald Trump is better at protecting what is left of conservative values than a good ole wannabe cowboy from Texas. It’s almost like I could construct a campaign in a few years to run for president and not even have to try to be the most conservative candidate since the 1920s, even as a center-left millennial. Pathetic. Clinton destroyed this country while pretending to be a fucking “centrist” from fucking Arkansas and “conservative” Texas Governor Bush actually allowed the left to gain even more ground as president than they got under Clinton with free reign over the federal government, and Bush didn’t even have low approval ratings to deal with or psychopaths on twitter.

Funny how you defend the integrity of toilet paper rolls like New York Times when they were the ones who originally called for Bush’s impeachment, among other left wing rags at the time.

How about Trump calling for us to cut and run from Iraq?
You mean the Iraq that is much worse off today and currently being controlled by their adversaries, the Iranians? How about when Obama claimed that Afghanistan was “the good war” and yet refused to give the troops the resources they needed there for months while they were being picked off?

How about Trump cheating on all three wives and then running for President in the party of "Family Values™"?
How about the party of “family values” that allowed a devout Catholic to be hung out to dry by a bigoted and racist Democratic Party just so they could run a milquetoast faux Mormon whose sole accomplishment was making Massachusetts more left wing and is now turning Utah into another fucking Arizona?

How about a “progressive” party that prides itself on its anti-racist stances but is literally dominated by pieces of shit who think “it’s ok to be white” being posted by center left millennials from 4chan is the same thing as KKK leaflets, the same pieces of shit who see nothing wrong with the most famous “newspaper” in the world hiring blatant racists like Jeong while defending her statements and attacking its critics. The same pieces of shit who think it is perfectly acceptable for other pieces of shit like Michael Moore to call for white people to give up their imaginary privilege as the opioid epidemic kills more white people than the black plague while the Democrats instead are completely committed to giving illegal aliens the right to vote.

Let me know when the Times or Post report on Bigfoot and aliens and ghosts and Hillary's brain cancer, mm-kay? Neither of those publications even comes close to approaching the shitpaper quality of your bible, the National Enquirer

Let me know when you find an article by the National Enquirer supporting the Soviet Union and receiving the Pulitzer Prize for it. Let me know when the National Enquirer laughed at the very real prospect of genocide in South Africa and told the white farmers to “deal with it” as one of the most powerful people in the South African government threatens to kill them after creating a bill to strip private property rights away from white farmers and any white person they want to apply it to which easily passed through to law just days later.

The National Enquirer is a harmless tabloid that nobody gives a shit about while the New York Times is a tabloid masquerading as a newspaper with global influence because of idiots like you who don’t actually know the difference between a newspaper and a tabloid.

So, to sum it all up, Trump is just the beginning of the complete transformation of the Republican Party from cuckservatives to an actual CONSERVative party that fights the left on every issue until they prostrate themselves before us in total defeat on every single issue and lie there defenseless as we kick the remaining life out of them for daring to even think they could turn the west into South Africa. That is what a real conservative is. Someone who waters the tree of liberty with blood until that tree doesn’t have any more blood to water it with.
Manafort...Flynn...Porter...Hicks...Papadopoulos...Gates...Omarosa...Shulkin...Zinke...Cohen...Bannon...Pruitt...Scaramucci...Priebus...McDougal...Clifford...Jackson...Tillerson...Kelly...and now:

The National Enquirer is being sold

American Media Inc. is selling the National Enquirer for $100 million to James Cohen, CEO of Hudson News, ending an association between a longtime friend of President Trump and the tabloid that illegally attempted to bury embarrassing news about Trump during the 2016 campaign.

The supermarket tabloid, along with two sister publications, is set to be purchased by the head of the travel retailer known for its airport newsstands.

The decision to sell came after Anthony Melchiorre, the hedge-fund manager whose firm controls AMI, became disillusioned with the reporting tactics of the Enquirer and the legal and political pressure that resulted from them, according to people familiar with the deliberations.

Comdrade Donnie has exponentially increased the stench of TH3 SWAMP.

How much longer before Sarah Sanders joins the list of the damned?

I don't know that everyone, or even most, on that list regret their affiliations with Donald. Many of them continue to eagerly shill for him. Last I heard, Hope Hicks is still very close with the family. But there are certainly some of us in this world who can whole heartedly say that we wish we'd never met him.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So your claim is bullshit, as usual.

my friend, Trump CULT members don't like to be reminded of just how fucked up they were (and ARE) in defending this orange charlatan.......So, like Sinclair Lewis once stated..........[paraphrased].....they wrap themselves in a flag but still act as fascists did in Italy and Spain in the 1930s.

Keep up the good work of holding a mirror in front of their sorry faces. they DESERVE to be called morons and easily folled cult members.
Trump called the dossier "bullshit" after Comey left the room. "It's a shakedown," Trump bellowed. they were blackmailing Trump. Comey was trying to send him a message. they had something on him. Trump had seen this before. Roy Cohn knew how this worked. J Edgar Hoover quietly let it known to politicians that he had info that could destroy their careers in a NY minute. Now, Trump thought Comey was doing this to him. but he was not gonna let them! HE DIDN'T LET THEM!
I love it when Russian trolls call out Americans for their lack of patriotism because they refuse to support the Russian-backed candidate for President.
I love it when Canadian idiots who aren’t even allowed to be patriotic in their own country try to tell Americans who were more patriotic at the age of 5 years old than any Democrat alive today has ever been what “patriotism” is.

You're blithering, incoherently.

Anyone who supports the Presidency of Donald Trump, is not a patriot, in any way.

Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.
That’s what huckleberries like g5000 don’t understand.

None of the people on here claiming to be Democrats or leftists are actually hurting Trump or making Trump voters feel bad about voting for him, quite the opposite.

dumb fuck, nobody is trying to change your mind or get you to not worship Trump...everyone knows that is a losing battle.
nat4900 said:
....they wrap themselves in a flag but still act as fascists did in Italy and Spain in the 1930s.
On Full Display By The Left
Non-Stop Since 11/9/16
And This Is Just The Latest Chapter

You Can't See Yourselves With A Damned Mirror
You And All Your Faux Gnus Outlets

You All Claim There's More Of You Than Us
And That We Are All Dying Out
Yet You've Been Importing Votes For The Last 50yrs
All Election Improprieties And Irregularities Are In DEMOCRAT Districts
Yet You Still Can't Sweep All The Elections

Maybe There's Something Wrong With Your Thinking

download (4).jpg
I love it when Canadian idiots who aren’t even allowed to be patriotic in their own country try to tell Americans who were more patriotic at the age of 5 years old than any Democrat alive today has ever been what “patriotism” is.

You're blithering, incoherently.

Anyone who supports the Presidency of Donald Trump, is not a patriot, in any way.

Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

You and your no borders cabal do not even know what a country means.

I don't give a shit about the republican party, bunch of traitors so far.
I love it when Canadian idiots who aren’t even allowed to be patriotic in their own country try to tell Americans who were more patriotic at the age of 5 years old than any Democrat alive today has ever been what “patriotism” is.

You're blithering, incoherently.

Anyone who supports the Presidency of Donald Trump, is not a patriot, in any way.

Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.
You're blithering, incoherently.

Anyone who supports the Presidency of Donald Trump, is not a patriot, in any way.

Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

You and your no borders cabal do not even know what a country means.

I don't give a shit about the republican party, bunch of traitors so far.

Kind of cute how you that never served tell those that did they do not even know what a country means.

you are a party man through and trough, you parrot their talking points in most every post
You're blithering, incoherently.

Anyone who supports the Presidency of Donald Trump, is not a patriot, in any way.

Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

you are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us
Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

You and your no borders cabal do not even know what a country means.

I don't give a shit about the republican party, bunch of traitors so far.

Kind of cute how you that never served tell those that did they do not even know what a country means.

you are a party man through and trough, you parrot their talking points in most every post
You have no clue what the Republican talking points are.

Funnily enough you parrot the Democrat talking points to the letter most of the time on this forum.
You have no clue what the Republican talking points are.

Funnily enough you parrot the Democrat talking points to the letter most of the time on this forum.

you are so cute when you lie about me to defend your fellow party members.
Let’s go little shit, you should have stayed running, because like many times before I am about to clean your clock without even trying.

How about tv appearances supporting abortion in the ninth month of pregancy by Trump
Didn’t you learn anything from Obama and the Democrats? Trump “evolved” on the issue. And unlike gay marriage(and transgenderism, polygamy, pedophilia, bestiality, incest etc), lots of people are “evolving” on this issue every single day over actual science and technological advances(shocking, I know). Here is a woman who went from being a pro-choice Bernie supporter to a fiercely pro-life Trump supporter in less than a year:

I literally watched this girl go from dyeing her hair green and marching for feminism to laughing about how bad she is at setting up an American flag and becoming a leader in the walk away campaign. That is far more of a radical transformation than Trump made and there are thousands more where she came from.

But I know, that isn’t a good response because you are an idiot who thinks Republicans can win by being the “good guys” who do nothing to stop the absolute erosion of anything even remotely related to the founding of this country. We are supposed to allow Democrats to “evolve” on every issue to the point that they want to re-enact the Holodomor while they control all of the media and the schools(which you actually bitched about yourself)and the pop culture by using violence, blackmail and censorship, I know.

How about demands by Trump that Bush be impeached for lying about WMDs in Iraq?
Bush is a cuck bitch. He should have been impeached for failing to “conserve” a damn thing as a conservative while having the fucking nerve to create “compassionate conservatism” in order to pander to people who still have never even once thought to vote Republican to this day. He didn’t even have the balls to condemn the left for a film about his assassination. He just let them call him a chimp everyday while he had the same dumbass grin on his face.
It is very telling that someone as foul mouthed and genuinely childish as spoiled brat New Yorker Donald Trump is better at protecting what is left of conservative values than a good ole wannabe cowboy from Texas. It’s almost like I could construct a campaign in a few years to run for president and not even have to try to be the most conservative candidate since the 1920s, even as a center-left millennial. Pathetic. Clinton destroyed this country while pretending to be a fucking “centrist” from fucking Arkansas and “conservative” Texas Governor Bush actually allowed the left to gain even more ground as president than they got under Clinton with free reign over the federal government, and Bush didn’t even have low approval ratings to deal with or psychopaths on twitter.

Funny how you defend the integrity of toilet paper rolls like New York Times when they were the ones who originally called for Bush’s impeachment, among other left wing rags at the time.

How about Trump calling for us to cut and run from Iraq?
You mean the Iraq that is much worse off today and currently being controlled by their adversaries, the Iranians? How about when Obama claimed that Afghanistan was “the good war” and yet refused to give the troops the resources they needed there for months while they were being picked off?

How about Trump cheating on all three wives and then running for President in the party of "Family Values™"?
How about the party of “family values” that allowed a devout Catholic to be hung out to dry by a bigoted and racist Democratic Party just so they could run a milquetoast faux Mormon whose sole accomplishment was making Massachusetts more left wing and is now turning Utah into another fucking Arizona?

How about a “progressive” party that prides itself on its anti-racist stances but is literally dominated by pieces of shit who think “it’s ok to be white” being posted by center left millennials from 4chan is the same thing as KKK leaflets, the same pieces of shit who see nothing wrong with the most famous “newspaper” in the world hiring blatant racists like Jeong while defending her statements and attacking its critics. The same pieces of shit who think it is perfectly acceptable for other pieces of shit like Michael Moore to call for white people to give up their imaginary privilege as the opioid epidemic kills more white people than the black plague while the Democrats instead are completely committed to giving illegal aliens the right to vote.

Let me know when the Times or Post report on Bigfoot and aliens and ghosts and Hillary's brain cancer, mm-kay? Neither of those publications even comes close to approaching the shitpaper quality of your bible, the National Enquirer

Let me know when you find an article by the National Enquirer supporting the Soviet Union and receiving the Pulitzer Prize for it. Let me know when the National Enquirer laughed at the very real prospect of genocide in South Africa and told the white farmers to “deal with it” as one of the most powerful people in the South African government threatens to kill them after creating a bill to strip private property rights away from white farmers and any white person they want to apply it to which easily passed through to law just days later.

The National Enquirer is a harmless tabloid that nobody gives a shit about while the New York Times is a tabloid masquerading as a newspaper with global influence because of idiots like you who don’t actually know the difference between a newspaper and a tabloid.

So, to sum it all up, Trump is just the beginning of the complete transformation of the Republican Party from cuckservatives to an actual CONSERVative party that fights the left on every issue until they prostrate themselves before us in total defeat on every single issue and lie there defenseless as we kick the remaining life out of them for daring to even think they could turn the west into South Africa. That is what a real conservative is. Someone who waters the tree of liberty with blood until that tree doesn’t have any more blood to water it with.

I wish / hope you were right......
As for me....I don't believe elected officials are ever for We The People any more.

They just get better at the Globalist game of fooling the sheeple. me privately taken pictures from the air of miles and miles of significant NEW border "wall".
You can't. why IS that? Google it. Youtube it. ALL you will see is the facade of fake wall building and numerous pics of the same thing from many different angles.

Yeah, they sent a few dozen bulldozers and cranes and trucks to make photos that make it LOOK like wall is being built, but it's the same old game by the same old elites / globalists.
Foreigners are POURING into the USA at staggering numbers. As planned.
They have to rot and overwhelm the system in order to circumvent it entirely.

Meanwhile 500,000 new illegals entered the country last month and will continue coming.
GLOBALISM is winning. In NewMexico a militia has taken it upon themselves to police the border since the government refuses. THESE ARE REAL PATRIOTS. Guess who the government is now going after???
HINT: The Democrat governor of NM has called for the government and the National Guard to go stop the militia from protecting the border....while at THE SAME TIME, REFUSING to send the National Guard to protect the SAME border from illegal entry. The Border Patrol is handcuffed and the problem is escalating exponentially.

Some day soon in the not so distant future, the game of "fooling" the American people with this "good politician / bad politician" game will end.........and then they'll stop acting and just do to us what we've been allowing and waiting for all along. Won't be very long now.
Remember.....all that was required for evil men to round up good men was for good men to do nothing.

And history will record modern day Americans as the hands down "do nothing" generation.

And you don't believe it at this moment. but they WILL take your guns before the final play.
even if they have to mobilize heavily armed willing troops and go city to city. And hey, they already know exactly where you are, what you do and who with 24/ do have a cell phone right?

Ask history.....
Last edited:
Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

You and your no borders cabal do not even know what a country means.

I don't give a shit about the republican party, bunch of traitors so far.

Kind of cute how you that never served tell those that did they do not even know what a country means.

you are a party man through and trough, you parrot their talking points in most every post
----------------------------------- YOU volunteer 'serbers' were paid for doing your jobs as taxpayer paid serbers . Geez , 'serbing' musta been the highpoint in your lives . And you don't know who 'serbed' anyway but i often see you and other 'volunteer serbers' trying to make the point about 'serbing' . My DAD and Uncles highpoints in their lives after WW2 was success in raising their Kids and Families GGator .
Problem for your theory... all the patriots voted for Trump and support is endless.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.
I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

You and your no borders cabal do not even know what a country means.

I don't give a shit about the republican party, bunch of traitors so far.

Kind of cute how you that never served tell those that did they do not even know what a country means.

you are a party man through and trough, you parrot their talking points in most every post
----------------------------------- YOU volunteer 'serbers' were paid for doing your jobs as taxpayer paid serbers . Geez , 'serbing' musta been the highpoint in your lives . And you don't know who 'serbed' anyway but i often see you and other 'volunteer serbers' trying to make the point about 'serbing' . My DAD and Uncles highpoints in their lives after WW2 was success in raising their Kids and Families GGator .

are you drunk? Or are you speaking Republican? I do not speak either drunk nor Republican, so could you repost this either when you are sober or when you can post it in English?

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