It's Astonishing How Many People Now Regret Befriending Trump

I'm a patriot who served for over 20 years on active duty.

I did not vote for Trump. And there are quite a few more patriots who didn't.

So you claim is bullshit, as usual.

You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.
your 'volunteer' and taxpayer paid 'serbice' as a 'government man' is no big deal . You aren't special though you may think you are GGator .
You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

You and your no borders cabal do not even know what a country means.

I don't give a shit about the republican party, bunch of traitors so far.

Kind of cute how you that never served tell those that did they do not even know what a country means.

you are a party man through and trough, you parrot their talking points in most every post
----------------------------------- YOU volunteer 'serbers' were paid for doing your jobs as taxpayer paid serbers . Geez , 'serbing' musta been the highpoint in your lives . And you don't know who 'serbed' anyway but i often see you and other 'volunteer serbers' trying to make the point about 'serbing' . My DAD and Uncles highpoints in their lives after WW2 was success in raising their Kids and Families GGator .

are you drunk? Or are you speaking Republican? I do not speak either drunk nor Republican, so could you repost this either when you are sober or when you can post it in English?

It's Leet-speak 2.0--crotchety-old-white-guy version.
You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.
------------------------------ what American would stand with YOU GGator ??
your 'volunteer' and taxpayer paid 'serbice' as a 'government man' is no big deal . You aren't special though you may think you are GGator .

I said when you were sober, that is clearly not the case yet. you are slurring your words even as you type them.
You... are a patriot?

This thread keeps getting better and better.

far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.

Says the guy who won't stop banging the drum of racial division
far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.
------------------------------ what American would stand with YOU GGator ??

the ones that believe in smaller government, less government interference in our lives, not spending more than we bring in so as to quit passing our bills on to our people just the opposite of you.
far more than you are. you put the party before the country.

There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.

Says the guy who won't stop banging the drum of racial division

I am not the one that wants to ban all non-white people from the you should not be pointing fingers.
A lot of people are in jail now, or are under indictment, who would not be if they had never met Trump.

You have to wonder what it means when someone surrounds himself with so many criminals and sleazebags and whores, and who actively sought the love of a KGB thug.

That should tell you a lot about Comrade Trump.
And if you chose to work for him, they would come after you as well.

Why is that do you think?
big deal , you 'serbed' as a volunteer and were paid . To show you how special YOU are , transgenders and girls , immigrants are taking your place in the 'Volunteer' military serbice nowadays GGator .
big deal , you 'serbed' as a volunteer and were paid . To show you how special YOU are , transgenders and girls , immigrants are taking your place in the 'Volunteer' military serbice nowadays GGator .

plus i think that some illegals can join up as they work for favors , money and citizenship GGator .
point is that you aren't Special as i think of your types as a Paid mercenary force . Certainly nothing like WW2 Draftees or Enlisted GGator .
There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.

Says the guy who won't stop banging the drum of racial division

I am not the one that wants to ban all non-white people from the you should not be pointing fingers.

Only the fringe of the fringe wants that.
There isn't a politician in Washington that puts country before party. Party power is all they are concerned with.

You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.

Says the guy who won't stop banging the drum of racial division

I am not the one that wants to ban all non-white people from the you should not be pointing fingers.
You are correct, and we allow them to get away with it. Shame on us

I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.

Says the guy who won't stop banging the drum of racial division

I am not the one that wants to ban all non-white people from the you should not be pointing fingers.

a few women regretted marrying King Henry VIII and several men regretted befriending
those ladies too. For the record-----PERSON OF COLOR is not a race or
"non-white" ALL MUSLIMS HAVE REDEFINED THEMSELVES as persons of color because of the colorful rags they wear
To anyone who has dealt with Trump, the orange charlatan has the Midas touch........IN REVERSE.......LMAO
I totally agree, I finally reached a conclusion as long as we the people are distracted by these petty fights between Democrats and Republicans we are going to fail as a nation. We need for the people to mend their differences and force our elected officials to start working for the nation. They have kept us distracted and are quite good at it.

I have been saying the same thing for years, we are purposefully being divided because a divided populous is far easier.

Says the guy who won't stop banging the drum of racial division

I am not the one that wants to ban all non-white people from the you should not be pointing fingers.

a few women regretted marrying King Henry VIII and several men regretted befriending
those ladies too. For the record-----PERSON OF COLOR is not a race or
"non-white" ALL MUSLIMS HAVE REDEFINED THEMSELVES as persons of color because of the colorful rags they wear

Black people in America like to play pretend that they are the descendants of the race that built the Pyramids when in fact they were enslaved by the people who squatted in the lands of the people who built the pyramids.

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