It's Astonishing How Many People Now Regret Befriending Trump

Trump is like Limburger cheese

He may wear shoulder pads in his suit that make him have broad shoulders and is the president, but he still stinks
Obstruction of Nothing
Mueller vindicates Trump on collusion and plays Hamlet on obstruction.

Robert Mueller is certainly thorough. The special counsel makes clear across the 488 pages of his report released Thursday that he and his band of prosecutors left no entrail unexamined in their two-year dissection of President Trump. Those who demanded this may not like the conclusions, but they can’t say Mr. Mueller didn’t hunt down every potential crime.

The report exposes some Trumpian excesses and lies, but it also shows that, on the most important issue and the charge that started it all, Mr. Trump has been telling the truth. He and his campaign did not conspire or coordinate with Russians to steal the 2016 election. Try as he did to find a crime regarding Russia or obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller found nothing to prosecute.

The details validate the four-page public summary of the report’s conclusions that Attorney General William Barr released last month. The AG issued the full report with limited redactions related to grand-jury testimony and intelligence sources and methods. Democrats will claim secrets are hidden in the redactions, but Mr. Barr says he’ll let senior Members of Congress see most of those too. Claims of a coverup are spin for the anti-Trump media.


Mr. Mueller devotes some 200 pages to the Russia tale, and the news is how little is new beyond what we already know from leaks and court filings. The special counsel’s biggest public service is laying out in detail how Russia sought to meddle in the election. The Kremlin endorsed a social-media campaign to plant lies and confuse voters, and it hacked Democratic emails and then used cutouts like WikiLeaks to release them to the public.

There’s no evidence that any of this influenced the election result, but it should concern Americans about Vladimir Putin’s bad intentions for 2020.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
One less criminal propaganda organ working for Trump.


You take this rag seriously? LOL!!! This isn't a newspaper, this is a gossip paper.
You would be amazed how many submissive Trumptards take that piece of shitpaper seriously. They regularly parroted the memes they were fed, including the whole "Hillary is dying" fake news.

I'm not surprised they are that stupid, but you may be.
It’s like you don’t realize that the National Enquirer is literally more reliable than the New York Times and Washington Post.
See, Papageorgio?

Are you surprised?

I'm not.
Can you tell me how the New York Times is in anyway legitimate after hiring Jeong, or are you just going to run away from my questions again?
You really want to get into hypocrisy over old tweets? How about tv appearances supporting abortion in the ninth month of pregancy by Trump? How about demands by Trump that Bush be impeached for lying about WMDs in Iraq? How about Trump calling for us to cut and run from Iraq? How about Trump cheating on all three wives and then running for President in the party of "Family Values™"? How about Trump tweeting that the electoral college is a disaster for democracy?

You want to go toe to toe over hypocrisy, shitbag, I'm very well armed.

Let me know when the Times or Post report on Bigfoot and aliens and ghosts and Hillary's brain cancer, mm-kay? Neither of those publications even comes close to approaching the shitpaper quality of your bible, the National Enquirer.
Again, you can't refute facts so you throw out pointless insults.

We thank you for admitting that.

In several threads I pointed out where you were dead wrong and made up facts and you never responded. I find it comical and dishonest for you to even think about trying to call anyone else out.

I agree. She's not even American yet she has no problem telling we Americans what we should think or feel.

She should stick to attacking her own country. At least she should know a little something about that country. She sure as hell knows nothing about ours.

Yep, she just blurts out nonsense. She made claims about Canada and when I looked them up, she was wrong, when I questioned her on it, she ran away like she usually does. Maybe the DNC pays her to post nonsense. :dunno:
That’s what huckleberries like g5000 don’t understand.

None of the people on here claiming to be Democrats or leftists are actually hurting Trump or making Trump voters feel bad about voting for him, quite the opposite.

Democrats have been an official terrorist group seeking to destroy this country and murder millions of people for decades now, they are literally worse than the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Trump could crap in RW's coffins and they would thank him ..
Too bad it wasn’t just the right wing who voted for him.
You have lost the center left too.

Hillary could have killed your wife right in front of you and you psychopaths would have still voted for her early and often.
LMAO What a dweeb you are.
I have the faggot on ignore, so have to ride my answer with you. President Trump, Keep America Great Again. He is my friend, and a true patriot. Not a SPY, like those on the left and traitorous to the country. Fuck you liberals in the ass...

Nothing more pathetic on the Internet than someone that brags about having someone on ignore...except someone that also talks trash to someone the brag about having on ignore!

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The special counsel makes clear across the 488 pages of his report released Thursday that he and his band of prosecutors left no entrail unexamined in their two-year dissection of President Trump.

False. Mueller left 12 other ongoing investigations to other jurisdictions. He stayed within the narrow scope of Russian interference in our election.
One less criminal propaganda organ working for Trump.


You take this rag seriously? LOL!!! This isn't a newspaper, this is a gossip paper.
You would be amazed how many submissive Trumptards take that piece of shitpaper seriously. They regularly parroted the memes they were fed, including the whole "Hillary is dying" fake news.

I'm not surprised they are that stupid, but you may be.
It’s like you don’t realize that the National Enquirer is literally more reliable than the New York Times and Washington Post.
See, Papageorgio?

Are you surprised?

I'm not.

I don't take the NYT seriously, they have been caught distorting the truth way to much.
Obstruction of Nothing
Mueller vindicates Trump on collusion and plays Hamlet on obstruction.

Robert Mueller is certainly thorough. The special counsel makes clear across the 488 pages of his report released Thursday that he and his band of prosecutors left no entrail unexamined in their two-year dissection of President Trump. Those who demanded this may not like the conclusions, but they can’t say Mr. Mueller didn’t hunt down every potential crime.

The report exposes some Trumpian excesses and lies, but it also shows that, on the most important issue and the charge that started it all, Mr. Trump has been telling the truth. He and his campaign did not conspire or coordinate with Russians to steal the 2016 election. Try as he did to find a crime regarding Russia or obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller found nothing to prosecute.

The details validate the four-page public summary of the report’s conclusions that Attorney General William Barr released last month. The AG issued the full report with limited redactions related to grand-jury testimony and intelligence sources and methods. Democrats will claim secrets are hidden in the redactions, but Mr. Barr says he’ll let senior Members of Congress see most of those too. Claims of a coverup are spin for the anti-Trump media.


Mr. Mueller devotes some 200 pages to the Russia tale, and the news is how little is new beyond what we already know from leaks and court filings. The special counsel’s biggest public service is laying out in detail how Russia sought to meddle in the election. The Kremlin endorsed a social-media campaign to plant lies and confuse voters, and it hacked Democratic emails and then used cutouts like WikiLeaks to release them to the public.

There’s no evidence that any of this influenced the election result, but it should concern Americans about Vladimir Putin’s bad intentions for 2020.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Posting you lies in BIG BOLD PRINT, doesn't make you any more credible.

Mueller was very clear. The Trump campaign conspired with the Russians to obtain their assistance in winning the election. The ONLY reason they weren't charged for this conspiracy is because Mueller didn't have "sufficient evidence" that they knew the Russians they were working with were Russian government employees. Not that there was "no evidence" that they knew, but there wasn't enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Then there's the 180 pages on Obstruction of Justice, complete with the road map for impeachment.

But keep trying to convince the rest of us that it doesn't say what we just read.

The WSJ is not credible either. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch who has been found guilty of meddling in elections and trying to gain influence with politicians through bribery and other means, in GB. Of course Murdoch sides with the interests of the 1% which is who Trump is governing for.
Obstruction of Nothing
Mueller vindicates Trump on collusion and plays Hamlet on obstruction.

Robert Mueller is certainly thorough. The special counsel makes clear across the 488 pages of his report released Thursday that he and his band of prosecutors left no entrail unexamined in their two-year dissection of President Trump. Those who demanded this may not like the conclusions, but they can’t say Mr. Mueller didn’t hunt down every potential crime.

The report exposes some Trumpian excesses and lies, but it also shows that, on the most important issue and the charge that started it all, Mr. Trump has been telling the truth. He and his campaign did not conspire or coordinate with Russians to steal the 2016 election. Try as he did to find a crime regarding Russia or obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller found nothing to prosecute.

The details validate the four-page public summary of the report’s conclusions that Attorney General William Barr released last month. The AG issued the full report with limited redactions related to grand-jury testimony and intelligence sources and methods. Democrats will claim secrets are hidden in the redactions, but Mr. Barr says he’ll let senior Members of Congress see most of those too. Claims of a coverup are spin for the anti-Trump media.


Mr. Mueller devotes some 200 pages to the Russia tale, and the news is how little is new beyond what we already know from leaks and court filings. The special counsel’s biggest public service is laying out in detail how Russia sought to meddle in the election. The Kremlin endorsed a social-media campaign to plant lies and confuse voters, and it hacked Democratic emails and then used cutouts like WikiLeaks to release them to the public.

There’s no evidence that any of this influenced the election result, but it should concern Americans about Vladimir Putin’s bad intentions for 2020.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Posting you lies in BIG BOLD PRINT, doesn't make you any more credible.

Mueller was very clear. The Trump campaign conspired with the Russians to obtain their assistance in winning the election. The ONLY reason they weren't charged for this conspiracy is because Mueller didn't have "sufficient evidence" that they knew the Russians they were working with were Russian government employees. Not that there was "no evidence" that they knew, but there wasn't enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt,

The WSJ is not credible either. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch who has been found guilty of meddling in elections and trying to gain influence with politicians through bribery and other means, in GB. Of course Murdoch sides with the interests of the 1% which is who Trump is governing for.

Still trying to spin it?

Turn off the CNN for awhile.
A lot of people are in jail now, or are under indictment, who would not be if they had never met Trump.

You have to wonder what it means when someone surrounds himself with so many criminals and sleazebags and whores, and who actively sought the love of a KGB thug.

That should tell you a lot about Comrade Trump.

Trump is the cleanest thing in capitol hill.

This might be one of the dumbest statements one could make.

IF indeed Trump is as you claim, that is a damning assertion that all of Washington and the American political establishment is mired in criminality.

So why throw your reins behind one said crook (Trump) with such cult-like veneration? Why not condemn them all and stand for the Americans citizenry?
Manafort...Flynn...Porter...Hicks...Papadopoulos...Gates...Omarosa...Shulkin...Zinke...Cohen...Bannon...Pruitt...Scaramucci...Priebus...McDougal...Clifford...Jackson...Tillerson...Kelly...and now:
That's nothing. Look what he's done those who opposed him (and yourself).
A lot of people are in jail now, or are under indictment, who would not be if they had never met Trump.

You have to wonder what it means when someone surrounds himself with so many criminals and sleazebags and whores, and who actively sought the love of a KGB thug.

That should tell you a lot about Comrade Trump.

Trump is the cleanest thing in capitol hill.

This might be one of the dumbest statements one could make.

IF indeed Trump is as you claim, that is a damning assertion that all of Washington and the American political establishment is mired in criminality.

So why throw your reins behind one said crook (Trump) with such cult-like veneration? Why not condemn them all and stand for the Americans citizenry?

Washington and all American political establishment is absolutely mired in criminality and treason.

They spent 30 million trying to find anything at all on Trump, they found nothing. This is a fact, even if you don't want to believe it.

Drain the swamp, and obviously, Trump2020.
Norman said:
Still trying to spin it?

Turn off the CNN for awhile.
I Actually Tuned In MSNBC Last Nite
I Should Have Taken Notes On All The Bull
They'll Parrot For The Next Couple Weeks

How Long Will They Try To Milk This Dead Cow
A lot of people are in jail now, or are under indictment, who would not be if they had never met Trump.

You have to wonder what it means when someone surrounds himself with so many criminals and sleazebags and whores, and who actively sought the love of a KGB thug.

That should tell you a lot about Comrade Trump.

Trump is the cleanest thing in capitol hill.

This might be one of the dumbest statements one could make.

IF indeed Trump is as you claim, that is a damning assertion that all of Washington and the American political establishment is mired in criminality.

So why throw your reins behind one said crook (Trump) with such cult-like veneration? Why not condemn them all and stand for the Americans citizenry?

I don't know of one politician in Washington DC I'd trust.
Norman said:
Still trying to spin it?

Turn off the CNN for awhile.
I Actually Tuned In MSNBC Last Nite
I Should Have Taken Notes On All The Bull
They'll Parrot For The Next Couple Weeks

How Long Will They Try To Milk This Dead Cow
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS even-- the same uniform shit across the board.
It's some seriously Orwellian shit going on .
September 11, 2001: A day "... that some people did something."

The Honorable US Representative Ilhan Omar
Your stupid little out-of-context signature is a good reflection
of the user-name you chose for yourself.
Yeah, "Honorable" is a bit out there and certainly out of context.
Her point, for snowflakey so-called patriots like you who don't get it, was that we shouldn't be buying into the Zionist /globalist central bank lies and propaganda about Islamic terrorism. Are we going to start having public beheadings of Muslims now, like the ISIS (U.S.-trained) 'rebels' are doing to Christians in the Middle East as we speak ?
Angelo said:
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS even-- the same uniform shit across the board.
It's some seriously Orwellian shit going on .
How Many Montages Do We Have To See
Them All Using The Exact Same Words And Phrases
No Matter What The Subject

They Once Tried To Scoop Each Other
Now They Must Pow-Wow
To Make Sure They're All In Sync

And The People That Watch That Shit
Can't They See It ??
It Doesn't Cause Ringing In Their Ears ??

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