Its becoming even more clear that Trump would be a disaster in the Oval Office

look at all the butthurt over trump. all he did was criticism of an unelected magistrate with possible ties to the mexican la raza cartel. it's not like he got an ambassador killed and then lied about it by blaming it all on youtube or anything.
The media needs a severe butt whipping top to bottom. They are as crooked as BHO HRC. Forgive me with zero sympathy for the state run politburo. They covered up last 8 years so dumb down Americans don't know about long list of stuff going on. Too much to list. Stay on them Trump, kick their butts!
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

The Hildebeast is a disaster as well. so we are screwed either way.
look at all the butthurt over trump. all he did was criticism of an unelected magistrate with possible ties to the mexican la raza cartel. it's not like he got an ambassador killed and then lied about it by blaming it all on youtube or anything.
The ones feeling butthurt are his closest allies & advisors who were thrown under the bus inorder for him to have the appearance of being in control. Just ask Newt Gingrich
I saw it a long time ago how anyone could continue to defend this man or think he would be anything but a total disaster as President is beyond me. My advice to the Republican party write this Presidential election focus all your efforts on trying to save House and Senate seats and then hope Rubio, Kasich or both will run again in 2020 and nominate one of them as you should have this year.

Hillary appoints 3 SCOTUS judges.

The BOR is ruled "unconstitutional"

There will be no 2020 elections.
And Trump will destroy the republican party for the rest of our lives relegating us to DECADES of democratic rule so where's the upside?

Accept the fact that there is none.

We've been swirling around the toilet bowl since the 2008 economic crisis which we never really recovered from, and the Hill-Beast will do the final flushing! So, rejoice, and live your life like there is no tomorrow............I am.............

What is clear? We have a stalemate in Afghanistan because Barry Hussein doesn't want to deal with it and the freaking mid-east is on fire and Barry Hussein doesn't want to deal with that either. The unemployment numbers are staggering and the Hussein administration has been lying about it and lying about using the IRS to target political enemies. What is clear? Hillary might be facing a dozen felony indictments and she hasn't given a freaking press conference in six months. The best she can do is a softball interview by a former employee of the Clinton administration.

Oh look! It's a Hilary and Obama thread!
look at all the butthurt over trump. all he did was criticism of an unelected magistrate with possible ties to the mexican la raza cartel. it's not like he got an ambassador killed and then lied about it by blaming it all on youtube or anything.
The ones feeling butthurt are his closest allies & advisors who were thrown under the bus inorder for him to have the appearance of being in control. Just ask Newt Gingrich
oh please, hillary could literally stab a little child in the eyeball with an ice pick right in front of you, then eat it, and then spit out the eye juice all over your face, and all you would do is say, "well, she's just allowed to do that because she has a vagina." and then trump could pick his nose and you'd all freak out as though he was literally raping you by doing it. that is why you have no credibility anymore, it doesn't matter how forceful you get with your hysterics, in the end you'll either have come to your senses or you'll have destroyed america since the road to hell is paved with ''good intentions'' and all. you don't get to sit here online spouting off insults at each other as if it's perfectly acceptable behavior and then expect your politicians to be proper ladies and gentlemen, you see? they get to be as much as a bunch of trolls as you do. and i love every minute of it.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.


So now when he says to intensify criticisms of judges and reporters that translates to "attacks", did you mean that to be taken as physical attacks like another dimwit tried to pawn off on another thread? Because if that is what you're attempting I'm calling you out on it. Be very careful how you word things
Stop trying to read between the lines. I have always spoke my mind without leaving doubt to what i think. I never said anything about actual violence. Some of you seem to have violence on the brain.

Reread your comment.....then get back to me. You've been caught like the other dimwit was. As for violence...lately that's a leftist thing...given San Jose and all
The only thing I've been caught in is your web of stupidity & paranoia.
If you dont like my wording mark it for the mods and move the fuck on. You've become very annoying lately.

You are unable to deal with "attacks" aka criticism...the word you should have used in your opening comment

The call to attack people who question Trump came from people inside Trump's own camp. Sorry, maybe they misunderstood also and didn't get on the call soon enough to hear what you did.
look at all the butthurt over trump. all he did was criticism of an unelected magistrate with possible ties to the mexican la raza cartel. it's not like he got an ambassador killed and then lied about it by blaming it all on youtube or anything.
The ones feeling butthurt are his closest allies & advisors who were thrown under the bus inorder for him to have the appearance of being in control. Just ask Newt Gingrich
oh please, hillary could literally stab a little child in the eyeball with an ice pick right in front of you, then eat it, and then spit out the eye juice all over your face, and all you would do is say, "well, she's just allowed to do that because she has a vagina." and then trump could pick his nose and you'd all freak out as though he was literally raping you by doing it. that is why you have no credibility anymore, it doesn't matter how forceful you get with your hysterics, in the end you'll either have come to your senses or you'll have destroyed america since the road to hell is paved with ''good intentions'' and all. you don't get to sit here online spouting off insults at each other as if it's perfectly acceptable behavior and then expect your politicians to be proper ladies and gentlemen, you see? they get to be as much as a bunch of trolls as you do. and i love every minute of it.
This thread is not about Hillary. Do you have some kind of learning disability that prevents you from realizing that?
look at all the butthurt over trump. all he did was criticism of an unelected magistrate with possible ties to the mexican la raza cartel. it's not like he got an ambassador killed and then lied about it by blaming it all on youtube or anything.
The ones feeling butthurt are his closest allies & advisors who were thrown under the bus inorder for him to have the appearance of being in control. Just ask Newt Gingrich
oh please, hillary could literally stab a little child in the eyeball with an ice pick right in front of you, then eat it, and then spit out the eye juice all over your face, and all you would do is say, "well, she's just allowed to do that because she has a vagina." and then trump could pick his nose and you'd all freak out as though he was literally raping you by doing it. that is why you have no credibility anymore, it doesn't matter how forceful you get with your hysterics, in the end you'll either have come to your senses or you'll have destroyed america since the road to hell is paved with ''good intentions'' and all. you don't get to sit here online spouting off insults at each other as if it's perfectly acceptable behavior and then expect your politicians to be proper ladies and gentlemen, you see? they get to be as much as a bunch of trolls as you do. and i love every minute of it.

Grampa's not in any way a fan of Hillary, you numbnuts.

After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

So you plan on voting for Hillary ?
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

So you plan on voting for Hillary ?
Absolutely not. I plan to look into the independent candidate while hoping that Trump further self destructs so we can nominate someone up to the task.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

So you plan on voting for Hillary ?

Don't worry. You can count on Gramps to be very anti-Hillary for years to come.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?
Wtf is the problem with you people. Ive said HUNDREDS of times that i could never support Hillary. Is there some kind of contagious mental retardation going around?
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?

See. I told ya! All Trump threads automatically morph into Hillary threads. It's crazy magic.
The judge is an American citizen by birth.

Trump's wall is supposed to be built to keep out all NON CITIZENS.

The judge's parents immigrated here LEGALLY and went through all the gates they needed to to get here.

No, there is no conflict of interest here.
The judge is a member of an organization that provided free legal services to illegal aliens. That claim that he wouldn't exhibit bias in his judgements simply isn't credible.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?
Wtf is the problem with you people. Ive said HUNDREDS of times that i could never support Hillary. Is there some kind of contagious mental retardation going around?

By not voting for Trump, you are helping Hillary. That's the bottom line.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

So you plan on voting for Hillary ?
Absolutely not. I plan to look into the independent candidate while hoping that Trump further self destructs so we can nominate someone up to the task.

I wish it wasn't Trump as well, but if he's the nominee he'll have the best chance of beating Hillary. No independent is going to beat a Dimocrat in a nationwide election.
Hillary will be an even bigger disaster, if Trump's the nominee, you've got to plug your nose and pull the lever.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?

See. I told ya! All Trump threads automatically morph into Hillary threads. It's crazy magic.

WE know you would prefer it if no one ever discussed Hillary. That's the only way she can get elected.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?

See. I told ya! All Trump threads automatically morph into Hillary threads. It's crazy magic.

WE know you would prefer it if no one ever discussed Hillary. That's the only way she can get elected.

Yeah. I know right! It would be much better if we had at least a few Hillary threads. Right?

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