Its becoming even more clear that Trump would be a disaster in the Oval Office

What is clear? We have a stalemate in Afghanistan because Barry Hussein doesn't want to deal with it and the freaking mid-east is on fire and Barry Hussein doesn't want to deal with that either. The unemployment numbers are staggering and the Hussein administration has been lying about it and lying about using the IRS to target political enemies. What is clear? Hillary might be facing a dozen felony indictments and she hasn't given a freaking press conference in six months. The best she can do is a softball interview by a former employee of the Clinton administration.

And all you will get with Hillary Clinton is an extension of above
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.


So now when he says to intensify criticisms of judges and reporters that translates to "attacks", did you mean that to be taken as physical attacks like another dimwit tried to pawn off on another thread? Because if that is what you're attempting I'm calling you out on it. Be very careful how you word things

I don't see how you can come to that conclusion.
Blind delusion

What is clear? We have a stalemate in Afghanistan because Barry Hussein doesn't want to deal with it and the freaking mid-east is on fire and Barry Hussein doesn't want to deal with that either. The unemployment numbers are staggering and the Hussein administration has been lying about it and lying about using the IRS to target political enemies. What is clear? Hillary might be facing a dozen felony indictments and she hasn't given a freaking press conference in six months. The best she can do is a softball interview by a former employee of the Clinton administration.
I am going to be looking into the independent candidate and i would suggest you all do the same. Pulling the lever for a moron because Hillary is a crooked liar is not an acceptable outcome.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.


So now when he says to intensify criticisms of judges and reporters that translates to "attacks", did you mean that to be taken as physical attacks like another dimwit tried to pawn off on another thread? Because if that is what you're attempting I'm calling you out on it. Be very careful how you word things
Stop trying to read between the lines. I have always spoke my mind without leaving doubt to what i think. I never said anything about actual violence. Some of you seem to have violence on the brain.

Reread your comment.....then get back to me. You've been caught like the other dimwit was. As for violence...lately that's a leftist thing...given San Jose and all
The only thing I've been caught in is your web of stupidity & paranoia.
If you dont like my wording mark it for the mods and move the fuck on. You've become very annoying lately.

You are unable to deal with "attacks" aka criticism...the word you should have used in your opening comment
The judge is an American citizen by birth.

Trump's wall is supposed to be built to keep out all NON CITIZENS.

The judge's parents immigrated here LEGALLY and went through all the gates they needed to to get here.

No, there is no conflict of interest here.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.


So now when he says to intensify criticisms of judges and reporters that translates to "attacks", did you mean that to be taken as physical attacks like another dimwit tried to pawn off on another thread? Because if that is what you're attempting I'm calling you out on it. Be very careful how you word things
Stop trying to read between the lines. I have always spoke my mind without leaving doubt to what i think. I never said anything about actual violence. Some of you seem to have violence on the brain.

Reread your comment.....then get back to me. You've been caught like the other dimwit was. As for violence...lately that's a leftist thing...given San Jose and all
The only thing I've been caught in is your web of stupidity & paranoia.
If you dont like my wording mark it for the mods and move the fuck on. You've become very annoying lately.

You are unable to deal with "attacks" aka criticism...the word you should have used in your opening comment
The end result is the same, obfuscation. Stop playing games.
So now when he says to intensify criticisms of judges and reporters that translates to "attacks", did you mean that to be taken as physical attacks like another dimwit tried to pawn off on another thread? Because if that is what you're attempting I'm calling you out on it. Be very careful how you word things
Stop trying to read between the lines. I have always spoke my mind without leaving doubt to what i think. I never said anything about actual violence. Some of you seem to have violence on the brain.

Reread your comment.....then get back to me. You've been caught like the other dimwit was. As for violence...lately that's a leftist thing...given San Jose and all
The only thing I've been caught in is your web of stupidity & paranoia.
If you dont like my wording mark it for the mods and move the fuck on. You've become very annoying lately.

You are unable to deal with "attacks" aka criticism...the word you should have used in your opening comment
The end result is the same, obfuscation. Stop playing games.

I wouldn't have commented on it at all if I hadn't read where some other loon tried to pull it also. Nip it in the bud before it becomes BS like Trump's comments on immigration were skewed so bad.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.
Give me a break. We all know you will vote for him.
You proved yourself irrelevant when you made a big deal out of Romneys hair. Nothing has changed.
The judge is LaRaza, that deserves close look. Trump is allowed to make that point.

Donald Trump Shows Signs Of Mental Breakdown By Calling All Journalists Racists

In a call with surrogates, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump showed signs that he is not well by overruling his campaign, and calling all journalists who ask about his comments about the Trump U judge racists.…
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Initially I supported Trump. Then, when he attacked Fiorina for her looks, I reassessed, thinking that he was narcissistcally shot-out. So I swung my support to Cruz. Then, when Cruz pulled his false ballot notification in the Iowa primary that Carson pulled out of it, I reassessed thinking Cruz was a typical political shyster. So, I jumped on the Trump bandwagon, again, believing that he actually puts our country before party.

But, in the last week, Trump has shown that he needs to win all battles at all costs, emphasizing his personal battle against over Trump U., which has been going on for over three years, now. At this juncture of his candidacy, it becomes apparent that he is unable to prioritize and continues to self-destruct over a personal battle, while betraying a historical number of Republicans whom have voted and supported him to do the right thing for the country, as opposed to being self-serving.

And 'Granny Crony' waits in the wings to finally flush this mess that the U.S. has become. Maybe we actually deserve Hillary.........:boobies:........
The judge is LaRaza, that deserves close look. Trump is allowed to make that point.
Trump has taken a personal battle and turned it into a political crisis for the party he supposedly belongs to. Not only that, he wants to take the media, whom are all now racists if they question him, down the drain as well.

We have a hole in our ship. Ignore it and keep sailing as ordered by the captain or mutiny & try to save ourselves as well as the ship?

BAD, no wait......... TERRIBLE JUDGMENT on Trump's part. So what do we do?
Whenever Trump does shit like this with the Judge and just before this attacking reporters at a press conference
after he was pushed to announce the release of funds for the Vets makes me wonder if he is trying to throw the election....
Just when I try to resolve the issues with this guy he pulls this crap....

What bothers me most is it seems like he doesn't take any advise from anyone but that little Trump thing in his brain....

The flip side is the mess that is Hillary....

At this point in time I can't vote for Trump for President....
It was fun watching the clown show with little Marco and the rest but
for God's sake Donald you are running for President of the United States.
Are you ever going to act like it?....
Whenever Trump does shit like this with the Judge and just before this attacking reporters at a press conference
after he was pushed to announce the release of funds for the Vets makes me wonder if he is trying to throw the election....
Just when I try to resolve the issues with this guy he pulls this crap....

What bothers me most is it seems like he doesn't take any advise from anyone but that little Trump thing in his brain....

The flip side is the mess that is Hillary....

At this point in time I can't vote for Trump for President....
It was fun watching the clown show with little Marco and the rest but
for God's sake Donald you are running for President of the United States.
Are you ever going to act like it?....

Trump seems to be making it clear that the 3 year old Trump U. case is more important than that. My dear wife, who caucused for Trump here in Nevada months ago, is very, very disappointed. True story.

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