Its becoming even more clear that Trump would be a disaster in the Oval Office

After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?
Wtf is the problem with you people. Ive said HUNDREDS of times that i could never support Hillary. Is there some kind of contagious mental retardation going around?

By not voting for Trump, you are helping Hillary. That's the bottom line.
By voting for Trump you are helping expidite the end of our nation. That's the bottom line.

Cool game, do i win?
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

So you plan on voting for Hillary ?
Absolutely not. I plan to look into the independent candidate while hoping that Trump further self destructs so we can nominate someone up to the task.

So you want Hillary to win?
If there ever was a time to TRY to change courses in this country & show DC they are our public SERVANTS and not our overlords this is that time.
No change that is positive ever comes from complacency
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

So you plan on voting for Hillary ?
Absolutely not. I plan to look into the independent candidate while hoping that Trump further self destructs so we can nominate someone up to the task.

So you want Hillary to win?
Stuck on stupid eh?
The judge is an American citizen by birth.

Trump's wall is supposed to be built to keep out all NON CITIZENS.

The judge's parents immigrated here LEGALLY and went through all the gates they needed to to get here.

No, there is no conflict of interest here.
The judge is a member of an organization that provided free legal services to illegal aliens. That claim that he wouldn't exhibit bias in his judgements simply isn't credible.

A judge helping "illegals". DemWitt anarchist chasing down and terrorizing American citizens.

Imagine reverse it, KKK judge. BHO rally attacked. Trump has the entire corrupt GOVT on warning to clean up. attempt.
The judge is an American citizen by birth.

Trump's wall is supposed to be built to keep out all NON CITIZENS.

The judge's parents immigrated here LEGALLY and went through all the gates they needed to to get here.

No, there is no conflict of interest here.
The judge is a member of an organization that provided free legal services to illegal aliens. That claim that he wouldn't exhibit bias in his judgements simply isn't credible.

A judge helping "illegals". DemWitt anarchist chasing down and terrorizing American citizens.

Imagine reverse it, KKK judge. BHO rally attacked. Trump has the entire corrupt GOVT on warning to clean up. attempt.

You know what's funny. Im all my years here i don't ever recall supporting anything Hillary has ever done. Literally nothing which could easily be taken as a partisan hard rightie. Yet in this one election if i don't support Trump i am considered a liberal. I never knew that standing on my principles could result in such a label.

Being forced to vote for whomever is the gop nominee simply because they have an R after their name is the definition of a puppet.
You know what's funny. Im all my years here i don't ever recall supporting anything Hillary has ever done. Literally nothing which could easily be taken as a partisan hard rightie. Yet in this one election if i don't support Trump i am considered a liberal. I never knew that standing on my principles could result in such a label.

Being forced to vote for whomever is the gop nominee simply because they have an R after their name is the definition of a puppet.

I don't consider you a liberal, I'm as disgusted with both candidates as you are. It's hard to believe out of over 300 million people the choice is these two
Anyway, Gramps

If this article is at all accurate, you likely don't have anything to worry about re. Herr Drumpf in the White House:

There’s nothing a better field organization could have done to save Walter Mondale or Bob Dole’s campaigns. The primary responsibility for winning lies with the candidate, and there are economic, ideological, and cyclical factors that can sometimes overwhelm the most dedicated work of a campaign and its organizers and volunteers. But, if one campaign has a substantial field advantage, it can be decisive in a close election.

So, unless Trump is going to win this election in a walk based on winning the argument against Hillary Clinton, he’s going to want to be competitive in the field. And he is not going to be competitive in the field because he really has no campaign at all.

Even at the higher level of media communications, Trump has a skeleton crew.

In reporting on Trump’s operation, NBC News talked to three Trump aides and two sources working closely alongside the campaign, all of whom requested anonymity in order speak freely.

Veteran operatives are shocked by the campaign’s failure to fill key roles. There is no communications team to deal with the hundreds of media outlets covering the race, no rapid response director to quickly rebut attacks and launch new ones, and a limited cast of surrogates who lack a cohesive message.

Can’t Beat Something With Nothing
The judge is LaRaza, that deserves close look. Trump is allowed to make that point.
What does that mean? ''the judge is LaRaza'' What makes the Judge's membership in a group of American judges and lawyers that have Hispanic Roots have to do with this case on Trump University's alleged Fraud?

This La Raza he belongs to would be like belonging to a Jewish American group of lawyers and judges, or a group of African American Judges or lawyers etc....???

Trump, should have had his lawyers apply to have the Judge recuse himself in the appropriate legal manner....NOT Trump, using his supporters and his spotlight for the presidency to do this in the court of public opinion and through inappropriate harassment of the judge for his own personal law suit gain, and to now incite his followers with his racism and hatred with not just the illegal Mexicans, but now ...with AMERICAN CITIZENS with any Latino roots.... that's just plain wrong, imo.
I want them to go on attack. This is a hit job plain and simple. And FINALLY Republicans won't take shit from the media or from the DNC.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

Wow you don't understand Hillary Clinton AT ALL!
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?
Wtf is the problem with you people. Ive said HUNDREDS of times that i could never support Hillary. Is there some kind of contagious mental retardation going around?

By not voting for Trump, you are helping Hillary. That's the bottom line.
By voting for Trump you are helping expidite the end of our nation. That's the bottom line.

Cool game, do i win?

Why do you think Trump is wrong to call out this Judge for being not only a member of the LaRaza Legal Association out in California, then the mother fucker appointed two pro Clinton legal freaking teams to the plaintiffs?

It's a freaking hit job and it has a multi million dollar price tag. These legal teams gave HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars to the Clintons for speeches not including personal donations.

Are you saying Trump is supposed to eat this shit? I don't. I want him to punish everyone involved in this rigged trial as much as possible and to get the Judge recused.

Here's a link. You know Gramps I have had it up to here with those like McCain who wouldn't even speak Obama's middle name or bring up Bill Ayers. And Romney let the media freaking decimate his wife for dressage to help treat her Multiple Sclerosis.

You want a wimp like them to lose again?

" If the Judge himself goes out of his way to make certain everyone knows he is Latino — is not Trump more than justified in being wary of a judge deciding his case with what seems to be a serious ethnic axe to grind?

Move on to the two law firms that Curiel selected to represent the class action case against Trump University. The first, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, lists as its senior partner partner Darren J. Robbins. And a check with the FEC shows that Robbins has made over a hundred campaign contributions over the years, far and away most of them going to Democrats.
Including a contribution of $2700 on May 12, 2015 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.* That would be the Hillary Clinton who, assuming she polishes off the Sanders challenge, will be the Democratic nominee against… Donald Trump.

Then there’s that second firm selected by Judge Curiel to be involved in the Trump University lawsuit — Zeldes Haeggquist & Eck LLP. The senior partner in that firm? If you guessed she was a multiple contributor to Barack Obama you would of course be right. But she was also a one-time donor in 2004 to… You know Move On, the people who back there in 2004 were running an ad comparing President Bush to Hitler."

The Obama Navy as Farce | The American Spectator
look at all the butthurt over trump. all he did was criticism of an unelected magistrate with possible ties to the mexican la raza cartel. it's not like he got an ambassador killed and then lied about it by blaming it all on youtube or anything.
The ones feeling butthurt are his closest allies & advisors who were thrown under the bus inorder for him to have the appearance of being in control. Just ask Newt Gingrich
oh please, hillary could literally stab a little child in the eyeball with an ice pick right in front of you, then eat it, and then spit out the eye juice all over your face, and all you would do is say, "well, she's just allowed to do that because she has a vagina." and then trump could pick his nose and you'd all freak out as though he was literally raping you by doing it. that is why you have no credibility anymore, it doesn't matter how forceful you get with your hysterics, in the end you'll either have come to your senses or you'll have destroyed america since the road to hell is paved with ''good intentions'' and all. you don't get to sit here online spouting off insults at each other as if it's perfectly acceptable behavior and then expect your politicians to be proper ladies and gentlemen, you see? they get to be as much as a bunch of trolls as you do. and i love every minute of it.

Based on your complete denial of Trump's demonstration that he is not fit to lead, you certainly mirror my signature.
The GOP had some good candidates, everyone was a better candidate than Trump and now they are stuck with Trump. Those who supported Trump should be completely embarrassed and STFU.
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

hmmmm . . . and why do you think Hillary is any better?
Wtf is the problem with you people. Ive said HUNDREDS of times that i could never support Hillary. Is there some kind of contagious mental retardation going around?

By not voting for Trump, you are helping Hillary. That's the bottom line.
By voting for Trump you are helping expidite the end of our nation. That's the bottom line.

Cool game, do i win?

Why do you think Trump is wrong to call out this Judge for being not only a member of the LaRaza Legal Association out in California, then the mother fucker appointed two pro Clinton legal freaking teams to the plaintiffs?

It's a freaking hit job and it has a multi million dollar price tag. These legal teams gave HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars to the Clintons for speeches not including personal donations.

Are you saying Trump is supposed to eat this shit? I don't. I want him to punish everyone involved in this rigged trial as much as possible and to get the Judge recused.

Here's a link. You know Gramps I have had it up to here with those like McCain who wouldn't even speak Obama's middle name or bring up Bill Ayers. And Romney let the media freaking decimate his wife for dressage to help treat her Multiple Sclerosis.

You want a wimp like them to lose again?

" If the Judge himself goes out of his way to make certain everyone knows he is Latino — is not Trump more than justified in being wary of a judge deciding his case with what seems to be a serious ethnic axe to grind?

Move on to the two law firms that Curiel selected to represent the class action case against Trump University. The first, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, lists as its senior partner partner Darren J. Robbins. And a check with the FEC shows that Robbins has made over a hundred campaign contributions over the years, far and away most of them going to Democrats.
Including a contribution of $2700 on May 12, 2015 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.* That would be the Hillary Clinton who, assuming she polishes off the Sanders challenge, will be the Democratic nominee against… Donald Trump.

Then there’s that second firm selected by Judge Curiel to be involved in the Trump University lawsuit — Zeldes Haeggquist & Eck LLP. The senior partner in that firm? If you guessed she was a multiple contributor to Barack Obama you would of course be right. But she was also a one-time donor in 2004 to… You know Move On, the people who back there in 2004 were running an ad comparing President Bush to Hitler."

The Obama Navy as Farce | The American Spectator

Curiel DID NOT select the law firms, they were selected by the Judge on the suit PREVIOUS to Curiel's appointment to it....and before trump or clinton became candidates.... trump's grasping for straws
Last edited:
Townhall ^ | June 7, 2016 | Pat Buchanan
Before the lynching of The Donald proceeds, what exactly was it he said about that Hispanic judge? Stated succinctly, Donald Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a class-action suit against Trump University, is sticking it to him. And the judge's bias is likely rooted in the fact that he is of Mexican descent. Can there be any defense of a statement so horrific? Just this. First, Trump has a perfect right to be angry about the judge's rulings and to question his motives. Second, there are grounds for believing Trump is right. On May 27,...
We got used to that when we reelected Jr.

I saw that when you elected Kerry in 2004..

Think if he were not rejected and had severed 8 years. You Communists wouldn't have blamed him for the Kerry depression and probably would have claimed that drooling fuckup Obama was the fault of BOOOOOSHHHH.

But you brilliant and honest Communist rejected Bush, so the meltdown in 2008 was purely the fault of you filthy Bolsheviks. :thup:
After hearing about his conference call with supporters today it is clear to me that he is not up to the task. He ORDERED his supporters to attack reporters today who question his attack of the judge.

The Oval Office is NOT the place for someone who can not accept that he is not always right and demands that others put their credibility on the line for his mistakes.

I will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE vote for Trump no matter who he picks as a vp.

Please tell me some of you are seeing the light...... I won't go so far as to call him a racist but he is demonstrating in public his inability to correct his course when even his supporters are calling him out & his response is to throw them under the bus.

Yes, but that doesn't matter. The most important thing is the economy and Trump will eliminate the public debt by printing money.
Our party is going to be saddled with his poor judgment if something does not change.

Is the judge a Klansman? If he is, then everything Trump said is valid. Everyone bows to the Klan, Obama and Bush both spoke to "The Race" Klan. So if this judge only attended Klan rallies he is just doing what all the corrupt and racist politicians in the nation do, bowing to the Klan.

BUT if he is Klan member, he is scum.

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