Its blame the blacks for everything time in America.....(sigh)


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
(sigh)....Cops shoot unarmed black men, its time to blame all blacks. Racist white dog, murder 9 black people, its our fault, all blacks. Inner city black on black crime, its because all blacks are violent. Confederate flags falling by the wayside, its not because of white guys and the history did something wrong, its because of black people. Obama gets elected president and now he's responsible for rednecks coming out the closet and dividing the country, its now blacks fault. The bank failures was because black people had mortgages they couldn't pay, you name it, its because of black people....DOES ANYONE IN THIS COUNTRY EVERY LOOK IN A MIRROR?

Hold it.

Maybe instead of blacks blaming whites and white blaming blacks, the scenarios should be weighed and the perpetrator should be blamed if he or she did something stupid to warrant being shot. Personal accountability. This applies to both cops and civilians.
Maybe some of that blame is deserved?

You do kill twice as many whites in raw numbers each year
Commit most of the interracial rape, assaults, robberies every year
And seem to have a hatred for anyone that expects you to follow the law or be a civilized human being.

Why shouldn't I blame you??? You don't do a shitten thing to improve race relations in this country. It is all whities fault.
Maybe some of that blame is deserved?

You do kill twice as many whites in raw numbers each year
Commit most of the interracial rape, assaults, robberies every year
And seem to have a hatred for anyone that expects you to follow the law or be a civilized human being.

Why shouldn't I blame you??? You don't do a shitten thing to improve race relations in this country. It is all whities fault.

Qualification is important.

Not all black people commit rape, assaults, robberies, etc. Some? Yes. How much? Do we have up-to-date and certain numbers? I don't know. Does it have to do with skin color? No. Do socio-economic factors play a role? Yes. Could culture play a role? Absolutely.

Are there black people who feel emboldened to commit crimes, and react violently if a guilty black person is killed while performing an illegal act? Well, yeah. Are there instances of guilty or innocent black people being killed when it was not warranted? Oh yeah. Are there fanatics who think black people can't do illegal things and that killing a black person committing a crime is never, ever warranted? Sure.

These issues are so complicated and subtle... nuanced.

Whatever you do, do not forget the good, peaceful black people in our community. Your nurse, your doctor, your paramedic, your cop, your lawyer [well, everyone hates lawyers], your businessman, your contractor, and on. Do not forget them, and refrain from using that broad, broad brush. You would not appreciate it if someone used that same toxic, broad brush against you.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't be a lawyer bigot. There are good lawyers and bad lawyers of every race. It's not their fault that people literally throw money at them simply because of the schooling they got; their cultural upbringing as it were.
(sigh)....Cops shoot unarmed black men, its time to blame all blacks. Racist white dog, murder 9 black people, its our fault, all blacks. Inner city black on black crime, its because all blacks are violent. Confederate flags falling by the wayside, its not because of white guys and the history did something wrong, its because of black people. Obama gets elected president and now he's responsible for rednecks coming out the closet and dividing the country, its now blacks fault. The bank failures was because black people had mortgages they couldn't pay, you name it, its because of black people....DOES ANYONE IN THIS COUNTRY EVERY LOOK IN A MIRROR?

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Your first line.

"Cops shoot unarmed black men..".

Your "side" smears all cops and blames all cops for the actions of a tiny %.

So...dont be pissed if all blacks are blamed for what some blacks do. kettle.
Maybe some of that blame is deserved?

You do kill twice as many whites in raw numbers each year
Commit most of the interracial rape, assaults, robberies every year
And seem to have a hatred for anyone that expects you to follow the law or be a civilized human being.

Why shouldn't I blame you??? And seem to have a hatred for anyone that expects you to follow the law or be a civilized human being.

YOU: You do kill twice as many whites in raw numbers each year
ME: Show some data or shut the heck up, fact...89% of whites are murdered by whites, 93% of blacks are murdered by blacks..get your facts straight.

YOU: Commit most of the interracial rape, assaults, robberies every year
ME: I'll give you the robberies and assaults, cause n*** are some crazy mf's, but rape? All a n*** gotta do in the south is smile at a white mop and her panties are off, no rape needed pal, sorry!!

YOU: And seem to have a hatred for anyone that expects you to follow the law or be a civilized human being.
ME: When you simple minded simps can judge people based on their character and stop lumping all blacks as one, than I can address this stupid statement.....and finally

YOU: And seem to have a hatred for anyone that expects you to follow the law or be a civilized human being.
ME: How in the fuck can any black person in this country at this day and time, have anything but contempt and hatred for white people? Yaw disrespect our President, never gave the guy a chance in hell to do govern, without you racist fucks attacking him. Law enforcement treat us all like shit, even good honest decent hard working blacks, all treated like shit. Every time we turn around there's a fucked up white guy shooting up every fuckin body, ie, kids, movie goer's, churches, abortion clinics, etc....Since OBama has taken office, you whites have been completely out of control and you want to BLAME BLACK PEOPLE FOR YOUR SHIT??????


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