It's called voters remorse

Hotair, one of the rightwing nut sites, even has an article up admitting this story was a lie. (maybe this guy read my posts)

"The sample size (“unweighted n”) is just 35 people, a number so small that the result is almost meaningless. The group they polled for this question, although it’s not indicated anywhere on the page itself, isn’t everyone who voted for Obama in 2012; I think it’s the 10 percent from the second question who admitted to voting for him in 2012 but who said they wouldn’t vote for him again now. Of course those people regret their votes. (If anything, I’m surprised the total’s not higher than 71 percent. Why would you say you wouldn’t vote for him again if you didn’t regret your vote now?) Long story short, if I’m right about the identity of the subsample, the actual number of Obama voters who regret supporting him is more like seven percent based on the data here, not 71 percent."

lol, 35 of the 1000 polled were asked the question about regretting voting for Obama.

You rightwingers are such stupid people, if I gave a shit, I'd feel bad for you.

Do 71% of Obama voters regret voting for Obama? « Hot Air
He's been more blocked by Democrats than the GOP. How many of his budgets have made it to a Senate vote?
His failure is his own. His party had 2 years of unobstructed access to power. And they passed plenty of bills. Or did you forget that?
And as for foreign policy, he's had a free hand. And fucked it up 6 ways from Sunday.

Why do you have to lie? They never had anything near two years with a 60 vote super-majority.

Free hand my butt. "Damned if you do and Damned if you don't" is still the GOP strategy there too. The Presidency is just more powerful than Congress in that area.

So are you saying the Democrats didnt pass any of his legislation, like Obamacare and Dodd-Frank? You have really pushed yourself into a stupid corner with that one. Do you really you maintain he wasn't able to get his way, despite ample evidence that he got legislation passed with zero GOP votes? Let's see how dumb you are prepared to show yourself here.

In July, Al Frankin was finally declared the winner and was sworn in on July 7th, 2009, so the Democrats finally had a Super Majority of 60-40 six and one-half months into the year. However, by this point, Kennedy was unable to return to Washington even to participate in the Health Care debate, so it was only a technical super majority because Kennedy could no longer vote and the Senate does not allow proxies.

Even if Kennedy were able to vote, the Senate went into summer recess three weeks later, from August 7th to September 8th.

on Aug 26, 2009 Teddy Kennedy died

Kennedy’s replacement was sworn in on September 25, 2009, finally making the majority 60-40, just enough for a super majority.

However the Senate adjourned for the year on October 9th, only providing 11 working days of super majority, from September 25th to October 9th.

Scott Brown was elected in November of 2009. The Senate was not in session during November and December of 2009. The Senate was in session for 10 days in January, but Scott Brown was sworn into office on February 4th, so the Democrats only had 13 days of super majority in 2010.

Summary: The Democrats only had 24 days of Super Majority between 2008 and 2010.

The Myth of the Democratic Super Majority | Maui County Democratic Party
Hotair, one of the rightwing nut sites, even has an article up admitting this story was a lie. (maybe this guy read my posts)

"The sample size (“unweighted n”) is just 35 people, a number so small that the result is almost meaningless. The group they polled for this question, although it’s not indicated anywhere on the page itself, isn’t everyone who voted for Obama in 2012; I think it’s the 10 percent from the second question who admitted to voting for him in 2012 but who said they wouldn’t vote for him again now. Of course those people regret their votes. (If anything, I’m surprised the total’s not higher than 71 percent. Why would you say you wouldn’t vote for him again if you didn’t regret your vote now?) Long story short, if I’m right about the identity of the subsample, the actual number of Obama voters who regret supporting him is more like seven percent based on the data here, not 71 percent."

lol, 35 of the 1000 polled were asked the question about regretting voting for Obama.

You rightwingers are such stupid people, if I gave a shit, I'd feel bad for you.

Do 71% of Obama voters regret voting for Obama? « Hot Air

You are proven to be an extremist. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Since you're a confirmed and admitted liar...what you're saying doesn't can't be trusted.

I also noticed your big mouth elected NOT to enter the Bull Ring when challenged.

If that isn't a basic admission of ignorance.......

Oh okay...

You have shown your true colors and America looks at what you stand for and they say, "Ewww."

You are too much of an extremist to influence anyone with a love of America.

Go and look for some change to buy a pack of Trojans.

I also noticed your big mouth elected NOT to enter the Bull Ring when challenged.

If that isn't a basic admission of ignorance.......

Oh okay...

You have shown your true colors and America looks at what you stand for and they say, "Ewww."

You are too much of an extremist to influence anyone with a love of America.

Go and look for some change to buy a pack of Trojans.


Yet my rep power is 1800+...what's yours? Coming up short again? I bet you hear that alot from the ladies dick breath.
Oh okay...

You have shown your true colors and America looks at what you stand for and they say, "Ewww."

You are too much of an extremist to influence anyone with a love of America.

Go and look for some change to buy a pack of Trojans.


Yet my rep power is 1800+...what's yours? Coming up short again? I bet you hear that alot from the ladies dick breath.

CC, a.k.a. MM (Madam Mouth) who has an avatar with a poor woman who is known (right or wrong) for being sexually active....calls someone dick breath.

Oh okay...

You have shown your true colors and America looks at what you stand for and they say, "Ewww."

You are too much of an extremist to influence anyone with a love of America.

Go and look for some change to buy a pack of Trojans.


Yet my rep power is 1800+...what's yours? Coming up short again? I bet you hear that alot from the ladies dick breath.

you have posted 10 times more.

So why isn't your rep power 10 times Mojo's?
You have shown your true colors and America looks at what you stand for and they say, "Ewww."

You are too much of an extremist to influence anyone with a love of America.

Go and look for some change to buy a pack of Trojans.


Yet my rep power is 1800+...what's yours? Coming up short again? I bet you hear that alot from the ladies dick breath.

you have posted 10 times more.

So why isn't your rep power 10 times Mojo's?

I'm a liberal on a conservative message board. Pretty simple if you think about it (try not to hurt yourself).

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