It's called voters remorse

Obama was and still is the superior choice to either Romney or McCain.

only for leftard loons.

Actually, anyone who thinks McCain would have done better is probably clinically retarded. As for Mitt Romney...the voters spoke in a very loud voice about who they preferred.

Was, is, and always will be the superior choice to Romney or McCain.

But lets make it interesting...

Can you name, oh, 10 things that Romney would have done--concrete things (i.e. not "leadership" or "work with blah blah blah") that would have made the economic and or political situation better in the 14 months since he was beeotch-slapped?

C'mon...10 concrete measures. You can do that...can't you?
The Echo Machine I refer to is much more than a lone poster on a message board.

Please...tell us what it is and show us how it works. In the meantime......

If Goebbels could behold it he would weep with joy.

But you have to wait for the book.

Please tell you watch MSNBC and not see the same thing ?

I have no illusions about some of what comes from the right.

To think that the left is somehow wired to not be the same way seems a bit.....

Let me not prejudice the answer.
Obama was and still is the superior choice to either Romney or McCain.

only for leftard loons.

Actually, anyone who thinks McCain would have done better is probably clinically retarded. As for Mitt Romney...the voters spoke in a very loud voice about who they preferred.

Was, is, and always will be the superior choice to Romney or McCain.

But lets make it interesting...

Can you name, oh, 10 things that Romney would have done--concrete things (i.e. not "leadership" or "work with blah blah blah") that would have made the economic and or political situation better in the 14 months since he was beeotch-slapped?

C'mon...10 concrete measures. You can do that...can't you?

If I thought you had an open mind (I'll leave out the insult here), I'd think this might be a serious question.

However, here is the point.....

True republicans believe that the best thing a president can do is shrink the government and get out of our hair. They don't make things better.....WE DO.

Somehow, you think that because there are bad situations.....someone in an elected position has to fix it.

Let me be clear to others....I have been openly critical of our health insurance situation since 1993. It is broken. Government has been part of breaking it. Hence, I am not interested in using them to "fix it".

I am not going to go any further except to say...Romney needn't do anything except get government out of our hair.

Just the promise of this change would have sparked an improvement in the economy.

All you have to do is look at Reagan to know that confidence in leadership helps the economy.

I do believe Romney would have been more transparent.
only for leftard loons.

Actually, anyone who thinks McCain would have done better is probably clinically retarded. As for Mitt Romney...the voters spoke in a very loud voice about who they preferred.

Was, is, and always will be the superior choice to Romney or McCain.

But lets make it interesting...

Can you name, oh, 10 things that Romney would have done--concrete things (i.e. not "leadership" or "work with blah blah blah") that would have made the economic and or political situation better in the 14 months since he was beeotch-slapped?

C'mon...10 concrete measures. You can do that...can't you?

If I thought you had an open mind (I'll leave out the insult here), I'd think this might be a serious question.

However, here is the point.....

True republicans believe that the best thing a president can do is shrink the government and get out of our hair. They don't make things better.....WE DO.

Somehow, you think that because there are bad situations.....someone in an elected position has to fix it.

Let me be clear to others....I have been openly critical of our health insurance situation since 1993. It is broken. Government has been part of breaking it. Hence, I am not interested in using them to "fix it".

I am not going to go any further except to say...Romney needn't do anything except get government out of our hair.

Just the promise of this change would have sparked an improvement in the economy.
So...nothing concrete except reduce regulation but no specifics there either.

All you have to do is look at Reagan to know that confidence in leadership helps the economy.
And billions in deficit spending...that helped too.

I do believe Romney would have been more transparent.

Really? Why would you believe that? He wouldn't release his tax returns when prompted.
Please...tell us what it is and show us how it works. In the meantime......

If Goebbels could behold it he would weep with joy.

But you have to wait for the book.

Please tell you watch MSNBC and not see the same thing ?

I have no illusions about some of what comes from the right.

To think that the left is somehow wired to not be the same way seems a bit.....

Let me not prejudice the answer.

MSNBC only dreams of a day when they can have the influence of the Faux Noise Machine.

Yes they try but they just don't have the same polish or effect.
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actually, anyone who thinks mccain would have done better is probably clinically retarded. As for mitt romney...the voters spoke in a very loud voice about who they preferred.

Was, is, and always will be the superior choice to romney or mccain.

But lets make it interesting...

Can you name, oh, 10 things that romney would have done--concrete things (i.e. Not "leadership" or "work with blah blah blah") that would have made the economic and or political situation better in the 14 months since he was beeotch-slapped?

C'mon...10 concrete measures. You can do that...can't you?

if i thought you had an open mind (i'll leave out the insult here), i'd think this might be a serious question.

However, here is the point.....

True republicans believe that the best thing a president can do is shrink the government and get out of our hair. They don't make things better.....we do.

Somehow, you think that because there are bad situations.....someone in an elected position has to fix it.

Let me be clear to others....i have been openly critical of our health insurance situation since 1993. It is broken. Government has been part of breaking it. Hence, i am not interested in using them to "fix it".

I am not going to go any further except to say...romney needn't do anything except get government out of our hair.

Just the promise of this change would have sparked an improvement in the economy.
so...nothing concrete except reduce regulation but no specifics there either.

all you have to do is look at reagan to know that confidence in leadership helps the economy.
and billions in deficit spending...that helped too.

i do believe romney would have been more transparent.

really? Why would you believe that? He wouldn't release his tax returns when prompted.

The liberal phonograph speaketh.

If this was any more canned, the FDA would regulate it.
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if i thought you had an open mind (i'll leave out the insult here), i'd think this might be a serious question.

However, here is the point.....

True republicans believe that the best thing a president can do is shrink the government and get out of our hair. They don't make things better.....we do.

Somehow, you think that because there are bad situations.....someone in an elected position has to fix it.

Let me be clear to others....i have been openly critical of our health insurance situation since 1993. It is broken. Government has been part of breaking it. Hence, i am not interested in using them to "fix it".

I am not going to go any further except to say...romney needn't do anything except get government out of our hair.

Just the promise of this change would have sparked an improvement in the economy.
so...nothing concrete except reduce regulation but no specifics there either.

and billions in deficit spending...that helped too.

i do believe romney would have been more transparent.

really? Why would you believe that? He wouldn't release his tax returns when prompted.


Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election |

Over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for President Obama's reelection in 2012, according to a new Economist/ poll.

The disaffected will just have to have their voices heard this November.

You rightwingnuts are so pathetically gullible. And so ignorant about the simplest things - like how to read a poll. The rightwingnut media echo chamber has been pushing a fraudulent story about voter dissatisfaction that has even popped up on this forum. It was an 'opt-in' poll about a documentary on Romney that will be coming out soon so the poll respondents were self selected to be interested in Romney. The poll sample size was not large, only totaling 803 people who voted out of the approximately 127,000,000 voters in the last election, and not everyone involved in the poll answered every question. This picture of the poll results you're misinterpreting shows that the sample size of the people responding to that specific question about 'regretting their vote' was only 35 people, not the full 396 people responding to this poll who said that they voted for Obama.


Of the 803 people who responded to the question: "Which candidate did you vote for in the 2012 Presidential election?", 409 voted for Obama and 345 voted for Romney. Next they asked "If the election was held again, would you still vote for Barack Obama?", and out of the 396 people who responded, 79% said yes, which broke down to 87% of the Democrats, 67% of the Independents, and 50% of the Republicans who crossed party lines to vote for Obama instead of Romney. They then asked only the ones who voted for Obama if they regretted their vote but only 35 people answered that question that you're touting, you poor deluded partisan retard, and 25 out of those 35 people were white and 24 of them were Republicans or Independents.

None of the actual data in this poll supports the lying "71% of Obama voters" headline that has appeared on many rightwingnut websites and tabloids.

No, 71 percent of Obama voters dont regret voting for him
The Washington Post
February 19
Conservative Web sites pounced on a shocking new poll Tuesday: 71 percent of people who supported President Obama in 2012 now said that they regret their vote, according to pollster YouGov.

"71% of Obama voters regret voting for him," wrote World Net Daily.

"Poll: 71% of Obama Voters, 55% Democrats 'Regret' Voting for His Re-election," read the Washington Examiner headline.

If true, it would be a huge blow to Obama, suggesting the president basically has no base left for his final three years in office.

Unfortunately for conservatives, the unbelievable poll was unbelievable for a reason: It was wrong. The headlines were based on a correct reading of the opt-in online poll, but the poll itself was incorrectly characterized.


If you look at the screenshot above, you'll note that the sample size for the "regret" question was just 35 people -- much smaller than the 396 people the poll tested who said they voted for Obama.

In a previous question, the poll did find that 10 percent of Obama supporters said they would vote for someone else if the election were replayed, but the 71 percent who said they regretted their vote came from this smaller group of people -- not from all Obama voters.

In other words, the percentage of Obama voters who say the regret their vote, according to the poll, is closer to 6 percent -- not 71 percent.
I would rather have a sister in the house of ill repute than have a dumb, lazy, entitled freeloading brother that voted for Obama

I would rather have a sister in the house of ill repute than have a dumb, lazy, entitled freeloading brother that voted for Obama

Too bad about your slutty sister, you dumb piece of shit, but any brother of yours who voted for Obama would certainly be ashamed to have a brainwashed corporate stooge and rightwingnut like yourself for a brother.
I would rather have a sister in the house of ill repute than have a dumb, lazy, entitled freeloading brother that voted for Obama

Too bad about your slutty sister, you dumb piece of shit, but any brother of yours who voted for Obama would certainly be ashamed to have a brainwashed corporate stooge and rightwingnut like yourself for a brother.[/QUOTE

Such vulgar language

I would rather have a sister in the house of ill repute than have a dumb, lazy, entitled freeloading brother that voted for Obama

Too bad about your slutty sister, you dumb piece of shit, but any brother of yours who voted for Obama would certainly be ashamed to have a brainwashed corporate stooge and rightwingnut like yourself for a brother.

Such vulgar language

Oooooooh, did I hurt your widdle feelings, you poor widdle retard? Maybe if you didn't post such idiotic bullcrap, you wouldn't hear "such vulgar language", moron.
Too bad about your slutty sister, you dumb piece of shit, but any brother of yours who voted for Obama would certainly be ashamed to have a brainwashed corporate stooge and rightwingnut like yourself for a brother.

Such vulgar language

Oooooooh, did I hurt your widdle feelings, you poor widdle retard? Maybe if you didn't post such idiotic bullcrap, you wouldn't hear "such vulgar language", moron.

Meh. What's clear is when the left is out of facts, they resort to tyrades in hopes that it would cover up their incompetence in life.

I'm cool with that.

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Such vulgar language

Oooooooh, did I hurt your widdle feelings, you poor widdle retard? Maybe if you didn't post such idiotic bullcrap, you wouldn't hear "such vulgar language", moron.

Meh. What's clear is when the left is out of facts, they resort to tyrades in hopes that it would cover up their incompetence in life.

I'm cool with that.

We're not "out of facts", retard, we're out of patience with rightwingnut stupidity, ignorance, and gullibility. The OP on this thread is a lie, as I have demonstrated using the original polling documents.

If you're too stupid to understand those "facts", well.......I'm cool with that. Pretty much to be expected with you deluded rightwingnut cretins anyway.

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