it's conservatives who hate America, and it's liberals who are patriots, my friends

"You are batshit crazy. Since the election was stolen from WE THE PEOPLE"


Laugh away, moron. You watch the country descend into silliness and terror for some Democrat city dwellers, and you accuse Trump of being corrupt when there was ZERO evidence of it.

But there is TONS of evidence of xiden corruption, but chinese stooge you, turns a blind eye.

You can go piss up a rope.
loving America requires ~ ~ ~ disruption, ~ ~ ~ to shake up the status quo. THAT'S my America

The snippet of your post above proves you are a mental defective who needs to be lobotomized. You are beyond fixing.

Maybe we can take your brain and impress its nerve engrams on a chip to power one of those gadgets that roams around the kitchen floor looking for crumbs to sweep up.
Dear basquebromance
Dr. King Jr conveyed love of God, country and brethren at a time more Blacks were Republican. We didn't have this exploitation of Blacks by party agenda, then Latino and now Asian.

What Dr. King did successfully is unite around equal Civil Rights.

Not AGAINST people by race.

Not AGAINST Christians in the media by LGBT.

Taking sides "against" half the population in America isn't loving America, only your perception.

Trump's fight focuses on the liberal elite bias in the media and partisan exploitation of divide and conquer.

At least he called it out.

Unfortunately his bullying back against bullying doesn't teach how to make peace.

That's for us to do, one on one, as Dr. King encouraged us to embrace one another.

Trump's main message was to call out media bias that was excluding and demonizing Conservative and American historic traditions.

We don't have to take sides, attacking one for the other. The point of freedom in America is to embrace and include all diversity of voices.

The failure of Liberals and Democrats to live up to inclusion of diversity is what causes so much protest and objection.
some folks can't handle the truth...that's right, run...RUN FROM THE TRUTH!
You wouldn't know thew truth if it kicked your microscopic beanbag.

Whenever I see one of this nimrods posts, I get an image of him cackling uncontrollably in a padded room clanking his ball bearings together.

what greater expression of faith in the American experiment than the love of nation displayed by John Lewis when he marched on Selma, what greater form of patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals?

loving America requires more than singing its praises or avoiding uncomfortable truths. it requires disruption, the willingness to speak out for what is right, to shake up the status quo. THAT'S my America


Conservatives want to create more wealth and related jobs, i.e. make more economic pie.

Leftists are focused on concept of limited wealth and redistribution, re-slicing a limited amount of economic pie, hence result in sharing the poverty. Except to their elite political leaders whom get a larger slice.

Conservatives = Wealth Makers
Leftists("Liberals") = Wealth Takers.

About as basic as that.

The real criminals/crooks are those of the Left~Socialist~Communist ideology whom think they have a right to use guv'mint to steal from those productive workers/makers/wealth producers whom are making more; so that the deadwood, deadbeat, parasitic Leftist/Socialist can get more than they have earned or deserved!
Goodness - yet another one of those "your team is poopy, my team is cool" threads.

It never seems to get old for some of these kids, does it?
we patriots disdain tacky fake tans, pro wrestling, big hair, chrome bull testicles hanging from a big truck...that are usually associated with Republicans

we also disdain the USA-chanting, Budweiser-drinking MAGA crowd, and for good reason!

you know why elites have more compassion for the world's poor than America's poor? because the former are easier to romanticize!
we patriots disdain tacky fake tans, pro wrestling, big hair, chrome bull testicles hanging from a big truck...that are usually associated with Republicans

we also disdain the USA-chanting, Budweiser-drinking MAGA crowd, and for good reason!

you know why elites have more compassion for the world's poor than America's poor? because the former are easier to romanticize!

You are selling this country out the Chinese.

You are no Patriot. You are a Traitor to your core.
We have a patriotism problem

the decline in patriotism among Americans is causing many of the issues we're seeing today.
what greater expression of faith in the American experiment than the love of nation displayed by John Lewis when he marched on Selma, what greater form of patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals?

loving America requires more than singing its praises or avoiding uncomfortable truths. it requires disruption, the willingness to speak out for what is right, to shake up the status quo. THAT'S my America

And the other side believes they are as right as you do and when it comes to options or personal views you're not right or wrong and neither is the other side. You're just some guy voicing an opinion that is unable to be proven as true or as a fact.

But much like your opinion, even the Nazis in WW2 believed they were right and doing good as much as everyone else believed the opposite. So you can be completely wrong in the eyes of the majority but still believe you are correct. Some people can't see the forest for the trees.
"atop a rock wall just beyond the pier, a large American flag flutters in the breeze...the edge of the country, the last stop before the endless ocean. From that spot, the world behind me seemed impossibly far away, a distant jungle of news reports and information wars.

sometimes, i'd have the eerie realization that anything in the world could be happening (a pandemic, a collapsing economy, a nuclear war, immigrants in camps) and this place would still look the same.

i could feel the weight on me lifting, the bliss of not caring. Perhaps this was how fascists got away with it through history. I'd then think: there's enough normal life out there for enough people to grab on to. they make politics dirty and dispiriting on purpose so that people will turn away.

in those moments, i'd look at the flag that once stirred in me such emotion and feel absolutely nothing!" - Sean Hannity

some patriot! SOME PATRIOT!

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