It's Daylight up here, Already. 4:48 AM


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.
I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.

You're right, what a beautiful morning.

I went outside and took a picture of my wife's bird feeders.

I think we in the Downeast part of Maine have the first sunrise in the USA on the Summer Solstice! I will see daylight at around 3:45 am to 4 am.

we have very long days this time of year. Longer days than in Florida near my parents and sister!

at the Winter Solstice, we only have around 8 hours a day of sunlight! It is downright depressing!
Sun has been up and shining bright! I

Today, the park that has this semi private beach that we found is opening today! Matt and I are going! It is suppose to hit the low 70s today!!!! It's been in the 50s and 60s, so today's temp is going to be well appreciated....summer is coming! Still not really here yet...
Sun has been up and shining bright! I

Today, the park that has this semi private beach that we found is opening today! Matt and I are going! It is suppose to hit the low 70s today!!!! It's been in the 50s and 60s, so today's temp is going to be well appreciated....summer is coming! Still not really here yet...

Mid 60s in Sussex England today but over 70 last weekend

I sun bathed for five hours on Sunday and now resemble a prize lobster but should have looked beforehand at the UV forecast due to major sun activity .

Good chance of a major energy release in the next few days. California a treble bonus .DC a bulls eye .
dear Heavens! I wish we had Possums, for the deer ticks! But we have none, zip, zero in my area and maybe the whole state?

on our land we have, Wild Turkey....the males are coming now....big ass toms, to eat the deer corn scraps.

Porcupine, skunk, raccoons, grey squirrel, red Squirel, Pheasants, Mallard ducks who just had their ducklings, herds and herds of deer, black bear that are huge compared to florida, same with the deer....they are HUGE compared to in Florida, the different species of birds showing up are uncountable, coyote, bobcat, weasel, chipmunks, moles, wood chuck, all the different fish in the river (creek), American Bald eagle, and other eagles, hawks, big owls...they killed my neighbor's cat :(

It's endless really! Except, no Possum!
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Mid 60s in Sussex England today but over 70 last weekend

I sun bathed for five hours on Sunday and now resemble a prize lobster but should have looked beforehand at the UV forecast due to major sun activity .

Good chance of a major energy release in the next few days. California a treble bonus .DC a bulls eye .
you get red with 70 degrees? would burn to a crisp here in vegas....its already in the 90's here.....
I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.
dear Heavens! I wish we had Possums, for the deer ticks! But we have none, zip, zero in my area and maybe the whole state?

on our land we have, Wild Turkey....the males are coming now....big ass toms, to eat the deer corn scraps.

Porcupine, skunk, raccoons, grey squirrel, red Squirel, Pheasants, Mallard ducks who just had their ducklings, herds and herds of deer, black bear that are huge compared to florida, same with the deer....they are HUGE compared to in Florida, the different species of birds showing up are uncountable, coyote, bobcat, chipmunks, moles, wood chuck, all the different fish in the river (creek), American Bald eagle, and other eagles, hawks, big owls...they killed my neighbor's cat :(

It's endless really! Except, no Possum!

I was looking for the picture I had of a young raccoon that got stuck in one of my wife's bird feeders. But I couldn't find it.

He hissed and snarled at me when I got him untangled with a stick. I didn't have the heart to shoot the little bastard, and I didn't want to clean up the mess.
Mid 60s in Sussex England today but over 70 last weekend

I sun bathed for five hours on Sunday and now resemble a prize lobster but should have looked beforehand at the UV forecast due to major sun activity .

Good chance of a major energy release in the next few days. California a treble bonus .DC a bulls eye .
Be really careful on those sunburns! I just had to have basal skin cancer surgery! That damage was from my youth in Florida, worshipping the beach and other outdoor events!

The beach we go to here has trees up to the sand, so we sit under a wild apple tree that keeps us in the shade, until we take walks looking for beach glass.
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Nighttime is underrated in my opinion. I like a nice even split.

When we were in Panama in Feb there was still roughly 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night, just like there is year round.
I was looking for the picture I had of a young raccoon that got stuck in one of my wife's bird feeders. But I couldn't find it.

He hissed and snarled at me when I got him untangled with a stick. I didn't have the heart to shoot the little bastard, and I didn't want to clean up the mess.
Some would eat out of my hand here, they are friendly....they know who feeds them! :)
I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.
I went to Finland in the middle of June a dozen or so years ago.
Daylight coming in my window woke me at 3 AM or so.
Had to close the windows to get some sleep.

But daylight at 10 PM? Pretty cool.
And as a major, major, major bonus

Maine has no poisonous snakes!!!


Maine has no mountain Big Cats at all!!!
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I went to Finland in the middle of June a dozen or so years ago.
Daylight coming in my window woke me at 3 AM or so.
Had to close the windows to get some sleep.

But daylight at 10 PM? Pretty cool.
We are past 9pm here, in the summer.
Be really careful on those sunburns! I just had to have basal skin cancer surgery! That damage was from my youth in Florida, worshipping the beach and other outdoor events!

The beach we go to here has trees up to the sand, so we sit under a wild apple tree that keeps us in the shade, until we take walks looking for beach glass.
Unfortunately like much of what the HC establishment has told us, skin cancer and dermatology is mostly a money making scam.

Dermatology’s Disastrous War Against the Sun
*Skin cancers are by far the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, so to prevent them, the public is constantly told to avoid the sun. However, while the relatively benign skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, the ones responsible for most skin cancer deaths are due to a lack of sunlight.
•This is unfortunate because sunlight is arguably the most important nutrient for the human body, as avoiding it doubles one’s rate of dying and significantly increases their risk of cancer.
•A strong case can be made that this dynamic was a result of the dermatology profession (with the help of a top PR firm) rebranding themselves to skin cancer fighters, something which allowed them to become one of the highest paying medical specialities in existence. Unfortunately, despite the billions that is put into fighting it each year, there has been no substantial change in the number of skin cancer deaths.

Dermatology's Disastrous War Against The Sun

you get red with 70 degrees? would burn to a crisp here in vegas....its already in the 90's here.....
Have been a sun worshipper all my life and have sat in the 40s C all day without harm , to the disbelief of Egyptians etc
But it is UV that can be the killer almost regardless of temperature .

These last few days have seen 20 years unprecedented sun eruptions which is why an earth quake in the next few days would not surpise me --- the extra energy has to go somewhere . Up De CrapitUS's arse would be great
I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.

I know what you mean!!


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