Its Getting Closer

When they start shooting the bastards across the continent they will have finally arrived at salvation.
An islamic wants a quick path directly to allah.
A good Christian/Citizen or Nationalist will make sure he gets there.

What part of the the Sermon the Mount was that again?
Christians are not to threaten anyone with physical harm or death. If they do they are not obeying the KJV Holy Bible.
About a week before the election, Gallup had Carter up at 47% and Reagan at 39%, and REAGAN WON IN A LANDSLIDE.

Gallup Oct. 13, 1980: Poll Says Carter 44%, Reagan 40% – Texas Insider
Then came more hard punches. On Oct. 13, Gallup put the race nationally at Carter 44%, Reagan 40%. The bottom appeared to fall out two weeks later when a new national Gallup poll had Carter 47%, Reagan 39%.

Gallup Oct. 13, 1980: Poll Says Carter 44%, Reagan 40% – Texas Insider
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Jim you're quoting a different book - not the KJV Holy Bible. Find a KJV Holy Bible and compare what you've just posted there.
Dont have it online and I dont like the KJV anyway. Thank you for the suggestion though.
When the words are changed the meaning gets changed too. Which is why no other book but the King James Holy Bible should be accepted. The other translations are corrupted. No one is to add to God's Word or take away from God's Word or change God's Word. Those who do are in big trouble with God.
When they start shooting the bastards across the continent they will have finally arrived at salvation.
An islamic wants a quick path directly to allah.
A good Christian/Citizen or Nationalist will make sure he gets there.

What part of the the Sermon the Mount was that again?
Christians are not to threaten anyone with physical harm or death. If they do they are not obeying the KJV Holy Bible.
That is your interpretation.

The Bible I read has Jesus giving His greatest compliment to anyone on Earth to a Roman Centurian and the first pagan converted to Christianity was also a centurian.
Jim you're quoting a different book - not the KJV Holy Bible. Find a KJV Holy Bible and compare what you've just posted there.
Dont have it online and I dont like the KJV anyway. Thank you for the suggestion though.
When the words are changed the meaning gets changed too. Which is why no other book but the King James Holy Bible should be accepted. The other translations are corrupted. No one is to add to God's Word or take away from God's Word or change God's Word. Those who do are in big trouble with God.
The King James translation ws just a translation, like any other. The most literal word-for-word translation from the ancient languages into American English is the American Standard Bible. The most readable is probably the NIV.

I have had this discussion a million times and it is boring, trivial and usually leads to bad feelings, so I aint discussing it any more.

But God bless and have a great weekend there bro.
When they start shooting the bastards across the continent they will have finally arrived at salvation.
An islamic wants a quick path directly to allah.
A good Christian/Citizen or Nationalist will make sure he gets there.

What part of the the Sermon the Mount was that again?
Christians are not to threaten anyone with physical harm or death. If they do they are not obeying the KJV Holy Bible.
That is your interpretation.

The Bible I read has Jesus giving His greatest compliment to anyone on Earth to a Roman Centurian and the first pagan converted to Christianity was also a centurian.
No, that is the Word of God. Not my interpretation. If you knew the Scriptures you'd know that. All if not most of the other translations come out of the corrupted Alexandrian text which removed or changed over 6,000 Bible verses they didn't like. Basically what you've got is an incomplete book in your hand that has had the words changed. The Alexandrian text is what the Catholic Vatican uses. It's corrupted. Their using it to make more and more translations, last I heard they had made 151 different translations and every copyright requires 10% difference from the original. Different things are not the same, Jim. DIFFERENT THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. No one has the authority to change God's Word. No one.

Example: Who killed Goliath? The NIV book teaches that King David didn't kill Goliath. It's full of lies. When the translators found out that people were finding their lies in that book they made another NIV translation making a change back to David killed Goliath. Still the later NIV translation says that someone else killed Goliath. They know exactly what they are doing and so that is why the NIV is known as "the satanic translation."

The NIV deleted 200 verses from the King James Version BIble. KJV Holy Bible is online. Look up the verses and see for yourself, Jim. Your Bible is missing 200 verses and is reworded to change the meaning. In other words, your sword not only doesn't have two edges - it has none and is useless.
King James Version (KJV) - Version Information -
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Islam is wearing out its welcome quickly all over Europe. Face bookers and You tubers are calling them out in public threatening to kill them. Not just the beaches and the streets but to go into islamic homes and kill them, kill them all.

Merkel has spread a virus across great parts of Europe and the CITIZENS of Europe have the cure.

May G-d bless and keep the Christians, the citizens and the nationalists in ALL of Europe today and always. May G-d grant the speed the strength the will and the power of 10 to each of them to eradicate this virus.


Who is this fellow pissed off at? I don't understand.
When they start shooting the bastards across the continent they will have finally arrived at salvation.
An islamic wants a quick path directly to allah.
A good Christian/Citizen or Nationalist will make sure he gets there.

What part of the the Sermon the Mount was that again?
Christians are not to threaten anyone with physical harm or death. If they do they are not obeying the KJV Holy Bible.
That is your interpretation.

The Bible I read has Jesus giving His greatest compliment to anyone on Earth to a Roman Centurian and the first pagan converted to Christianity was also a centurian.
No, that is the Word of God. Not my interpretation. If you knew the Scriptures you'd know that. All if not most of the other translations come out of the corrupted Alexandrian text which removed or changed over 6,000 Bible verses they didn't like. Basically what you've got is an incomplete book in your hand that has had the words changed. The Alexandrian text is what the Catholic Vatican uses. It's corrupted. Their using it to make more and more translations, last I heard they had made 151 different translations and every copyright requires 10% difference from the original. Different things are not the same, Jim. DIFFERENT THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. No one has the authority to change God's Word. No one.

Bowie differs with you. Big deal! Don't have an anurysm, for chrissakes!
An islamic wants a quick path directly to allah.
A good Christian/Citizen or Nationalist will make sure he gets there.

What part of the the Sermon the Mount was that again?
Christians are not to threaten anyone with physical harm or death. If they do they are not obeying the KJV Holy Bible.
That is your interpretation.

The Bible I read has Jesus giving His greatest compliment to anyone on Earth to a Roman Centurian and the first pagan converted to Christianity was also a centurian.
No, that is the Word of God. Not my interpretation. If you knew the Scriptures you'd know that. All if not most of the other translations come out of the corrupted Alexandrian text which removed or changed over 6,000 Bible verses they didn't like. Basically what you've got is an incomplete book in your hand that has had the words changed. The Alexandrian text is what the Catholic Vatican uses. It's corrupted. Their using it to make more and more translations, last I heard they had made 151 different translations and every copyright requires 10% difference from the original. Different things are not the same, Jim. DIFFERENT THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. No one has the authority to change God's Word. No one.

Bowie differs with you. Big deal! Don't have an anurysm, for chrissakes!
Bowie has the wrong book in his hands and therein he is being misled. If I didn't care about him, I'd let it go. @JimBowie Please watch this video and ask yourself this question. If I have access to a perfectly accurate map why would I use the one some shyster redesigned in order to send me in the wrong direction and cause me to become lost?

This is a short video that will explain why you need the KJV and it is quite entertaining. You'll enjoy it. I took the time to get it for you, Jim, so please watch it.

So you said someone else warned you about the NIV and now I've also told you about it - so if you ignore this video God will tell you one day - I sent you messengers to tell you about the NIV and you wouldn't listen.
What part of the the Sermon the Mount was that again?
Christians are not to threaten anyone with physical harm or death. If they do they are not obeying the KJV Holy Bible.
That is your interpretation.

The Bible I read has Jesus giving His greatest compliment to anyone on Earth to a Roman Centurian and the first pagan converted to Christianity was also a centurian.
No, that is the Word of God. Not my interpretation. If you knew the Scriptures you'd know that. All if not most of the other translations come out of the corrupted Alexandrian text which removed or changed over 6,000 Bible verses they didn't like. Basically what you've got is an incomplete book in your hand that has had the words changed. The Alexandrian text is what the Catholic Vatican uses. It's corrupted. Their using it to make more and more translations, last I heard they had made 151 different translations and every copyright requires 10% difference from the original. Different things are not the same, Jim. DIFFERENT THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. No one has the authority to change God's Word. No one.

Bowie differs with you. Big deal! Don't have an anurysm, for chrissakes!
Bowie has the wrong book in his hands and therein he is being misled. If I didn't care about him, I'd let it go. @JimBowie Please watch this video and ask yourself this question. If I have access to a perfectly accurate map why would I use the one some shyster redesigned in order to send me in the wrong direction and cause me to become lost?

This is a short video that will explain why you need the KJV and it is quite entertaining. You'll enjoy it. I took the time to get it for you, Jim, so please watch it.

So you said someone else warned you about the NIV and now I've also told you about it - so if you ignore this video God will tell you one day - I sent you messengers to tell you about the NIV and you wouldn't listen.

If that was true, then you would have to read the Bible in the original language it was written with...

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