Its getting very hard to watch the news. Get vaccinated or u will die....

Ask a real question, dropout.

The unvaccinated are endangering children and all those who are unvaccinated! When this is Trumpoid Qtip-head RepubliKKKlans infecting each other, I care not, in fact I applaud that, but you are also infecting innocent people, you vile ignorant trash-talking soulless evil rat bastards!
Oh oh. You best stay holed up in your mommy's basement. Don't forget to put on your mask.
The Delta variant is spreading like wildfire BECAUSE you idiots refused to get vaccinated.

No, thats totally incorrect. The vaccinated are testing positive and have a higher viral load and are spreading it more easily. You'd better wake up. We've been warning about this.
The CDC is playing politics instead of following science.
Covid attacks those with compromised immune systems, but the stats don't adjust for that.
If anyone gets hospitalized or dies the stats pretend that they were perfectly healthy, which may not be the case for "breakthru cases", vaccinated people getting covid.
Same with the un-vaccinated who die or get hospitalized, how many had compromised immune or respiratory systems?

That said I'm vaccinated and feel bullet-proof, which may not be the case for Delta, but I refuse to wear a mask unless I have to.
Man loses everything in a divorce, jumps from the top of a building...lands on a Covid patient cause of death...Covid.
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You're not getting the real picture. Stop being an alarmist.

You're right that infections are rising, but...
Not many are dying from Delta, why not?
Of those dying (or hospitalized) how many had compromised immune systems?

View attachment 519219
Makes complete sense.

Viruses tend to get more transmissible and less deadly with time.

It's about survival of the fittest.

The more deadly viruses kill or incapacitate too many of their hosts. When they do that, they don't get the opportunity to keep spreading.

The ones that don't incapacitate naturally take over.

What would be great would be if the people who end up getting Delta build antibodies which are also backward compatible with prior, more deadly strains.

Here comes herd immunity. It's about darn time. With the vaccines not working, it could actually happen naturally., and it's the only way this nightmare is likely ever going to terminate.

Silly humans can't stop respiratory viruses. We've never been able to do that. Viruses will be viruses. There are four other coronavirus in addition to COVID-19 that most people acquire at some point in their lives. They cause flu-like syptoms. SARS and MERS are two others which do the same. Influenza comes areound just about every year despite having vaccines for decades.
Makes complete sense.

Viruses tend to get more transmissible and less deadly with time.

It's about survival of the fittest.

The more deadly viruses kill or incapacitate too many of their hosts. When they do that, they don't get the opportunity to keep spreading.

The ones that don't incapacitate naturally take over.

What would be great would be if the people who end up getting Delta build antibodies which are also backward compatible with prior, more deadly strains.

Here comes herd immunity. It's about darn time. With the vaccines not working, it could actually happen naturally., and it's the only way this nightmare is likely ever going to terminate.

Silly humans can't stop respiratory viruses. We've never been able to do that. Viruses will be viruses. There are four other coronavirus in addition to COVID-19 that most people acquire at some point in their lives. They cause flu-like syptoms. SARS and MERS are two others which do the same. Influenza comes around just about every year despite having vaccines for decades.

I like your post but Adm. Giroir was just on and he warned about Delta. Maybe he's just trying to put the fear of God into anti-vaxers so they get vaccinated?
CNN, MSNBC and others including democratic/progressive radio all are trying to scare the shit out of people. I'm not against getting vaccinated but I don't need to constantly hear if u don't you will die. 350m people in the US and the CDC numbers are 48m cases, 609,000 have passed away. I understand that's alot of people, but that's less than 5% deaths of known case, so you shouldn't tell people if you want to live get vaccinated.

If you believe you have to scare people in order for them to listen, you've already lost.
Didn't you know that according to LibBots, Biden's open borders and allowance of unfettered international travel are good policies.
I like your post but Adm. Giroir was just on and he warned about Delta. Maybe he's just trying to put the fear of God into anti-vaxers so they get vaccinated?
Of course he is. There are probably close to 100 million Americans who already had COVID, over 30 million known. They have no need to get vaxxed.

It was "wear two masks." Soon it will be "get a third booster shot."

I've no problem with people attempting to protect themselves, as futile as the efforts have turned out to be, but those that wish to take their chances and not get vaccinated for one reason or another should be respected, nor blamed.

Obviously, nothing is working. Vaccinated people are told to mask up, studies say vaccinated people spread Delta as much as unvaccinated, and there are outbreaks where the majority of the infected and/or symptomatic have been vaccinated.

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