It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

I'm still waiting for one person to present a cogent argument for why the government is entitled to a cut of a person's estate.

its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ..... the government is going to steal your estate unless you figure out ways to keep them from doing it. And, if you don't, it's your fault you got robbed .... PLEASE tell me that isn't what you meant to say. PLEASE tell me you have a moral code better than that. PLEASE ....

I don't run the government. I don't write the tax codes Bitching about either does not protect me. Either I protect myself from government tax codes or I don't. They will remain there regardless ... My moral code is to protect myself against something I can't change. Whats yours? gripe about it?
90k OF 90k IS 100%

110k OF 1500000. K IS 7.3 %

100% OR 7.3% ... which is greater ?

so answer the question soggyboi ...

They both pay 6.2%....

What you are getting at is called the "effective tax rate".... learn to ask the correct question.

You're messing with the wrong guy bub... I'm a CPA. Two people could easily be in the same tax bracket, but pay different effective rates. They still pay the same percentage.
What he's getting at but is too stupid to articulate is this:
Up to 90k they both the same, 6.2% or whatever the number is. That is, they both pay $5580.
But the second guy makes $1.5M. Bt the amount above 90k is not subject to the tax, so he pays the same 5580 but on 1.5M in income, or .0372%
Now, I do not know the rationale for capping social security contrbutions at whatever level. Of course the benefits are also capped since benefits are directly related to amount paid in. This last point is no doubt lost on libs who think any payroll deduction is really a tax.

The reason for capping it?

You're looking at the wrong formula ... you should be looking at the benefits formula. Only be capping the tax can they cap the payout. Asking a person making $1.5M to pay 6% of $1M per year in order to collect $1500/month is virtually unsellable. You're not asking them to pay their fair share - you're asking them to subsidize virtually the whole population.
I sort of alluded to that. If you taxed 6% of 1M you'd have to pay out that much over the person's life. Otherwise you're just stealing the money. Which s fine with libs.

60,000.00 is considered a lifetime of tax to a millionaire?

please continue, you keep getting dumber with every post.
Wow, your reading comprehension is, um, impressive. Do you understand what "Social Security" actually is?
I'm still waiting for one person to present a cogent argument for why the government is entitled to a cut of a person's estate.

its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ..... the government is going to steal your estate unless you figure out ways to keep them from doing it. And, if you don't, it's your fault you got robbed .... PLEASE tell me that isn't what you meant to say. PLEASE tell me you have a moral code better than that. PLEASE ....

I don't run the government. I don't write the tax codes Bitching about either does not protect me. Either I protect myself from government tax codes or I don't. They will remain there regardless ... My moral code is to protect myself against something I can't change. Whats yours? gripe about it?
So you think tax codes are set in stone and cannot be changed? Really?
90k OF 90k IS 100%

110k OF 1500000. K IS 7.3 %

100% OR 7.3% ... which is greater ?

so answer the question soggyboi ...

They both pay 6.2%....

What you are getting at is called the "effective tax rate".... learn to ask the correct question.

You're messing with the wrong guy bub... I'm a CPA. Two people could easily be in the same tax bracket, but pay different effective rates. They still pay the same percentage.
What he's getting at but is too stupid to articulate is this:
Up to 90k they both the same, 6.2% or whatever the number is. That is, they both pay $5580.
But the second guy makes $1.5M. Bt the amount above 90k is not subject to the tax, so he pays the same 5580 but on 1.5M in income, or .0372%
Now, I do not know the rationale for capping social security contrbutions at whatever level. Of course the benefits are also capped since benefits are directly related to amount paid in. This last point is no doubt lost on libs who think any payroll deduction is really a tax.

The reason for capping it?

You're looking at the wrong formula ... you should be looking at the benefits formula. Only be capping the tax can they cap the payout. Asking a person making $1.5M to pay 6% of $1M per year in order to collect $1500/month is virtually unsellable. You're not asking them to pay their fair share - you're asking them to subsidize virtually the whole population.
I sort of alluded to that. If you taxed 6% of 1M you'd have to pay out that much over the person's life. Otherwise you're just stealing the money. Which s fine with libs.

60,000.00 is considered a lifetime of tax to a millionaire?

please continue, you keep getting dumber with every post.

Reading comprehension issues? His social security tax bill would be $60K per YEAR!! His social security income would be $18,000 a year.

If you can't keep up, just drop $14.95 in an envelope, and request the Cliff Notes version, or the audio presentation. Be sure to specify which adult conversation overwhelmed you. That way you can play it over and over again, until you understand an adult conversation. Please send it to: HTTS, 2020 Helpme Road, Urbana, IL (HTTS is the trademark for the Help The Terminally Stupid non-profit organization).
I'm still waiting for one person to present a cogent argument for why the government is entitled to a cut of a person's estate.

its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ..... the government is going to steal your estate unless you figure out ways to keep them from doing it. And, if you don't, it's your fault you got robbed .... PLEASE tell me that isn't what you meant to say. PLEASE tell me you have a moral code better than that. PLEASE ....

I don't run the government. I don't write the tax codes Bitching about either does not protect me. Either I protect myself from government tax codes or I don't. They will remain there regardless ... My moral code is to protect myself against something I can't change. Whats yours? gripe about it?

Your moral code says you protect yourself ... and yet, you have the temerity to demand that government steal from me in order to protect OTHERS????

Duplicity, thy name art Siete.
I'm still waiting for one person to present a cogent argument for why the government is entitled to a cut of a person's estate.

its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ..... the government is going to steal your estate unless you figure out ways to keep them from doing it. And, if you don't, it's your fault you got robbed .... PLEASE tell me that isn't what you meant to say. PLEASE tell me you have a moral code better than that. PLEASE ....

I don't run the government. I don't write the tax codes Bitching about either does not protect me. Either I protect myself from government tax codes or I don't. They will remain there regardless ... My moral code is to protect myself against something I can't change. Whats yours? gripe about it?

Your moral code says you protect yourself ... and yet, you have the temerity to demand that government steal from me in order to protect OTHERS????

Duplicity, thy name art Siete.

I don't demand the government steal from you or anyone else to protect anybody.

Dumbass be thy name sir Dolt.

where do these RW morons come up with this bs anyway ? an owners manual that costs them $14.95 ?
I'm still waiting for one person to present a cogent argument for why the government is entitled to a cut of a person's estate.

its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ..... the government is going to steal your estate unless you figure out ways to keep them from doing it. And, if you don't, it's your fault you got robbed .... PLEASE tell me that isn't what you meant to say. PLEASE tell me you have a moral code better than that. PLEASE ....

I don't run the government. I don't write the tax codes Bitching about either does not protect me. Either I protect myself from government tax codes or I don't. They will remain there regardless ... My moral code is to protect myself against something I can't change. Whats yours? gripe about it?

Your moral code says you protect yourself ... and yet, you have the temerity to demand that government steal from me in order to protect OTHERS????

Duplicity, thy name art Siete.

I don't demand the government steal from you or anyone else to protect anybody.

Dumbass be thy name sir Dolt.

where do these RW morons come up with this bs anyway ? an owners manual that costs them $14.95 ?

I rest my case.
Doesn't Barry Hussein get any responsibility? As far as I know he is still president and can still veto bills. What about the billions the rich Clinton's raised in donations from foreign oppressive regimes? Quid-pro-quo? What do they think they get for their bucks?
Exactly how does it "screw" the Middle Class and the poor? Please explain. Thanks.
FYI -- Basically, with the amount of waste and fraud, every single citizen gets screwed. Our tax dollars are given away to foreign governments, used for the care and support of illegal immigrants, we build mosques on foreign soil, we supply weapons to drug lords and terrorists, we pay bribes to North Korea and Iran, we engage in senseless deadly costly wars, defense spending is out of control, we have way too many military bases on foreign soil, we give ridiculous perks and benefits to members of Congress, we bailout Wall Street, the financials, and corporate America, and we're exploring the far reaches of the universe, all on taxpayers' hard earned dollars.

The above doesn't include Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, the fraud and corruption associated with the ACA, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, and income tax evasion by hiding money off-shore. And, some large corporations pay no taxes at all ( GE ).

Now, exactly how are we getting screwed? Especially the Middle Class and the poor?

Less money for public services which are used by the middle class and poor much more than rich folks.

For instance, who got screwed when Republicans cut IRS employees? Not me, I can afford to hire my own people.

Less money for fire? Doesn't affect me, I have sprinklers. If I get really paranoid, I'll buy my own fire engine and staff it.

Less money for Police? I'll hire my own.
Federal government doesnt provide fire department services, Mister Masters In Business.
The money would be wasted on studies of CHinese whores. More money for bureaucrats!

That's the punch line in this joke, liberals actually think Democrats in congress would give them the money, not happening.
They will give tax cuts to the nonrich, dingbat dupe- and what we want is investment in infrastructure/jobs, affordable college, and training for 3 million tech jobs going to CHINA. Pubs want tax cuts for the idiot rich, and you ignorant hater dupes are fighting for THEM. Idiocy lol....

You are delirious.
its up to the person to protect their estate and there are numerous LEGAL ways to do that. If they don't its not the governments fault they're not responsible to do so. Wealthy people are totally capable of protecting themselves and do just that. Idiots like you not so much. You'd rather bitch about the big bad government fucking everyone.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ..... the government is going to steal your estate unless you figure out ways to keep them from doing it. And, if you don't, it's your fault you got robbed .... PLEASE tell me that isn't what you meant to say. PLEASE tell me you have a moral code better than that. PLEASE ....

I don't run the government. I don't write the tax codes Bitching about either does not protect me. Either I protect myself from government tax codes or I don't. They will remain there regardless ... My moral code is to protect myself against something I can't change. Whats yours? gripe about it?

Your moral code says you protect yourself ... and yet, you have the temerity to demand that government steal from me in order to protect OTHERS????

Duplicity, thy name art Siete.

I don't demand the government steal from you or anyone else to protect anybody.

Dumbass be thy name sir Dolt.

where do these RW morons come up with this bs anyway ? an owners manual that costs them $14.95 ?

I rest my case.

If only you had a case.
You're not increasing the economy --- you are reassigning it. You also fail to consider the impact of removing investment capital from the economy.

If more people had more money to buy products, how would that not be good for the economy?

Corporate America has tens of trillions in investment dollars available. The problem is they invest in the market instead of their business.

Its clear no matter how much I pay in taxes the lying filth liberals will demonize me so why shouldn't I aggressively do everything I can to keep every dime of my earnings? The top 1% now pay 50% of the taxes how is that fair? You wealth grabbing communist puke liberals can blow it out your ass.

The top 1% now pay 50% of the taxes how is that fair?

It's called math. One-percent of one million is more than one-percent of fifty thousand.

Since you brought it up; What was you total income last year, and how much did you pay in all taxes? I'll bet you don't know.
If more people were working and making money, wouldn't business make more money?

And that has what to do with leftist tax-and-redistribute plans?[/QUOTE]

No, that is an example of business investment to further the economy.
ROFLMAO! Can we say WALTONS....they didn't do a FUCKING THING to earn any of their wealth. They INHERITED their daddies company and have gotten richer off the backs of the hard working workers selling,making and transporting their cheap SHIT made with slave labor in China.

You forgot married into it.

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