It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

Doesn't Barry Hussein get any responsibility? As far as I know he is still president and can still veto bills. What about the billions the rich Clinton's raised in donations from foreign oppressive regimes? Quid-pro-quo? What do they think they get for their bucks?

Hopefully he'll veto the two I posted.

Can you imagine what would happen if the idiots voted in a Republican in the White House, a 60 majority Senate, and a majority House? Can people that make over $1M/yr pay no income tax be far off?
You're not increasing the economy --- you are reassigning it. You also fail to consider the impact of removing investment capital from the economy.

If more people had more money to buy products, how would that not be good for the economy?

Corporate America has tens of trillions in investment dollars available. The problem is they invest in the market instead of their business.

The depth (or lack of) of understanding of the fiscal realities continues to boggle my mind...

Where do you suppose that money that is 'invest[ed] in the market' goes? It goes into companies. Whether they invest in their company, or invest in someone else's, it makes no difference ... your argument is fallacious.
You're assuming he understands the difference between income tax and inheritance tax

Income tax and inheritance tax collected don't go to the same place?
The stupid is strong in this one.

Simple question; Yes or no, Does collected income tax and inheritance tax go to the same place? If no, please explain. No bloviating.
I love the way you ask the unanswerable question ... and then browbeat someone who can't answer.

The tax breaks aren't "Republican". They are granted by any politician the Corporation donates to.
Boo hoo why don't you have yourself a good cry loser.

I'm wealthy, I didn't loose, you did. And you're too stupid to figure it out. That is sad.

Sorry, I don't believe you ... your depth of fiscal knowledge is too shallow for me to honestly believe that you are 'wealthy'. Given your knowledge base, you would have lost it in about 2 years.

This is the movement today. Big Corp has to buy politicians so they can get a pass on taxation.

Verizon made $19.3 billion in US pretax profits from 2008 to 2012, yet didn’t pay any federal income taxes during the period. Instead, it got $535 million in tax rebates. Verizon’s effective federal income tax rate was negative 2.8 percent from 2008 to 2012.

It's fun to watch the extremely poor still fixate on Reaganomics and blame taxation for their poverty. But it also makes you want to punch some sense into their small brains.

I know lot's of poor people who say their CEO tells them they can't give them a raise because Big Gov. is hitting them too hard on taxes. Meanwhile the average a CEO makes keeps increasing and some say is hitting 300x that of the average worker. The job of a CEO today is to convince the workers there is no room for wage increase.
Let's say I'm a CEO. Here is what I will do when you approach me wanting a raise;

"I'm sorry. There is absolutely no room in the budget. We have been hit so hard with Government taxes we simply can't do it." ~CEO

By finding ways to deny raises to hundreds of workers, the CEO can get huge pay increases since workers cost so much.

This is the movement today. Big Corp has to buy politicians so they can get a pass on taxation.

Verizon made $19.3 billion in US pretax profits from 2008 to 2012, yet didn’t pay any federal income taxes during the period. Instead, it got $535 million in tax rebates. Verizon’s effective federal income tax rate was negative 2.8 percent from 2008 to 2012.

It's fun to watch the extremely poor still fixate on Reaganomics and blame taxation for their poverty. But it also makes you want to punch some sense into their small brains.

I know lot's of poor people who say their CEO tells them they can't give them a raise because Big Gov. is hitting them too hard on taxes. Meanwhile the average a CEO makes keeps increasing and some say is hitting 300x that of the average worker. The job of a CEO today is to convince the workers there is no room for wage increase.

Your egotism is only exceeded by the sheer magnitude of the idiocy of such a post. You should be congratulated - you broke two records in a single post.

This is the movement today. Big Corp has to buy politicians so they can get a pass on taxation.

Verizon made $19.3 billion in US pretax profits from 2008 to 2012, yet didn’t pay any federal income taxes during the period. Instead, it got $535 million in tax rebates. Verizon’s effective federal income tax rate was negative 2.8 percent from 2008 to 2012.

It's fun to watch the extremely poor still fixate on Reaganomics and blame taxation for their poverty. But it also makes you want to punch some sense into their small brains.

I know lot's of poor people who say their CEO tells them they can't give them a raise because Big Gov. is hitting them too hard on taxes. Meanwhile the average a CEO makes keeps increasing and some say is hitting 300x that of the average worker. The job of a CEO today is to convince the workers there is no room for wage increase.

Your egotism is only exceeded by the sheer magnitude of the idiocy of such a post. You should be congratulated - you broke two records in a single post.

I just lol'ed...You're the one that wants to unregulated businesses and destroy our science infrastructure. You're fucked up in the head.

This is the movement today. Big Corp has to buy politicians so they can get a pass on taxation.

Verizon made $19.3 billion in US pretax profits from 2008 to 2012, yet didn’t pay any federal income taxes during the period. Instead, it got $535 million in tax rebates. Verizon’s effective federal income tax rate was negative 2.8 percent from 2008 to 2012.

It's fun to watch the extremely poor still fixate on Reaganomics and blame taxation for their poverty. But it also makes you want to punch some sense into their small brains.

I know lot's of poor people who say their CEO tells them they can't give them a raise because Big Gov. is hitting them too hard on taxes. Meanwhile the average a CEO makes keeps increasing and some say is hitting 300x that of the average worker. The job of a CEO today is to convince the workers there is no room for wage increase.

Your egotism is only exceeded by the sheer magnitude of the idiocy of such a post. You should be congratulated - you broke two records in a single post.

I just lol'ed...You're the one that wants to unregulated businesses and destroy our science infrastructure. You're fucked up in the head.

But he had two big insults in one post! Just because they had nothing to do with the topic doesn't mean we should ignore his intelligence! He knows how to say such brainy things as "You are stupid" Points! Nothing screams, "I know politics" like an insult post without political or topical substance.
I need to start insulting more instead of relying on factual data. Then people will think I'm smart.

FOXNEWS4LIFE! :cheers2:
Yet, you'll bitch like a little baby when something like h1n1 or Ebola crosses our border. You'll scream for the CDC to stop it! But guess what, if you got your way no one will be able to.

Stupid is as stupid does!

^Good post.

The party that "hates emotional responses" and "hates government control" tends to be the one that does exactly that. The Right Wing wanted 4 wars since Obama was elected and called him a coward each time he used diplomacy, wait, 5 because of Iran last week. 5.

Conservative spenders who think war is free are party puppets and forget the warning of the Military Industrial Complex. Cost of National Security Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour
The rich pay more in taxes in one year than many of the middle class and poor will pay in their lifetime.

That's because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of 50K.

2014, I paid 4% of $32.6M in federal tax. A working couple making $50K paid 7%.

Get it yet?

I'm not very good at math, but I think 4% of 32.6M is $1,296,000 and 7% of $50,000 is $3500.

See the problem?

The working couple that made $50K worked for a wage or salary. You did not!

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