It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

That's the punch line in this joke, liberals actually think Democrats in congress would give them the money, not happening.

No, liberals KNOW that Republicans haven't given them anything except harder living.

Example, what Republican has ever written a bill, or even voted for a bill that hasn't given a ten-fold benefit to the wealthy while leaving the middle class high and dry?
You right wingers scream about Marxism and corruption whenever a black guy holds a policy you disagree with. But when a bunch of white males pass a law that smacks of corruption, you are nowhere to be seen.
That's why I left NYC in the nineties... two damn expensive, not worth it.

It's too damn expensive? In 2010 I paid .30/dollar for a managed apartment at Fifth Avenue and 57th Street. How is that expensive? On the other hand, the monthlies are $5k/mo. Thank God Republicans have made that fully deductible for the wealthy!
Uhm, you do realize that if you confiscated all of the wealth, every cent of it, of the evil one-percenters, you'd fund the government for less than a month.

Then who's wealth are you going to confiscate?

Your argument isn't valid.

Corporate America and the wealthy in this country collectively have over one-hundred-trillion in cash.

Hell, if you billed the Catholic church for back property tax you'd payoff the national debt.
Its clear no matter how much I pay in taxes the lying filth liberals will demonize me so why shouldn't I aggressively do everything I can to keep every dime of my earnings? The top 1% now pay 50% of the taxes how is that fair? You wealth grabbing communist puke liberals can blow it out your ass.

The top 1% now pay 50% of the taxes how is that fair?

It's called math. One-percent of one million is more than one-percent of fifty thousand.

Since you brought it up; What was you total income last year, and how much did you pay in all taxes? I'll bet you don't know.

That's the punch line in this joke, liberals actually think Democrats in congress would give them the money, not happening.

No, liberals KNOW that Republicans haven't given them anything except harder living.

Example, what Republican has ever written a bill, or even voted for a bill that hasn't given a ten-fold benefit to the wealthy while leaving the middle class high and dry?

Boo hoo why don't you have yourself a good cry loser.
They both pay 6.2%....

What you are getting at is called the "effective tax rate".... learn to ask the correct question.

You're messing with the wrong guy bub... I'm a CPA. Two people could easily be in the same tax bracket, but pay different effective rates. They still pay the same percentage.

So lets do it this way. Percentage of total income.
Police and Fire departments are not Federal concerns. The complainers never seem to know that, though.

Name one tax supported police or fire department that hasn't received directly or indirectly federal monies? Good luck with that!
Sure, let's go with that one, lol.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Here's mine. EVERYTHING is more expensive today than it was in 1970. The percentage of the increase is much more than wages increasing 1970-2015.
Those Walton's who inherited the business are not sitting on their butts either.
If they had the business would have gone out of business.
No the kids who inherited it expanded the business beyond what their Dad ever dreamed of.

The people they hired expanded the business. A business owners job is to direct and plan.
There is a shit ton of rich ass Democrats preaching all kinds of nonsense--none of whom is willing to give up their fame/fortune/status for "the greater good". They talk a good talk about "the people" and our plight. But, at the end of the day, who has the fat bank account and the private jet?

It ain't us.

But...if one you just hapens to be one of them, I could use a few extra duckets in my paypal account. Thanks in advance. :thup:

I'm one of those. I pay $23.50/hr, 100% paid benefits, and a European styled vacation policy to my employees. Unlike a Republican, I understand who make me all of my money, I compensate them well, and still make millions in profit.

How do you know when an employer is lying? When she/he says 'I can't afford to pay my employees a higher wage.'
I don't see how allowing people to keep more of their money screws anyone but the politicians.
This is going to take over $20 billion per year out of the government's ability to pay off the debt.

And it only helps the Paris Hiltons of the country, who need no help.

So Republicans should STFU about the debt and the deficit.

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