It's Good To Be Rich! More Republican Tax Breaks!

And the Kids! What would happen to education and childcare with tax cuts...
The sky would fall !
Every penny needed, no waste to be had.... The horrors !!!

If the GOP handout to the rich goes through, who do you think will need to make up for tax revenue lost? You think may the Easter Bunny?

It will be middle America, the middle class who will have to make up the revenue loss. Use your brain.....
God I fucking hate left wing morons. Every fucking day it is another fucking hypocritical bullshit ignorant god damn cliche from these worthless tool bags.

Fucking morons.
God I fucking hate left wing morons. Every fucking day it is another fucking hypocritical bullshit ignorant god damn cliche from these worthless tool bags

Interesting. Yet most everyday, here you are spreading YOUR fucking hypocritical bullshit, you ignorant god damn clueless, worthless piece of shit. aka a Rethuglikan.

But it is a lot of fun now isn't it? Where else can you talk to people like the above and not get in a fight? Or shot?
I can't believe people are just starting to figure this out. America is ande has always been the land of the rich and the home of the poor. The system has been designed to keep it this way. Quit complaining and accept it. I've never seen it as exceptional.
What it does is prove business pays shit compared to you.

Nope. Corporate rates are higher.

I paid ZERO because of your effort.

Prove it, liar.

Again, it doesn't matter what the rate is, it's how much you pay.

Do you think it's possible for an individual making $1M gross to have a taxable income of $100K?
Of course. It's possible for an individual making 1M gross to have zero income. Or do you not understand this?
I can't believe people are just starting to figure this out. America is ande has always been the land of the rich and the home of the poor. The system has been designed to keep it this way. Quit complaining and accept it. I've never seen it as exceptional.
That's why most rich people made their money on their own?
Less F--king "Services "....they is owed. !!!
God Forbid

Police, Fire, traffic lights, roadways, Air Traffic Controllers, and many, many more.
The feds dont pay for police, fire, traffic, lights and most roadways.
Another failed meme of the left.

You don't get out much, do you? Take a look at some of those budgets for local governments and you will be shocked to see how much federal money either directly or indirectly makes its way into their operating expenses.
You have no idea what i pay or dont pay. You have no idea what "businesses" pay or dont pay. You make gross generalizations backed up with nonsense and think you've proven something.
All you've proven is how stupid you are.

Why don't you list what your net is, or would that totally blow your postings?
Why dont you stick it up your ass?

I love the intellectual responses that some RW loons use when desperately trying to respond to a ration debate. Just proves, "you can't fix stupid..."
Less F--king "Services "....they is owed. !!!
God Forbid

Police, Fire, traffic lights, roadways, Air Traffic Controllers, and many, many more.
The feds dont pay for police, fire, traffic, lights and most roadways.
Another failed meme of the left.

You don't get out much, do you? Take a look at some of those budgets for local governments and you will be shocked to see how much federal money either directly or indirectly makes its way into their operating expenses.
Thank you, capt irrelevant.
And the Kids! What would happen to education and childcare with tax cuts...
The sky would fall !
Every penny needed, no waste to be had.... The horrors !!!

If the GOP handout to the rich goes through, who do you think will need to make up for tax revenue lost? You think may the Easter Bunny?

It will be middle America, the middle class who will have to make up the revenue loss. Use your brain.....
No tax revenue "loss" needs to be made up. Thanks for playing.
I simply don't care. If Daddy made the money and wants to give it to his children, it's HIS choice, not yours. Why should they have to pay anything on a gift from their father?

unless the estate is worth over $10.8 million dollars, mom and dads kids don't pay squat either ... and dear old dad didn't get and keep the estate by being a dumbass. His financial lawyers and estate planners know exactly how to protect the kids. Anyone who believes he doesn't is dumb as a hammer.
Irrelevant. The money is his and his to distribute as he pleases upon his death. The government has no imperative to take any of it.
Way to protect the 0.1% who have to pay estate taxes....after getting many millions untaxed to little trust fund tool GOPers...moron. GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country. Then there are the greedy chumps like you the GOP screws with their bs tax cuts, which end up only helping the very richest.
What gives you, or the government, the right to take anything from the wealth a person accumulates during their lifetime? Answer, nothing. It's pure greed. And ya gotta love idiots who use stupid phrases like "GOOD citizens are happy to pay their fair share and reward our great country". Chumps.
GOOD citizens don't mind paying their fair share. You are shortsighted, selfish and a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich who are screwing you and the country. YOUR taxes have gone UP under Reaganism, while the richest a-hole Pubs are laughing at you all the way to the bank.

Very simple question. WHAT IS A "FAIR SHARE"? Give us a number.
The money was already earned by their family. I see no reason why the government is entitled to any piece of it simply because they pass it down to their children or grandchildren. This is nothing more than a class warfare argument.

Income tax is individual or couple, not family.

Besides, estate tax is exempt below $5.34M, why would you care?
Why would you care if the estate is greater than $5 mil? What business is it of yours to determine what a person is allowed to do with the wealth they accumulate in their life?
Because I believe in equal protection for all, not some. The estate tax was conceived out of jealousy, envy, and greed that some people had more than others.

Don't worry about the rich, we have Republicans that make sure we pay far less than you.

Thanks for voting for them!
And of course many wealthy democrats wailing that their taxes are too low while they employ armies of tax attorneys to make that tax bill as small as possible.

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