It’s Happening: Gay Couple Suing New York Bed and Breakfast For Not Hosting Wedding…

Gays are vindictive. Christians are not. Homo filth will do whatever they can to destroy Christianity. I'm not certain Christians or other moral citizens have the guts to take the gay trash on.
The vast majority of gay Americans are Christian.

It's good to see you remain consistent at being ignorant, stupid, and wrong.
No they're not. They may think they are but they're not. Not in the eyes of God.

They'll all burn in hell.
Hell is where you inbred rednecks will end up.

Well, why don't you come down and show me the way bitch?
Gays are vindictive. Christians are not. Homo filth will do whatever they can to destroy Christianity. I'm not certain Christians or other moral citizens have the guts to take the gay trash on.

For over 200 years Christians passed laws attempting to destroy homosexuals- including laws to have them fired and laws to have them imprisoned.

In contrast- what you call 'vindictiveness' is a gay couple asking a Christian to follow the law- the very same law that says someone refuse to serve Christians.
Gays are vindictive. Christians are not. Homo filth will do whatever they can to destroy Christianity. I'm not certain Christians or other moral citizens have the guts to take the gay trash on.

They don't. They are taught to be passive.
Has it been a WEEK YET? (No... it's not been a week yet...) and the Left is moving like a swarm of brown shirts:

From Crowder:

"Dailey told that the owner told them that it was “nothing personal” but gay marriage was “against my faith.”

The couple further stated, “We are human beings, just like anybody else. We’re not asking to impose on anybody’s else beliefs or opinions, just to celebrate our love as any other two people would.”

I’m confused. If the owners told you it wasn’t personal, but that it was against their beliefs to host a gay ceremony… and you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs… then why are you filing a complaint? Why not find another location? How do their personal beliefs effect you? Remember that?

Unless, of course, you didn’t actually mean you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs.

It’s a fair question though, and one which the Supreme Court has helped to make that much more confusing. Does a couple’s “true love” trump an individual’s right to religious freedom?

Can a business “discriminate” on any grounds whatsoever? If the answer is no… then why have Amazon and eBay remove Confederate merchandise from their site? Can a business refuse service to someone who isn’t wearing a shirt and shoes? Does a business ever have the right not to serve someone? Ever? Ever ever ever ever?

Either the answer is yes, or it is no. It cannot be both."

Read more: It s Happening Gay Couple Suing New York Bed and Breakfast For Not Hosting Wedding... Louder With Crowder
Good. Bigots need to keep their hatred to themselves.

HEY! One fascist is professing its assent.

Anyone else?
So, being against bigotry makes one a fascist in your addled brain?
There are no bigger BIGOTS on the PLANET, than a fucking Christian hating FAGGOT.

If they're smart, they'll stay the hell away from me.

Oh the Homosexual hating Christofascist like you are far bigger bigots.

Homosexuals just want someone to sell them goods and services like anyone else.

Your kind of 'christian' want homosexuals thrown in prison, fired or go to Africa to encourage laws to have gays killed.
The rights of the minority outweigh the rights of the majority..............In Liberal Utopia...........

Forcing people to accept things an accomidate them when it's against their faith.............

But if they are offended it's not a problem to the fascist...........It only matters if the very small minority of gays are offended........and the Majority must bow down to this or they'll sue.............

Typical liberal horseshit.
Has it been a WEEK YET? (No... it's not been a week yet...) and the Left is moving like a swarm of brown shirts:

From Crowder:

"Dailey told that the owner told them that it was “nothing personal” but gay marriage was “against my faith.”

The couple further stated, “We are human beings, just like anybody else. We’re not asking to impose on anybody’s else beliefs or opinions, just to celebrate our love as any other two people would.”

I’m confused. If the owners told you it wasn’t personal, but that it was against their beliefs to host a gay ceremony… and you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs… then why are you filing a complaint? Why not find another location? How do their personal beliefs effect you? Remember that?

Unless, of course, you didn’t actually mean you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs.

It’s a fair question though, and one which the Supreme Court has helped to make that much more confusing. Does a couple’s “true love” trump an individual’s right to religious freedom?

Can a business “discriminate” on any grounds whatsoever? If the answer is no… then why have Amazon and eBay remove Confederate merchandise from their site? Can a business refuse service to someone who isn’t wearing a shirt and shoes? Does a business ever have the right not to serve someone? Ever? Ever ever ever ever?

Either the answer is yes, or it is no. It cannot be both."

Read more: It s Happening Gay Couple Suing New York Bed and Breakfast For Not Hosting Wedding... Louder With Crowder
Good. Bigots need to keep their hatred to themselves.

HEY! One fascist is professing its assent.

Anyone else?
So, being against bigotry makes one a fascist in your addled brain?
There are no bigger BIGOTS on the PLANET, than a fucking Christian hating FAGGOT.

If they're smart, they'll stay the hell away from me.

Oh the Homosexual hating Christofascist like you are far bigger bigots.

Homosexuals just want someone to sell them goods and services like anyone else.

Your kind of 'christian' want homosexuals thrown in prison, fired or go to Africa to encourage laws to have gays killed.
Homos should accept that there are people that disagree with their disgusting, perverted sex lives and bastardisation of marriage, and if someone refuses to do business with them they should just shut their cock suck holes and move the fuck on to someone that doesn't care, it's that easy.

But you want the HOMO MAFIA to step in and MUSCLE people around against their will and religion. Don't try that shit with me.

Go fuck yourself, hater heterophobe.
Gays are vindictive. Christians are not. Homo filth will do whatever they can to destroy Christianity. I'm not certain Christians or other moral citizens have the guts to take the gay trash on.

For over 200 years Christians passed laws attempting to destroy homosexuals- including laws to have them fired and laws to have them imprisoned.

In contrast- what you call 'vindictiveness' is a gay couple asking a Christian to follow the law- the very same law that says someone refuse to serve Christians.

What can I say? Life sucks. Everyone get's persecuted. Now it's the Christian's turn again.

I believe that a business owner should be free to not serve anyone he wants, period.

BTW, I'm not a Christian but I defend Christian morality. My username has nothing to do with the church.

Before I'm dead bibles will be burned next to bodies as this government turns fully oppressive and it really doesn't need a bunch of faggots to make that happen any quicker.
Good. Bigots need to keep their hatred to themselves.

We are both in agreement on the "good" part. But not for the same reasons. You're saying "good" because you think your rainbow jackboots have found permanent purchase on the backs of this nation's neck. I'm saying "good" because I recently read the 9th Amendment again and remembered, "oh that's right, this battle has JUST begun".. yeah...for different reasons..."good!" Good indeed.. :popcorn:
Has it been a WEEK YET? (No... it's not been a week yet...) and the Left is moving like a swarm of brown shirts:

From Crowder:

"Dailey told that the owner told them that it was “nothing personal” but gay marriage was “against my faith.”

The couple further stated, “We are human beings, just like anybody else. We’re not asking to impose on anybody’s else beliefs or opinions, just to celebrate our love as any other two people would.”

I’m confused. If the owners told you it wasn’t personal, but that it was against their beliefs to host a gay ceremony… and you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs… then why are you filing a complaint? Why not find another location? How do their personal beliefs effect you? Remember that?

Unless, of course, you didn’t actually mean you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs.

It’s a fair question though, and one which the Supreme Court has helped to make that much more confusing. Does a couple’s “true love” trump an individual’s right to religious freedom?

Can a business “discriminate” on any grounds whatsoever? If the answer is no… then why have Amazon and eBay remove Confederate merchandise from their site? Can a business refuse service to someone who isn’t wearing a shirt and shoes? Does a business ever have the right not to serve someone? Ever? Ever ever ever ever?

Either the answer is yes, or it is no. It cannot be both."

Read more: It s Happening Gay Couple Suing New York Bed and Breakfast For Not Hosting Wedding... Louder With Crowder
Good. Bigots need to keep their hatred to themselves.

HEY! One fascist is professing its assent.

Anyone else?
So, being against bigotry makes one a fascist in your addled brain?
There are no bigger BIGOTS on the PLANET, than a fucking Christian hating FAGGOT.

If they're smart, they'll stay the hell away from me.

Oh the Homosexual hating Christofascist like you are far bigger bigots.

Homosexuals just want someone to sell them goods and services like anyone else.

Your kind of 'christian' want homosexuals thrown in prison, fired or go to Africa to encourage laws to have gays killed.

It's really sad that your generation has been manipulated into believing this bullshit.

Because I don't know about the rest of you, when I get up the first thing I want to do is find a sodomite and have him "thrown in prison" or "go to Africa". LOL, WTF?
If people do not like how a business is ran, they are free to go some where else any time that they want to. The people in charge of the business can do whatever it is that they want to do with it because it is their business.

God bless you always!!!

Has it been a WEEK YET? (No... it's not been a week yet...) and the Left is moving like a swarm of brown shirts:

From Crowder:

"Dailey told that the owner told them that it was “nothing personal” but gay marriage was “against my faith.”

The couple further stated, “We are human beings, just like anybody else. We’re not asking to impose on anybody’s else beliefs or opinions, just to celebrate our love as any other two people would.”

I’m confused. If the owners told you it wasn’t personal, but that it was against their beliefs to host a gay ceremony… and you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs… then why are you filing a complaint? Why not find another location? How do their personal beliefs effect you? Remember that?

Unless, of course, you didn’t actually mean you don’t want to impose on anyone else’s beliefs.

It’s a fair question though, and one which the Supreme Court has helped to make that much more confusing. Does a couple’s “true love” trump an individual’s right to religious freedom?

Can a business “discriminate” on any grounds whatsoever? If the answer is no… then why have Amazon and eBay remove Confederate merchandise from their site? Can a business refuse service to someone who isn’t wearing a shirt and shoes? Does a business ever have the right not to serve someone? Ever? Ever ever ever ever?

Either the answer is yes, or it is no. It cannot be both."

Read more: It s Happening Gay Couple Suing New York Bed and Breakfast For Not Hosting Wedding... Louder With Crowder

They have every right to sue

If your religion is more important than following the law, then be prepared to suffer the consequences
I wonder how many gay couples are doing their research looking for places
where they might get turned down....
Just looking for attention and a whole lot o cash.
They may have the 'right' to sue, but as with the 'gunners' insistence on carrying 24/24, discretion and reflection would tell us to take things a bit more easily and civilly. There are plenty of places to hold a 'celebration of love'.
Justice Alito s Dissent in SSM Case National Review Online

Today’s decision usurps the constitutional right of the people to decide whether to keep or alter the traditional understanding of marriage. The decision will also have other important consequences. It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy. In the course of its opinion, the majority compares traditional marriage laws to laws that denied equal treatment for African-Americans and women. The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent. Perhaps recognizing how its reasoning may be used, the majority attempts, toward the end of its opinion, to reassure those who oppose same-sex marriage that their rights of conscience will be protected. We will soon see whether this proves to be true. I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.… Today’s decision will also have a fundamental effect on this Court and its ability to uphold the rule of law. If a bare majority of Justices can invent a new right and impose that right on the rest of the country, the only real limit on what future majorities will be able to do is their own sense of what those with political power and cultural influence are willing to tolerate. Even enthusiastic supporters of same-sex marriage should worry about the scope of the power that today’s majority claims. Today’s decision shows that decades of attempts to restrain this Court’s abuse of its authority have failed. A lesson that some will take from today’s decision is that preaching about the proper method of interpreting the Constitution or the virtues of judicial self-restraint and humility cannot compete with the temptation to achieve what is viewed as a noble end by any practicable means. I do not doubt that my colleagues in the majority sincerely see in the Constitution a vision of liberty that happens to coincide with their own. But this sincerity is cause for concern, not comfort. What it evidences is the deep and perhaps irremediable corruption of our legal culture’s conception of constitutional interpretation.

Read more at: Justice Alito s Dissent in SSM Case National Review Online
At least we can still tell them to gtfo of our homes if the motherfuckers show up at family reunions.
You don't have to let their children play with yours. You don't have to invite them to social events or patronize their businesses. You don't have to treat them with respect. You don't have to be nice to them. You don't have to include gay coworkers in lunch plans.

Take advantage of the freedoms you do have left.
Have the wedding at your venue. Invite an anti gay group to come and protest at the same time. The law says they have to use to venue. It doesn't say you have to provide a good time.
Should be easy to beat.

A bed and breakfast is not like any other kind of traditional hostel business.

It is someones home. I can be legitimately argued that a private residence is not subject to the discriminatory public accommodation laws and that guests in a bed and breakfast are "Invited" guests and not just people showing up at a motel looking to do business.

I'll keep an eye on this case and see how it goes down.
It really is all about discrimination. The upset Christys are only upset that their judgements and recriminations will no longer be tolerated. They'll play the victim and throw tantrums just as those who couldn't tolerate the idea of serving blacks in their businesses did. It will pass as society marginalized this behavior.

To those Christians who feel victimized, is your faith really so weak that you can't even conduct a simple business transaction without judging and moralizing on others?
Take the cash and say a prayer for them but there is no need to create a shitstorm that will ultimately only hurt yourself.
If people do not like how a business is ran, they are free to go some where else any time that they want to.

God bless you always!!!

"The people in charge of the business can do whatever it is that they want to do with it because it is their business." I fear you are stupid enough to actually believe that. No, there are laws that prohibit a business from doing certain things. They cannot expose their employees to harm. They have to pay them a minimum wage and overtime. They cannot employ people under a certain age. They cannot employ undocumented aliens. They cannot refuse service to people, or refuse to hire people, based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, real or perceived disability, age and, in some states, sexual orientation.

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