It's Happening! White House Making Plans To Target Remittance Payments

i made a casual comment a week or so ago . I said that after the TRUMP was Exonerated by 'mueler' that Trump was more free to go to work . Looks like that may be true .
Yup and that money could pay for the wall.

If it happens Mexico will be paying for the wall.

Go Trump.
i made a casual comment a week or so ago . I said that after the TRUMP was Exonerated by 'mueler' that Trump was more free to go to work . Looks like that may be true .
Steve Bannon said the same thing last week. He said that since the Mueller Report exonerated him he was going to go 'Full Animal" and that's basically what he's doing.
Bout damned time. That money would pay for the wall.

Oh and guess what?? Mexico would be paying for the wall. LOL

Go Trump
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Trump is also the best friend ISRAEL, who you despise, has ever had in the WH. First the Embassy in Jerusalem, now the Golan Heights, and soon the West Bank. Hard to believe you support Trump over your jihadist brothers....why do you claim to....are you part of a sleeper cell?
That is one area I'm in total disagreement with Pres.Trump.

Everything else is just fine. ... :thup:

Starting in 1948, for several years Jews in the North Africa region, (some say well over a million but officially the number is listed at 850,000) were expelled by muslim countries. Including Iran, Yemen and Iraq.

They were pissed over the UNGA Resolution 181.

So, as is too typical of those people, they threw a hissy fit.

One Million People had been thrown from their homes. Some of them with over 2,500 years of history in those countries. Over One Thousand years before mohammed the pedophile murdered his way to power.

So Israel tossed a bunch of Arabs to make room.

It was somewhat cruel but what were they supposed to do. muslim countries were putting the boot to people based SOLELY on their religious beliefs and the only place they had to go was to Israel.

So the Israelis had to make room for them.

The muslim refugees want to be pissed? I don't blame them but here's the deal........

Why did the muslim Countries that booted all those Jews not bother to take in their muslim brothers????? They had the room.

Why?? Why did they let those people rot in refugee camps???

Resources? BULSHIT.

Those muslim countries didn't bother to let the fleeing Jews take their stuff with them. Unless they could hide a few gold coins in the arseholes, they left dead broke.

The muslim countries didn't take in their own because they wanted to sit back and get fat off the booty they stole from the fleeing Jews.

I have no pity for any of them. Not even the 'palestinians'.

None whatsoever
Trump is also the best friend ISRAEL, who you despise, has ever had in the WH. First the Embassy in Jerusalem, now the Golan Heights, and soon the West Bank. Hard to believe you support Trump over your jihadist brothers....why do you claim to....are you part of a sleeper cell?
That is one area I'm in total disagreement with Pres.Trump.

Everything else is just fine. ... :thup:

Starting in 1948, for several years Jews in the North Africa region, (some say well over a million but officially the number is listed at 850,000) were expelled by muslim countries. Including Iran, Yemen and Iraq.

They were pissed over the UNGA Resolution 181.

So, as is too typical of those people, they threw a hissy fit.

One Million People had been thrown from their homes. Some of them with over 2,500 years of history in those countries. Over One Thousand years before mohammed the pedophile murdered his way to power.

So Israel tossed a bunch of Arabs to make room.

It was somewhat cruel but what were they supposed to do. muslim countries were putting the boot to people based SOLELY on their religious beliefs and the only place they had to go was to Israel.

So the Israelis had to make room for them.

The muslim refugees want to be pissed? I don't blame them but here's the deal........

Why did the muslim Countries that booted all those Jews not bother to take in their muslim brothers????? They had the room.

Why?? Why did they let those people rot in refugee camps???

Resources? BULSHIT.

Those muslim countries didn't bother to let the fleeing Jews take their stuff with them. Unless they could hide a few gold coins in the arseholes, they left dead broke.

The muslim countries didn't take in their own because they wanted to sit back and get fat off the booty they stole from the fleeing Jews.

I have no pity for any of them. Not even the 'palestinians'.

None whatsoever
What are your thoughts on the thread topic?
What are your thoughts on the thread topic?

When we start to toss illegals, will their home Countries want to take them back?

When they stop sending remittances back home, will they be welcomed home with open arms?

Or will they stay and start their own underground culture, their own secret societies?

Will they assimilate?

History is a great teacher.

And, OBTW. I brought up in here over three years ago that Trump intended to cut remittances. Fairly simple, straightforward process.

It will be a total and complete International Shitstorm if he does, though. So he won't do it this term.

Next Term? I think so.

Unless Mexico gets its shit together and stops these caravans, it's gonna happen

Absolutely the best move that can be made. Get ‘em in the pocketbook.

15-25% tax on all cash remittances to targeted countries

Ban on any remittances to Mexico, other nations, if sender cannot prove they are a U.S. citizen or legal resident

Temporary halt to all remittances to Mexico until that government halts caravans and enforces border controls to U.S.

The White House plan to go after remittance payments falls in line with a proposal from former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is being considered to replace outgoing DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

Kobach told Breitbart News on Tuesday that this will be an effective way for President Donald Trump to compel the Mexican government to take more enforcement action against Central Americans trafficking through their country.

The major question is; how much of this can get done without the obstruction by House Dims? The tax part must be something that needs a law. The showing proof of citizenship will end up in court.

@ BREAKING: White House To TARGET Illegal Alien Money Transfers Out of U.S.
You have to show proof that you are here legally to get a driver's license. Why not to send money? But....

Have you ever heard of a postage stamp?

Do you think these folks won't mail their money home?
Yes it is! HIT MEXICO WHERE IT HURTS MOST.. Remittance payments are Mexico's #1 SOURCE OF REVENUE to the tune of over $20 BILLION yearly


That's INSANE! We could end poverty, death, sickness, suffering, repair every road and bridge with that money! And these people don't even like us!
You do know that the supposed war on poverty has been going on since Roosevelt's New Deal ?
You have to show proof that you are here legally to get a driver's license. Why not to send money? But....

Have you ever heard of a postage stamp?

Do you think these folks won't mail their money home?

Most banks in Mexico and Central America will not take money orders.
Sending cash is a sure way to get it stolen by a postal employee.
You have to show proof that you are here legally to get a driver's license. Why not to send money? But....

Have you ever heard of a postage stamp?

Do you think these folks won't mail their money home?
No they won't mail cash. It's not like the mail service is reliable.
You have to show proof that you are here legally to get a driver's license. Why not to send money? But....

Have you ever heard of a postage stamp?

Do you think these folks won't mail their money home?

Most banks in Mexico and Central America will not take money orders.
Sending cash is a sure way to get it stolen by a postal employee.
------------------------------ STOLEN you say , yeah , its the 'mexican' way and good to know . 'feck' pedro and 'jose' and their remittances .
Trump is the greatest man of the age, Trumps name will be spoken a thousand years from now. Between now and the end of 2019, 2 million new babies will be named Donald or Melania.

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