It's hard to believe that Putin is being blamed for Hillary losing. Wow.

Trump won by a scant amount of votes so yes the wiki leaks and Comey are at fault.
WikiLeaks and Comey didn't put an illegally used server in Hillary's basement nor did they write the emails between DNC staffers.

She lost because she sucked and the People were fed up with Democrat rule. The voters in uber-liberal states like New York and California do not represent the will of the American people. There are Americans living in the middle of the country. Hard to imagine, I know.

Grow the fuck up,
Wow, the really ignorant dumbass is telling others to grow the fuck up.

Well, Mr dumber than shit, there was nothing ILLEGAL about that server.

Biut your pathetic America hating Republicans wasted millions of dollars investigating it while opting to do NOTHING about the Russians but bury iot in committees.
Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians and Roger Stone had it done on behalf of Trump, the same DAY the Access Hollywood tape of Trump claiming he could grab any beautiful woman's pussy and get away with it, because he was a Star...

the next 25 rallies that Trump had, he mentioned the wikileaks over and over and over again, which made all the main stream media coverage. ALONG with every single day Briebart and Drudge and FOX with a new wilileaks article that would metastasize in all of the thousands of right wing media sites and facebook placements.

IT CERTAINLY could have affected the election, or the felony theft would never had been done.

Roger Stone, had Assange drop on wikileaks the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians or Trump campaign if you don't believe it was the Russians

What damaging info was released by the hackers?
It didn't matter nothing was truly damaging or even real....the blogosphere and right wing media such as FOX, Briebart, Drudge, the New York Post, the Guardian made it ALL out to be.... and Trump Primarily USED IT Daily in all of his rally rants and tweets and distorted what was actually found and made it in to another "Lock Her Up" situation....

It was dumped on to the net, the precise time that was needed for Trump, to draw the talk away from donald trump's access hollywood video or at least deter from the story of Trump's tape....that he could use in his rallies and on every talk show with his surrogates when they brought up Trump's grabbing pussy comment they went on and changed the subject to talk about the wikileaks of Podesta emails....

And spun out of the Podesta emails were all of these made up conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and pedophilia....and Clinton cash etc...

It didn't matter nothing was truly damaging or even real....

So the hack didn't impact the election....good to know.
Well, it may not have mattered THAT much, but it was certainly one of the spokes in the wheel of misfortunes and calamities that her campaign had to go through.

The DNC wikileaks, near the end of the Primary, probably hurt her campaign the most.

Yes, Bernie Sanders tried to laugh it off, and made no big deal out of it, basically saying he was so thankful that his campaign's emails were not hacked and read by the public on wikileaks, and implied he was certain there was stuff in there he didn't want the Clinton campaign or the public to know as well!

but the leak itself, and the intensity of the Right wing media outlets posting every little thing, making them out to be the worst things evah! that spread like lightening through social media and then the focus of the right wing USING THIS to promote as much controversy as possible between the Bernie supporters and Hillary, was so INTENSE and mostly promoted by Right wingers who couldn't give a rat's ass about Bernie.

Well, there is no doubt that the illegal hacking and distribution of the stolen emails by wikileaks, and the dropping of these emails to the public at the precise time in the primary that would hurt Hillary the most.....

Put many Bernie supporters on a path to revenge and that came from the STOLEN private emails and timing of the drop in the primary.

And that REVENGE ended with devout Bernie people staying home or voting Green etc, or even voting Trump.

The Podesta emails may not have been that harmful, they were more of a useful tool for the Trump campaign to use to change the topic off of him and the Access Hollywood tapes, but if the DNC emails allegedly stolen by the Russians and dumped in the public by wikileaks during the primary and right after, had not taken place, I think it would be a pretty solid bet, that Hillary Clinton, would be Madam President....

so, there is a good chance that the election WAS INFLUENCED by the Russians, and those involved with the emails being leaked and with their strategic timing very likely were factors....

I am not trying to diminish many other things that happened that were factors in diminishing her 11 point lead over him... her ''half of his supporters are a basket of deplorable(s)" comment was a factor, Bill meeting the attorney gen on the tarmac was a factor, however her 3 debate wins according to the polling pulled her out of those holes that were dug...

The congress critters that ran to the Press and leaked that Comey was requesting to reopen the Clinton email case definitely, without any doubt, was a factor.... and was part in putting a halt to her rising tide...

Then the Podesta emails and the lies spun from them, and the tool for the rightwing and Trump to use...

But all in all, if I were to commit to one thing and one thing only that had a pretty good certainty that changed the result of this election, I would have to say the DNC Leaks and how they were used by the right wing, including on this very site, to enrage Bernie supporters, in to basically an "I'll show you!" And not voting at all...

AND THAT ABOVE was due to the Russian hackers and then timed releasing....the so called, Russian Influence.

but it was certainly one of the spokes in the wheel of misfortunes and calamities that her campaign had to go through.

The largest misfortune was the corrupt old bag of a candidate.
The Trump voters supported anti-patriotism, pure and simple.
. You got that backwards Jakey. The Dems have shown lately to be the anti-American, anti-patriot left wing nut jobs of America this cycle.
This from a man who voted for Trump who said POWs were garbage. Evidently, that is patriotism.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
McCain was and is right about Trump, shitdog9 was and is and will be wrong about Trump, and, no, Putin, did not defeat Clinton. Trump could have rebuked Trump for interfering, did not, and that shows he is unAmerican.
McCain was and is right about Trump, shitdog9 was and is and will be wrong about Trump, and, no, Putin, did not defeat Clinton. Trump could have rebuked Trump for interfering, did not, and that shows he is unAmerican.
. Trump could have rebuked Trump eh ???? Your nervousness is showing, now take a deep breath and try to fight through your tears to write that again.
McCain was and is right about Trump, shitdog9 was and is and will be wrong about Trump, and, no, Putin, did not defeat Clinton. Trump could have rebuked Trump for interfering, did not, and that shows he is unAmerican.
. Trump could have rebuked Trump eh ???? Your nervousness is showing, now take a deep breath and try to fight through your tears to write that again.
Everything is about Trump to Trump, so he should have rebuked himself.

You far right and alt right cretins are fun to mess with. I wondered if you would catch it. You are as fun playing fetch with as I do with kaz. Idjits. Fetch, shitdog9.
The Trump voters supported anti-patriotism, pure and simple.
. You got that backwards Jakey. The Dems have shown lately to be the anti-American, anti-patriot left wing nut jobs of America this cycle.
This from a man who voted for Trump who said POWs were garbage. Evidently, that is patriotism.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
The Trump voters supported anti-patriotism, pure and simple.
. You got that backwards Jakey. The Dems have shown lately to be the anti-American, anti-patriot left wing nut jobs of America this cycle.
This from a man who voted for Trump who said POWs were garbage. Evidently, that is patriotism.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
. Your analogy as a lefty on anything Trump is subject to a physco analysis badly. Your Hillary due to her butt hurt is the one who is trying to push an imaginary button on Putin and the Russians. Now who is the wrecklace one again in all of this ??
Last edited:
The Trump voters supported anti-patriotism, pure and simple.
. You got that backwards Jakey. The Dems have shown lately to be the anti-American, anti-patriot left wing nut jobs of America this cycle.
This from a man who voted for Trump who said POWs were garbage. Evidently, that is patriotism.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
. Your analogy as a lefty on anything Trump is subject to a physco analysis badly. Your Hillary due to her butt hurt is the one who is trying to push an imaginary button on Putin and the Russians. Now who is the wrecklace one again in all of this ??

But you just said Trump's insult to POWs was because he was angry as if that is some kind of excuse. You just admitted Trump does stupid things when he is angry. Like push the button?
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.

Hey shithead. Lets not forget it wasn't just us liberals who didn't want Trump to win. Not one newspaper endorsed Trump and they have historically ALWAYS endorsed the Republicans. But not even the conservative newspapers would endorse Trump. Just in case he lost they didn't want to be embarrassed endorsing that fool. But now they have fully embraced that fool.

Trump has no core convictions, and possesses — or, to be precise, is possessed by — a temperament that he cannot control, and which would get this country into a world of trouble were he to take the White House. Prudence is said to be a cardinal conservative virtue.Trump has not one scintilla of it.

The Most Conservative Case Against Trump

But as far as I can tell he's as right wing a nut as a nut can get.
. You got that backwards Jakey. The Dems have shown lately to be the anti-American, anti-patriot left wing nut jobs of America this cycle.
This from a man who voted for Trump who said POWs were garbage. Evidently, that is patriotism.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
. Your analogy as a lefty on anything Trump is subject to a physco analysis badly. Your Hillary due to her butt hurt is the one who is trying to push an imaginary button on Putin and the Russians. Now who is the wrecklace one again in all of this ??

But you just said Trump's insult to POWs was because he was angry as if that is some kind of excuse. You just admitted Trump does stupid things when he is angry. Like push the button?
. Deflection... Hillary right now over her butt hurt loss, is trying to do exactly what you are trying to blame Trump for. She is actively doing it (trying her hardest to push Russia's buttons) but your bias is accusing Trump ?? LOL.
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.
Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

All this crap from a person who was duped by a giant orange con man.

Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

Who knew that uncovering damaging info about Hillary and the Democrats would damage Hillary and the Democrats?
This from a man who voted for Trump who said POWs were garbage. Evidently, that is patriotism.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
. Your analogy as a lefty on anything Trump is subject to a physco analysis badly. Your Hillary due to her butt hurt is the one who is trying to push an imaginary button on Putin and the Russians. Now who is the wrecklace one again in all of this ??

But you just said Trump's insult to POWs was because he was angry as if that is some kind of excuse. You just admitted Trump does stupid things when he is angry. Like push the button?
. Deflection... Hillary right now over her butt hurt loss, is trying to do exactly what you are trying to blame Trump for. She is actively doing it (trying her hardest to push Russia's buttons) but your bias is accusing Trump ?? LOL.
No deflection at all. Trump said it. He insulted POWs & you don't give a shit.

I have news,m asshole, Russia did it. Clinton wants to make sure it does not happen again through an investigation& you are trying to protect Trump.
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.
Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

All this crap from a person who was duped by a giant orange con man.

Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

Who knew that uncovering damaging info about Hillary and the Democrats would damage Hillary and the Democrats?

I see you support the hacking because they hurt Clinton. Mighty red of you commie f*ck.
Trump & Putin are buddies. Trump names Putin's buddy to be Sec of State. Trump had hired a campaign manager with strong ties to communist leaders in a former USSR country who supports Putin. Trump owes money to Russian banks.

But hey, nothing to see here......
Russia did it. Clinton wants to make sure it does not happen again through an investigation& you are trying to protect Trump.

There are millions of smart kids in Russia who have an internet connection and who are eager to hack anything they can.

It is idiotic to think that Putin is responsible for all these hackers in Russia.

If there are decrepit idiots, like Killary, who use their private server for important official emails, then it is just a luck for Americans, that the bad judgement of Killary was exposed.

What would be the use to elect an idiot into the office of President, if this idiot is unable to look after the security of her official emails?

Thank you, private Russian hackers (if these hackers really were Russians), you have saved America from a big embarrassment, the stupid and decrepit Killary in the office of POTUS.
. Well the one he was referring to out of anger, just might be trying to prove that Trump may have been right about him. Time will tell I guess. Showing oneself to be a sell out possibly, doesn't look to good on McCain lately. Speaking one's mind is selectively offensive to the left, but look at the left in what they get away with. Good grief. Hipocrite's much maybe ??
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
. Your analogy as a lefty on anything Trump is subject to a physco analysis badly. Your Hillary due to her butt hurt is the one who is trying to push an imaginary button on Putin and the Russians. Now who is the wrecklace one again in all of this ??

But you just said Trump's insult to POWs was because he was angry as if that is some kind of excuse. You just admitted Trump does stupid things when he is angry. Like push the button?
. Deflection... Hillary right now over her butt hurt loss, is trying to do exactly what you are trying to blame Trump for. She is actively doing it (trying her hardest to push Russia's buttons) but your bias is accusing Trump ?? LOL.
No deflection at all. Trump said it. He insulted POWs & you don't give a shit.

I have news,m asshole, Russia did it. Clinton wants to make sure it does not happen again through an investigation& you are trying to protect Trump.
Your blind faith in pow's could put you as a supporter of Bergdal, so are you a supporter of Bergdal ?? If anyone, I don't care if they wore the uniform or not, decides to become traitorous in their speak or ways, then I will be proud to disenfranchise myself from them. Get off the military kick, as it is only you trying to politicize the topic here or to lead your flock into that direction, ohh and Trump will be your President, and you will like it... LOL.

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