It's hard to believe that Putin is being blamed for Hillary losing. Wow.

Around 65 million Americans voted for her.....more Americans chose her over him.

Nobody knows how many illegal invaders from Mexico, who dream about Reconqista and burn American flags, were among these 65 Millions, who voted for Killary.

Well if that's the case then we don't know how many immigrant Cubans who hate Democrats voted for Trump in Florida either... :rolleyes:

Let's press the EASY BUTTON together....Why not insist that all the Republican Governors and legislatures that you have majorities...and me... with all the Democratic governors... begin using the E-verify data base that employers are suppose to use to verify citizenship on employees, on every voter registrant, so that immigrants can be vetted out before they are ever given the clear to vote instead of all of this stupid voter id shown at the polling place crud, that does nothing to stop illegals since most have ids, or use absentee ballot with no ID required?

Once one State starts it, others will follow.... imo.

Well if that's the case then we don't know how many immigrant Cubans who hate Democrats voted for Trump in Florida either... :rolleyes:

What do Cuban-American US citizens have to do with illegal alien Mexicans illegally voting for Hillary?
:rofl: You think all Cuban immigrants are US Citizens? :lol:

More than 40% of ALL the Cubans that arrived before 2000 are NOT citizens, and from those arriving from 2000 until now, 80% of them are NOT citizens.....
Last edited:
Around 65 million Americans voted for her.....more Americans chose her over him.

Nobody knows how many illegal invaders from Mexico, who dream about Reconqista and burn American flags, were among these 65 Millions, who voted for Killary.

Well if that's the case then we don't know how many immigrant Cubans who hate Democrats voted for Trump in Florida either... :rolleyes:

Let's press the EASY BUTTON together....Why not insist that all the Republican Governors and legislatures that you have majorities...and me... with all the Democratic governors... begin using the E-verify data base that employers are suppose to use to verify citizenship on employees, on every voter registrant, so that immigrants can be vetted out before they are ever given the clear to vote instead of all of this stupid voter id shown at the polling place crud, that does nothing to stop illegals since most have ids, or use absentee ballot with no ID required?

Once one State starts it, others will follow.... imo.
Can we use this to run out illegals?

Republicans can do anything they want because if it goes to the supremes the Cort leans right now
Russia=bad for America

Then why were Hillary and Obama fellating Putin?
Putin hated them, so I doubt your opinion holds any merit, other than you luv sum Russians.

Putin hated them,

Even after they kissed his ass for 4 and 8 years, respectively?

Why was their judgement so horribly, horribly wrong?
Your fake news carries no merit, and you know that.

  1. Why Putin fears a Clinton presidency (opinion) -
    Russian President Vladimir Putin fears a Hillary Clinton presidency because she would stand in the way of his expansionist foreign policy objectives ...

  2. Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO
    2016. Why Putin hates Hillary . Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of ...

  3. Putin Hated the Clintons - Video Results

    • 10:24

      Why Hillary Hates Putin: THE SECRET

    • 10:32

      Why Hillary Hates Putin: THE SECRET

    • 5:13

      Thin line between love & hate: What happened to Clinton ...

    • 1:47

      Putin and Trump hate Clinton. Путин и Trump ненавидят Клинтон.
    More Putin Hated the Clintons videos

  4. DNC Email Hack: Why Vladimir Putin Hates Hillary Clinton ...

Your fake news carries no merit

Hillary didn't hand the Russians a reset button?
Obama didn't promise the Russians more flexibility after the 2012 election?
Obama didn't mock Romney when Mitt said the Russians were a huge threat?

Are you so wrong because the EC vote caused you to start hitting the bottle early today?
Yep, you struggle in the snares of the evidence that clearly shows Putin hated Clinton.

Sux to be you.

Poor Hillary, someone else who didn't like her.
Russia = bad for America.

Russia is a white country that protects Christian values. Russia helped the American colonies in their independence struggle against GB. Without Russia GB would probably still rule its colonies in North America.

Russia never attract USA, American installations or US citizens, no Lavon Affair, no USS-Liberty Attack, nothing!

BTW, Soviet Union was not Russia, and Jonathan Pollard was not a Russian spy.

So why is the Christian Russia an enemy of the USA?

Did Russia prohibit to say "Merry Christmas" to Christians in America, or have Nativity scenes and other Christian symbols in public places?

Did Russians force gay marriages and trance-gender-toilet-laws upon Christians in the USA that permit male sexual deviants to go to a toilet with small girls?

Did Russia force "open boarders" policies upon the USA, so that illegal invaders from Mexico can invade the USA, rape Americans, take away American jobs, burn American flags, and illegally vote for cucks, like Killary?

No, the American Normies cannot be fooled any more, they know, that their real enemies have American citizenship, but are loyal to the interests of Globalists who hate the founding population of the USA and are eager to replace it with migrants from the Third World.

Trump will be a good friend of Putin, and Russian Christians will be good friends of American Christians, and this will be good not only for Russia and America, but for the entire world, though it may be bad for globalist warmongers and oligarchs with double citizenship.
Trump & Putin are buddies. Trump names Putin's buddy to be Sec of State. Trump had hired a campaign manager with strong ties to communist leaders in a former USSR country who supports Putin. Trump owes money to Russian banks.

But hey, nothing to see here......

How much uranium did he sell to Russia?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

Asshole Clinton is not the president.

Asshole Trump is the president-elect.

Russia = bad for America.

Toddster luvs Russia=bad for America.
They were reversing Bush's approach. Russia did help with Iran & somewhat with Syria for a while. Since then, Russia did bad shit & Obama oput on sanctions.

Russia also interfered with our elections. Neither you or Trump cares.

This is really the same Russia you people had a fit concerning Ukraine. While Trump was playing nice with Putin.

Poor Clinton. Will she drink herself to death in less than a year?
She does not matter. Neither does you silliness, toddster.

Russia=bad for America, and Trump luvs him sum Russian.

Russia=bad for America

Then why were Hillary and Obama fellating Putin?
Russia = bad for America.

Russia is a white country that protects Christian values. Russia helped the American colonies in their independence struggle against GB. Without Russia GB would probably still rule its colonies in North America.

Russia never attract USA, American installations or US citizens, no Lavon Affair, no USS-Liberty Attack, nothing!

BTW, Soviet Union was not Russia, and Jonathan Pollard was not a Russian spy.

So why is the Christian Russia an enemy of the USA?

Did Russia prohibit to say "Merry Christmas" to Christians in America, or have Nativity scenes and other Christian symbols in public places?

Did Russians force gay marriages and trance-gender-toilet-laws upon Christians in the USA that permit male sexual deviants to go to a toilet with small girls?

Did Russia force "open boarders" policies upon the USA, so that illegal invaders from Mexico can invade the USA, rape Americans, take away American jobs, burn American flags, and illegally vote for cucks, like Killary?

No, the American Normies cannot be fooled any more, they know, that their real enemies have American citizenship, but are loyal to the interests of Globalists who hate the founding population of the USA and are eager to replace it with migrants from the Third World.

Trump will be a good friend of Putin, and Russian Christians will be good friends of American Christians, and this will be good not only for Russia and America, but for the entire world, though it may be bad for globalist warmongers and oligarchs with double citizenship.
It would have been quicker if you just typed "bullshit".
Trump & Putin are buddies. Trump names Putin's buddy to be Sec of State. Trump had hired a campaign manager with strong ties to communist leaders in a former USSR country who supports Putin. Trump owes money to Russian banks.

But hey, nothing to see here......

How much uranium did he sell to Russia?
Wow, now you are claiming Clinton sold uranium to Russia? A PRIVATE corp sold the Uranium to Russia. Clinton was just one of 9 people who could have recommended against it.

When you have to resort to out right lies, you ain't got much of an argument.

Trump just nominated a man for that Sec of State who wanted to help Russia make piles of money in helping them produce oil. And you're worried about a little Uranium?
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.
Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

All this crap from a person who was duped by a giant orange con man.

Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

Who knew that uncovering damaging info about Hillary and the Democrats would damage Hillary and the Democrats?

I see you support the hacking because they hurt Clinton. Mighty red of you commie f*ck.

It's awful when whistle-blowers expose Democrat corruption.
There oughta be a law against that, eh?

When Obama said Russia wasn't a threat, in 2012, was he stupid or just really, really wrong?
So now Russia is a whislteblower?

Obama never said Russia was not a threat. He said they weren't our major foe.
So, you want a man to have his finger on the button that gets angry & hastily does stupid shit. Speaking ones mind is fine but when he insults our troops I draw the line & you cheer him on.

Not too bright are you.
. Your analogy as a lefty on anything Trump is subject to a physco analysis badly. Your Hillary due to her butt hurt is the one who is trying to push an imaginary button on Putin and the Russians. Now who is the wrecklace one again in all of this ??

But you just said Trump's insult to POWs was because he was angry as if that is some kind of excuse. You just admitted Trump does stupid things when he is angry. Like push the button?
. Deflection... Hillary right now over her butt hurt loss, is trying to do exactly what you are trying to blame Trump for. She is actively doing it (trying her hardest to push Russia's buttons) but your bias is accusing Trump ?? LOL.
No deflection at all. Trump said it. He insulted POWs & you don't give a shit.

I have news,m asshole, Russia did it. Clinton wants to make sure it does not happen again through an investigation& you are trying to protect Trump.
Your blind faith in pow's could put you as a supporter of Bergdal, so are you a supporter of Bergdal ?? If anyone, I don't care if they wore the uniform or not, decides to become traitorous in their speak or ways, then I will be proud to disenfranchise myself from them. Get off the military kick, as it is only you trying to politicize the topic here or to lead your flock into that direction, ohh and Trump will be your President, and you will like it... LOL.
So you saying that John McCain is not a hero?

Bergdahl likely lost it in combat & had obvious mental issues. Not everyone is cut out to be a soldier. Wax that his fault or is it the fault of war?

But hey, nice of you to back up Trump's attack on them. All of them. After all, he likes those who were not captured - like that dumbass McCain who was so incompetent he got shot down & captured, right?
Around 65 million Americans voted for her.....more Americans chose her over him.

Nobody knows how many illegal invaders from Mexico, who dream about Reconqista and burn American flags, were among these 65 Millions, who voted for Killary.

The idea that you think that a person hiding from the government would walk into a government office just so they could vote just proves how fucking stupid you are.
This >>> Russia helped the American colonies in their independence struggle against GB. Without Russia GB would probably still rule its colonies in North America <<<< is the stupidest post of the last 24 hours. With folks like JimmaBowie, etc., that is hard to do, but Art_Allen did it.
Around 65 million Americans voted for her.....more Americans chose her over him.

Nobody knows how many illegal invaders from Mexico, who dream about Reconqista and burn American flags, were among these 65 Millions, who voted for Killary.

Well if that's the case then we don't know how many immigrant Cubans who hate Democrats voted for Trump in Florida either... :rolleyes:

Let's press the EASY BUTTON together....Why not insist that all the Republican Governors and legislatures that you have majorities...and me... with all the Democratic governors... begin using the E-verify data base that employers are suppose to use to verify citizenship on employees, on every voter registrant, so that immigrants can be vetted out before they are ever given the clear to vote instead of all of this stupid voter id shown at the polling place crud, that does nothing to stop illegals since most have ids, or use absentee ballot with no ID required?

Once one State starts it, others will follow.... imo.
Can we use this to run out illegals?

Republicans can do anything they want because if it goes to the supremes the Cort leans right now
You watch how many REP SCJs President Trump/the majority REP Senate/the majority REP Congress will put on the bench. In two years the REP Senate will have a 'super majority'.
The corrupt skank you supported had over two BILLION dollars to blow. What does it say about a campaign with that kind of money who couldn't find Wisconsin on a fucking map??????
That fag Bobby Mook laughed and sneered at the "fly-over deplorables".
LOOOOONG before Russia MAY have hacked the DNC insecure servers ie MONTHS before Trump was getting twenty K supporters at his rally. Hillary getting 300 supporters.
THAT ought to have woke the fags up at Hillary's headquarters.
These assholes doubled down on using their famous tactic known as Identity Politics.
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.
Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

All this crap from a person who was duped by a giant orange con man.

Who knew that supporting Russian interference in our election is really patriotism?

Who knew that uncovering damaging info about Hillary and the Democrats would damage Hillary and the Democrats?

I see you support the hacking because they hurt Clinton. Mighty red of you commie f*ck.

It's awful when whistle-blowers expose Democrat corruption.
There oughta be a law against that, eh?

When Obama said Russia wasn't a threat, in 2012, was he stupid or just really, really wrong?
So now Russia is a whislteblower?

Obama never said Russia was not a threat. He said they weren't our major foe.

So now Russia is a whistleblower?

Only if they released proof of Hillary and DNC corruption.

Did that proof hurt Hillary's election chances?

He said they weren't our major foe.

Who was our major foe, the JV team?
Trump won by a scant amount of votes so yes the wiki leaks and Comey are at fault.
If Hillary had been a strong candidate, they would have had no effect. She is the reason she lost, because she was just plain a terrible candidate.
If we were a strong willed nation, and we were united as we should be, and we weren't fighting so bad amongst ourselves, and we weren't trying to use this nation as a pin cushion for liberal social engineering, and worse if we didn't have so many traitors amongst the growing ranks of traitorous activities in this nation now, then there would be no fear of any one influencing this nations elections ever.

The very fact that Hollywood and the leftist libs / Demon-crats think that they can convince us all that we should listen to them say that we have been duped (as if we are to dam stupid to think for ourselves), should send shockwaves through any responsible voter in this nation now. These people trying to control the outcome of this election in the way that they have been engaged in for quite sometime now, makes Putin look like an American friend upside of these traitors. Alright Americans, it's time to take your independence back, and don't let these people make you think you are so dumb that they have to do the thinking for you. That should be over now, so let's move on towards a more prosperous, united America.

There is no place for the traitor Left in America and that includes the neocons.
Trump won by a scant amount of votes so yes the wiki leaks and Comey are at fault.
Not so scant when the fraud votes in the hrc column are subtracted. BUT REGARDLESS, you have just admitted that what took hrc down was exposing voters to Truth about hrc/DNC malfeasance the corrupt MSM was helping her to hide
Around 65 million Americans voted for her.....more Americans chose her over him.

Nobody knows how many illegal invaders from Mexico, who dream about Reconqista and burn American flags, were among these 65 Millions, who voted for Killary.

Well if that's the case then we don't know how many immigrant Cubans who hate Democrats voted for Trump in Florida either... :rolleyes:

Let's press the EASY BUTTON together....Why not insist that all the Republican Governors and legislatures that you have majorities...and me... with all the Democratic governors... begin using the E-verify data base that employers are suppose to use to verify citizenship on employees, on every voter registrant, so that immigrants can be vetted out before they are ever given the clear to vote instead of all of this stupid voter id shown at the polling place crud, that does nothing to stop illegals since most have ids, or use absentee ballot with no ID required?

Once one State starts it, others will follow.... imo.
Can we use this to run out illegals?

Republicans can do anything they want because if it goes to the supremes the Cort leans right now
You watch how many REP SCJs President Trump/the majority REP Senate/the majority REP Congress will put on the bench. In two years the REP Senate will have a 'super majority'.
The corrupt skank you supported had over two BILLION dollars to blow. What does it say about a campaign with that kind of money who couldn't find Wisconsin on a fucking map??????
That fag Bobby Mook laughed and sneered at the "fly-over deplorables".
LOOOOONG before Russia MAY have hacked the DNC insecure servers ie MONTHS before Trump was getting twenty K supporters at his rally. Hillary getting 300 supporters.
THAT ought to have woke the fags up at Hillary's headquarters.
These assholes doubled down on using their famous tactic known as Identity Politics.

Its true Trump was smart in focusing on WI & PA and he really suckered those blue collar uneducated workers huh?

Do you think Trump is going to be successful?

Trump Confident He Can Speed Economic Growth To Rate Not Seen In Years

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump offered a bold prediction Thursday that his economic plan will deliver up to 25 million new jobs over the next decade. He described the blueprint as "the most pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-family plan put forth perhaps in the history of our country."

Trump's projections are based on rosy forecasts of the job gains that would result from tax cuts and reduced regulation. He set a goal of 4 percent annual economic growth. And he says that under his plan the U.S. would achieve a minimum of 3.5 percent annual growth over 10 years. The U.S. has achieved that growth rate only once in the past 15 years.
Trump is counting on savings from the spending cuts to help offset the revenue loss from his tax cuts, in order to avoid increasing the deficit. Like his jobs target, the pledge of deficit neutrality is based on aggressive projections about the resulting economic growth.

"Certainly we should put in place policies that will help grow the economy but this is relying on heroic assumptions," MacGuineas said. If growth fails to meet those rosy targets, the result would be trillions of dollars in additional debt.
Not so scant when the fraud votes in the hrc column are subtracted. BUT REGARDLESS, you have just admitted that what took hrc down was exposing voters to Truth about hrc/DNC malfeasance the corrupt MSM was helping her to hide

Yep, the lying and dishonest MSM legacy media is a bigger danger to the Normies in the USA, than Putin or these "wicked Russian hackers", who basically informed the voters about the real face of Killary.

So is it not a basic human right to be good informed and to know the truth?

How can you make a good decision without knowing the Truth?

And if the lying media can only dupe you with fake news, then any help from foreign entities is welcomed!

And it is obvious that liars hate the truth and the messengers of truth.
"So I'm out the ten dollars I stole from your purse mommy because Billy told on me! How is that fair!!!?????"
THIS is typical way of LIB thinking.
HRC: "I lost the election because the Russians exposed the corruption endemic in my campaign! How is that fair?"

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