It’s Increasingly Clear The Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

It’s Increasingly Clear The Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden,

Not Hunter

Whistleblower testimony strongly suggests interference in the Hunter Biden tax case was meant to defuse any inquiry into Joe Biden.
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me.
On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95 percent of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he was “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized,” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would for any other scofflaw.
Ziegler wrote a 99-page memo laying out the case for felony charges, wholly consistent with the IRS guidelines governing charging in tax evasion cases. He maintains that every investigator and prosecutor on the case agreed felonies were in order — all of which should be easy enough to find out.
Sure, it’s fun to talk about salacious parts of the Hunter case, but the far bigger concern should be finding out why companies operating in authoritarian nations sent Biden $17 million. It would be a fair question even if there had been no criminal investigation.
Now, I’m not saying the feds were covering up proof of Joe Biden’s illegality — though circumstantial evidence and common sense say the family business couldn’t function without his participation. I’m saying it’s increasingly clear the Justice Department didn’t want to find out if there was any evidence. No one wanted a replay of the And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hillary-illegal server scandal. And that’s how Hunter got his sweet deal.
Any real political journalist with access would be pressuring the White And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. ouse daily to explain what services Joe Biden’s son, brother, and grown grandchildren — and virtually every other member of his family — rendered foreign entities in Romania, China, and Ukraine that were worth over $17 million. The president could make this all go away by explaining the situation.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law.
Many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened.
It was discussed briefly during the Trump impeachment trial, were And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hunter`s foreign dealings were flagged twice, were disregarded and buried.
There as been has more than sufficient evidence to open impeachment hearings and appoint a special prosecutor. But I suspect that all of those “no one is above the law” people will stay silent.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law, especially wen a blindman can see the truth of the matter..

Deep State is somehow always just big enough to account for rightwingers unable to find anything on a Democrat president.

A-priori nutter conclusion is that there MUST BE something and lack of any serious evidence is proof that there is a cover-up.
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It’s Increasingly Clear The Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden,

Not Hunter

Whistleblower testimony strongly suggests interference in the Hunter Biden tax case was meant to defuse any inquiry into Joe Biden.
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me.
On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95 percent of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he was “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized,” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would for any other scofflaw.
Ziegler wrote a 99-page memo laying out the case for felony charges, wholly consistent with the IRS guidelines governing charging in tax evasion cases. He maintains that every investigator and prosecutor on the case agreed felonies were in order — all of which should be easy enough to find out.
Sure, it’s fun to talk about salacious parts of the Hunter case, but the far bigger concern should be finding out why companies operating in authoritarian nations sent Biden $17 million. It would be a fair question even if there had been no criminal investigation.
Now, I’m not saying the feds were covering up proof of Joe Biden’s illegality — though circumstantial evidence and common sense say the family business couldn’t function without his participation. I’m saying it’s increasingly clear the Justice Department didn’t want to find out if there was any evidence. No one wanted a replay of the And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hillary-illegal server scandal. And that’s how Hunter got his sweet deal.
Any real political journalist with access would be pressuring the White And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. ouse daily to explain what services Joe Biden’s son, brother, and grown grandchildren — and virtually every other member of his family — rendered foreign entities in Romania, China, and Ukraine that were worth over $17 million. The president could make this all go away by explaining the situation.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law.
Many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened.
It was discussed briefly during the Trump impeachment trial, were And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hunter`s foreign dealings were flagged twice, were disregarded and buried.
There as been has more than sufficient evidence to open impeachment hearings and appoint a special prosecutor. But I suspect that all of those “no one is above the law” people will stay silent.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law, especially wen a blindman can see the truth of the matter..

The country is in a dark sad place.

Rampant out in the open corruption that will never be brought to justice.
This is the last stand of the US justice system. If the Biden Crime Family is given a pass on this massive sellout of America to foreign nationals, then we're done. 17 million dollars from China, Romania and Ukraine distributed to 9 different members of the Biden Crime Family.......SO FAR.
Deep State is somehow always just big enough to account for rightwingers unable to find anything on a Democrat president.

A-priori nutter conclusion is that there MUST BE something and lack of any serious evidence must mean there is a cover-up.
Joe is so dirty he makes Hillary look like a boy scout

And that is hard to do.

It’s Increasingly Clear The Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden,

Not Hunter

Whistleblower testimony strongly suggests interference in the Hunter Biden tax case was meant to defuse any inquiry into Joe Biden.
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me.
On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95 percent of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he was “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized,” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would for any other scofflaw.
Ziegler wrote a 99-page memo laying out the case for felony charges, wholly consistent with the IRS guidelines governing charging in tax evasion cases. He maintains that every investigator and prosecutor on the case agreed felonies were in order — all of which should be easy enough to find out.
Sure, it’s fun to talk about salacious parts of the Hunter case, but the far bigger concern should be finding out why companies operating in authoritarian nations sent Biden $17 million. It would be a fair question even if there had been no criminal investigation.
Now, I’m not saying the feds were covering up proof of Joe Biden’s illegality — though circumstantial evidence and common sense say the family business couldn’t function without his participation. I’m saying it’s increasingly clear the Justice Department didn’t want to find out if there was any evidence. No one wanted a replay of the And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hillary-illegal server scandal. And that’s how Hunter got his sweet deal.
Any real political journalist with access would be pressuring the White And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. ouse daily to explain what services Joe Biden’s son, brother, and grown grandchildren — and virtually every other member of his family — rendered foreign entities in Romania, China, and Ukraine that were worth over $17 million. The president could make this all go away by explaining the situation.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law.
Many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened.
It was discussed briefly during the Trump impeachment trial, were And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hunter`s foreign dealings were flagged twice, were disregarded and buried.
There as been has more than sufficient evidence to open impeachment hearings and appoint a special prosecutor. But I suspect that all of those “no one is above the law” people will stay silent.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law, especially wen a blindman can see the truth of the matter..

Nobody believes you now. See the problem is that you've been crying wolf for 3+ years. So even if there were something to this story....nobody pays attention because the right wing kook media has been tuned out.

I mean, this is just a small sampling of crazed threads from only you in 2021. You've been at this same clip (if not worse) for 3 years along with all of the other brazen lies from the rest of the right wing peanut gallery.
This is the last stand of the US justice system. If the Biden Crime Family is given a pass on this massive sellout of America to foreign nationals, then we're done. 17 million dollars from China, Romania and Ukraine distributed to 9 different members of the Biden Crime Family.......SO FAR.
No, there that ship has sailed long ago

The country is a despotic banana repub now.
It's obvious that the son of the president would be protected, as would be demanded by the father.

This is a degree of corruption that would be expected in more countries other than in America's deeply corrupt system.
This is the last stand of the US justice system. If the Biden Crime Family is given a pass on this massive sellout of America to foreign nationals, then we're done. 17 million dollars from China, Romania and Ukraine distributed to 9 different members of the Biden Crime Family.......SO FAR.
I thought it was 50 million.

A better question is will the DOJ lift a finger about the Biden Crime Family that sold out America for 50 million dollars?

Yeah you didn't believe your own post the rest of us.
Nobody believes you now. See the problem is that you've been crying wolf for 3+ years. So even if there were something to this story....nobody pays attention because the right wing kook media has been tuned out.

I mean, this is just a small sampling of crazed threads from only you in 2021. You've been at this same clip (if not worse) for 3 years along with all of the other brazen lies from the rest of the right wing peanut gallery.
Hunter Biden, a coke head whoremonger who never held a job but paints for Chinese Oligarchs making millions from it.

Yea, nothing to see here.

Sure nutbag, lets see you prove it in court.

Democrats (and some Republicans) told you fools Trump is a piece of shit crook and what do you know - it's being proven in court.
Prove what, that you are a partisan whore moron?

It’s Increasingly Clear The Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden,

Not Hunter

Whistleblower testimony strongly suggests interference in the Hunter Biden tax case was meant to defuse any inquiry into Joe Biden.
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me.
On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95 percent of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he was “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized,” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would for any other scofflaw.
Ziegler wrote a 99-page memo laying out the case for felony charges, wholly consistent with the IRS guidelines governing charging in tax evasion cases. He maintains that every investigator and prosecutor on the case agreed felonies were in order — all of which should be easy enough to find out.
Sure, it’s fun to talk about salacious parts of the Hunter case, but the far bigger concern should be finding out why companies operating in authoritarian nations sent Biden $17 million. It would be a fair question even if there had been no criminal investigation.
Now, I’m not saying the feds were covering up proof of Joe Biden’s illegality — though circumstantial evidence and common sense say the family business couldn’t function without his participation. I’m saying it’s increasingly clear the Justice Department didn’t want to find out if there was any evidence. No one wanted a replay of the And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hillary-illegal server scandal. And that’s how Hunter got his sweet deal.
Any real political journalist with access would be pressuring the White And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. ouse daily to explain what services Joe Biden’s son, brother, and grown grandchildren — and virtually every other member of his family — rendered foreign entities in Romania, China, and Ukraine that were worth over $17 million. The president could make this all go away by explaining the situation.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law.
Many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened.
It was discussed briefly during the Trump impeachment trial, were And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hunter`s foreign dealings were flagged twice, were disregarded and buried.
There as been has more than sufficient evidence to open impeachment hearings and appoint a special prosecutor. But I suspect that all of those “no one is above the law” people will stay silent.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law, especially wen a blindman can see the truth of the matter..

The cover-up of the Biden bribery scandal is one of the worst scandals in American history.
The IRS, DOJ and FBI are supposed to be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Cult.

It’s Increasingly Clear The Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden,

Not Hunter

Whistleblower testimony strongly suggests interference in the Hunter Biden tax case was meant to defuse any inquiry into Joe Biden.
20 Jul 2023 ~~ By David Harsanyi

Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me.
On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95 percent of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he was “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized,” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would for any other scofflaw.
Ziegler wrote a 99-page memo laying out the case for felony charges, wholly consistent with the IRS guidelines governing charging in tax evasion cases. He maintains that every investigator and prosecutor on the case agreed felonies were in order — all of which should be easy enough to find out.
Sure, it’s fun to talk about salacious parts of the Hunter case, but the far bigger concern should be finding out why companies operating in authoritarian nations sent Biden $17 million. It would be a fair question even if there had been no criminal investigation.
Now, I’m not saying the feds were covering up proof of Joe Biden’s illegality — though circumstantial evidence and common sense say the family business couldn’t function without his participation. I’m saying it’s increasingly clear the Justice Department didn’t want to find out if there was any evidence. No one wanted a replay of the And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hillary-illegal server scandal. And that’s how Hunter got his sweet deal.
Any real political journalist with access would be pressuring the White And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. ouse daily to explain what services Joe Biden’s son, brother, and grown grandchildren — and virtually every other member of his family — rendered foreign entities in Romania, China, and Ukraine that were worth over $17 million. The president could make this all go away by explaining the situation.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law.
Many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened.
It was discussed briefly during the Trump impeachment trial, were And many in the Obama admin KNEW this was going on and yet never intervened. Hunter`s foreign dealings were flagged twice, were disregarded and buried.
There as been has more than sufficient evidence to open impeachment hearings and appoint a special prosecutor. But I suspect that all of those “no one is above the law” people will stay silent.
Frankly, I don’t expect to ever find out. It is what it is, but please stop telling me no one is above the law, especially wen a blindman can see the truth of the matter..

Why go af/er Hunter?

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