It's is far time we impeach



At this time in history you're sadly right.

He wouldn't be impeached even if he formed his own personal military to take over this country.

Get serious, Mathew. President Obama will leave office on January 20th, 2017, right on schedule. No drama, just the normal change of administrations. And then you get to deal with Hillary.:lol:

Right, because Old Rocks lives in in the Magical Land of Forever Fairies complete with unicorns and pixie dust!

Look, most likely Obama will leave office as scheduled. But to act like the tragedies that have befallen other nations couldn't possibly happen here is ignorance of the highest level (and ignorance of the highest level is what leads to those coup's, usurpations of power, etc.).

And by the way dumb ass, Matthew was giving a HYPOTHETICAL with regards to impeachment. He said *even if*. Get it? EVEN IF... God Almighty you people can't fuck'n read...
Why are Republicans afraid to impeach the Kenyan?

Most Americans liked 3% unemployment and record profits in the stock market and really didn't care that he committed "Perjury" over something as petty as an affair.

*Guy* - Bill Clinton took a vow to be faithful to his wife. He did so voluntarily. If he can't even keep his word to her, how the fuck is he going to keep his vow to uphold & defend the U.S. Constitution? How the fuck is he going to keep his word to strangers that he couldn't give a fuck about?

There is nothing "petty" about an affair. It's something only the slimiest and most despicable among us engage in. And the fact that you consider adultery to be "petty" speaks volumes about what a pathetic human being you are...

Funny then that the GOP would turn around then in 2008 and nominate a guy that had an affair. In 2012 one or two of the GOP candidates had affairs.

And let's not forget some of the FF you worship...

In his interview with members of Congress, Hamilton was forced to admit the payments to Reynolds but characterized them as bribes to prevent public disclosure of adultery Hamilton had committed with Reynolds' wife, Maria. That adultery included libidinous encounters not only in the Reynolds marital bed while James was away but also in Hamilton's own marital bed while his wife Betsy and their children were visiting Hamilton's father-in-law.[...]

When Muhlenberg and Monroe (as well as the other members of Congress) heard Hamilton's confession, they decided the matter was private, not public, and that no impeachable offense had occurred. They agreed (conspired) with Hamilton and among themselves to keep the sexual relations, the hush money and all the rest a secret. Although President Washington, Vice President John Adams, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, House Minority Leader James Madison and other leaders all became aware of Hamilton's confession, his misconduct remained undisclosed until he was well out of office.

In 1797, Hamilton's secret finally became public knowledge after John Beckley, a disgruntled former clerk of the House of Representatives, leaked the story to James Thomson Callender, a muckraking journalist. The whole nation then learned of Hamilton's misdeeds in office. So what was the denouement?

On July 18, 1798, the very next year, then-President Adams and former President Washington nominated Hamilton to be inspector general of the new U.S. Army, second in command only to Washington himself. With Monroe, Jefferson, Madison and other Founding Fathers still maintaining their respectful silence, the U.S. Senate quickly confirmed this confessed adulterer and briber to occupy, for a second time, one of the highest positions in the new federal government of the United States.

Founding Fathers Didn't Flinch

No one swallows the liberal propaganda load quite like you do SW... :lmao:

While 'ole Slick Willy was being impeached, the left was in full on panic mode, and created some propaganda that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with his slave Sally Hemmings. Just one small problem though - DNA proved he didn't. Oops! Yet to this day, Dumbocrats like Joseph believe it's true... :lmao:

You people are destined to become slaves because you worship - without question - at the feet of those trying to enslave you.
*Guy* - Bill Clinton took a vow to be faithful to his wife. He did so voluntarily. If he can't even keep his word to her, how the fuck is he going to keep his vow to uphold & defend the U.S. Constitution? How the fuck is he going to keep his word to strangers that he couldn't give a fuck about?

There is nothing "petty" about an affair. It's something only the slimiest and most despicable among us engage in. And the fact that you consider adultery to be "petty" speaks volumes about what a pathetic human being you are...

Funny then that the GOP would turn around then in 2008 and nominate a guy that had an affair. In 2012 one or two of the GOP candidates had affairs.

And let's not forget some of the FF you worship...

In his interview with members of Congress, Hamilton was forced to admit the payments to Reynolds but characterized them as bribes to prevent public disclosure of adultery Hamilton had committed with Reynolds' wife, Maria. That adultery included libidinous encounters not only in the Reynolds marital bed while James was away but also in Hamilton's own marital bed while his wife Betsy and their children were visiting Hamilton's father-in-law.[...]

When Muhlenberg and Monroe (as well as the other members of Congress) heard Hamilton's confession, they decided the matter was private, not public, and that no impeachable offense had occurred. They agreed (conspired) with Hamilton and among themselves to keep the sexual relations, the hush money and all the rest a secret. Although President Washington, Vice President John Adams, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, House Minority Leader James Madison and other leaders all became aware of Hamilton's confession, his misconduct remained undisclosed until he was well out of office.

In 1797, Hamilton's secret finally became public knowledge after John Beckley, a disgruntled former clerk of the House of Representatives, leaked the story to James Thomson Callender, a muckraking journalist. The whole nation then learned of Hamilton's misdeeds in office. So what was the denouement?

On July 18, 1798, the very next year, then-President Adams and former President Washington nominated Hamilton to be inspector general of the new U.S. Army, second in command only to Washington himself. With Monroe, Jefferson, Madison and other Founding Fathers still maintaining their respectful silence, the U.S. Senate quickly confirmed this confessed adulterer and briber to occupy, for a second time, one of the highest positions in the new federal government of the United States.

Founding Fathers Didn't Flinch

No one swallows the liberal propaganda load quite like you do SW... :lmao:

While 'ole Slick Willy was being impeached, the left was in full on panic mode, and created some propaganda that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with his slave Sally Hemmings. Just one small problem though - DNA proved he didn't. Oops! Yet to this day, Dumbocrats like Joseph believe it's true... :lmao:

You people are destined to become slaves because you worship - without question - at the feet of those trying to enslave you.

Where did I mention Jefferson? (Whose affairs abroad were well known)

Completely impeachable...


Why don't they impeach the Kenyan then?

A REAL Republican would not hesitate

Why are you asking me? Ask THEM. I can't answer why someone else does or doesn't do something. :cuckoo:

Knowing Obama and his Chicago-style of politics, I'm sure it has to do with lining pockets, making political promises, and otherwise abusing his office.

Republicans are cowards and they fear the FEMA Death Camps
Listen, you KNOW I am a conservative. I am a registered republican, although sometimes I'd like to take some so-called republicans out behind the wood shed (Graham, McCain, etc.) and kick their asses for the stupidity that they so willingly display. I am an evangelical Christian and know that Jesus Christ is Lord and I absolutely believe that this administration is destroying this great nation one brick at a time.

But I have to tell you: YOU CANNOT IMPEACH A SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WITHOUT CLEAR PROOF THAT HE COMMITTED A CRIMINAL ACT. Impeachment is NOT the means for overturning the results of a democratic election.

Barry is and has done many, many things. In foreign policy the man is an absolute amateur. If the abdication of leadership to Putin on Syria (Assad STILL has his weapons) has not highlighted that, then I don't know what else will. He misuses the executive order in ways that defy logic, BUT so far, Congress hasn't called him on it either. They LET him do it. Where are the lawsuits in federal court to overturn these directives? The DREAM Act? They let him do it. Obamacare? They let him do it.

No, if everytime a side loses an election, we have impeachment proceedings to look forward to it's going to get really stupid, really quick. Because I PROMISE YOU, if the left loses in 2016, they will want to impeach as well. Thats wrong and so is any attempt to impeach Barry.

Give me proof that will convict him of a CRIME in a court of law.
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*Guy* - Bill Clinton took a vow to be faithful to his wife. He did so voluntarily. If he can't even keep his word to her, how the fuck is he going to keep his vow to uphold & defend the U.S. Constitution? How the fuck is he going to keep his word to strangers that he couldn't give a fuck about?

There is nothing "petty" about an affair. It's something only the slimiest and most despicable among us engage in. And the fact that you consider adultery to be "petty" speaks volumes about what a pathetic human being you are...

Funny then that the GOP would turn around then in 2008 and nominate a guy that had an affair. In 2012 one or two of the GOP candidates had affairs.

And let's not forget some of the FF you worship...

In his interview with members of Congress, Hamilton was forced to admit the payments to Reynolds but characterized them as bribes to prevent public disclosure of adultery Hamilton had committed with Reynolds' wife, Maria. That adultery included libidinous encounters not only in the Reynolds marital bed while James was away but also in Hamilton's own marital bed while his wife Betsy and their children were visiting Hamilton's father-in-law.[...]

When Muhlenberg and Monroe (as well as the other members of Congress) heard Hamilton's confession, they decided the matter was private, not public, and that no impeachable offense had occurred. They agreed (conspired) with Hamilton and among themselves to keep the sexual relations, the hush money and all the rest a secret. Although President Washington, Vice President John Adams, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, House Minority Leader James Madison and other leaders all became aware of Hamilton's confession, his misconduct remained undisclosed until he was well out of office.

In 1797, Hamilton's secret finally became public knowledge after John Beckley, a disgruntled former clerk of the House of Representatives, leaked the story to James Thomson Callender, a muckraking journalist. The whole nation then learned of Hamilton's misdeeds in office. So what was the denouement?

On July 18, 1798, the very next year, then-President Adams and former President Washington nominated Hamilton to be inspector general of the new U.S. Army, second in command only to Washington himself. With Monroe, Jefferson, Madison and other Founding Fathers still maintaining their respectful silence, the U.S. Senate quickly confirmed this confessed adulterer and briber to occupy, for a second time, one of the highest positions in the new federal government of the United States.

Founding Fathers Didn't Flinch

No one swallows the liberal propaganda load quite like you do SW... :lmao:

While 'ole Slick Willy was being impeached, the left was in full on panic mode, and created some propaganda that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with his slave Sally Hemmings. Just one small problem though - DNA proved he didn't. Oops! Yet to this day, Dumbocrats like Joseph believe it's true... :lmao:

You people are destined to become slaves because you worship - without question - at the feet of those trying to enslave you.

*throwing fruit* LOL
Listen, you KNOW I am a conservative. I am a registered republican, although sometimes I'd like to take some so-called republicans out behind the wood shed (Graham, McCain, etc.) and kick their asses for the stupidity that they so willingly display. I am an evangelical Christian and know that Jesus Christ is Lord and I absolutely believe that this administration is destroying this great nation one brick at a time.

But I have to tell you: YOU CANNOT IMPEACH A SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WITHOUT CLEAR PROOF THAT HE COMMITTED A CRIMINAL ACT. Impeachment is NOT the means for overturning the results of a democratic election.

Barry is and has done many, many things. In foreign policy the man is an absolute amateur. If the abdication of leadership to Putin on Syria (Assad STILL has his weapons) has not highlighted that, then I don't know what else will. He misuses the executive order in ways that defy logic, BUT so far, Congress hasn't called him on it either. They LET him do it. Where are the lawsuits in federal court to overturn these directives? The DREAM Act? They let him do it. Obamacare? They let him do it.

No, if everytime a side loses an election, we have impeachment proceedings to look forward to it's going to get really stupid, really quick. Because I PROMISE YOU, if the left loses in 2016, they will want to impeach as well. Thats wrong and so is any attempt to impeach Barry.

Give me proof that will convict him of a CRIME in a court of law.

This is what makes the repubicans appear like little girls who cry when they drop their ice cream on the ground.

You can't beat Obama at the ballot box; he's out maneuvered (sp?) the GOP almost every time they've gone into battle. This upcoming government shutdown will be no different.

So what else can the GOP currently do except play the victim and cry foul?

It's really a paradox that on one hand you have the gun nuts who love to try to sound so manly; the supposedly ex-military people (guys who should be in their 60's, 70,s and 80's but seem to know blogging better than some 20 year olds--sure they were in 'Nam..), and the rank and file who scream about accountability then look for every conceivable excuse for why they've been rejected and it all comes down to two things; blame the other guy or scream foul and hope for a miracle like impeachment.

We need alternatives to Democrats and we need alternatives to Republicans in this country. It would be nice if the GOP would start to act, at least, like grown ups instead of the whiny little bitches they've become.

It's tiring. Obama will be Presdient until 2017. Get used to it.
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

Hey, here's a brilliant idea. Let's impeach every president now, who shows any sign of humanity.
That's a list of policy differences that the stuck-in-the-1950s Conservatives have with Obama. Nothing there is illegal and worthy of impeachment.

Instead, Conservatives need to win enough seats in Congress and the White House to enact their retro policies.

But they know they can't. The demographics spell doom for the GOP. So instead they call for impeachment.

Impeachment is for losers.

Rottweiler is a loser too.

He's violated the Constitution on dozens of occasions. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. And violating the Constitution is an impeachable offense, stupid.

Conservatives should be impeached because of their ignorance and stupidity.

Nitwit republicans in the House could ‘impeach’ Obama because the sky is blue.

But do any of you ‘geniuses’ on the right care to explain how you’ll win a conviction in the Senate?

Or are you looking for a pointless, partisan show trial as with Clinton?

No_Reply_Jones chimes in.........if someone asks you something about what you say, they never get a why are you even posting?...

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