It's is far time we impeach



At this time in history you're sadly right.

He wouldn't be impeached even if he formed his own personal military to take over this country.

Get serious, Mathew. President Obama will leave office on January 20th, 2017, right on schedule. No drama, just the normal change of administrations. And then you get to deal with Hillary.:lol:
LOL. You silly ass whining pukes. You lost. You are going to lose again. You are history. Nobody even considers your 18th century ideas as serious.

They do need to readopt a repair, cut waste and forward agenda.

Health care needs fixing
going against science = loser

WE need a republican party that wants to put people to work. End of story.
- being black

- having a "fat" wife

- not owning at least 40 guns

- benign indifference to NASCAR

- once said "arugula" on the campaign trail

- was a professor

- not adhering to a strict 18th century interpretation of the Constitution (which wasn't a compromise but deigned to us by God Himself)

- never posting at USMB
- being black

- having a "fat" wife

- not owning at least 40 guns

- benign indifference to NASCAR

- once said "arugula" on the campaign trail

- was a professor

- not adhering to a strict 18th century interpretation of the Constitution (which wasn't a compromise but deigned to us by God Himself)

- never posting at USMB

All this phony talk about impeachment is just a ruse so that Republicans can turn the country over to Putin
All this phony talk about impeachment is just a ruse so that Republicans can turn the country over to Putin

Well, since the country voted for a socialist/communist agenda why not have the best.? I mean, isn't Putin Obama's mentor?

All this phony talk about impeachment is just a ruse so that Republicans can turn the country over to Putin

Well, since the country voted for a socialist/communist agenda why not have the best.? I mean, isn't Putin Obama's mentor?


Putin has supplanted Rush Limbaugh as the idol of the right wing

He is their leading presidential contender in 2016

Dream on but you've got nuthin.

President Obama has not "trampled the Constitution".

Trampling the Constitution is NOT necessary to destroy the country which is what Obama has wanted all along!

Most people that voted for Obama did so because they didn't have enough information about his ideology and his Dad's 100% taxes mentality and so they voted because they DIDN"T want to be considered "racist" by not voting for him!

Always consider these people that voted for Obama because he was a black probably are a hidden racist i.e. they
really don't like blacks but dislike being considered "racist" more!

That is the ONLY reason most people voted for Obama..

So a black guy ran and he got elected because he was black? Then why isn't Herman Cain President now?

You need to ask? Where were you?

The leftist media destroyed HC with an endless paradae of bimbos, one with a story more extreme than the last because the first 3 didn't harm his polling numbers. None of them had any credibility or evidence, like a crusty wad on a blue dress. HC was on fire and would have crushed the moonbat messiah, that's why the leftists increased pressure on him until he dropped out. Once again proving the left hates black people they don't have on a leash.

Our country would be on the road to recovery, and the criminal assholes of this administration might even be looking at prosecutions for their crimes.

We can at least bet Benghazi wouldn't have happened.
I really hope the GOP trash try it, it would lead to likely the biggest democratic landslide victory in 2014 in US history :up:

Why? Is it your position that the American people love and defend a President who violates the law?!? :cuckoo:

(Psst...have you seen Obama's approval ratings lately? :lmao:)

You don't remember what happened after the GOP trash did it to Clinton? :lol:

And yes, I have seen Obama's approval ratings. He's doing quite well, have you seen the GOP's? :lol:

Because a personal matter is the same as a national crisis. :badgrin:

Dream on but you've got nuthin.

President Obama has not "trampled the Constitution".

did you even read the OP? Which of the 5 points is not accurate?

All of them.

It's called an "Executive" branch for a reason. As in they have discretion on how to EXECUTE policies.

Joseph, you sound like an absolute idiot (I mean even more so than usual). Because, *guy*, Obama himself admitted he violated the U.S. Constitution:

During his press conference today, President Obama was asked by Fox News Channel’s Ed Henry about ObamaCare. The President answered the question by saying that it’s the Republicans’ fault that he had to violate the Constitution.

Here is Ed Henry’s very sensible question: “October 1st, you’re going to implement your signature health care law. You recently decided on your own to delay a key part of that. And I wonder, if you pick and choose what parts of the law to implement, couldn’t your successor down the road pick and choose whether they’ll implement your law and keep it in place?”

Congress passed a law that said that the employer mandate will begin on January 1, 2014. President Obama pushed it back one full year without any approval from Congress.

Here is what he said: “Now what’s true, Ed, is that in a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what? This is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. It has to do with, for example, are we able to simplify the attestation of employers as to whether they’re already providing health insurance or not. It looks like there may be some better ways to do this. Let’s make a technical change of the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do, but we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to, quote- unquote, Obamacare.”

See Joseph, Congress makes law, not the President. He violated the Constitution. He knows it. I know it. And even partisan hack Dumbocrats like you know it.

The real question is - why do you support politicians breaking the highest law in the land? I mean, your throw a fuck'n hissy like no child I've ever seen when some businessman breaks a lesser law that doesn't even effect you (like Bernie Madoff for instant - he didn't take one damn penny from you). But the president violates the Constitution and you work around the clock to cover for him and pretend like he didn't (which is really fuck'n funny considering he admitted he did - kind of makes you look like a LYING asshole, you know?)

Obama: I Had To Violate The Constitution Because Republicans Are Such Partisan Hacks (Or Something) -
Bush didn't fly to Vegas the day after 9/11.

Are you comparing Benghazi to 9/11? A better comparison might be Saint Reagan:

On September 20, 1984, there was a truck-bomb explosion at the U.S. embassy annex in Aukar, Lebanon, just outside Beirut. Twenty-four people were killed. It was third terrorist bombing aimed at U.S. interests in Lebanon in a year and a half.

What did Ronald Reagan do on September 21, 1984?

He made three campaign appearances in Iowa.
- being black

- having a "fat" wife

- not owning at least 40 guns

- benign indifference to NASCAR

- once said "arugula" on the campaign trail

- was a professor

- not adhering to a strict 18th century interpretation of the Constitution (which wasn't a compromise but deigned to us by God Himself)

- never posting at USMB


- poor taste

That's an impeachable offense as anything else.
Most Americans liked 3% unemployment and record profits in the stock market and really didn't care that he committed "Perjury" over something as petty as an affair.

*Guy* - Bill Clinton took a vow to be faithful to his wife. He did so voluntarily. If he can't even keep his word to her, how the fuck is he going to keep his vow to uphold & defend the U.S. Constitution? How the fuck is he going to keep his word to strangers that he couldn't give a fuck about?

There is nothing "petty" about an affair. It's something only the slimiest and most despicable among us engage in. And the fact that you consider adultery to be "petty" speaks volumes about what a pathetic human being you are...
Most Americans liked 3% unemployment and record profits in the stock market and really didn't care that he committed "Perjury" over something as petty as an affair.

*Guy* - Bill Clinton took a vow to be faithful to his wife. He did so voluntarily. If he can't even keep his word to her, how the fuck is he going to keep his vow to uphold & defend the U.S. Constitution? How the fuck is he going to keep his word to strangers that he couldn't give a fuck about?

There is nothing "petty" about an affair. It's something only the slimiest and most despicable among us engage in. And the fact that you consider adultery to be "petty" speaks volumes about what a pathetic human being you are...

Funny then that the GOP would turn around then in 2008 and nominate a guy that had an affair. In 2012 one or two of the GOP candidates had affairs.

And let's not forget some of the FF you worship...

In his interview with members of Congress, Hamilton was forced to admit the payments to Reynolds but characterized them as bribes to prevent public disclosure of adultery Hamilton had committed with Reynolds' wife, Maria. That adultery included libidinous encounters not only in the Reynolds marital bed while James was away but also in Hamilton's own marital bed while his wife Betsy and their children were visiting Hamilton's father-in-law.[...]

When Muhlenberg and Monroe (as well as the other members of Congress) heard Hamilton's confession, they decided the matter was private, not public, and that no impeachable offense had occurred. They agreed (conspired) with Hamilton and among themselves to keep the sexual relations, the hush money and all the rest a secret. Although President Washington, Vice President John Adams, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, House Minority Leader James Madison and other leaders all became aware of Hamilton's confession, his misconduct remained undisclosed until he was well out of office.

In 1797, Hamilton's secret finally became public knowledge after John Beckley, a disgruntled former clerk of the House of Representatives, leaked the story to James Thomson Callender, a muckraking journalist. The whole nation then learned of Hamilton's misdeeds in office. So what was the denouement?

On July 18, 1798, the very next year, then-President Adams and former President Washington nominated Hamilton to be inspector general of the new U.S. Army, second in command only to Washington himself. With Monroe, Jefferson, Madison and other Founding Fathers still maintaining their respectful silence, the U.S. Senate quickly confirmed this confessed adulterer and briber to occupy, for a second time, one of the highest positions in the new federal government of the United States.

Founding Fathers Didn't Flinch

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