It's is far time we impeach

No legal crime need be committed to impeach. Impeachment is a political process and the House decides to impeach or not impeach, it is their call. The Senate votes guilty or not guilty, and that is the Senate's call. If a legal crime has been committed the criminal trial can take place in a regular court after the impeachment trial. It's all politics made to look like a legal
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

You are going to impeach for doing the minuet?
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

Hey, here's a brilliant idea. Let's impeach every president now, who shows any sign of humanity.

if you can't understand what I write don't quote my post, moron
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

You are going to impeach for doing the minuet?

bet you think you're clever don't you? you are the reason why children shouldn't eat paint chips
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The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

Who was the first Marxist ever voted president in the United States, I say Jefferson.
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

Hey, here's a brilliant idea. Let's impeach every president now, who shows any sign of humanity.

if you can't understand what I write don't quote my post, moron

Clinton wasn't impeached almost because he lied. It had everything to do with the affair. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it.

But you missed that one. :lol:
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

Who was the first Marxist ever voted president in the United States, I say Jefferson.

And he valued the Koran too! :eek:
The minuet there is evidence that Obama committed a crime like Clinton did by committing perjury then you can talk impeachment. All we really have is reason to never vote a marxist in office ever again

Who was the first Marxist ever voted president in the United States, I say Jefferson.

And he valued the Koran too! :eek:

Value is subjective. He owned a Koran as well as a Bible, so it's fair to say he valued them both.
Listen, you KNOW I am a conservative. I am a registered republican, although sometimes I'd like to take some so-called republicans out behind the wood shed (Graham, McCain, etc.) and kick their asses for the stupidity that they so willingly display. I am an evangelical Christian and know that Jesus Christ is Lord and I absolutely believe that this administration is destroying this great nation one brick at a time.

But I have to tell you: YOU CANNOT IMPEACH A SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WITHOUT CLEAR PROOF THAT HE COMMITTED A CRIMINAL ACT. Impeachment is NOT the means for overturning the results of a democratic election.

Barry is and has done many, many things. In foreign policy the man is an absolute amateur. If the abdication of leadership to Putin on Syria (Assad STILL has his weapons) has not highlighted that, then I don't know what else will. He misuses the executive order in ways that defy logic, BUT so far, Congress hasn't called him on it either. They LET him do it. Where are the lawsuits in federal court to overturn these directives? The DREAM Act? They let him do it. Obamacare? They let him do it.

No, if everytime a side loses an election, we have impeachment proceedings to look forward to it's going to get really stupid, really quick. Because I PROMISE YOU, if the left loses in 2016, they will want to impeach as well. Thats wrong and so is any attempt to impeach Barry.

Give me proof that will convict him of a CRIME in a court of law.

He's violated the U.S. Constitution on at least several dozen occassions and even admitted it.... :bang3:
Clinton wasn't impeached almost because he lied. :

Clinton was impeached and it was because he committed perjury, obstructed justice, intimidated witnesses, and tampered with evidence.

Clinton was impeached because he was a democrat, his acquittal in the Senate is proof of that.
Clinton was only the second president in the history of America to be IMPEACHED, because he LIED TO CONGRESS, you POS LIAR.

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