It's JUST a Freaking Website Problem, People

If it were a new iPhone, people would be saying they like it and hope the new software fixes the glitches.

Hell, if it were rock concert, people would be saying they're happy to wait in line in the cold and sleep on the sidewalk.

Comparing the ACA to a rock concert is about as progressive as you can get

Yes, very moronic
yeah, come on's just a website problem so say's the Obama stooge

the HELL with all the money they have now taken from you and blew on it all...

now shut up, sit down, and say your hail Obama's
The foodstamp eligibility standard has just been lowered as well.

So not only are you getting less, but fewer people are eligible.
It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

Wow, you haven't even looked at the website, yet you know exactly what the problem is. Amazing.

Funny thing, every single expert that has actually looked at it has said that it will take a major overhaul of the website, front and back end, to fix this, and Obamacare will not work without the website. The reason for that is, even if you call, or opt for paper, everything still go's through the website.

But we do Thank you for your attempt to defend the government.

HealthCare.Gov Needs Five Million Code Lines Rewritten

HealthCare.Gov Needs Five Million Code Lines Rewritten | National Review Online

They want to control your healthcare!

What could possibly go wrong?

Will they give people with asthma breathalyzers?

Sorry, but that's not much when you consider that your average Windows software program requires over 50 million.

A website is not Windows software, something any IT expert, even the fake ones, would know.
If it were a new iPhone, people would be saying they like it and hope the new software fixes the glitches.

Hell, if it were rock concert, people would be saying they're happy to wait in line in the cold and sleep on the sidewalk.

If it was a new iPhone it would have been fixed by now.

It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

The Obamacare website was rushed into place, knowing full well that it had a number of serious flaws. Why was software contract given to a Canadian Company? We have much better software companies in the US that are light years ahead of the rest of world.
If it were a new iPhone, people would be saying they like it and hope the new software fixes the glitches.

Hell, if it were rock concert, people would be saying they're happy to wait in line in the cold and sleep on the sidewalk.

Not to mention the debacle of Microsoft's history and yet Bill Gates reigns.

Remember Windows 2000? Total mess. Windows Vista? History.

Koch-sucking sluts.

Why do you hate women so?
They had almost 3 years to get this website to be up and running . And my question is why did they outsource the website and have a Canadian company do it. I am sure we have some of the brightest people in the world when it comes to developing websites. Look at GOOGLE
If it were a new iPhone, people would be saying they like it and hope the new software fixes the glitches.

Hell, if it were rock concert, people would be saying they're happy to wait in line in the cold and sleep on the sidewalk.

If it was a new iPhone it would have been fixed by now.

The thing is if it was an IPHONE problem and they didn't fix it you would go to android.. You are not forced to buy from apple or Microsoft. With Obamacare YOU ARE FORCED TO or you get fined.. Big difference ..

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