It's just some rumblings I'm getting, just a funny smell, but...

Feb 28, 2009
This T.O. thing. Dallas cuts him, and Buffalo scoops him right up for little to nothing, immediately, on a one-year deal.

Jerry Jones is just going to cut T.O. and get nothing for him? So it appears..... BUT.

I don't buy it. Here's what I think is going to happen:

I think there's a back-door deal for Buffalo to do a "sweetheart" trade with Dallas on or before draft day, for a herd of additional players in exchange for Buffalo's #1 pick! Dallas doesn't HAVE a pick in the first round this year, and needs one. Well, no way could Buffalo afford T.O. unless he was cut. Wade Phillips is still tight with Bills ownership... Dallas has several players who are ripe trade bait...

Dallas is stalling on negotiations with several players.....

Sure would like to see Jerry Jones phone records! But hell, he might use the internet, emails for something like this.

Anyhow let's wait and see. It sure looks possible.
This T.O. thing. Dallas cuts him, and Buffalo scoops him right up for little to nothing, immediately, on a one-year deal.

Jerry Jones is just going to cut T.O. and get nothing for him? So it appears..... BUT.

I don't buy it. Here's what I think is going to happen:

I think there's a back-door deal for Buffalo to do a "sweetheart" trade with Dallas on or before draft day, for a herd of additional players in exchange for Buffalo's #1 pick! Dallas doesn't HAVE a pick in the first round this year, and needs one. Well, no way could Buffalo afford T.O. unless he was cut. Wade Phillips is still tight with Bills ownership... Dallas has several players who are ripe trade bait...

Dallas is stalling on negotiations with several players.....

Sure would like to see Jerry Jones phone records! But hell, he might use the internet, emails for something like this.

Anyhow let's wait and see. It sure looks possible.

TO's salary was 6.5 million for a 35 year old reciever.. and a Buff QB that isnt quite established yet.. but TO still will produce... but true Buffalo is a small market team..

What your saying Dallas is going to trade more players to Buff for their first round pick?..

I though dallas was going to have cap issues.. and they still havent signed D Ware yet??
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This T.O. thing. Dallas cuts him, and Buffalo scoops him right up for little to nothing, immediately, on a one-year deal.

Jerry Jones is just going to cut T.O. and get nothing for him? So it appears..... BUT.

I don't buy it. Here's what I think is going to happen:

I think there's a back-door deal for Buffalo to do a "sweetheart" trade with Dallas on or before draft day, for a herd of additional players in exchange for Buffalo's #1 pick! Dallas doesn't HAVE a pick in the first round this year, and needs one. Well, no way could Buffalo afford T.O. unless he was cut. Wade Phillips is still tight with Bills ownership... Dallas has several players who are ripe trade bait...

Dallas is stalling on negotiations with several players.....

Sure would like to see Jerry Jones phone records! But hell, he might use the internet, emails for something like this.

Anyhow let's wait and see. It sure looks possible.

TO's salary was 6.5 million for a 35 year old reciever.. and a Buff QB that isnt quite established yet.. but TO still will produce... but true Buffalo is a small market team..

What your saying Dallas is going to trade more players to Buff for their first round pick?..

I though dallas was going to have cap issues.. and they still havent signed D Ware yet??

Dallas isn't up against cap trouble. Buffalo is. They really cannot afford a high first-rounder this year. And it's likely the player they have an eye on is in a later round anyway.

They get:

*T.O. backdoored and cheap. Great for ticket and merchandise sales.
These alone will probably cover his salary. And who knows, he might have another 13-TD, 1,000 yard season before he implodes.

* Tank Johnson, Zach Thomas, plus a half dozen or so reliable, young but not starting players. They'll all be cheap compared to signing one, early 1st round pick.

*And maybe a later round pick or two.

I think it's plausible, although not strongly likely. Speculation is fun. But look at past years, all those Dallas players who went to New Orleans.... Then all the ones who went to Miami... all in sweetheart little trades...

Ware isn't a free agent, signing him to a new deal is totally optional at this point. Dallas has gained in the cap with the release of S Roy Williams and the loss of DE Chris Canty. These almost offset the cap hit Owens cost.

Look at the other side of the pancake too. Jerry Jones really going to throw away 4 million in cap money, just to get rid of Owens, when he could have kept him another year (even inactivated) and saved three of it?

Jones is really gonna tolerate NOT having a pick in the first round?

We haven't already seen sweetie trades with Nawlins when a Dallas coach and some staffers went there, and with Miami when Parcells went there?

Buffalo is really gonna look the ticket sales and merchandise sales gift horse in the mouth, and not salivate at the possibility of a 1000-yard, 13-TD season out of Owens?

Buffalo couldn't have afforded T.O. unless he was cut. The passel of players involved might be quite attractive to Buffalo. This might be the equivalent of the Hershel Walker deal, except Buffalo gives up a 1st round pick for T.O. backdoored, and a half dozen or so proven players. They can't afford to really sign a high 1st rounder this year anyway, get T.O. cheap, and get a much needed infusion of talent.

I smell ripe tomatoes. We'll find out I guess, next month.
This T.O. thing. Dallas cuts him, and Buffalo scoops him right up for little to nothing, immediately, on a one-year deal.

Jerry Jones is just going to cut T.O. and get nothing for him? So it appears..... BUT.

I don't buy it. Here's what I think is going to happen:

I think there's a back-door deal for Buffalo to do a "sweetheart" trade with Dallas on or before draft day, for a herd of additional players in exchange for Buffalo's #1 pick! Dallas doesn't HAVE a pick in the first round this year, and needs one. Well, no way could Buffalo afford T.O. unless he was cut. Wade Phillips is still tight with Bills ownership... Dallas has several players who are ripe trade bait...

Dallas is stalling on negotiations with several players.....

Sure would like to see Jerry Jones phone records! But hell, he might use the internet, emails for something like this.

Anyhow let's wait and see. It sure looks possible.

TO's salary was 6.5 million for a 35 year old reciever.. and a Buff QB that isnt quite established yet.. but TO still will produce... but true Buffalo is a small market team..

What your saying Dallas is going to trade more players to Buff for their first round pick?..

I though dallas was going to have cap issues.. and they still havent signed D Ware yet??

Dallas isn't up against cap trouble. Buffalo is. They really cannot afford a high first-rounder this year. And it's likely the player they have an eye on is in a later round anyway.

They get:

*T.O. backdoored and cheap. Great for ticket and merchandise sales.
These alone will probably cover his salary. And who knows, he might have another 13-TD, 1,000 yard season before he implodes.

* Tank Johnson, Zach Thomas, plus a half dozen or so reliable, young but not starting players. They'll all be cheap compared to signing one, early 1st round pick.

*And maybe a later round pick or two.

I think it's plausible, although not strongly likely. Speculation is fun. But look at past years, all those Dallas players who went to New Orleans.... Then all the ones who went to Miami... all in sweetheart little trades...

Ware isn't a free agent, signing him to a new deal is totally optional at this point. Dallas has gained in the cap with the release of S Roy Williams and the loss of DE Chris Canty. These almost offset the cap hit Owens cost.

Look at the other side of the pancake too. Jerry Jones really going to throw away 4 million in cap money, just to get rid of Owens, when he could have kept him another year (even inactivated) and saved three of it?

Jones is really gonna tolerate NOT having a pick in the first round?

We haven't already seen sweetie trades with Nawlins when a Dallas coach and some staffers went there, and with Miami when Parcells went there?

Buffalo is really gonna look the ticket sales and merchandise sales gift horse in the mouth, and not salivate at the possibility of a 1000-yard, 13-TD season out of Owens?

Buffalo couldn't have afforded T.O. unless he was cut. The passel of players involved might be quite attractive to Buffalo. This might be the equivalent of the Hershel Walker deal, except Buffalo gives up a 1st round pick for T.O. backdoored, and a half dozen or so proven players. They can't afford to really sign a high 1st rounder this year anyway, get T.O. cheap, and get a much needed infusion of talent.

I smell ripe tomatoes. We'll find out I guess, next month.

You must be a cowboy fan?? the hershel deal built/helped to build their 90's dynasty

thought dallas dropped tank.. along with pacman...

If there is somebody Jerry wants hell get a first round pick somehow.. Im not a cowboy fan so i dont know the team needs.. I think its secondary and LB??

Ware may wait till next year when there is no salary cap.. probably smart thing to do as he is a beast!!

If your thinnking is right the Cowboys will make a draft day trade up to get who they want..

Who do you think JJ wants in the draft??
TO's quickly running out of teams willing to waste a year on him. What's he going to do when no one else is willing to put up with his shit? Play Arena ball???

Fuck this fucking dude, what a cancer on the NFL.
TO is overrated...GO GIANTS!!! *laughing* dallas galgirls hrmp

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