It's Katie Couric!

The fact the anti gunners cannot escape.......

More Americans bought guns starting in the 1990s.......all the way up to 357,000,000 million guns in 2016....and our gun murder rate went down.....our violent crime rate went down.......

No other argument they can make changes that fact....

Normal people owning and actually carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate......

And as more proof.....

Britain confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....

In went up 4% last year, and their violent crime rate went up 27%....after they confiscated guns....
The reason for the crime rate falling does indeed change the "fact" you state. Anti-crime legislation caused the decrease in crime nationwide and if you want to tie a decreased crime rate to guns, consider that it may be because 15% less households now own guns.
Those are also facts.
That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

The gun accident rate went up. You base it on ownership not the number of guns bought moron.
You base it on LEGAL ownership

You think she was an illegal gun owner?

Pro-Gun Mom Shot By Son Must Take Gun Safety Class

So there's one

What about that article about Chicago you posted?

And accidents happen always have always will. If you really care about accidental deaths then why don't you concentrate on those accidents that kill far more that accidental gun shots?

The gun ones really should never happen. People need to use cars for tranportion. People need to bathe. Almost nobody ever needs a gun and the accidents are completely avoidable.

Americans need guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack, and all Americans need guns to keep our governmnet from committing mass murder like the governments in Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world did.........

They protect our freedom.....
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
How about hunting rifles without detachable magazines? That don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
We already have that.
What do you offer us that we do not already have, in exchange or giving up something we already have?
Keeping the rifles you have without detachable magazines, that don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
Wait... I thought you sought compromise...?
How is it compromise to give you something without receiving something from you in return?
"Give me something and I'll let you keep something you already have" isn't a proposal for compromise, its a demand for acquiescence.

(And just so you know.... I have an old bolt-action Enfield that will fire 10 rounds in 10 seconds with a 5 second reload. That's 40+ dead people per minute)
Well, well, well. You sure are quickly educating me back into my original stance of get rid of all the goddam things.
I do think, though, that it would be a compromise to allow some hunting rifles rather than none. That is apparently what some people think the gun grabbers are after.
The fact the anti gunners cannot escape.......

More Americans bought guns starting in the 1990s.......all the way up to 357,000,000 million guns in 2016....and our gun murder rate went down.....our violent crime rate went down.......

No other argument they can make changes that fact....

Normal people owning and actually carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate......

And as more proof.....

Britain confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....

In went up 4% last year, and their violent crime rate went up 27%....after they confiscated guns....
The reason for the crime rate falling does indeed change the "fact" you state. Anti-crime legislation caused the decrease in crime nationwide and if you want to tie a decreased crime rate to guns, consider that it may be because 15% less households now own guns.
Those are also facts.

The facts are that in the 1990s more people started buying and owning guns...the biggest growth factor in gun ownership today is women and minorities...previously under represented groups in gun ownership.......

As More Americans bought and now own guns........357,000,000 milllion guns in private hands....our gun crime rate went down, our gun murder rate went down, our violent crime rate went 2007, 4,700,000 million people carried guns for self defense...up from 2 million in the 1990s...and the gun crime and gun murder rates went 2013....11.1 million people carried guns for self defense and our gun murder rate went down, and our gun crime rate went down and our violent crime rate went down.... 2014-2015.....13,000,000 million people now carry guns for self defense.....and our gun crime rate went down, our violent crime rate went down and our gun murder rate went down....

Britain...confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate stayed the same....last year their violent crime rate went up 27% and their gun crime rate went up 4%....and they are now experiencing more gun crime in their major cities........
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
How about hunting rifles without detachable magazines? That don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
We already have that.
What do you offer us that we do not already have, in exchange or giving up something we already have?
Keeping the rifles you have without detachable magazines, that don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
Wait... I thought you sought compromise...?
How is it compromise to give you something without receiving something from you in return?
"Give me something and I'll let you keep something you already have" isn't a proposal for compromise, its a demand for acquiescence.

(And just so you know.... I have an old bolt-action Enfield that will fire 10 rounds in 10 seconds with a 5 second reload. That's 40+ dead people per minute)
Well, well, well. You sure are quickly educating me back into my original stance of get rid of all the goddam things.
I do think, though, that it would be a compromise to allow some hunting rifles rather than none. That is apparently what some people think the gun grabbers are after. compromise on Civil Rights and keeping our government under control........You can keep current, federally mandated background checks...those seem to make you morons extremely happy....but that is it....

We already have laws that allow us to arrest people who use guns for crimes...and we can arrest felons if they are caught with guns....and that is all we need......
The fact the anti gunners cannot escape.......

More Americans bought guns starting in the 1990s.......all the way up to 357,000,000 million guns in 2016....and our gun murder rate went down.....our violent crime rate went down.......

No other argument they can make changes that fact....

Normal people owning and actually carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate......

And as more proof.....

Britain confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....

In went up 4% last year, and their violent crime rate went up 27%....after they confiscated guns....
The reason for the crime rate falling does indeed change the "fact" you state. Anti-crime legislation caused the decrease in crime nationwide and if you want to tie a decreased crime rate to guns, consider that it may be because 15% less households now own guns.
Those are also facts. to where the gun ownership rate went down 15%........we had 320,000,000 million guns in private hands and now have 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...the biggest growth areas are gun owners....and gun owners........

So please link to whatever anti gun site you found that said that.....and I will show you how they are lying...again....
Is there something in the rest of Couric's documentary that concerns you? Y'all have sure been whining about this 8 second issue. I agree it was a dirty trick. It doesn't mean the rest of it isn't accurate. Way too much protest here, ladies.
Is there something in the rest of Couric's documentary that concerns you? Y'all have sure been whining about this 8 second issue. I agree it was a dirty trick. It doesn't mean the rest of it isn't accurate. Way too much protest here, ladies.

Doesn't mean the rest IS accurate either and sure casts a whole lot of doubt on the, errrr, impartiality factor, shall we say.....

In other words the whole thing goes in the trash. As it should any time someone is busted red handed trying to peddle garbage.
Is there something in the rest of Couric's documentary that concerns you? Y'all have sure been whining about this 8 second issue. I agree it was a dirty trick. It doesn't mean the rest of it isn't accurate. Way too much protest here, ladies.

Even a partial lie is a lie. It can be nothing else.
It goes straight to her integrity and it shows she has none.

Sad thing is, she'll get a pass from the libs and her fellow "journalists".
That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

The gun accident rate went up. You base it on ownership not the number of guns bought moron.
You base it on LEGAL ownership

You think she was an illegal gun owner?

Pro-Gun Mom Shot By Son Must Take Gun Safety Class

So there's one

What about that article about Chicago you posted?

And accidents happen always have always will. If you really care about accidental deaths then why don't you concentrate on those accidents that kill far more that accidental gun shots?

The gun ones really should never happen. People need to use cars for tranportion. People need to bathe. Almost nobody ever needs a gun and the accidents are completely avoidable.

People don't "need" pools or stairs or a whole host of other things I can list that are potentially dangerous

The thing you don't seem to grasp is that it's not up to yu to tell people what they need or don't need.
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
How about hunting rifles without detachable magazines? That don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
We already have that.
What do you offer us that we do not already have, in exchange or giving up something we already have?
Keeping the rifles you have without detachable magazines, that don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
Wait... I thought you sought compromise...?
How is it compromise to give you something without receiving something from you in return?
"Give me something and I'll let you keep something you already have" isn't a proposal for compromise, its a demand for acquiescence.
(And just so you know.... I have an old bolt-action Enfield that will fire 10 rounds in 10 seconds with a 5 second reload. That's 40+ dead people per minute)
Well, well, well. You sure are quickly educating me back into my original stance of get rid of all the goddam things.
I thought your "total ban' stance was because the pro-gun side would not compromise.
In fact, it is YOU who does not want compromise as you refuse to offer the pro-gun side anything in exchange for giving up the evil and dreaded semi-autos.
That is, our "failure to communicate" is all because of YOU.

Riddle me this, Batman...
Civilians have had unfettered access to magazine-fed semi-auto guns since before WW2 - no licensed gun dealers, no backgrounds checks, you could by guns thru Sears and have them ship to you via US mail - in fact, until 1968, it wasn't even illegal for felons to have guns.
Why were 'mass shootings' unheard of back then?
And liberals will accept ANY excuse for this sort of dishonesty in media as long as it's other liberals doing it. The media have been engaging in this kind of deception for decades and are never held accountable for it. The sycophants don't mind being lied to as long as they're being told what they want to hear.
The media have been engaging in this kind of deception for decades and are never held accountable for it. The sycophants don't mind being lied to as long as they're being told what they want to hear.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodies?

I'm only an expert in one area, (aviation). Whenever there's a news story that's aviation related, they ALWAYS, 100% of the time get it wrong. So, whenever I see a news "report" about any other subject, I figure it's crap too. Add a left wing bent to the MSM's lackluster desire for accuracy and you get propaganda.

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