It's Katie Couric!

Of course you gun nuts miss the entire point of the film - that we need to reduce gun violence even further and focus on a few seconds that hurt your little thin-skinned feelings. Whine whine whine whine is all I hear from you crazies. Meanwhile over 40,000 people per year in the U.S. are killed or injured by gun violence (exclusive of suicides). What are you doing to help decrease that number? Whine?
Consider joining to help make us safer instead of whining.

Calling out the Illinois National Guard and deploying them to Chicago would be a good start.
How has that worked out in Detroit?

What is the murder rate in Detroit?

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

How many kids killed others? Quite a few moms been getting shot lately.

Yeah found a total of two out of a population of 320,000,000 million people.....what a moron you are....

Hey asswipe....some actual stats...the accidental gun death rate for kids went down, not up as more Americans bought guns...

And if you want to keep your kid safe...get rid of your car and get him an anti gravity belt......

Broker Version 9.4

Accidental death by cause for 2014.....ages <1-14. ( 320 million guns in private hands in 2013) (74.2 million children 2010 census)

Accidental gun...48 ( 2013...69) ( 2012...58) ( 2011...74)
Accidental drowning...647
Accidental car deaths...1,083
Accidental falls...53
Compared to accidental gun deaths in 2013...

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...
Broker Version 9.4

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-9 years old: 15

10-15 years old: 24

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Accidental gun death:

<1.... 0

1-4.... 22

5-9.... 14

10-14.... 12

total: 48
Accidental Drowning:

<1.... 29

1-4.... 388

5-9.... 125

10-14.... 105

Total: 647
Accidental car deaths;

<1.... 61

1-4.... 293

5-9.... 345

Total: 1,083
Accidental poisoning:

<1.... 9

1-4.... 28

5-9.... 9

10-14.... 22

Total: 68
Accidental Falls:

<1.... 8

1-4.... 24


10-14.... 13

Total: 53
Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

How many kids killed others? Quite a few moms been getting shot lately.

Yeah found a total of two out of a population of 320,000,000 million people.....what a moron you are....

Two in seconds moron.
How has that worked out in Detroit?

What is the murder rate in Detroit?

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

The gun accident rate went up. You base it on ownership not the number of guns bought moron.


2013....320,000,000 accidental gun deaths.... 505

2014....on our way to 357,000,000 million guns in 2015..... accidental gun deaths 586..... are stupid aren't do you dress and feed yourself without killing yourself........

A change of 37,000,000 million guns......and the number of more accidental gun suicides..... 81.

Broker Version 9.4

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


42,032 accidental poisoning deaths...

33, 736 accidental car deaths.....

31,959 accidental falling deaths....

3,406 accidental drowning deaths....

605 accidental machinery deaths.......

So you are a fucking moron.............

586 accidental gun deaths...of which 48 were children...with 74.2 million children in the country...........down from 69 accidental child gun deaths in 2013..........
Last edited:
We have a criminal problem not being addressed by prosecutors and judges......

Our non gun murder rate is higher than Britain's entire murder rate...guns are not the issue...

from CDC table 10, final death statistics....2013....

Non gun homicides....that is no guns were used......


Britain...(England, Scotland, Wales)

Total number of murders..... 640...

Guns are not the issue....our criminals commit more murder......without guns.....British criminals do not commit murder in is part of their culture......

Look at the population difference and compare the non gun murder rate.......

Murders in the UK

Gun Murders in England, Scotland and Wales 2011/12

There were 640 Murders / Homicides in Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) in 2011/12 (10.43 per million population)

Of these 640 Murders / Homicides, 44 involved a gun or firearm as the main weapon.
Gun murders in Britain in 2011/12 represent 6%of the murder cases, (0.72 gun homicides per million population).

Population of Britain (combined England, Scotland and Wales) in last census 2011 = 61,370,912
see tables bel
ow for number of murders and gun murders in England, Wales and Scotland per year from 2001 to 2012
The fact the anti gunners cannot escape.......

More Americans bought guns starting in the 1990s.......all the way up to 357,000,000 million guns in 2016....and our gun murder rate went down.....our violent crime rate went down.......

No other argument they can make changes that fact....

Normal people owning and actually carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate......

And as more proof.....

Britain confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....

In went up 4% last year, and their violent crime rate went up 27%....after they confiscated guns....
Japan still had a gun problem with the yakuza....when the Yakuza went to war they shot each other and used grenades......even though both are completely, and utterly, illegal in we told you morons...when you ban guns only criminals and cops will have guns....and that happened in Japan....

How did they actually stop gun violence........they put a 30 year sentence on gun the Yakuza are on the verge of war....but no one wants to risk a 30 year prison sentence....
Yeah....Britain is running into a little gun I have pointed out...their criminal culture is maturing...and using guns more often.......fully automatic ones...

Armed police to patrol shooting ‘hotspots’ in Newham, Hackney, Haringey, Brent, Lambeth and Southwark

Armed police patrols will target gun crime hotspots across the capital after a rise in the number of shootings, as Scotland Yard says there are more guns on the streets.

----Scotland Yard said the majority of shootings last year involved handguns. In 2015, 56% were handguns, 27% shotguns, 2% automatic weapons and 15% unknown or converted imitations.

Among victims 42% had links to gangs, and half of victims had links to drug dealing.

Sir Bernard said the rise in shootings nationally suggests that more weapons are getting on to the streets.

“The potential is that more guns have got through than we’ve known about and they’ve got in to the hands of criminals.

That’s the best explanation at the moment. “Clearly in some areas there is a gang element to it but that doesn’t account for all of it.

The fact that we’re seeing it across the country in the big cities probably indicates that we’re talking about more supply.” He warned that terrorists could go to criminal sources to buy guns.

“As we’ve seen in Europe, particularly looking at France and Belgium, if we allow easy access or allow any liberal approach to the possession of firearms for criminals, then it allows the possibility that terrorists get hold of it.Terrorists are generally going to go to a criminal source to supply them, there’s no way we want that to happen in Britain.”

They freaking banned guns.......and this story is from this week..............and they are sending in armed patrols....because of gun crime?
What was the rate of increase in shootings in Britain....a country that confiscated and banned civilian ownership of guns....

Nationally, there has been an increase of around 19% since 2013/14.
Ruh of us has been right all along about British gun crime.......

Rise in UK firearms trade may provide terrorists with weapons, say police

Police have warned that the supply of guns to criminals in the UK has increased, adding to fears that weapons may be sold on to terrorists wanting to stage a Paris-style attack in Britain.


He added: “The French and the Belgians accept that in the last 10 years criminals have got more access to weapons, particularly automatic weapons, who have then been the source for the terrorists. If your general supply is higher, the chances of a terrorist getting hold of them are also higher.”


Hogan-Howe said there were more illegal guns on the streets and said the rise in shootings in the last three months was significant: “The fact that we’re seeing it across the country in the big cities probably indicates that we’re talking about more supply.” Nationally, there has been an increase of around 19% in firearms discharges since 2013-14, with London also experiencing roughly that level of increase.

But....they freaking banned and confiscated guns.....
Wait......they have to do stop and frisk in Britain........? Britain.......?

Hogan-Howe said more stop and search may also be used, as may so called “section 60” powers allowing stops without an officer needing reasonable suspicion. He said any such tactics would be used only if justified by intelligence.

Police say criminals want access to the guns without keeping them at an address that could be linked to them. In one case three Skorpion automatic weapons were found in south London by workmen. They had been concealed in a bag buried in the ground.


In a Guardian interview, he said criminals were trying a range of tactics to avoid detection. “We have to watch a trend of disassembling the weapons and sending them in component parts.” He also revealed that a rise in parcels being sent to Britain due to the popularity of online shopping was helping criminals to camouflage the smuggling of firearms into the country.

The Met said that weapons had been fired in London 122 times so far this year, with two people killed and 62 injured. In 2015 there were 226 discharges of firearms, with 10 people killed and 93 injured. Around half of suspects and victims in shooting incidents are linked to gangs, with conflicts in the drugs trade a common
How has that worked out in Detroit?

What is the murder rate in Detroit?

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

The gun accident rate went up. You base it on ownership not the number of guns bought moron.
You base it on LEGAL ownership

Hey asswipe....some actual stats...the accidental gun death rate for kids went down, not up as more Americans bought guns...

And if you want to keep your kid safe...get rid of your car and get him an anti gravity belt......

Broker Version 9.4

Accidental death by cause for 2014.....ages <1-14. ( 320 million guns in private hands in 2013) (74.2 million children 2010 census)

Accidental gun...48 ( 2013...69) ( 2012...58) ( 2011...74)
Accidental drowning...647
Accidental car deaths...1,083
Accidental falls...53
Compared to accidental gun deaths in 2013...

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...
Broker Version 9.4

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-9 years old: 15

10-15 years old: 24

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Accidental gun death:

<1.... 0

1-4.... 22

5-9.... 14

10-14.... 12

total: 48
Accidental Drowning:

<1.... 29

1-4.... 388

5-9.... 125

10-14.... 105

Total: 647
Accidental car deaths;

<1.... 61

1-4.... 293

5-9.... 345

Total: 1,083
Accidental poisoning:

<1.... 9

1-4.... 28

5-9.... 9

10-14.... 22

Total: 68
Accidental Falls:

<1.... 8

1-4.... 24


10-14.... 13

Total: 53

Amazing guns are such a high number compared to those other things.

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