It's Katie Couric!

All you gun adoring asshats, c'mere....
What upsets you more - that Couric lied in her "documentary", or that she was caught?
Neither. What upsets me is all the same old arguments from 2AGuy and name calling from the rest of you that you somehow think defends your side. It deeply troubles me that so many Americans seem proud as peacocks of the gun mania and deaths associated with it in this country. I don't know why I'm even bothering to reply to this. It will probably be the same old same old.
I don't know why either, you make your side look really bad. You hatefully say people are proud of gun deaths because we exercise the right to arm ourselves. That's a pure total asshole move. Then you complain about name calling? Seriously? I point out that it's the person not the device that does the killing and since you don't agree then my point simply doesn't exist. Go pound sand.
Without the device, the person might less frequently and with less ease kill others.
As for the rest of your post--whatever.
Without the device I have a much less chance of defending myself. And I know it's hard for a liberal but I value my life and family's more than making a liberal happy.

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

Legal gun ownership or illegal gun ownership?

You don't know do you? For all we know those are gang bangers' kids who live in a crack house
And as we all know, gang bangers who live in a crack house don't deserve to live anyway. Or their kids.

Were the guns legally or illegally purchased?

It makes a difference because with all of our gun laws More than 20,000 to be accurate we still cannot stop the illegal sale of guns.

People who break the law are by definition irresponsible so of course their children are at greater risk of all things not just guns.

Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions have owned guns had them in their homes and none of their children were ever shot
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
How about hunting rifles without detachable magazines? That don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
And in my book, what Couric did was slant the material, not lie. I was taught to watch out for that kind of stuff as a matter of course. Why some people seem so up in arms about it as if it were something new, I don't understand.

Do you even know what an assault rifle is?

There is NOTHING, whatsoever in the constitution about what I NEED. The constitution says what I have a RIGHT to own to defend myself and to protect me from your oppressive government.

At my age, I don't NEED the custom Harley I own. But I WANT it, I EARNED it, no government handout provided it to me. IF you don't like either, then it must really suck to be you. So sorry about that!
Without the device, the person might less frequently and with less ease kill others.
As for the rest of your post--whatever.

THIRTY INFANTS a year are drowned in "empty" five-gallon plastic buckets. How many more in POOLS?


In what way is purposely shooting another human being the same as drowning in a swimming pool? You do know how guns work, right? One person points and shoots it at another in order to kill that other person. It's not an accident. Maybe you're mixing me up with a different poster who is focusing on accidental gun deaths.

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

Legal gun ownership or illegal gun ownership?

You don't know do you? For all we know those are gang bangers' kids who live in a crack house
And as we all know, gang bangers who live in a crack house don't deserve to live anyway. Or their kids.

Were the guns legally or illegally purchased?

It makes a difference because with all of our gun laws More than 20,000 to be accurate we still cannot stop the illegal sale of guns.

People who break the law are by definition irresponsible so of course their children are at greater risk of all things not just guns.

Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions have owned guns had them in their homes and none of their children were ever shot
Wrong poster.
THIRTY INFANTS a year are drowned in "empty" five-gallon plastic buckets. How many more in POOLS?


In what way is purposely shooting another human being the same as drowning in a swimming pool? You do know how guns work, right? One person points and shoots it at another in order to kill that other person. It's not an accident. Maybe you're mixing me up with a different poster who is focusing on accidental gun deaths.

Get your stories straight. You were talking about accidental deaths.

You will find the majority of those child 2014...a total of 48........accidental gun deaths, were because they were in the company of criminals who do not secure their guns......because they may need them to shoot other criminals....

Yes they may need it for one of your dgus.
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
How about hunting rifles without detachable magazines? That don't shoot up to 12-20 people in one minute.
And in my book, what Couric did was slant the material, not lie. I was taught to watch out for that kind of stuff as a matter of course. Why some people seem so up in arms about it as if it were something new, I don't understand.

Do you even know what an assault rifle is?

There is NOTHING, whatsoever in the constitution about what I NEED. The constitution says what I have a RIGHT to own to defend myself and to protect me from your oppressive government.

At my age, I don't NEED the custom Harley I own. But I WANT it, I EARNED it, no government handout provided it to me. IF you don't like either, then it must really suck to be you. So sorry about that!
Do you even know what an assault rifle is?
I know the definition varies, depending on who you ask and what state you are in. I mean a semi-automatic with detachable magazine.
Have a gun if you feel you WANT and EARNED and DESERVE a gun. Just not a semi-automatic. You don't need one to take down a deer, a rabid coyote or a home invader. A regular rifle would do the trick.
THIRTY INFANTS a year are drowned in "empty" five-gallon plastic buckets. How many more in POOLS?


In what way is purposely shooting another human being the same as drowning in a swimming pool? You do know how guns work, right? One person points and shoots it at another in order to kill that other person. It's not an accident. Maybe you're mixing me up with a different poster who is focusing on accidental gun deaths.

Get your stories straight. You were talking about accidental deaths.
No, I really wasn't.
Not an issue? Most countries have almost no accdental gun deaths. We have the highest rate in the world. Yes that is a issue. And it just increased dramatically.

PLEASE show your source and link showing that the United States has the HIGHEST ACCIDENTAL GUN DEATH RATE IN THE WORLD. Since you posted it as fact, you must have the link and source at your fingertips.
Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

And of course they leave out Mexico and Russia.....because they have extreme gun control laws....and higher rates of gun vast numbers, than we do.....

The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries

Why Turkey and Chile and Bulgaria? Well, those countries are OECD members, and many who use the "developed country" moniker often use the OECD members countries as a de facto list of the "true" developed countries. Of course, membership in the OECD is highly political and hardly based on any objective economic or cultural criteria.

But if you're familiar with the OECD, you'll immediately notice a problem with the list Fisher uses. Mexico is an OECD country. So why is Mexico not in this graph? Well, it's pretty apparent that Mexico was left off the list because to do so would interfere with the point Fisher is trying to make. After all, Mexico — in spite of much more restrictive gun laws — has a murder rate many times larger than the US.

More Realistic Comparisons Involve a Broader View of the World

Why not use the UN’s human development index instead? That would seem to make at least as much sense if we’re devoted to looking at “developed countries.”

So, let’s do that. Here we see that the OECD’s list contains Turkey, Bulgaria, Mexico, and Chile. So, if we're honest with ourselves, that must mean that other countries with similar human development rankings are also suitable for comparisons to the US.

Well, Turkey and Mexico have HDI numbers at .75. So, let’s include other countries with HDI numbers either similar or higher. That means we should include The Bahamas, Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Panama, Uruguay, Venezuela, Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Estonia, and Latvia.

You can see where this is going. If we include countries that have HDI numbers similar to — or at least as high as — OECD members Turkey and Mexico, we find that the picture for the United States murder rate looks very different (correctly using murder rates and not gun-deaths rates):

Wow, that US sure has a pretty low murder rate compared to all those countries that are comparable to some OECD members. In fact, Russia, Costa Rica and Lithuania have all been invited to begin the process of joining the OECD (Russia is on hold for obvious political reasons). But all those countries have higher murder rates than the US. (I wonder what excuse Fisher will manufacture for leaving off those countries after they join the OECD.)

Things get even more interesting if we add American states with low murder rates.

And why not include data from individual states? It has always been extremely imprecise and lazy to talk about the “US murder rate” The US is an immense country with a lot of variety in laws and demographics. (Mexico deserves the same analysis, by the way.) Many states have murder rates that place them on the short list of low-crime places in the world. Why do we conveniently ignore them? The US murder rate is being driven up by a few high-murder states such as Maryland, Louisiana, South Carolina, Delaware, and Tennessee. In the spirit of selective use of data, let's just leave those states out of it, and look at some of the low-crime ones:
As you know...PolitiFact is a far left publication owned and operated out of the same offices, with the same editors and writers as the far left Tampa Bay Times.
PERFECT!!!! Wow. Can't get you to try to get to the bottom of anything, can I? EVERYONE is a liar.[/QUOTE]

Not everyone, but you really should do your own research instead of getting your talking points from the DailyKOS, MediaMatters, HuffingtonPost or The Nation.

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

How many kids killed others? Quite a few moms been getting shot lately.

Gun ownership seems to be getting a lot of children shot.

More kids die in pools and in cars......

Many millions more kids are in cars and water than playing with guns...

That is why so few kids are killed with guns.....74.2 million kids......48 accidentally killed with guns in 2014....down from 2013 when 69 kids were killed accidentally with guns.......and this while 37,000,000 million new guns were purchased by new gun owners....again making your whole point about guns stupid.

More guns bought and carried, and the gun murder rate, the gun accident rate went down......not up.

The gun accident rate went up. You base it on ownership not the number of guns bought moron.
Hey look. Bubba owns 500 guns and he only accidently shot himself with one of them. Guns are safe.
I know the definition varies, depending on who you ask and what state you are in. I mean a semi-automatic with detachable magazine.
Have a gun if you feel you WANT and EARNED and DESERVE a gun. Just not a semi-automatic. You don't need one to take down a deer, a rabid coyote or a home invader. A regular rifle would do the trick.

NO, the definition of an assault rifle does NOT vary, nor does it vary by what state you are in, or what you wish.

A semi-automatic weapon with a detachable magazine is NOT an assault rifle.

Surely you have been educated by now that OUR constitution says nothing at all about our right to guns being for hunting. I don't hunt, did enough of that in the '60's.

I know the definition varies, depending on who you ask and what state you are in. I mean a semi-automatic with detachable magazine.
Have a gun if you feel you WANT and EARNED and DESERVE a gun. Just not a semi-automatic. You don't need one to take down a deer, a rabid coyote or a home invader. A regular rifle would do the trick.

NO, the definition of an assault rifle does NOT vary, nor does it vary by what state you are in, or what you wish.

A semi-automatic weapon with a detachable magazine is NOT an assault rifle.

Surely you have been educated by now that OUR constitution says nothing at all about our right to guns being for hunting. I don't hunt, did enough of that in the '60's.


So like those idiots in the Oregon standoff? Wonderful.

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