It's Mueller Time!

Im not though.
He said he was correcting his statement to Lieu. You said the same thing.

Mueller corrected it because as it was, there was an appearance that Mueller suggested that Trump committed a crime.

He in no way suggested he was changing the thinking behind the entire investigation.

Post up the transcript.

OMG no. Enough. You’re just. Bullshitting and playing coy now. You post and script if you’re really serious. I am Not anyone’s errand boy.

It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
the left :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:think that someone defending themselves from illegal prosecutors, indicates obstruction. they really don't want jurisprudence in our land.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I wonder how many of them would not have objected or said the same kinds of things that President Trump said if they were being investigated for something in which they knew beyond any doubt they were innocent if the investigators:

--were comprised of a 100% biased and politically motivated team who hated your guts and wanted somebody else to have your job?

--were dragging the names of your family, your friends, your colleagues, good people through the mud, intimidating anybody associated with them, destroying them professionally and economically?

--continued that process long after they knew there was no crime for the purpose of damaging you as much as they possibly could before the next important event in your life?

--leaked continuously to the media for the purpose of stirring up as much shit about you as they could?

--and when they finally concluded the investigation after 1.4 million documents had been produced, 500+ subpoenas had been issued, and somewhere between $25 and $50 million dollars had been spent trying to get you and failed to do so, they submitted a report deliberately worded in such a way as to provide presumed ammunition for conspiracy theorist and hatemongers to keep the trashing of you going?
every fking one of them
OMG no. Enough. You’re just. Bullshitting and playing coy now. You post and script if you’re really serious. I am Not anyone’s errand boy.

It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck
OMG no. Enough. You’re just. Bullshitting and playing coy now. You post and script if you’re really serious. I am Not anyone’s errand boy.

It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?

I did and he did. Otherwise why make the correction?
OMG no. Enough. You’re just. Bullshitting and playing coy now. You post and script if you’re really serious. I am Not anyone’s errand boy.

It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
The Reversed “Gotcha” Moment of Mueller’s Testimony Is a Metaphor for the Whole Thing
Collins: At any time during your investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

Mueller: No.



From Merriam-Webster

Definition of curtail

transitive verb

: to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part



verb (used with object), stopped or (Archaic) stopt; stop·ping.
to cease from, leave off, or discontinue:

the act of stopping.
a cessation or arrest of movement, action, operation, etc.; end:



Definition of hinder
(Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

1 : to make slow or difficult the progress of : hamper Their journey was hindered by snow and high winds. economic growth hindered by sanctions
2 : to hold back : prevent, check His financial troubles hindered him from buying a home.
intransitive verb

: to delay, impede, or prevent action uncertain whether the changes would help or hinder

You should stop making a fool of yourself, since the words means he was not prevented from doing his investigation, Mueller stated NO!

He got the requested money, the million documents, interviewed dozens of people, and closed his investigation on his own without an official complaint to the Attorney General,that he was curtailed, hindered, or stopped from doing his investigation.

Again... so what? Obstruction of justice doesn't require a successful attempt at obstruction.
It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not, dope.
Straight up lying and misrepresentation is all you dopes have left after Mueller destroyed your narrative.

yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not say this, dope

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

The full correction

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not, dope.
Straight up lying and misrepresentation is all you dopes have left after Mueller destroyed your narrative.

yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not say this, dope

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

The full correction

I am all set with Hutch. He is a moron. He calls dogs, cats and day, night. Again. Moron.
Nope, not until something happened look at the comments in Wikipedia concerning it!

No lawyer would ever take it mueller knew it

Oh, well......Wikipedia. My bad.
You should read the actual statute.

These lawyers said they would take it.

About 800 ex-prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he wasn't president
Former prosecutors shouldn't be judges. Here's why

and your post seems to be from - bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. a twitterwannabe.

It's from the journal of the American Bar Association. You would know that if you actually read it.
i did -

your article:
About 800 ex-prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he wasn't president

links back to:
Grid view copy - Airtable

which links back to:

so - you don't even look to see the actual source of what you're reading, do you? that's some kind of fucked up.

I don't believe 800 prosecutors are that ignorant of the law. You can indict a ham sandwich if you want to, but there has to be evidence of obstruction in order to convict of obstruction. Any judge worth his salt would have thrown any case out of court based on the 'possible but not conclusive' incidents that could have been obstruction described in Mueller's report--could have been obstruction only if they conclusively could have been interpreted as obstruction. In no place in the Mueller report is anything interpreted conclusively as obstruction.

Since Mueller himself stated that there was no conclusive evidence that any obstruction occurred--he was denied no document and received quickly and efficiently 1.4 million of them--and he was denied no witness--500+ subpoenas and hundreds and hundreds of hours of testimony--where did the President obstruct?

Also it is pretty hard to make a case that somebody obstructed justice when there was no crime to obstruct.
Quote Mueller saying there was no conclusive evidence of obstruction....
It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck
That is not what his correction stated.

It stated that he never even considered the possibility. IOW, it was nothing more than a pathetic attempt to remove themselves entirely from making a judgement. More to the point, I think it is clearly a lie considering that he DID make a determination in part one of the report - something that part 2 somehow claims he cannot do.

The entire line of reasoning is bullshit. Muller decided not to do his job and is now trying to justify that bullshit. I find it rather interesting that Muller decided that a crime could not have been committed and then decided to spend thousands of man hours, millions of dollars, thousands of supenas and write hundreds of pages of accusations about a crime that he tries to claim cannot have been prosecuted.
But if he could have been he still would not have been as Mueller stated in the afternoon. The office did not matter.

When did Mueller state that?

When he retracted his initial comment to Ted Lieu.
When he retracted his initial comment to Ted Lieu.

It was a correction to his response to Lieu.
Not a change to the thinking behind the entire investigation.

No, no. You don't misrepresent facts at all. :laugh:
You’re wrong. No amount of emojis will cure that.
Im not though.
He said he was correcting his statement to Lieu. You said the same thing.

Mueller corrected it because as it was, there was an appearance that Mueller suggested that Trump committed a crime.

He in no way suggested he was changing the thinking behind the entire investigation.

Post up the transcript.
Proof you can't fix stupid when combined with a denial of reality..
It's your assertion, dope.

Prove it.

LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
The Reversed “Gotcha” Moment of Mueller’s Testimony Is a Metaphor for the Whole Thing
That says exactly what I said, dope.
Nowhere in your link does it say this
Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.
I don't believe 800 prosecutors are that ignorant of the law. You can indict a ham sandwich if you want to, but there has to be evidence of obstruction in order to convict of obstruction. Any judge worth his salt would have thrown any case out of court based on the 'possible but not conclusive' incidents that could have been obstruction described in Mueller's report--could have been obstruction only if they conclusively could have been interpreted as obstruction. In no place in the Mueller report is anything interpreted conclusively as obstruction.

Since Mueller himself stated that there was no conclusive evidence that any obstruction occurred--he was denied no document and received quickly and efficiently 1.4 million of them--and he was denied no witness--500+ subpoenas and hundreds and hundreds of hours of testimony--where did the President obstruct?

Also it is pretty hard to make a case that somebody obstructed justice when there was no crime to obstruct.
There isn't anything at all to the "report" because it is merely part of a crazy hoax designed to scam the govt out of $35 million.

The whole thing was an elaborate criminal act, and I'm going to go on record right here, as saying that some time in the future, AG Barr, with the help of the Senate (Lindsey Graham et al), is going to investigate the investigators, ID the perpetrators (starting with Hillary Clinton), and nail their asses to the wall.

Trump: Barr Has 'Anything He Needs' for Reverse Russia Probe


If it was all just a criminal act, when is trump gonna have Mueller locked up?
No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not, dope.
Straight up lying and misrepresentation is all you dopes have left after Mueller destroyed your narrative.

yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not say this, dope

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

The full correction

I am all set with Hutch. He is a moron. He calls dogs, cats and day, night. Again. Moron.

Where does he say what you attributed, liar?
Post up the transcript.
One last time, and then I am just going to ignore you because, as I stated, you are living proof you can't fix stupid when it's combined with a denial of reality:

"I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion.' That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

Robert Mueller hearings: 5 big takeaways | Fox News


Oh, well......Wikipedia. My bad.
You should read the actual statute.

These lawyers said they would take it.

About 800 ex-prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he wasn't president
Former prosecutors shouldn't be judges. Here's why

and your post seems to be from - bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. a twitterwannabe.

It's from the journal of the American Bar Association. You would know that if you actually read it.
i did -

your article:
About 800 ex-prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he wasn't president

links back to:
Grid view copy - Airtable

which links back to:

so - you don't even look to see the actual source of what you're reading, do you? that's some kind of fucked up.

I don't believe 800 prosecutors are that ignorant of the law. You can indict a ham sandwich if you want to, but there has to be evidence of obstruction in order to convict of obstruction. Any judge worth his salt would have thrown any case out of court based on the 'possible but not conclusive' incidents that could have been obstruction described in Mueller's report--could have been obstruction only if they conclusively could have been interpreted as obstruction. In no place in the Mueller report is anything interpreted conclusively as obstruction.

Since Mueller himself stated that there was no conclusive evidence that any obstruction occurred--he was denied no document and received quickly and efficiently 1.4 million of them--and he was denied no witness--500+ subpoenas and hundreds and hundreds of hours of testimony--where did the President obstruct?

Also it is pretty hard to make a case that somebody obstructed justice when there was no crime to obstruct.
Quote Mueller saying there was no conclusive evidence of obstruction....

Here you go. Happy reading:

Oh and here too:
"I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion.' That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

Robert Mueller hearings: 5 big takeaways | Fox News
LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
The Reversed “Gotcha” Moment of Mueller’s Testimony Is a Metaphor for the Whole Thing
That says exactly what I said, dope.
Nowhere in your link does it say this
Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.
OMG day is night in your world.
“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not, dope.
Straight up lying and misrepresentation is all you dopes have left after Mueller destroyed your narrative.

yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not say this, dope

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

The full correction

I am all set with Hutch. He is a moron. He calls dogs, cats and day, night. Again. Moron.

Where does he say what you attributed, liar?

Liar? You’re the one with the hearing problem. Why did he make the redaction? Again you’re brave on a keyboard. Pussy.
Nope, not until something happened look at the comments in Wikipedia concerning it!

No lawyer would ever take it mueller knew it

Oh, well......Wikipedia. My bad.
You should read the actual statute.

These lawyers said they would take it.

About 800 ex-prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he wasn't president
Former prosecutors shouldn't be judges. Here's why

and your post seems to be from - bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. a twitterwannabe.

It's from the journal of the American Bar Association. You would know that if you actually read it.
i did -

your article:
About 800 ex-prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he wasn't president

links back to:
Grid view copy - Airtable

which links back to:

so - you don't even look to see the actual source of what you're reading, do you? that's some kind of fucked up.

Those are supporting links, dope.
One is a list of the signatories and the other is their statement.

Why is that an issue for you?
those are links of where YOUR link got their story.

god damn you give fucked up a bad name.

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