It's Mueller Time!

Any doubts now that Mueller is part of the frame Trump coup?....

Because he's destroying the exoneration narrative?
He is bias as hell and has a conflict of interest a mile long....
He is bias as hell and has a conflict of interest a mile long....

Back to that narrative, huh? Not going to well for you.
You ARE SMOKING DOPE if you think that this was anything but another abject and embarrassing failure for The Dem Tard party.

Chris WALLACE, who I despise, said it was a failure, and I absolutely hate that weasel son of a bitch, but he had to admit it for what it was. A slap to the face of The Leftist Hate Mob.

Sure, dope. As you jump around, rudderless, without a coherent narrative.
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?
What they left out is that Russia interfered in every American election since the breakup of the USSR at least. Really
Yes, of course they have, BUT NEVER AND NOT TO THE EXTENT IN THE 2016 Election, which was systematic and bold.... by releasing what they stole from the Democratic national committee's private emails.... they have never been so bold.... they have stolen tons of crap from us, but have used it behind the scenes so not to alert us of their actions, but this time that was not the case.

And they had a multi prong extensive interference plan this time that was heavily involved with the internet and troll farms they created with thousands of trolls being paid to deceive us on social media, wikileaks distributing the stolen merchandise, straw man donations to the NRA so they could run ads against Hillary and pro trump, backdoor attempts to offer assistance to the Trump campaign.... bit coin purchase for servers that deflected from the original hackers, posing as Americans to gather people in the USA to oppose Hillary, social media ads, BOTS to spread the news from their Russian influenced propaganda internet sites on the the trump campaign so they too could spread more of an audience to the Russian propaganda etc etc etc

The interference was colossal, beyond anything we could have ever even imagined.
Tell Hillary I could care less
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
You can not as a prosecutor release a 400 page damning report with no evidence just speculation and then not indict...Mueller has done to Trump what Comey did to Hillary.....spells out possible crimes but no evidence to indict?...that goes against our system and bastardizes libs used to be very concerned over such action....what happened?....

Nonsense. It was full of evidence. A sitting president cannot be indicted. He can however, be impeached with the same evidence.
A former president can certaily be indicted.
So why did The Special Counsel Investigating Bill Clinton cite 13 Crimes Bill Clinton Committed for which he could be indicted for and recommended he be indicted for them?

Mueller listed ZERO crimes that President Trump Committed.

You aren't playing here with a bunch of Ignorant Imbeciles who do not know the law or history, so your lies fall short, and are every much of a failure as is Mueller's testimony today.

You are either an imbecile or a pathological partisan liar.

I think both.

That means nothing.
When you call a Pathological Liar, a Liar, it's true, it means nothing to them. They don't even bat an eye. They just keep on with their lies and don't even miss a beat.

There is no reforming a Leftist Pathological Liar.
This session is nearly completely choreographed, or will be when the democrats get their turn. This has been in the planning stages from back to when the report came out. Mueller knows what questions the democrats will ask and he has been coached on how to answer them.

This whole charade’s purpose is to breathe life into this Fraud in the hopes that it will affect the next election. Mueller will give an answer to a question he knows is coming, an answer that has been given to him by democrats, one that is JUST enough for the MSM to build on and run with.

Watch and learn people.
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?

The premise Trump had anything to do with it.
121 verified contacts between the Trump Campaign and the very Russians interfering in our election, where as no other presidential candidate, has had any contacts with any Russians trying to help them, during their presidential runs.

It was unAmerican to do such, so OF COURSE the Trump campaign came under suspicion of being a witting or unwitting asset, of the Russians.

They didn't investigate any other candidates.

And talking to foreigners is not a crime. If it were, everyone in DC should be charged.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me
Daily Kooks....GIGO.

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?

The premise Trump had anything to do with it.
121 verified contacts between the Trump Campaign and the very Russians interfering in our election, where as no other presidential candidate, has had any contacts with any Russians trying to help them, during their presidential runs.

It was unAmerican to do such, so OF COURSE the Trump campaign came under suspicion of being a witting or unwitting asset, of the Russians.
So how do you think it's going, Care4all? I'm hearing good and bad, depending on the party banner. Anything at all new here?
no, nothing that helped illuminate imho.... restrictions on what he could answer and the rapid fire questions did not serve Mueller well again imo.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me
Daily Kooks....GIGO.

View attachment 270806

I was convinced that dude had Trump when he got hold of Trump's tax return.....rofl
Hearing that The Dem Leadership felt that this went so badly, that they are cancelling related meetings regarding Mueller's testimony to occur later today.
I understand he himself was not involved much in the actual investigation. Seems he handed it off to those he appointed.

Mueller made it clear today: He did NOT appoint the investigators. The FBI transferred all but a handful of the investigators who he worked with to his office, including Strozc and Paige, both of whom he fired when he learned of the tweets, in August of 2017, less than 3 months after Mueller was hired. Of the half dozen he actually did hire, half were Republicans, and half were Democrats.

The Republicans didn't question Mueller, they testified about the origins of the investigation, and then asked Mueller to confirm or deny what they had said, knowing Mueller would refuse to answer any questions on this topic because it's under investigation by three different DOJ officials and he's not allowed to make any comment. FOX News now has sound clips about Mueller refusing to answer questions on the origins of the investigations. The clips will be placed on heavy rotation.
And mueller is a repub.
Can't trust em
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

Have you been living under a rock? It's undisputed fact that Russia attempted to sway our election. How can you sit there with a straight face and post otherwise?
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

And the American people must respond by voting Trump and Pence out of office next year.
Must. MUST. Are you proposing eliminating the vote in favor of installation?
A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?

The premise Trump had anything to do with it.
121 verified contacts between the Trump Campaign and the very Russians interfering in our election, where as no other presidential candidate, has had any contacts with any Russians trying to help them, during their presidential runs.

It was unAmerican to do such, so OF COURSE the Trump campaign came under suspicion of being a witting or unwitting asset, of the Russians.
It's unAmerican for you to be talking about Non Existent, Never Occurred Russian Collusion like it did occur.

It's not like Trump paid Russia $13 Million to create a Dirty Clinton Dossier straight from The Kremlin for the sole purpose of using Russia Propaganda in a failed attempt to alter the outcome of our election

I mean, you lying bastards cheated and still lost. You spent $1.5 Billion and outspent Trump 10-1 and still lost.

You had The Lib Tard Media behind you pounding the pulpit like Hitler on a rampage extolling the virtues of the most callous and morally corrupt hag in history and you STILL LOST!

Sux to be you.


Elect Hillary Clinton to save The Fatherland and save us from The Orange Menace!
Might help of you knew the meaning of the words you spout
Latin, liber, free
For the individual and small gov
Trump U person?

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