It's Mueller Time!

Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

It was a "valid investigation", dope. Mueller took over the existing FBI investigation after Comey was fired.
My take away, there was no predicate to start an investigation into the campaign. It was all orchestrated smoke and mirrors.

There was not even a legal justification for it, documented anywhere.

A professor, who had 400,000+ in DOD contracts, fed bogus information to the greek, the greek repeated what he was told by the prof. to the Australian Ambassador, the Ambassador told the FBI. As I said, all orchestrated, probably by Comey.

I understand he himself was not involved much in the actual investigation. Seems he handed it off to those he appointed.

Mueller made it clear today: He did NOT appoint the investigators. The FBI transferred all but a handful of the investigators who he worked with to his office, including Strozc and Paige, both of whom he fired when he learned of the tweets, in August of 2017, less than 3 months after Mueller was hired. Of the half dozen he actually did hire, half were Republicans, and half were Democrats.

The Republicans didn't question Mueller, they testified about the origins of the investigation, and then asked Mueller to confirm or deny what they had said, knowing Mueller would refuse to answer any questions on this topic because it's under investigation by three different DOJ officials and he's not allowed to make any comment. FOX News now has sound clips about Mueller refusing to answer questions on the origins of the investigations. The clips will be placed on heavy rotation.
And mueller is a repub.
Can't trust em

And mueller is a repub.
Can't trust em

cant' trust repubs, can't trust dems...

what's a fella to do?
You know, if they weren't such assholes you could almost feel sorry for these TDS afflicted Moon Bats.

Everything they do to bring Trump fails. Time after time after time.

They had such high hopes this time on Mueller blowing the whistle on Trump or something. Instead he is acting like a bumbling senile fool.

All the Democrats on that committee are TDS assholes. Of particular note are the Negroes. They are really assholes.
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

Have you been living under a rock? It's undisputed fact that Russia attempted to sway our election. How can you sit there with a straight face and post otherwise?
Silly Memes do not sway elections.

However Clinton and Obama paying $13 Million for Scandalous and False Russian Propaganda, splashing that on every newspaper, broadcasting it on every TV Channel, and using it to launch an Espionage Operation and Hoax Investigation through a weaponized and proven to be biased Obama FBI & DOJ, could sway an election.

But Mueller never even looked at that.

Don't you find that strange?

Has he been living under a rock?
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
You can not as a prosecutor release a 400 page damning report with no evidence just speculation and then not indict...Mueller has done to Trump what Comey did to Hillary.....spells out possible crimes but no evidence to indict?...that goes against our system and bastardizes libs used to be very concerned over such action....what happened?....

Nonsense. It was full of evidence. A sitting president cannot be indicted. He can however, be impeached with the same evidence.
A former president can certaily be indicted.
So why did The Special Counsel Investigating Bill Clinton cite 13 Crimes Bill Clinton Committed for which he could be indicted for and recommended he be indicted for them?

Mueller listed ZERO crimes that President Trump Committed.

You aren't playing here with a bunch of Ignorant Imbeciles who do not know the law or history, so your lies fall short, and are every much of a failure as is Mueller's testimony today.

You are either an imbecile or a pathological partisan liar.

I think both.

That means nothing.
When you call a Pathological Liar, a Liar, it's true, it means nothing to them. They don't even bat an eye. They just keep on with their lies and don't even miss a beat.

There is no reforming a Leftist Pathological Liar.

Starr was operating under a different statute, dope. He was creating a report for public release. Mueller was creating a report for the AG.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?

The premise Trump had anything to do with it.
121 verified contacts between the Trump Campaign and the very Russians interfering in our election, where as no other presidential candidate, has had any contacts with any Russians trying to help them, during their presidential runs.

It was unAmerican to do such, so OF COURSE the Trump campaign came under suspicion of being a witting or unwitting asset, of the Russians.
It's unAmerican for you to be talking about Non Existent, Never Occurred Russian Collusion like it did occur.

It's not like Trump paid Russia $13 Million to create a Dirty Clinton Dossier straight from The Kremlin for the sole purpose of using Russia Propaganda in a failed attempt to alter the outcome of our election

I mean, you lying bastards cheated and still lost. You spent $1.5 Billion and outspent Trump 10-1 and still lost.

You had The Lib Tard Media behind you pounding the pulpit like Hitler on a rampage extolling the virtues of the most callous and morally corrupt hag in history and you STILL LOST!

Sux to be you.


Elect Hillary Clinton to save The Fatherland and save us from The Orange Menace!
Might help of you knew the meaning of the words you spout
Latin, liber, free
For the individual and small gov
Trump U person?
Today's Liberals are Totalitarian Oppressors, bent on installing Globalism and Totalitarian Socialism in America.

The 16th Century called and wants their definition of Liberal back.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

And the American people must respond by voting Trump and Pence out of office next year.

They won't...and you loons will bawl for another four

Why do trumpies a
Ways have to insult?
A prerequisite of posting.?
You can not as a prosecutor release a 400 page damning report with no evidence just speculation and then not indict...Mueller has done to Trump what Comey did to Hillary.....spells out possible crimes but no evidence to indict?...that goes against our system and bastardizes libs used to be very concerned over such action....what happened?....

Nonsense. It was full of evidence. A sitting president cannot be indicted. He can however, be impeached with the same evidence.
A former president can certaily be indicted.
So why did The Special Counsel Investigating Bill Clinton cite 13 Crimes Bill Clinton Committed for which he could be indicted for and recommended he be indicted for them?

Mueller listed ZERO crimes that President Trump Committed.

You aren't playing here with a bunch of Ignorant Imbeciles who do not know the law or history, so your lies fall short, and are every much of a failure as is Mueller's testimony today.

You are either an imbecile or a pathological partisan liar.

I think both.

That means nothing.
When you call a Pathological Liar, a Liar, it's true, it means nothing to them. They don't even bat an eye. They just keep on with their lies and don't even miss a beat.

There is no reforming a Leftist Pathological Liar.

Starr was operating under a different statute, dope. He was creating a report for public release. Mueller was creating a report for the AG.

And being That Mueller thought his report would never be Public, then he had no Reason at all to NOT list The Crimes he thought Trump should be recommended for Indictment, like Starr listed the 13 crimes he recommended Clinton be indicted for.

But Mueller listed Zero. He recommended ZERO crimes to indict The President with.

Go back to ramming that Putin Bobblehead up your ass.

You may as well accomplish 1 thing today, because you are failing at everything else.

This went so bad for you today, Your Communist Party Leaders are cancelling their meetings today to discuss Mueller's bumbling testimony.

Throw in the towel already.

You'll get further working with the president the next 5 years than fighting him.
3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.
Here is where a prosecutor would have the most trouble and the case WOULD turn on the issue of whether "collusion" was a crime.

I would argue that proving "corrupt intent" requires that the alleged actions being investigated must amount to an actual crime. "Collusion" is not a crime.

Where is the corrupt intent?

Would that not be a legitimate intent? To stop the wasteful investigation into an alleged crime that is, in fact, NOT A CRIME? Is that NOT the duty of the executive?

I would love to hear an honest counter-argument.


Obviously coached to answer Naboi's questions....They're the only ones that he didn't sputter and stammer before answering.

Good call. It will be easy to follow which questions Mueller knew about in advance. Right now he's not having any issue with following along Cohen's fast questioning.
He's been coached as to all the softballs the dems are lobbing....The difference in the clarity and rapidity of his answers to them vs. the repub questions is glaring.

I don't need to see anymore....Time to go to work.
I think that was deliberate, too, to run out the time of the gop questioner.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
An investigation into a bogus charge is
Facepalm........christ you dopes are dumb.

There is no charge during an investigation, dope.
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

Yep, period!!! Dumbass libs.
Mueller is about as old and senile as Biden. In the first 90 minutes ( when I tuned out ) he needed help understanding questions 10 times. My fave was: Under questioning from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Mueller failed to follow a question that was merely 14 words long: "Attorney #2 in the Inspector General's report and Strzok both worked on your team, didn't they?"

"Pardon me?" Mueller replied. After Gaetz restated his question, Mueller replied: "And the question was?"Under questioning from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Mueller failed to follow a question that was merely 14 words long: "Attorney #2 in the Inspector General's report and Strzok both worked on your team, didn't they?"

"Pardon me?" Mueller replied. After Gaetz restated his question, Mueller replied: "And the question was?"


(Listening to the haring live on the radio...)

Mueller CONTRADICTED HIS OWN REPORT in answering if 'Collusion' was 'synonymous with Conspiracy'. Mueller verbally answered under oath that they were not; however, he was then read his own report (Volume 1 / page 108) which stated that it was. He was then asked again if they were synonymous - Mueller answered again, 'NO'.

He was also asked to confirm that neither President Trump not anyone associated with him were found to have colluded with the Russians - Mueller answered, 'THAT IS CORRECT'. The Republican then yielded the rest of his time, MISSING THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASK THE CRITICAL QUESTION, 'WHEN DID YOU KNOW?'

The desperation of Republicans and the animus shown by the Republicans against a Republican former Head of the FBI, is a joke. That whole exchange with the angry Republicans, their body language and their bristling hostility, yelling, talking over, and behaving in a hysterical manner, makes them seem like cartoon characters.

The exchange over collusion/conspiracy, and their attempts to portray Trump as "innocent" while Mueller says otherwise, their anger, their raging and blithering at Mueller, methinks they do protest too much.
If Mueller was a Republican like you say, He's not, then why was Obama a big fan of his, and why did Mueller donate to Clinton's campaign, and why did everyone on his team either work for Clinton, were friends with Clinton, or donated to Clinton's campaign?

That was a weak argument.

You should be ashamed.
He is also a partner in a law firm filled with partisan Dems.
The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope. was based on a report Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI all KNEW was unreliable, debunked, un-substantiated....they approved the appointment / investigation based on lies / FISA Court abuses!

It was based on Trump firing Comey, dope.
Trump's own action.
Trump had every legal right to fire Comey you dumbass.
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.
Firing Mueller was well within his constitutional authority. A president can't be convicted of obstruction for exercising what the Constitution gives him the authority to do.

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