It's Mueller Time!

Ha ha ha, then YOU can't point out where he said there was crime committed anywhere in the Mueller report. The investigation where he was supposed to find crimes, yet couldn't find any to write up for the Mueller report.

You are stupid as hell for failing to notice THAT particular reality.

By the way you IGNORED this from Mueller's own mouth to the important question:

“your investigation [was] curtailed or stopped or hindered?”

“No,” Mueller responded. "

You ignore openly stated evidence completely because you are a stupid partisan jackass!

Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

You have NOTHING to show for your bullcrap, and you do this video thing from a man who stated over and over that his testimony is BASED on his 448 page report. The Exoneration statement is bogus crap for a reason that amazingly eludes a lot of Dumbocrats. It made you go sniffing for a lot of crap piles left by partisan hacks,, while ignoring that there was NEVER crime discovered and posted anywhere in the 448 page report.

You are one stupid little boy who can't understand that being exonerated means you have to be accused/Indicted/charged with something legally binding first. Mueller was charged to FIND any conspiracy crimes against Trump, and report it to the AG, but he NEVER posted a single charge in his 448 page report. YOU never showed where in the 448 page report of a charge, which means you have NOTHING to maintain your mentally ill beliefs that Trump is guilty of a conspiracy.

Here from Merriam-Webster:


1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
2 : to clear from accusation or blame

Since he was NEVER charged with anything by Mueller in his 448 page report, there is nothing to exonerate, since Trump was never charged with anything beyond partisan hate claims.

You have NOTHING real to run on stupid little boy!

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

Of course I know that Mueller didn't bring charges, dope. Everyone knows that. The entire world knows that.
Why? How?
Because Mueller told us he couldn't bring charges, dope.

The Muel Team's mission was to uncover criminality but: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone that a 2 yr, $35 million SC witch hunt finds to have not committed a crime - even the POTUS - no matter how much you hate him.

Case closed.


No, the case is not closed. Even you know this as demonstrated by your usd of an ellipsis in place of the actual words which followed -- "it also does not exonerate him"

Meaning Mueller did not conclude the president didn't commit a crime because no crime was committed; but because his report made no determination whether or not a crime was committed. And he's repeatedly said the reason he offered no such opinion is because of the OLC's opinion that a sitting president can't be indicted, not because trump didn't break the law

Legally meaningless. We don't charge or even smear anyone who has not been found to have committed a crime and in his correction yesterday Mueller admitted the OLC reg did not impede his ability to conclude that a crime had been committed. He just didn't find any.

Prosecutorial witch-hunts neither seek nor proclaim anyone's exoneration.
Ha ha ha, then YOU can't point out where he said there was crime committed anywhere in the Mueller report. The investigation where he was supposed to find crimes, yet couldn't find any to write up for the Mueller report.

You are stupid as hell for failing to notice THAT particular reality.

By the way you IGNORED this from Mueller's own mouth to the important question:

“your investigation [was] curtailed or stopped or hindered?”

“No,” Mueller responded. "

You ignore openly stated evidence completely because you are a stupid partisan jackass!

Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

it wasn't his job to exonerate him. he didn't indict him, nor did he find any evidence. that's called exonerated by every aspect of our rule of law. I don't need mueller's consent to that, nor was it his job!

And the fact it was in the report makes the entire investigation a political attack at a presidential election. the true interference was the DNC and FBI.

I said nothing of exoneration, dope.

Wasn’t his job

Great, wonderful. Tell Trump that. Hes been screaming "no clooshun" and "total exonerashun" endlessly.

well he wasn't charged, nor was evidence cited. so he is innocent, which therefore exonerates him from the accusation. no crime committed. He was the focus of the investigation, therefore he knows he isn't being charged. as the subject he can say he was exonerated.

No crime, no crime. say it, no crime.
Stop right there.

Mueller has explained why 100 times. If you can't understand why, that's on you. This was covered probably 20 times yesterday.

Ha ha ha, then YOU can't point out where he said there was crime committed anywhere in the Mueller report. The investigation where he was supposed to find crimes, yet couldn't find any to write up for the Mueller report.

You are stupid as hell for failing to notice THAT particular reality.

By the way you IGNORED this from Mueller's own mouth to the important question:

“your investigation [was] curtailed or stopped or hindered?”

“No,” Mueller responded. "

You ignore openly stated evidence completely because you are a stupid partisan jackass!

Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

You have NOTHING to show for your bullcrap, and you do this video thing from a man who stated over and over that his testimony is BASED on his 448 page report. The Exoneration statement is bogus crap for a reason that amazingly eludes a lot of Dumbocrats. It made you go sniffing for a lot of crap piles left by partisan hacks,, while ignoring that there was NEVER crime discovered and posted anywhere in the 448 page report.

You are one stupid little boy who can't understand that being exonerated means you have to be accused/Indicted/charged with something legally binding first. Mueller was charged to FIND any conspiracy crimes against Trump, and report it to the AG, but he NEVER posted a single charge in his 448 page report. YOU never showed where in the 448 page report of a charge, which means you have NOTHING to maintain your mentally ill beliefs that Trump is guilty of a conspiracy.

Here from Merriam-Webster:


1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
2 : to clear from accusation or blame

Since he was NEVER charged with anything by Mueller in his 448 page report, there is nothing to exonerate, since Trump was never charged with anything beyond partisan hate claims.

You have NOTHING real to run on stupid little boy!

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

Of course I know that Mueller didn't bring charges, dope. Everyone knows that. The entire world knows that.
Why? How?
Because Mueller told us he couldn't bring charges, dope.

Except that isn't what Mueller said when he corrected his earlier testimony. In fact, he said the opposite of what you claim:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Mueller issues clarification, takes back bombshell statement about indicting Trump

Right, he did not make a determination as to whether Trump committed a crime or did not commit a crime, because of the OLC rule.

he replaced: he didn't ''charge'' the president with a crime because of the OLC memo

with he didn't ''determine'' or ''make a determination'' whether the president committed a crime or NOT, due to the OLC memo.
Legally meaningless. We don't charge or even smear anyone who has not been found to have committed a crime and in his correction yesterday Mueller admitted the OLC reg did not impede his ability to conclude that a crime had been committed. He just didn't find any.

There was no obstruction.
There was no collusion.
There was no Russian interference in the election.
Ha ha ha, then YOU can't point out where he said there was crime committed anywhere in the Mueller report. The investigation where he was supposed to find crimes, yet couldn't find any to write up for the Mueller report.

You are stupid as hell for failing to notice THAT particular reality.

By the way you IGNORED this from Mueller's own mouth to the important question:

“your investigation [was] curtailed or stopped or hindered?”

“No,” Mueller responded. "

You ignore openly stated evidence completely because you are a stupid partisan jackass!

Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

You have NOTHING to show for your bullcrap, and you do this video thing from a man who stated over and over that his testimony is BASED on his 448 page report. The Exoneration statement is bogus crap for a reason that amazingly eludes a lot of Dumbocrats. It made you go sniffing for a lot of crap piles left by partisan hacks,, while ignoring that there was NEVER crime discovered and posted anywhere in the 448 page report.

You are one stupid little boy who can't understand that being exonerated means you have to be accused/Indicted/charged with something legally binding first. Mueller was charged to FIND any conspiracy crimes against Trump, and report it to the AG, but he NEVER posted a single charge in his 448 page report. YOU never showed where in the 448 page report of a charge, which means you have NOTHING to maintain your mentally ill beliefs that Trump is guilty of a conspiracy.

Here from Merriam-Webster:


1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
2 : to clear from accusation or blame

Since he was NEVER charged with anything by Mueller in his 448 page report, there is nothing to exonerate, since Trump was never charged with anything beyond partisan hate claims.

You have NOTHING real to run on stupid little boy!

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

Of course I know that Mueller didn't bring charges, dope. Everyone knows that. The entire world knows that.
Why? How?
Because Mueller told us he couldn't bring charges, dope.

Except that isn't what Mueller said when he corrected his earlier testimony. In fact, he said the opposite of what you claim:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Mueller issues clarification, takes back bombshell statement about indicting Trump

Right, he did not make a determination as to whether Trump committed a crime or did not commit a crime, because of the OLC rule.

he replaced: he didn't ''charge'' the president with a crime because of the OLC memo

with he didn't ''determine'' or ''make a determination'' whether the president committed a crime or NOT, due to the OLC memo.

nope, you should listen to the afternoon rebuttal.

BTW, I can't help your ignorance of the law.

Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump
Last edited:
Even more importantly, "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."
We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone that a 2 yr, $35 million SC witch hunt finds to have not committed a crime - even the POTUS - no matter how much you hate him.

Case closed.
It also does not conclude that he did not commit a crime, dope.
Yanno, now you're just being STUPID, Jackass. Prosecutorial investigations do not seek to find anyone's innocence but rather evidence of criminality, which the Mueller witch-hunt did not.
Ha ha ha, then YOU can't point out where he said there was crime committed anywhere in the Mueller report. The investigation where he was supposed to find crimes, yet couldn't find any to write up for the Mueller report.

You are stupid as hell for failing to notice THAT particular reality.

By the way you IGNORED this from Mueller's own mouth to the important question:

“your investigation [was] curtailed or stopped or hindered?”

“No,” Mueller responded. "

You ignore openly stated evidence completely because you are a stupid partisan jackass!

Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

You have NOTHING to show for your bullcrap, and you do this video thing from a man who stated over and over that his testimony is BASED on his 448 page report. The Exoneration statement is bogus crap for a reason that amazingly eludes a lot of Dumbocrats. It made you go sniffing for a lot of crap piles left by partisan hacks,, while ignoring that there was NEVER crime discovered and posted anywhere in the 448 page report.

You are one stupid little boy who can't understand that being exonerated means you have to be accused/Indicted/charged with something legally binding first. Mueller was charged to FIND any conspiracy crimes against Trump, and report it to the AG, but he NEVER posted a single charge in his 448 page report. YOU never showed where in the 448 page report of a charge, which means you have NOTHING to maintain your mentally ill beliefs that Trump is guilty of a conspiracy.

Here from Merriam-Webster:


1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
2 : to clear from accusation or blame

Since he was NEVER charged with anything by Mueller in his 448 page report, there is nothing to exonerate, since Trump was never charged with anything beyond partisan hate claims.

You have NOTHING real to run on stupid little boy!

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

Of course I know that Mueller didn't bring charges, dope. Everyone knows that. The entire world knows that.
Why? How?
Because Mueller told us he couldn't bring charges, dope.

The Muel Team's mission was to uncover criminality but: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone that a 2 yr, $35 million SC witch hunt finds to have not committed a crime - even the POTUS - no matter how much you hate him.

Case closed.


No, the case is not closed. Even you know this as demonstrated by your usd of an ellipsis in place of the actual words which followed -- "it also does not exonerate him"

Meaning Mueller did not conclude the president didn't commit a crime because no crime was committed; but because his report made no determination whether or not a crime was committed. And he's repeatedly said the reason he offered no such opinion is because of the OLC's opinion that a sitting president can't be indicted, not because trump didn't break the law

Yeah Faun … get some Valium and an new crying towel. It's O-V-E-R.
Obama has the fortune of being sandwiched by 2 of the worst presidents in history.

Bush Jr who took us into an illegitimate war based on lies and used our tax $$$ to bail out rich CEO's and wall street. Folks who are now richer than even and getting richer by the moment. Wonder when they'll 'need' another bailout?

And Trump, who can barely read and has no idea how government functions, even after 2 1/2 years.

Obama will be remembered as brilliant, lmao!

There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.
Likewise, trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.

For some yes, but for me, if he had colluded with Russia, I would be the first one to say he should be impeached. The diffference is that by all reasonable accounts, he was shown to be innnocent but the never-Trumpers can't stop. Their hate for Trump, the man, blinds rational thought.
Ok, let's put this to a test. It came out yesterday that trump tried to end Mueller's investigation but failed because no one would do it for him and he couldn't do it himself. It also came out yesterday that just attempting to impede an investigation, even if not successful, is still obstruction of justice.

So given those two components, why are you not calling for for trump's impeachment.
I would absolutely have the Hysterical House Dems pursue impeachment but President Trump would have been within his authority to have Mueller replaced and doing so would not have stopped, slowed, or impeded the witch-hunt.
That's not what came out in yesterday's hearing...

GOHMERT: Well on -- on page 89 in your report on Volume 2, you said and I quote “substantial evidence indicates that the President’s evident -- that the President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s oversight of investigations that involve the President’s conduct, and most immediately to reports that the President was being investigated for potential obstruction of justice,” close quote.

Director Mueller, you found evidence, as you lay out in your report, that the President wanted to fire you because you were investigating him for obstruction of justice. Isn’t that correct?

MUELLER: That’s what it -- it says in the report, yes, and I go -- I stand by in the report.

And White House counsel, McGahn, refused to call Rosenstein to fire Mueller because he said that would be obstruction of justice which he would not participate.
There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.
Likewise, trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.

For some yes, but for me, if he had colluded with Russia, I would be the first one to say he should be impeached. The diffference is that by all reasonable accounts, he was shown to be innnocent but the never-Trumpers can't stop. Their hate for Trump, the man, blinds rational thought.
Ok, let's put this to a test. It came out yesterday that trump tried to end Mueller's investigation but failed because no one would do it for him and he couldn't do it himself. It also came out yesterday that just attempting to impede an investigation, even if not successful, is still obstruction of justice.

So given those two components, why are you not calling for for trump's impeachment.
I would absolutely have the Hysterical House Dems pursue impeachment but President Trump would have been within his authority to have Mueller replaced and doing so would not have stopped, slowed, or impeded the witch-hunt.

Good thing Trump didn't replace Mueller. The next guy may have been more like Starr and recommended multiple charges.
The witch-hunt would have continued even without a SC and I doubt Mueller authored any of the conclusions in his report.
Even more importantly, "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."
We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone that a 2 yr, $35 million SC witch hunt finds to have not committed a crime - even the POTUS - no matter how much you hate him.

Case closed.
It also does not conclude that he did not commit a crime, dope.
Yanno, now you're just being STUPID, Jackass. Prosecutorial investigations do not seek to find anyone's innocence but rather evidence of criminality, which the Mueller witch-hunt did not.
I'm not being stupid, I'm quoting the report and testimony.
You don't even meet the minimum competency requirements to be discussing this subject.
Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

it wasn't his job to exonerate him. he didn't indict him, nor did he find any evidence. that's called exonerated by every aspect of our rule of law. I don't need mueller's consent to that, nor was it his job!

And the fact it was in the report makes the entire investigation a political attack at a presidential election. the true interference was the DNC and FBI.

I said nothing of exoneration, dope.

Wasn’t his job

Great, wonderful. Tell Trump that. Hes been screaming "no clooshun" and "total exonerashun" endlessly.

well he wasn't charged, nor was evidence cited. so he is innocent, which therefore exonerates him from the accusation. no crime committed. He was the focus of the investigation, therefore he knows he isn't being charged. as the subject he can say he was exonerated.

No crime, no crime. say it, no crime.

Evidence was cited. The entirety of Vol 2 of the report is evidence, dope.
At the time the above poster suggested, dope. You know....the post you responded to but didn't read.
I asked you when, I replied to your post. you implied he came to your position. so I'm asking you, when did he obstruct? cause had he, then it would have been charged because that was the point of the investigation in case you didn't know.

WOW.... the level of willful ignorance is astounding.

You've responded to posts with the link to obsruction, dope. Here you are now asking for it.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

The OLC rules at the DOJ don't allow for a sitting president to be charged.
It says may. Doesn’t say is. Two different situations and the may is not he did! So he didn’t

OMG it says may because there was no charges. It's just how that link presented it. There's 100 more that don't say that. The report doesnt say "may" at all.

You would know that if you bothered to be at least minimally competent with this information.
nope, you're wrong as usual, he can say he obstructed and not charge him. you're just too stupid or to partisan to understand the law. Cause in our country, one is innocent until proven with evidence. May is not evidence. it is a speculation and needs more understanding. It wasn't his job to provide a volume 2 anyway? If you actually listened yesterday.
even mueller had to say it

Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump
There is nothing to say to you never-Trumpers. Trump could cure cancer and you would likely be pissed due to population growth, further contributing to your global warming theory. The real proof is in the pudding, which can't be denied by sane people.

Obama was a foreign policy moron. History has already shown this.
Likewise, trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.

For some yes, but for me, if he had colluded with Russia, I would be the first one to say he should be impeached. The diffference is that by all reasonable accounts, he was shown to be innnocent but the never-Trumpers can't stop. Their hate for Trump, the man, blinds rational thought.
Ok, let's put this to a test. It came out yesterday that trump tried to end Mueller's investigation but failed because no one would do it for him and he couldn't do it himself. It also came out yesterday that just attempting to impede an investigation, even if not successful, is still obstruction of justice.

So given those two components, why are you not calling for for trump's impeachment.
I would absolutely have the Hysterical House Dems pursue impeachment but President Trump would have been within his authority to have Mueller replaced and doing so would not have stopped, slowed, or impeded the witch-hunt.
That's not what came out in yesterday's hearing...

GOHMERT: Well on -- on page 89 in your report on Volume 2, you said and I quote “substantial evidence indicates that the President’s evident -- that the President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s oversight of investigations that involve the President’s conduct, and most immediately to reports that the President was being investigated for potential obstruction of justice,” close quote.

Director Mueller, you found evidence, as you lay out in your report, that the President wanted to fire you because you were investigating him for obstruction of justice. Isn’t that correct?

MUELLER: That’s what it -- it says in the report, yes, and I go -- I stand by in the report.

And White House counsel, McGahn, refused to call Rosenstein to fire Mueller because he said that would be obstruction of justice which he would not participate.
i could have sworn when mueller was done, the first time, you said you'd go with the findings and trump was clear, as far as you were concerned. i remember it cause i had to "like" that statement.

seems like you changed your mind again. gimme my "like" back.
it wasn't his job to exonerate him. he didn't indict him, nor did he find any evidence. that's called exonerated by every aspect of our rule of law. I don't need mueller's consent to that, nor was it his job!

And the fact it was in the report makes the entire investigation a political attack at a presidential election. the true interference was the DNC and FBI.

I said nothing of exoneration, dope.
Wasn’t his job

Great, wonderful. Tell Trump that. Hes been screaming "no clooshun" and "total exonerashun" endlessly.
well he wasn't charged, nor was evidence cited. so he is innocent, which therefore exonerates him from the accusation. no crime committed. He was the focus of the investigation, therefore he knows he isn't being charged. as the subject he can say he was exonerated.

No crime, no crime. say it, no crime.
Evidence was cited. The entirety of Vol 2 of the report is evidence, dope.
Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump

Mueller says otherwise.
Seriously, dope. Watch this as many times as it takes for you to get it. Let Mueller clarify for you from his own mouth.

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

You have NOTHING to show for your bullcrap, and you do this video thing from a man who stated over and over that his testimony is BASED on his 448 page report. The Exoneration statement is bogus crap for a reason that amazingly eludes a lot of Dumbocrats. It made you go sniffing for a lot of crap piles left by partisan hacks,, while ignoring that there was NEVER crime discovered and posted anywhere in the 448 page report.

You are one stupid little boy who can't understand that being exonerated means you have to be accused/Indicted/charged with something legally binding first. Mueller was charged to FIND any conspiracy crimes against Trump, and report it to the AG, but he NEVER posted a single charge in his 448 page report. YOU never showed where in the 448 page report of a charge, which means you have NOTHING to maintain your mentally ill beliefs that Trump is guilty of a conspiracy.

Here from Merriam-Webster:


1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
2 : to clear from accusation or blame

Since he was NEVER charged with anything by Mueller in his 448 page report, there is nothing to exonerate, since Trump was never charged with anything beyond partisan hate claims.

You have NOTHING real to run on stupid little boy!

You can't answer the SIMPLE question then, which means you KNOW that Mueller NEVER stated a single charge of a crime in the 448 page report. You continue your torrential flow of bullshit because you are a partisan jackass.

Of course I know that Mueller didn't bring charges, dope. Everyone knows that. The entire world knows that.
Why? How?
Because Mueller told us he couldn't bring charges, dope.

The Muel Team's mission was to uncover criminality but: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone that a 2 yr, $35 million SC witch hunt finds to have not committed a crime - even the POTUS - no matter how much you hate him.

Case closed.


No, the case is not closed. Even you know this as demonstrated by your usd of an ellipsis in place of the actual words which followed -- "it also does not exonerate him"

Meaning Mueller did not conclude the president didn't commit a crime because no crime was committed; but because his report made no determination whether or not a crime was committed. And he's repeatedly said the reason he offered no such opinion is because of the OLC's opinion that a sitting president can't be indicted, not because trump didn't break the law

Legally meaningless. We don't charge or even smear anyone who has not been found to have committed a crime and in his correction yesterday Mueller admitted the OLC reg did not impede his ability to conclude that a crime had been committed. He just didn't find any.

Prosecutorial witch-hunts neither seek nor proclaim anyone's exoneration.

In terms of obstruction, Mueller did not report trump has not been found to have committed a crime. That's where your argument goes off the rails when you have to make up shit that isn't there.
Likewise, trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.

For some yes, but for me, if he had colluded with Russia, I would be the first one to say he should be impeached. The diffference is that by all reasonable accounts, he was shown to be innnocent but the never-Trumpers can't stop. Their hate for Trump, the man, blinds rational thought.
Ok, let's put this to a test. It came out yesterday that trump tried to end Mueller's investigation but failed because no one would do it for him and he couldn't do it himself. It also came out yesterday that just attempting to impede an investigation, even if not successful, is still obstruction of justice.

So given those two components, why are you not calling for for trump's impeachment.
I would absolutely have the Hysterical House Dems pursue impeachment but President Trump would have been within his authority to have Mueller replaced and doing so would not have stopped, slowed, or impeded the witch-hunt.

Good thing Trump didn't replace Mueller. The next guy may have been more like Starr and recommended multiple charges.
The witch-hunt would have continued even without a SC and I doubt Mueller authored any of the conclusions in his report.

Hmm... you and JC are suddenly hitting the same bullet points. Happenstance? Not likely.
For some yes, but for me, if he had colluded with Russia, I would be the first one to say he should be impeached. The diffference is that by all reasonable accounts, he was shown to be innnocent but the never-Trumpers can't stop. Their hate for Trump, the man, blinds rational thought.
Ok, let's put this to a test. It came out yesterday that trump tried to end Mueller's investigation but failed because no one would do it for him and he couldn't do it himself. It also came out yesterday that just attempting to impede an investigation, even if not successful, is still obstruction of justice.

So given those two components, why are you not calling for for trump's impeachment.
I would absolutely have the Hysterical House Dems pursue impeachment but President Trump would have been within his authority to have Mueller replaced and doing so would not have stopped, slowed, or impeded the witch-hunt.

Good thing Trump didn't replace Mueller. The next guy may have been more like Starr and recommended multiple charges.
The witch-hunt would have continued even without a SC and I doubt Mueller authored any of the conclusions in his report.

Hmm... you and JC are suddenly hitting the same bullet points. Happenstance? Not likely.
it's the facts from the testimony. what else would we use?

I know you don't like the results from yesterday, you'd have preferred that our election was compromised correct? cause you hate this country.
I said nothing of exoneration, dope.
Wasn’t his job

Great, wonderful. Tell Trump that. Hes been screaming "no clooshun" and "total exonerashun" endlessly.
well he wasn't charged, nor was evidence cited. so he is innocent, which therefore exonerates him from the accusation. no crime committed. He was the focus of the investigation, therefore he knows he isn't being charged. as the subject he can say he was exonerated.

No crime, no crime. say it, no crime.
Evidence was cited. The entirety of Vol 2 of the report is evidence, dope.
Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump

Mueller says otherwise.

That doesn't refute what I posted.

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