"Its my way or the hiway" thank you BHO


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
we went from 5% UE for 40 years to 14-15, who knows with so many people no longer looking or working 20 hours a week
we went from spending 162 billion more than we brought in to well over 1 trillion
what did get in return?
RR got what he wnated with Tip and the dems in the house

Why is it so hard to today?
because we have an angry far left radical running this country and I am not sure we will ever recover from what he, Pelosi and Reid have done
good thing we are set up the way we are, so it is hard for a tyrannical leader ti get exactly what they want.
makes yiu think of early europe and how their kings kept the peasants stupid, so they would blindly follow and couldnt form a well executed resistance.
"Its my way or the hiway" thank you BHO


Implementing Federal law in existence for three years, a law passed by this very House, upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, and endorsed again by the voters in 2012, is not ‘my way or the highway.’

the 2010 election I guess does not count
when RR was the Pres he worked with Tip to prevent these events
thats BHO job
good thing we are set up the way we are, so it is hard for a tyrannical leader ti get exactly what they want.
makes yiu think of early europe and how their kings kept the peasants stupid, so they would blindly follow and couldnt form a well executed resistance.

the far left is doing just that
"Its my way or the hiway" thank you BHO


Implementing Federal law in existence for three years, a law passed by this very House, upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, and endorsed again by the voters in 2012, is not ‘my way or the highway.’

John Roberts sudden reversal is suspect. Probably was visited by the White House with his NSA file.
when you say "5% for 40 years" you are using the formula that seasonally adjusts, that leaves off people who have given up looking, etc. - as that is where the 5% number comes from.

when you say "to 14-15 now" you are not using same said formula, calling same said formula fake, a sham, hogwash, etc.

you, sir, are comparing apples to oranges to paint a rosier picture for your theory. when you begin with that level of dishonesty......................dishonesty to yourself even, in probably believing in such slight of hand..........................you betray your integrity.

you really do.
when you say "5% for 40 years" you are using the formula that seasonally adjusts, that leaves off people who have given up looking, etc. - as that is where the 5% number comes from.

when you say "to 14-15 now" you are not using same said formula, calling same said formula fake, a sham, hogwash, etc.

you, sir, are comparing apples to oranges to paint a rosier picture for your theory. when you begin with that level of dishonesty......................dishonesty to yourself even, in probably believing in such slight of hand..........................you betray your integrity.

you really do.

GT we have 90 million out of the work force today
Nothing dis honest abiut any of this
we really do not know what the real UE number is
"Its my way or the hiway" thank you BHO


Implementing Federal law in existence for three years, a law passed by this very House, upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, and endorsed again by the voters in 2012, is not ‘my way or the highway.’

John Roberts sudden reversal is suspect. Probably was visited by the White House with his NSA file.

He wrote the law to suit the agenda. Obama called it a fine, court called it a tax. Kind of like what the definition of is, is.

Then Obama revised the law 7 times which was/is Un-constitutional.

Tyranny unabated for now except the pressure from the House.

The power of the purse

Youre being a hack. If we really do not know what UE is now - where reporting is tighter and more streamlined than ever - we certainly did NOT know over the 40 years that you claim that it was 5%.

Using the SAME SEASONAL ADJUSTMENTS....THE SAME FORMULA AS WE USE NOW.....is where the 5% number comes from. And that SAME FORMULA now yields us 7%, not 14 or 15.

You dont get to use the mathematical logistics to arrive at your 5% and then call the formula bunk now, at 7%. Its the same formula. Youre being dishonest. The presidency and politics have nothing to do with where the number comes from, and the same employees are at the same agency under Obama as were under Bush.
Youre being a hack. If we really do not know what UE is now - where reporting is tighter and more streamlined than ever - we certainly did NOT know over the 40 years that you claim that it was 5%.

Using the SAME SEASONAL ADJUSTMENTS....THE SAME FORMULA AS WE USE NOW.....is where the 5% number comes from. And that SAME FORMULA now yields us 7%, not 14 or 15.

You dont get to use the mathematical logistics to arrive at your 5% and then call the formula bunk now, at 7%. Its the same formula. Youre being dishonest. The presidency and politics have nothing to do with where the number comes from, and the same employees are at the same agency under Obama as were under Bush.

what ever you say
it is your fellow americans who re suffering bud
90 millon people are no longer in the work forcee
90 million
think about it and tell the world your okay with that
This is an example of the kind of petulant children we have in the dimocrap party. And people? It starts at the top.....

Obama Administration Specifically Denied Exception to Permit Veterans to Attend WWII Memorial

Before we go any further, let us note once again how contrived it is to shut down entryways to a wide open space out in the middle of a park.

This is not a building, like a museum, that has doors and staffers and guides. This is fucking scenery.

And yet they erected artificial barriers to block people from walking through outdoor scenery.

Voila! Now we can pretend a memorial standing unsupervised out in the open is a "National Park" or "Open Air Museum" and close it to pedestrian traffic (and people can in fact just walk through this thing in their normal transversing of the city).

Now, that out of the way: They then took the next step.

When they were informed that the Honor Flight was on the way, and that they should make one exception for the veterans of WWII and open up the artificial barriers they had erected to make a political point, they refused.

Palazzo, a Gulf War Marine veteran who has participated in all five of the Honor Flights, blames the White House for making it harder on veterans and playing politics. “At first I thought it was a huge bureaucratic oversight,” Palazzo told The Daily Caller, “but having talked with the officials I can’t help but think this was politically motivated. Honor Flights, which bring WWII veterans to the nation’s memorials, are planned a year in advance and cost anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000. How low can you get with playing politics over our nation’s veterans?”

In a statement, Palazzo noted that he is introducing legislation to ensure that all Honor Flights are granted access this week. “This is an open-air memorial that the public has 24/7 access to under normal circumstances — even when Park Service personnel aren’t present,” Palazzo said in the statement. “It actually requires more effort and expense to shut out these veterans from their Memorial than it would to simply let them through. My office has been in touch with NPS officials and the Administration to try to resolve this issue.”

There are no "schedule hours" for scenery. The monument does not close on weekends, or at night.

Because it's scenery.

It is a feature of the landscape.


A libturd asked me earlier about why I always call dimocraps scumbags.....

You're kidding, right?

More at the link

And, OBTW.... dimocraps are scumbags
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Nah..your op lacks integrity.....why discuss a lying premise?
Youre being a hack. If we really do not know what UE is now - where reporting is tighter and more streamlined than ever - we certainly did NOT know over the 40 years that you claim that it was 5%.

Using the SAME SEASONAL ADJUSTMENTS....THE SAME FORMULA AS WE USE NOW.....is where the 5% number comes from. And that SAME FORMULA now yields us 7%, not 14 or 15.

You dont get to use the mathematical logistics to arrive at your 5% and then call the formula bunk now, at 7%. Its the same formula. Youre being dishonest. The presidency and politics have nothing to do with where the number comes from, and the same employees are at the same agency under Obama as were under Bush.

The Department of Labor does produce a report, Table-15, that does show what the unemployment rate is including those no longer looking for work and combined with the 7.4% feel good statistic, the actual rate is ~doubled at 14%

Table is located here

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

his demographic are what is called 'marginally attached to the labor force'

Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

Once again, this is the real Unemployment number, 14%

The labor participation rate is a dismal 63.4%. The lowest on record since 1979.

Fed official: Improved labor market not as good as jobless rate suggests

Fed official: Improved labor market not as good as jobless rate suggests - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

The chief of the San Francisco Federal Reserve worries that the falling U.S. unemployment rate makes the jobs market look better than it is, although he still thinks that the pace of hiring is on the upswing.

John Williams acknowledged in a speech Wednesday that there’s been a “big exodus of young people and so-called prime-age adults” from the labor force. That’s contributed to a sharp decline in the participation rate to a nearly 30-year low. Read speech.
Lol @your 90million number too. Now, subtract retired seniors, the disabled, teens and early 20's being put through school by parents or grandparents...and hollar with the real number.......and not the fraudulant one youre using to boost your faulty 14-15%!!! Number.

See, when you dont even deal in reality from the jump....you always betray your own integrity.
"Its my way or the hiway" thank you BHO


Implementing Federal law in existence for three years, a law passed by this very House, upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, and endorsed again by the voters in 2012, is not ‘my way or the highway.’

the 2010 election I guess does not count
when RR was the Pres he worked with Tip to prevent these events
thats BHO job

I guess Tip was someone you could work with.
The REPUBLICANS own this shutdown.

You guys can tell yourselves otherwise, but the American people know what's going on.

The GOP decided to make ACA their do or die battle in Congress over the last year and they lost it.

Now like petulant children they cause the gov shutdown?

Youre being a hack. If we really do not know what UE is now - where reporting is tighter and more streamlined than ever - we certainly did NOT know over the 40 years that you claim that it was 5%.

Using the SAME SEASONAL ADJUSTMENTS....THE SAME FORMULA AS WE USE NOW.....is where the 5% number comes from. And that SAME FORMULA now yields us 7%, not 14 or 15.

You dont get to use the mathematical logistics to arrive at your 5% and then call the formula bunk now, at 7%. Its the same formula. Youre being dishonest. The presidency and politics have nothing to do with where the number comes from, and the same employees are at the same agency under Obama as were under Bush.

The Department of Labor does produce a report, Table-15, that does show what the unemployment rate is including those no longer looking for work and combined with the 7.4% feel good statistic, the actual rate is ~doubled at 14%

Table is located here

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

his demographic are what is called 'marginally attached to the labor force'

Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

Once again, this is the real Unemployment number, 14%

The labor participation rate is a dismal 63.4%. The lowest on record since 1979.

Fed official: Improved labor market not as good as jobless rate suggests

Fed official: Improved labor market not as good as jobless rate suggests - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

The chief of the San Francisco Federal Reserve worries that the falling U.S. unemployment rate makes the jobs market look better than it is, although he still thinks that the pace of hiring is on the upswing.

John Williams acknowledged in a speech Wednesday that there’s been a “big exodus of young people and so-called prime-age adults” from the labor force. That’s contributed to a sharp decline in the participation rate to a nearly 30-year low. Read speech.

You do understand that I know the statistics, do you not?

If you're calling 7.4% the "feel good" number, you're also calling the "historical 5%" in the OP the "feel good" number, and you should be advising the OP that the OP was dishonest in his comparison.

If you're an honest person.

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